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Suthep shuns Abhisit move

Lite Beer

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sounds like your ready to get your Thai wife to start a new party

as you will not agree with any that are in power now

that is if your anti thai would allow ant thai lady to be with you for more than 1 day

we are all I hope again violence, but this it Thailand and you support one side or the other

So time to get off the fence and tell us which side you support

That of coarse is if you even live in Thaliand and not just a keyboard warrior

another silly rant from a pretty ignorant poster as for "supporting one side or the other' how immature is that??? I am on the side that fights for justice, truth and honesty for ALL Thais

and that ain't the yellow, Ammart rich that you support - go watch that Ferrari video again and get an education

PS your immature personal insults are pretty pathetic - how many posts today on this ONE thread? you're a legend in your own mind and boring in ours

I think Tezzainoz's call for people to stand up and choose a side indicates exactly why Thailand is in such a mess. I personally believe that Thailand's best chance is the fence sitters as he calls them, people who are not radicalised and blinded by colour but people who can clearly see the wrongs in both sides. A bit like a tennis ref sitting up on his chair looking down at the faults of both players.

You twisted my posting, and maybe it was me who did not make it clear

I agree what we need is more people who are prepared to be swinging voters, than just vote for one side or another because they are told to

my question was these people Had already chosen a side but would not make there choice already made, public

You will notice in many of my posts I have backed the good things for both side

Its just their is so few good parts from Yingluck, what can I say


Fact 1 ......... I am not a Suthep believer

In fact I think he is just a stooge becoming drunk with the power he thinks he has

Fact 2 ......... He is now being pulled into line, and used to make the real leader look like a hero in Thailand

Fact 3 ............ Their are no Yellow shirts in this, it is the Thai People who are protesting

Fact 4 ......... It is the red shirt mob who keep using the Yellow shirt name, not the protestors, as they need something to get their felloe country men upset

Fact 5 .............. Yingluck has lost her PM Power under her own decision

Fact 6 ............. Yingluck is hanging on by her teeth as a caretaker oly

Fact 7 ........... Yingluck is refusing to let any one out side the PTP see the reel Books

Fact 8 .......... People on her own side are dieing because of her parties corruption

Fact 9 ........... Yingluck ids dragging this disunity for Thailand as long as she can

Fact 10 ............ At the next election the new PM will be ........ ? ? ?

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"Don't appoint yourself as a middleman," the protest leader said. "It doesn't matter if I know them, work with them or I am close to them. Don't they dare.

LOL now the REAL Boss shows his hand and he will only make Abhisit look even weaker (if that were possible)

I guess you would like this to be a FACT so you can be a Hero

There are 2 sides to every coin

and 2 sides to every story

I see you have never challenged my post of FAIR ELECTIONS IN THAILAND

you deny Suthep said this to his Abhisit now Abhisit is pulling away as he sees Suthep failing? "Don't they dare"? and "Don't appoint yourself as a middleman"

You like to twist other people posting to suit your own opinion

I agree that the facts show he said that, right or wrong like you I was not there so can only go one hear Say

But what you try to avoid is the possibility that this is all about

Good Cop Bad Cop ........ part of a well acted plan

Am I right or wrong, I can not say

But at least I am not 1 side biased like your self and many others and try to keep my mind open

I fact you have seen me write in many posting that I believe the next government will be

Have No Idea

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sounds like your ready to get your Thai wife to start a new party

as you will not agree with any that are in power now

that is if your anti thai would allow ant thai lady to be with you for more than 1 day

we are all I hope again violence, but this it Thailand and you support one side or the other

So time to get off the fence and tell us which side you support

That of coarse is if you even live in Thaliand and not just a keyboard warrior

another silly rant from a pretty ignorant poster as for "supporting one side or the other' how immature is that??? I am on the side that fights for justice, truth and honesty for ALL Thais

and that ain't the yellow, Ammart rich that you support - go watch that Ferrari video again and get an education

PS your immature personal insults are pretty pathetic - how many posts today on this ONE thread? you're a legend in your own mind and boring in ours

I think Tezzainoz's call for people to stand up and choose a side indicates exactly why Thailand is in such a mess. I personally believe that Thailand's best chance is the fence sitters as he calls them, people who are not radicalised and blinded by colour but people who can clearly see the wrongs in both sides. A bit like a tennis ref sitting up on his chair looking down at the faults of both players.

agreed... I abhor violence on either side yet am 'pressurized' to 'choose' when, in reality, I want a 'Middle Way'

it is true I have more sympathy for the side which is 'fighting for democracy' or at least respects and upholds it but that does not make me a 'red shirt' it's just the lesser of the two current evils

If anyone is in doubt go watch:


the rich kids friend says... "you know what I love about you? you choose a blue Ferrari and not a red one" said to the kid that drove his car into a group of demonstrators in 2010

"it take a lot of guts for you not to get a red Ferrari"

the kid is a PDRC 'Leader' and typifies their approach

I think your post typifies the problem.

You claim a sort of neutrality, or at least being weary of both sides, while claiming to "choose" (in far as TVF posts constitute "choosing") the lesser of two evils.

However, you seem to be unable to make the point without lashing at the side you do no "choose" (I.E. PDRC), and with nothing but a nonsense argument (the guys on the clip are hardly PDRC top leaders yet, and they do not "typify" anything political, rather the Thai rich). At the same time dubbing the Government/Red-shirt side as "fighting for Democracy", "respects and upholds it" - conveniently ignoring that their concept of Democracy is rather simplified, not to call it twisted.

When each and every post is used to score some points, taking a jab at the other, it's hard to see how it exemplifies a balanced position. One can see the very same thing when Thais talk about politics, and when Thai politicians talk about...well, anything.

Most of the posters on these topics here aren't what you'd call fence sitters, I'd say most are leaning this way or another. The honest to god fence sitters probably don't bother posting on local politics all that much, and are probably even more bored with local politics than the more opinionated ones.

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I think your post typifies the problem.

You claim a sort of neutrality, or at least being weary of both sides, while claiming to "choose" (in far as TVF posts constitute "choosing") the lesser of two evils.

However, you seem to be unable to make the point without lashing at the side you do no "choose" (I.E. PDRC), and with nothing but a nonsense argument (the guys on the clip are hardly PDRC top leaders yet, and they do not "typify" anything political, rather the Thai rich). At the same time dubbing the Government/Red-shirt side as "fighting for Democracy", "respects and upholds it" - conveniently ignoring that their concept of Democracy is rather simplified, not to call it twisted.

When each and every post is used to score some points, taking a jab at the other, it's hard to see how it exemplifies a balanced position. One can see the very same thing when Thais talk about politics, and when Thai politicians talk about...well, anything.

Most of the posters on these topics here aren't what you'd call fence sitters, I'd say most are leaning this way or another. The honest to god fence sitters probably don't bother posting on local politics all that much, and are probably even more bored with local politics than the more opinionated ones.

you got it wrong - I have been clear from the very start

I loath the ammart, feudal rich that is typified in this video

I do not think PTP are 'wonderful' but are the lesser of two evils - that has always been my position

I really do see it as a fight between the 'old feudalists' and the new paradigm shift and the struggle between PTP and PDRC is just a form of that greater cultural struggle

go WATCH one of the leaders of the PDRC in the video and ask yourself 'how can I not understand WHY most Thais want change' whereas the PDRC want to stop change and stop reform for their own nefarious purposes

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Has Suthep gone political mad ?

Or is this a good cop bad cop situations, where the two are working together behind the scenes.

Lets take a closer look

Abhisit now looks like the good guy in all of this, Yingluck is the idiot hanging onto power by her teeth and will not let go

She can not defeat Suthep, so agree with Abhisit as she thinks he can not defeat Suthep

all the time this is part of the plan

Abhisit talk to Suthep when all of thailand are looking for a saviour

Suthep agrees with Abhisit

Abhisit become a Statesman and the true hero for Thailand

and at the election will walk into power with a massive majority

Maybe this is all a dream, or a well planed operation

It has been done before in many situation and worked

So is this the trap that will get rid of the Sinawats for good

just an opinion, at the end of the 10 days we will have the answer

Its got to be better the the other plan

Suthep has gone mad with power and will lead Thailand in to Civil war against the Red shirt Leader who wants the same thing

You're clutching at straws.

It's over man.

Give it up and accept the lunatics have failed

Any more posts like this and you'll end up in a padded cell

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I think your post typifies the problem.

You claim a sort of neutrality, or at least being weary of both sides, while claiming to "choose" (in far as TVF posts constitute "choosing") the lesser of two evils.

However, you seem to be unable to make the point without lashing at the side you do no "choose" (I.E. PDRC), and with nothing but a nonsense argument (the guys on the clip are hardly PDRC top leaders yet, and they do not "typify" anything political, rather the Thai rich). At the same time dubbing the Government/Red-shirt side as "fighting for Democracy", "respects and upholds it" - conveniently ignoring that their concept of Democracy is rather simplified, not to call it twisted.

When each and every post is used to score some points, taking a jab at the other, it's hard to see how it exemplifies a balanced position. One can see the very same thing when Thais talk about politics, and when Thai politicians talk about...well, anything.

Most of the posters on these topics here aren't what you'd call fence sitters, I'd say most are leaning this way or another. The honest to god fence sitters probably don't bother posting on local politics all that much, and are probably even more bored with local politics than the more opinionated ones.

you got it wrong - I have been clear from the very start

I loath the ammart, feudal rich that is typified in this video

I do not think PTP are 'wonderful' but are the lesser of two evils - that has always been my position

I really do see it as a fight between the 'old feudalists' and the new paradigm shift and the struggle between PTP and PDRC is just a form of that greater cultural struggle

go WATCH one of the leaders of the PDRC in the video and ask yourself 'how can I not understand WHY most Thais want change' whereas the PDRC want to stop change and stop reform for their own nefarious purposes

My point was more to the effect that a lot of posters can't seem to express a balanced position on anything to do with Thai politics, without also having a go at the side they do not support. Like commenting on a post that suggest a more balanced view is key to resolving the situation, briefly self-confessing a preference to a "middle way", then dedicating the rest of the post for attacking the other side. Not sure what "middle way" you refer to, and judging from your the strong sentiment you present, can't tell that you're "pressurized to choose".

As opposed to your implication, I have watched the clip before posting, or I would not have commented.

Can't see how it typifies the "Ammart, feudal rich". For starters, not all Ammart are necessarily rich, nor are all annoying rich boys. Of course, there ARE annoying rich boys who act in exactly the same manner, and are NOT Ammart.

Those guys aren't "leaders of PDRC", at least not in any meaningful way. Do you think that Suthep listen to their sage council, or that the so-called reform forums are astounded by their insight? Are people marching on barricades to their orders? How does anything the said typify PDRC's approach?

"Most Thais want change"

"PDRC want to stop change and stop reform for their own nefarious purposes"

"Most Thais want"?

Deny it all you will, bottom line - the PDRC and the Democrat party do represent a sizable portion of the Thai people. I do not claim that most Thais support them. On the other hand, despite prevailing myths on this forum, the PTP and the UDD do not command a majority of Thais as well.

What would be that oh so wanted "change"?

Wanting "change" is about as credible as the PDRC "reforms". So far, more a slogan and catchphrase. Can't see the big difference, try harder. Or did you mean social change by exchanging the Ammart with the PTP group of neo-feudal rich?

I do not share your view that this struggle is a social one, as much as it is posturing and power grab. That this coincides with some social trends and social sentiment is quite another thing.

"Nefarious"? Really?!

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