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The Chinese Invasion is Never Going to Happen


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The Prime Minister is Chinese, the Defence Minister is Chinese, the Foreign Minister is Chinese, the man who runs the country from another country is Chinese.

They're already here! wai2.gif

At this point it would be a good idea to remind everyone who thinks that the pillow and may, Tiew Chiew Thai Chinese of Yaowarat are the same Chinese that run today's Chinese state are as different from on another as Sicilians are from Germans.

It's only ignorant Westerners who believe that the use of a single calligraphy makes the Chinese a unified ethnic and cultural group that perpetrate this dopey view of an emerging Han Chinese totalitarian state dominated by Beijing.

They need food. They're coming.

Don't fret about the OP too much. As troll threads, hit bait, content generators go this one at least has some redeeming educational value.

And the principal

L commentator "trolled" I would just like to say . . . . . Well done, Thai Visa ;-)

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

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The Chinese mainly focus on Africa which have plenty of resources mining as it's a real treat to local over there, Chinese have tour around the world since Cheng Ho before Christopher Columbus find America and gun powder was invented by Chinese if Chinese are have a real treat to the new world today history book change already. Chinese are not interested in war but making money that's the nature of Chinese people , only Ching Dynasty place were raided by western power.

Today America largest debtors were Chinese government as they buying bond from federal reserved .Now days treat not from bullet but green paper.

False and a repeat of a myth.

The single largest group of US debt holders are US citizens. They hold most of the debt. China only holds $1.3 trillion with Japan at $1.2 trillion. The other foreign debt holders are in the billions, and not overly significant. China is at the mercy of the USA with its lending.

A mere assertion, typical of Amerikans who worship at the alter of Amerikan exceptionalism.

The fiscal atomic bomb that will go off the moment China and Russia sell off the dwindling dollar will knock on to those poor active Amerikan US debt holders.

Your statement is mere whistling past the graveyard. . . . . . But g'head . . . . . fill yer boots their Captain 'marka ;-)

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

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The Chinese mainly focus on Africa which have plenty of resources mining as it's a real treat to local over there, Chinese have tour around the world since Cheng Ho before Christopher Columbus find America and gun powder was invented by Chinese if Chinese are have a real treat to the new world today history book change already. Chinese are not interested in war but making money that's the nature of Chinese people , only Ching Dynasty place were raided by western power.

Today America largest debtors were Chinese government as they buying bond from federal reserved .Now days treat not from bullet but green paper.

False and a repeat of a myth.

The single largest group of US debt holders are US citizens. They hold most of the debt. China only holds $1.3 trillion with Japan at $1.2 trillion. The other foreign debt holders are in the billions, and not overly significant. China is at the mercy of the USA with its lending.

A mere assertion, typical of Amerikans who worship at the alter of Amerikan exceptionalism.

The fiscal atomic bomb that will go off the moment China and Russia sell off the dwindling dollar will knock on to those poor active Amerikan US debt holders.

Your statement is mere whistling past the graveyard. . . . . . But g'head . . . . . fill yer boots their Captain 'marka ;-)

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

wrong, sorry

China is using those dollars to buy huge swaths of farmland and businesses including american banks and mortgages, as well, as weapons

China was the largest Japan next, Saudi Arabia next, as far as foreign owners of the debt

I would not worry about the Chinese hurting America, they are owned lock stock and barrel, by this guy and his cronies

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Ultimate Weapon

So u see i proved you wrong.

Wow. Great info; but got confused because of my quote above being included- I agree with you. Sorry if I suggested China as pacifist; I do not think so at all. They have only been limited by their ability but they are a warrior society. Great fast research. I imagine you had it all in your head and furiously pulled up the citations to post- thanks!

Yup your quote got included because it was quoted by the other tv member so when i quote his post yours will get included it becomes troublesome because this forum has a limit on the number of words a post contains and most of the time it's from quoting a long list of quotes.

China isn't exactly a warrior society like say the gurkhas whoose entire existence seems just bent on war and being in servitude to the brits for example but they definitely know how to fight.

I did not pull those citations up. I read his claims and what do you know googled them and read through them and found that he is wrong. I don't know why but it seems that people these days just cannot read anymore like it's too difficult but they sure can just make sh!t up.

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The Mainland Chinese have already started buying property en masse in South-East Asia since a few years back. In Thailand this is readily visible in e.g. Chiang Mai.

It is due to a combination of money laundring and getting a second home outside China due to existing and anticipated environmental and political issues.

Luckily for Thais, foreigners can't legally buy land in Thailand, but no doubt are many Chinese trying all ways to circumvent the law in their shopping spree...

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Obama is on a delayed trip to China, Japan, Philippines etc. On offer?: Nothing, except more war. Meanwhile Chinese Foreign minister Wang Yi is in Brazil, Cuba, Argentina,Venezuela.. what is on offer? Deals for Oil, copper iron and soya beans for those cows the Chinese want to eat And social programs without the Peace Corps and God. Thailand is a very small space in the grand Chinese vision

Edited by laolover88
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The Mainland Chinese have already started buying property en masse in South-East Asia since a few years back. In Thailand this is readily visible in e.g. Chiang Mai.

It is due to a combination of money laundring and getting a second home outside China due to existing and anticipated environmental and political issues.

Luckily for Thais, foreigners can't legally buy land in Thailand, but no doubt are many Chinese trying all ways to circumvent the law in their shopping spree...

Many foreigners own land in thailand. Thai spouse, thai company and so on.

It is the same worldwide. If you are rich enough and you aren't a US citizen you sure can purchase some land in NYC and the same in the UK.

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The thais are as adept as the chinese at 'adulterating their food' so I don't see the chinese wanting to buy into Thailand for that reason.

Lets be fair chinese manufacturers were happy to produce baby milk powder that was laced with all manner of nasties.

In Thailand the use of formalin is rampant, and only god ( Buddha ?) knows what the crops are sprayed with.

The 2 countries do have mega corruption at most levels of society and government mind you, so maybe the chinese see some synergy there

Edited by makkam
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For those of you who THINK the Chinese aren't coming.....think again ....as other posters have said ....They're already here and have been for a LONG time

"Thai as a race originated from Yunnan Province in South China. Some historians debate theoretically that Thai as a race scattered around Southern China in Altai mountain, Sip Song Pan Na, Sip Song Ju Thai, Lanna (Chiang Mai at present), Nan Chow, Prae, Laos, the right side of Myanmar (now called Karen), and some part of India.

The Thai moved down to Sukhothai, then occupied by Mon (another race: who then pay homage to Khom) and concurred the city and found another Kingdom. Historically, there were many principalities around the area where Thailand is now, and at one time or another a race rised and dominated another and found an Empire; starting off with Suwannaphum, Davarawadi, Srivijaya and Khom empires.

Google it and you'll find something like more than 100 races who are now minority in Thailand.

Foreigners, who are not Thai and not minority races living in Thailand, started to come into Thailand since Sukhothai and Ayutthaya period, starting wih Protugese, French, and British. Chinese were in Thailand for more than thousands of years, they went as far south as Malaysia and Indonesia today.

The full forces of Chinese settlements in Thailand must be towards the end of Ayutthaya period and onto Thonburi and beginning Rattanakosin (or Bangkok period). During King Rama III, heavy tradings were done between Siam (then) and China that they said the King hardly stayed in Thailand for a long period of time in a year. It is also said that King Taksin who found Thonburi as a capital city was a Chinese.

So, in a broader sense, the Thai who now still exist in Southern China speaking ancient Thai may also be consider a race in China, or Chinese. But, if you think of Chinese people from Sauthow, or as Thai call Tae Chew who largely migrated to Thailand as Chinese and the Thai who are as a race in Thailand and try to find the mixture of both of these, I would say not much.

Taw Chew are predominantly however residing in Bangkok, while there may be many type of Chinese people migrating to Thailand and lived outside of Bangkok.

I would say the pure Thai are those from Lanna (Chiang Mai), Prae, Nan Chaw (Nan), Lamphang (debatable because there were there even longer than Lanna: i.e. Lamphang Man -- cave man, homosapien erectus:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prehistoric... That again, once you go back more than 5,000 years, it then become very vague. Perhaps a clearer history of those period of time may be only in India and China."




Interesting stuff here, but a bit mangled, I'd say. Read your own sources and you'll find no mention that "Thai as a race originated from Yunnan Province in South China," but rather Taiwan and/or nearby coastal areas. The Altai Mts. are not even IN south China. SipSongPanNa (in China), SipSongChauTai (in Vietnam), and of course LanNa are still largely Tai to this day. Nanchao is largely a myth perpetuated by Thai history books. "Pure Thai" is an even bigger myth, though LanNa certainly is probably less ethnically mixed than most of modern-day Thailand. Personally I'd drop the 'h' and look to the Black Tai still thriving in Laos and Vietnam, or maybe even the 20 million Zhuangs in Guanxi province of China, all speaking dialects similar to Thai, but by then definitions start to lose meaning...

There is a difference between tai and thai. In thai language tai means the south but in english language tai is a language group and also an ethnic grouping and thai language is similar to them. Other than the writing script which thailand adopted from the khmers many of the festivals like the water festival and words and language structure are rather similar and in fact during the chinese civil war which is between the communists and nationalists thailand tried to play politics with the tai peoples in yunnan to get them to get freedom from china.

There is nothing surprising about these zhuangs aka ethnic minorities in china. There are 50 ethnic minorities in china including uighers, tibetians and so on. Their facial features look chinese obviously just like how a german and a french look alike. They are considered chinese by nationality just like how a black man like dwight york is an englishman by nationality. They obviously speak mandarin and so on and in fact act chinese just that they dress differently.

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OP, have you been to Chiang Mai lately? Not just the tourist areas Immigration? Grocery stores? What language are we hearing spoken more and more around us here? They're already coming.

no, they are already here

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For those of you who THINK the Chinese aren't coming.....think again ....as other posters have said ....They're already here and have been for a LONG time

"Thai as a race originated from Yunnan Province in South China. Some historians debate theoretically that Thai as a race scattered around Southern China in Altai mountain, Sip Song Pan Na, Sip Song Ju Thai, Lanna (Chiang Mai at present), Nan Chow, Prae, Laos, the right side of Myanmar (now called Karen), and some part of India.

The Thai moved down to Sukhothai, then occupied by Mon (another race: who then pay homage to Khom) and concurred the city and found another Kingdom. Historically, there were many principalities around the area where Thailand is now, and at one time or another a race rised and dominated another and found an Empire; starting off with Suwannaphum, Davarawadi, Srivijaya and Khom empires.

Google it and you'll find something like more than 100 races who are now minority in Thailand.

Foreigners, who are not Thai and not minority races living in Thailand, started to come into Thailand since Sukhothai and Ayutthaya period, starting wih Protugese, French, and British. Chinese were in Thailand for more than thousands of years, they went as far south as Malaysia and Indonesia today.

The full forces of Chinese settlements in Thailand must be towards the end of Ayutthaya period and onto Thonburi and beginning Rattanakosin (or Bangkok period). During King Rama III, heavy tradings were done between Siam (then) and China that they said the King hardly stayed in Thailand for a long period of time in a year. It is also said that King Taksin who found Thonburi as a capital city was a Chinese.

So, in a broader sense, the Thai who now still exist in Southern China speaking ancient Thai may also be consider a race in China, or Chinese. But, if you think of Chinese people from Sauthow, or as Thai call Tae Chew who largely migrated to Thailand as Chinese and the Thai who are as a race in Thailand and try to find the mixture of both of these, I would say not much.

Taw Chew are predominantly however residing in Bangkok, while there may be many type of Chinese people migrating to Thailand and lived outside of Bangkok.

I would say the pure Thai are those from Lanna (Chiang Mai), Prae, Nan Chaw (Nan), Lamphang (debatable because there were there even longer than Lanna: i.e. Lamphang Man -- cave man, homosapien erectus:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prehistoric... That again, once you go back more than 5,000 years, it then become very vague. Perhaps a clearer history of those period of time may be only in India and China."




Interesting stuff here, but a bit mangled, I'd say. Read your own sources and you'll find no mention that "Thai as a race originated from Yunnan Province in South China," but rather Taiwan and/or nearby coastal areas. The Altai Mts. are not even IN south China. SipSongPanNa (in China), SipSongChauTai (in Vietnam), and of course LanNa are still largely Tai to this day. Nanchao is largely a myth perpetuated by Thai history books. "Pure Thai" is an even bigger myth, though LanNa certainly is probably less ethnically mixed than most of modern-day Thailand. Personally I'd drop the 'h' and look to the Black Tai still thriving in Laos and Vietnam, or maybe even the 20 million Zhuangs in Guanxi province of China, all speaking dialects similar to Thai, but by then definitions start to lose meaning...

There is a difference between tai and thai. In thai language tai means the south but in english language tai is a language group and also an ethnic grouping and thai language is similar to them. Other than the writing script which thailand adopted from the khmers many of the festivals like the water festival and words and language structure are rather similar and in fact during the chinese civil war which is between the communists and nationalists thailand tried to play politics with the tai peoples in yunnan to get them to get freedom from china.

There is nothing surprising about these zhuangs aka ethnic minorities in china. There are 50 ethnic minorities in china including uighers, tibetians and so on. Their facial features look chinese obviously just like how a german and a french look alike. They are considered chinese by nationality just like how a black man like dwight york is an englishman by nationality. They obviously speak mandarin and so on and in fact act chinese just that they dress differently.

you need to do a bit more looking at these ethnic groups as many have western features, Han is the group we all think of as Chinese but not all look Han

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The thais are as adept as the chinese at 'adulterating their food' so I don't see the chinese wanting to buy into Thailand for that reason.

Lets be fair chinese manufacturers were happy to produce baby milk powder that was laced with all manner of nasties.

In Thailand the use of formalin is rampant, and only god ( Buddha ?) knows what the crops are sprayed with.

The 2 countries do have mega corruption at most levels of society and government mind you, so maybe the chinese see some synergy there

I can assure you, living close to the HK border, HK is full of mainlanders buying what they consider to be non tainted products which are not from China. Now any of you go to Macro and see the packing boxes of fresh vegetables. Where they from ? China what does this tell you ? When I lived in Yunnan province, we used the same vegetable supplier in the wet market, when she got to know us she used to refuse to sell us vegetables, she said she wouldn't eat them so why should we. She always had a separate supply available for us that were chemical free.

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One thing i can say for china is that she's always underrated and by extension this applies to all chinese. You ever notice whenever it's something good on china people always try to put it down or down play it and always focusing on their bad points but it certainly doesn't apply to other countries. One example would be india. Like someone could cook up some BS like you know it's chaotic and dirty over there but there is beauty in it. Does that ever make any sense at all. Yet it would not be applied in say a low level city or maybe some rural village in china.

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For those of you who THINK the Chinese aren't coming.....think again ....as other posters have said ....They're already here and have been for a LONG time

"Thai as a race originated from Yunnan Province in South China. Some historians debate theoretically that Thai as a race scattered around Southern China in Altai mountain, Sip Song Pan Na, Sip Song Ju Thai, Lanna (Chiang Mai at present), Nan Chow, Prae, Laos, the right side of Myanmar (now called Karen), and some part of India.

The Thai moved down to Sukhothai, then occupied by Mon (another race: who then pay homage to Khom) and concurred the city and found another Kingdom. Historically, there were many principalities around the area where Thailand is now, and at one time or another a race rised and dominated another and found an Empire; starting off with Suwannaphum, Davarawadi, Srivijaya and Khom empires.

Google it and you'll find something like more than 100 races who are now minority in Thailand.

Foreigners, who are not Thai and not minority races living in Thailand, started to come into Thailand since Sukhothai and Ayutthaya period, starting wih Protugese, French, and British. Chinese were in Thailand for more than thousands of years, they went as far south as Malaysia and Indonesia today.

The full forces of Chinese settlements in Thailand must be towards the end of Ayutthaya period and onto Thonburi and beginning Rattanakosin (or Bangkok period). During King Rama III, heavy tradings were done between Siam (then) and China that they said the King hardly stayed in Thailand for a long period of time in a year. It is also said that King Taksin who found Thonburi as a capital city was a Chinese.

So, in a broader sense, the Thai who now still exist in Southern China speaking ancient Thai may also be consider a race in China, or Chinese. But, if you think of Chinese people from Sauthow, or as Thai call Tae Chew who largely migrated to Thailand as Chinese and the Thai who are as a race in Thailand and try to find the mixture of both of these, I would say not much.

Taw Chew are predominantly however residing in Bangkok, while there may be many type of Chinese people migrating to Thailand and lived outside of Bangkok.

I would say the pure Thai are those from Lanna (Chiang Mai), Prae, Nan Chaw (Nan), Lamphang (debatable because there were there even longer than Lanna: i.e. Lamphang Man -- cave man, homosapien erectus:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prehistoric... That again, once you go back more than 5,000 years, it then become very vague. Perhaps a clearer history of those period of time may be only in India and China."




Interesting stuff here, but a bit mangled, I'd say. Read your own sources and you'll find no mention that "Thai as a race originated from Yunnan Province in South China," but rather Taiwan and/or nearby coastal areas. The Altai Mts. are not even IN south China. SipSongPanNa (in China), SipSongChauTai (in Vietnam), and of course LanNa are still largely Tai to this day. Nanchao is largely a myth perpetuated by Thai history books. "Pure Thai" is an even bigger myth, though LanNa certainly is probably less ethnically mixed than most of modern-day Thailand. Personally I'd drop the 'h' and look to the Black Tai still thriving in Laos and Vietnam, or maybe even the 20 million Zhuangs in Guanxi province of China, all speaking dialects similar to Thai, but by then definitions start to lose meaning...

There is a difference between tai and thai. In thai language tai means the south but in english language tai is a language group and also an ethnic grouping and thai language is similar to them. Other than the writing script which thailand adopted from the khmers many of the festivals like the water festival and words and language structure are rather similar and in fact during the chinese civil war which is between the communists and nationalists thailand tried to play politics with the tai peoples in yunnan to get them to get freedom from china.

There is nothing surprising about these zhuangs aka ethnic minorities in china. There are 50 ethnic minorities in china including uighers, tibetians and so on. Their facial features look chinese obviously just like how a german and a french look alike. They are considered chinese by nationality just like how a black man like dwight york is an englishman by nationality. They obviously speak mandarin and so on and in fact act chinese just that they dress differently.

you need to do a bit more looking at these ethnic groups as many have western features, Han is the group we all think of as Chinese but not all look Han

which ethnic groups has western features? Some uighers look more western but then again it's close to central asia and people start to look more western BUT don't look like farang but just start to have more farang like features which doesn't actually mean anything.

The han are the ethnic chinese but from what i understand in china there isn't much distinction between ethnicity and nationality

You have to understand that the concept of nationality is synonymous with ethinicity in a country like china and so the other groups are also considered chinese. This is because the ethnic groups all look alike.

Such a concept took a very very long time to be accepted in the US and aus for certain groups like negroes and abos for example. Yet it doesn't occur in countries like japan.

Think about it why was it so difficult to accept the blacks as US citizens but farang from other ethnic groups like the irish were more readily absorbed.

Even today in the UK some ppl consider say immigrants from poland more as english citizens but not their black citizens all because of external appearance.

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Obama is on a delayed trip to China, Japan, Philippines etc. On offer?: Nothing, except more war. Meanwhile Chinese Foreign minister Wang Yi is in Brazil, Cuba, Argentina,Venezuela.. what is on offer? Deals for Oil, copper iron and soya beans for those cows the Chinese want to eat And social programs without the Peace Corps and God. Thailand is a very small space in the grand Chinese vision

Its young Chinese families that are coming to Thailand, to have large familes and escape deadly pollution,

nothing to do with the gov't of china,

everything to do with individual people,

Laos another destination, big building projects that look alarmingly out of place

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I spend 6 months/year in Panama

90% of the corner stores are Chinese operated

their children are now Panamanian

Tal;king to one young lady wuth Chinese roots

her parents sent her to China where she could meet and know her grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins

I asked her what she thought of China and she said she just loved it there

I asked why she bothered to come back

she told me that she was raised Panamanian and as such she was too lazy to ever keep a job in China

I don;t think Thailand has much to worry about when it comes to it's citizens of Chinese decent,,,they are now Thai

even if they do maintain some Chinese customs like New Year etc

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The Chinese mainly focus on Africa which have plenty of resources mining as it's a real treat to local over there, Chinese have tour around the world since Cheng Ho before Christopher Columbus find America and gun powder was invented by Chinese if Chinese are have a real treat to the new world today history book change already. Chinese are not interested in war but making money that's the nature of Chinese people , only Ching Dynasty place were raided by western power.

Today America largest debtors were Chinese government as they buying bond from federal reserved .Now days treat not from bullet but green paper.

False and a repeat of a myth.

The single largest group of US debt holders are US citizens. They hold most of the debt. China only holds $1.3 trillion with Japan at $1.2 trillion. The other foreign debt holders are in the billions, and not overly significant. China is at the mercy of the USA with its lending.

A mere assertion, typical of Amerikans who worship at the alter of Amerikan exceptionalism.

The fiscal atomic bomb that will go off the moment China and Russia sell off the dwindling dollar will knock on to those poor active Amerikan US debt holders.

Your statement is mere whistling past the graveyard. . . . . . But g'head . . . . . fill yer boots their Captain 'marka ;-)

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

wrong, sorry

China is using those dollars to buy huge swaths of farmland and businesses including american banks and mortgages, as well, as weapons

China was the largest Japan next, Saudi Arabia next, as far as foreign owners of the debt

I would not worry about the Chinese hurting America, they are owned lock stock and barrel, by this guy and his cronies

The single largest group or consortium of holders of USA government debt is American pension funds and institutions.

They have borrowed from themselves. The yellow peril that believes that the Chinese own the american economy is a nationalist myth. The Chinese need the american consumer, there will be no economic Armageddon.

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The Chinese mainly focus on Africa which have plenty of resources mining as it's a real treat to local over there, Chinese have tour around the world since Cheng Ho before Christopher Columbus find America and gun powder was invented by Chinese if Chinese are have a real treat to the new world today history book change already. Chinese are not interested in war but making money that's the nature of Chinese people , only Ching Dynasty place were raided by western power.

Today America largest debtors were Chinese government as they buying bond from federal reserved .Now days treat not from bullet but green paper.

False and a repeat of a myth.

The single largest group of US debt holders are US citizens. They hold most of the debt. China only holds $1.3 trillion with Japan at $1.2 trillion. The other foreign debt holders are in the billions, and not overly significant. China is at the mercy of the USA with its lending.

A mere assertion, typical of Amerikans who worship at the alter of Amerikan exceptionalism.

The fiscal atomic bomb that will go off the moment China and Russia sell off the dwindling dollar will knock on to those poor active Amerikan US debt holders.

Your statement is mere whistling past the graveyard. . . . . . But g'head . . . . . fill yer boots their Captain 'marka ;-)

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

wrong, sorry

China is using those dollars to buy huge swaths of farmland and businesses including american banks and mortgages, as well, as weapons

China was the largest Japan next, Saudi Arabia next, as far as foreign owners of the debt

I would not worry about the Chinese hurting America, they are owned lock stock and barrel, by this guy and his cronies

The single largest group or consortium of holders of USA government debt is American pension funds and institutions.

They have borrowed from themselves. The yellow peril that believes that the Chinese own the american economy is a nationalist myth. The Chinese need the american consumer, there will be no economic Armageddon.

I don't recall any mention of a Yellow Peril however manipulation of US debt held outside of the US would create havoc within the US. Surely you're not suggesting that the Chinese military/commercial sector will be held at bay by Amerikan consumerism.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

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Anecdotal: was in Chiang Mai Immigration offices yesterday, sat there for an hour waiting for my appointment to renew my visa, evrey couple of minutes the girl at reception would call out the names and country of people to come forward and collect their passports which had just been processed, every second name or so was Chinese.

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Anecdotal: was in Chiang Mai Immigration offices yesterday, sat there for an hour waiting for my appointment to renew my visa, evrey couple of minutes the girl at reception would call out the names and country of people to come forward and collect their passports which had just been processed, every second name or so was Chinese.

And this is how it's going to be done.

Just remember . . . . . . Tibet didn't get a Panda.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

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