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What do you think this Thai girl wants of me?


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Quote - 'I'm 22 my self and not any kind of an "old fat farang" (no offence to any old fat farangs haha); I'm actually young, very fit and maybe a little hansum too, at least I hope so=D'

There's your problem right there!

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Thanks for all the replies, didn't realise I'd get so many.

Some clearly misunderstood me as I tried to make clear in the original post that she obviously is a hooker without using the the actual word..

Some good replies there, my point was that a prostitute is a person too and can have fun too, like many of you said. I never said I had feelings for her, just for fun!

LOL this just got interesting. On whatsapp, when you get the notification on your lock screen you see a different name to the whatsapp user name. It was something weird with her before, but today it seemed to have changed to her real full Thai name.

Did a little google stalk and found her facebook and one of her boyfriends, a Scot man, writing in his blog how much he loves this girl. Along with the search, there's loads of newspaper articles telling how this guy is a known fraudster and he's on the run from an arrest warrant. I'm not gonna post the name of the girl here though as I wouldn't want my name to show up in a forum conversation like this, but I'll give you this guys name it's Brian Goudie.

It's quite recent as well!

Here's one: http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/crime/fake-scots-lawyer-who-faces-3068106

Edited by fitfalang
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On whatsapp, when you get the notification on your lock screen you see a different name to the whatsapp user name. It was something weird with her before, but today it seemed to have changed to her real full Thai name.

I found that too but it only happens on IOS. Have recently switched to Android which only shows the name you give the contact. Okay mods now you can delete me for going off topic :-)

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She wants money from you sometime. I find it funny that she is supposedly jealous of you going out and maybe having sex while she is banging two other guys on the side.

Also she was clearly enjoying my company. (yes, I can tell the difference)

I doubt that very much, they are extremely good actors.

Two other guys on the side?There sponsors how many while there away,you can't count them on your fingers and toes . Also if they gave Thai girls Oscars for acting they all would have several.

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These girls are very good at what they do and usualy have a reason for everything they do.In your case marketing comes to mind,of course money is her main reason ,in the end it's always money that's what they do.Good luck Keep your head about you,

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Here's your answer. She's young. She has a shitty job. She wants to have fun occasionally. She may have other ideas, or maybe is keeping her options open for them, but you seem to know what you're doing. Enjoy it. These guys who say she can't love you, or they never like you, are too jaded from years wallowing in their whore mongering misery to think anything else. Have fun! but watch out. And always wrap it up

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She's up with freelancer rates in farang land, a hard working girl can do very well in a short space of time........ your been softened up to provide visa and accommodation until she gets on her feet, obliviously where you come from is more desirable than Canada.

And its working otherwise why would you need to ask.

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I find your post interesting because I've only ever been a fat, bald, old, soppy as arsholes, jobbie over here and have oft wondered when I've seen dudes, like yourself, with Thai 'ladies' - is it any different, do all the same aspects of the farang/thai relationship apply?

Many of us 'old-un's' know (only by experience) what we're a doin' of but, sadly, not all; the ego often allows thefbosasj to believe that the special something about him as an individual (the others being *ankers)is attracting and keeping the Thai 'lady' by his side. To some, admittedly limited, extent this is true because you've got to be able to live together even if you're paying for the privilege, and some people clash and just can't (but then it also appears that even some of those last for quite a while out of mutual desperation!).

IMHO it's just an attraction, the Thai 'lady' is genuinely attracted to the young farang man, just likes being withhim, *ucking etc., etc. It doesn't interrupt the lifestyle choice the Thai 'lady' has made to get a living nor doesthe Thai lady necessarily know where it's all going - it's a young thing, man!

Having said that - I think ttthailand's got it in post # 48 also Stephen Leather's 'Private Dancer', if you haven'talready read it, flags up a few pointers.

Chook Dii

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she's a prostitute, do you hang out and have casual sex with prostitutes at home?

sending you naked photos? she's a real classy girl.

if you're so 'hansum' how come the best female company you could meet in thailand was a prostitute?

do yourself a favour and get a life.

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I am over 50 and I stay with a lovely Thai girl who is 21 years old, same your friend. She works full time as a hotel receptionist and goes to school on Sundays. I think most guys would rate her a 9 or 10 in the looks department as motorbike taxi guys are always giving me a thumbs up when they see her. She is a little knockout :)

Why am I telling you this.... I pay nothing same you and she asks for nothing. The best part is that she had only one Thai BF (maybe not but signs say yes) and is only with me and not out banging other guys... As far as I am aware.

I think the chances of staying with a lovely girl for free is much better if she does not have a history of sex for money. This girl does care for me but I think I am also her boy toy ..... Hahaha

Life is good !

You may be this girl's boy toy too. Some of these ladies who sell their services do it partly because they really enjoy having sex. They want it two or three times a day. If her John did not deliver you may be the one she goes to to get satisfied, her boy toy ! Enjoy the ride but I would look for someone with a little less experience...if you get my drift.

Just saying :)

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