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Did your 13 year old self think you'd be rich and/or famous as an adult?

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Just for fun.

This won't work as a poll, so the concept here is just to answer the questions, and add more comments if you like.

When you were 13, did you think as an adult you'd be:


Rich can be subjective but just comfortable doesn't count. I'd say as a rough guide a minimum of a U.S. dollar MILLIONAIRE in assets.


Famous I think people know what that means.




Rich? I was so idealistic that I didn't even think about adult money, so I didn't imagine myself rich, or any other economic class.

Not rich.

Famous? Yes, I really imagined I would be famous in a CREATIVE profession. Acting or writing, cool.png

Why did I think that? Well, my Mama didn't go through the pain of childbirth so that I could be some pisher.

No, the fame didn't happen either.whistling.gif


So what about you?

If you did think you'd be rich and/or famous, why do you think you had such a big ego, dude?

Born into money ... that's different ... of course you'd be rich.

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At 13 I didn't really think about whether it would make me rich but I thought I would be a marine biologist like Jacque Cousteau.

I turned out to be more like his brother, the janitor, the lesser known Jacque Custodian.

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I thought that I would be a wino living on the street in the Bowery. At 15, I thought that I would be junkie living on the street in Height Ashbury when I got old. I have done a little better than I expected, but the fat lady has not sung yet, so who knows?

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My 13 years of self thought I would never grow up. Darn I used to be insightful kid.

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At 13, my primary concern was to ensure I had enough clean socks close at hand, night or day, to wank into.

If I thought about money at all, it was to ensure I had enough to buy more socks.


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Only remember at that age or younger that I liked to take things apart, see how they work and put them back together again. Pretty much my current career but now I design them, put them together and see how they work. biggrin.png

Only remember at that age or younger that I liked to take things apart, see how they work and put them back together again

Strange enough, in my case I remember only the first part of that .

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One of my favourite quotes is 'Growing old is compulsory, growing up is optional".

At 54 I haven't yet reached maturity (and probably never will). However, I'm now retired and living the dream with enough cash to last several lifetimes. No work, no money worries, perfectly healthy, lots of good friends, great family.

It's kind of like being 13 again, although in reality my "back in the day" age was 18. 1978 was a great summer.

Did I ever think I'd be famous? No, but I've had a few 15 minutes of fame in my own lunch hour.

Did I think I'd be successful? I never had great aspirations as such, but always had total confidence in my drive and abilities, even at 15 when I was "admonished and discharged" by the Magistrate for breaking into the dormitory of a girls boarding school at midnight. That was one of my 15 minutes of fame. thumbsup.gif

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I'm curious why some people think they're destined to be famous at a young age? (As I did.) Where do they get that from? I would guess this is more common in cultures emphasizing individualism like the USA compared to the nail that sticks out gets hammered type of cultures.

In some ways, it can be tragic.

Like so many kids moving to Hollywood dreaming of stardom and ending up peddling their arse on the streets. Better chance of being struck by lightning than actually making it.

Similar to dreams of sports success, etc.

Kids thinking they are going to be president. I can't relate.

Expectations to be rich don't interest me as much.

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I'm curious why some people think they're destined to be famous at a young age? (As I did.) Where do they get that from? I would guess this is more common in cultures emphasizing individualism like the USA compared to the nail that sticks out gets hammered type of cultures.

Expectations to be rich don't interest me as much.

Some of the most famous people I've met have been largely unheralded. They've achieved fame amongst their friends, family, and peers.

Where I come from we call them "Good Bastards". To be recognised as a Good Bastard by your peers is the highest possible award. The kind of bloke or woman who never does anything particularly spectacular but in the event of their unfortunate death, three or four thousand people show up at their funeral.

Fame doesn't have to get you in the media or on the stage - I'll never be a Good Bastard by the above definition, but I've given it my best shot.

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