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Mass of coral seized from boat off Phuket

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Mass of coral seized from boat off Phuket
The Nation

PHUKET: -- A large mass of live and rare coral was seized recently from an empty boat anchored off Phuket.

The live coral - Catalapsyllia Jerdiney, Cynarina Lacrymaris and a species not yet verified - was taken to a marine conservation centre on the island province, while police try to find out who extracted them illegally from the seabed, near the site where the boat was anchored.

Some 621 branches of coral, likely to have come from a depth at least 20 metres, was found in the boat near Racha Noi Island.

Marine centre director Thanes Mannoi said he had learnt that an order for the coral was placed by a collector, who wished to keep the beautiful reef pieces for himself.

People found with protected species can face up to four years in jail and/or a fine of up to Bt40,000.

-- The Nation 2014-05-03

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Black market coral trade takes hit as police seize more than 600 live samples in Phuket
Phuket Gazette -


More than 600 pieces of live coral were found on an abandoned long-tail boat in Rawai. Photo: Kritsada Mueanhawong

PHUKET: Chalong Police are hunting coral poachers who abandoned a long-tail boat containing more than 600 illegally cut pieces of coral that were destined for the black market.

Officers rushed to the scene this morning after being tipped off by locals who had watched the suspects carry the coral ashore. Locals told officers that the suspects were waiting to meet a buyer at Klong Pakbang behind the Rawai Municipality Office.

“We could not find the suspects when we arrived. We believe that they knew we were coming, and fled the scene,” said Maj Chotipong Kessarin of the Chalong Police.

The corals, still alive, were taken to the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources (DMCR) Region 5 Office and will eventually be transplanted back into the sea, said Tanet Munnoy, chief of DMCR Region 5.

“I believe these corals came from somewhere near Racha Noi Island," said Mr Tanet. “The cost to the environment of such pillaging is too high to calculate."

Inside the long-tail boat, officers found dive equipment, chisels and an air compressor.

“It appears that the suspects had done this before,” Mr Tanet said.

“Coral can command a high price on the black market, but harvesting it is illegal and harmful to the environment,” he added, warning that anyone found doing so would be prosecuted.

Chalong Police are questioning locals in the area in order to track down the suspects.

This is the second time this week that the DMCR has received a call about corals being removed from the Andaman.

On Monday, a group of recreational divers near Koh Dok Mai mistakenly identified researchers removing coral for a cancer-cure project as poachers and called to report them

Source: http://www.phuketgazette.net/phuket-news/Black-market-coral-trade-takes-hit-police/29327#ad-image-0

-- Phuket Gazette 2014-05-03

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Corral calcium is a health product derived from Corral..seem the market is in demand of this natural occurring calcium, how do I know this..well I have purchased on line this product..like the shark fin it has health properties and is available on line.


In future will source my calcium from Sardines, milk is not a good way to source calcium as we are lead to believe. As for glycerine pass on the shark fin and get it from "chickens feet"...yes strange but this is one of the best ways to keep hair healthy and your finger nails will shine and grow...enough said on what is good to eat...your choice..have great day...

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Seized coral intended for aquarium designers, suspect Police
Eakkapop Thongtub


PHUKET: Police believe that the 621 live branches of coral they seized yesterday from an abandoned long-tail boat near Rawai was left by poachers intending to sell the rare marine gems to aquarium designers.

Chalong police were alerted yesterday morning (May 2) by villagers in the area of Klong Pak Bang, behind Rawai muncipality, that suspected poachers were suspiciously waiting in a long-tail boat.

But by the time police arrived to the scene, the culprits had vanished leaving behind a boat full of freshly poached coral branches. Police suspected the culprits had been tipped off by someone.

The coral was transported to Phuket’s Coastal and Marine Resources Conservation Center, where studies revealed that the coral included at least three species – Catalapsyll, Jardinei and one as of yet unidentified type.

All were classified as rare types and believed to derive from a depth of no less than 20 metres.

The seizure of coral follows another incident on Monday (April 28) in which a group of researches were mistaken by dive professionals as coral poachers.

The team, including students and scientists from the United States and Thailand, were taking samples as part of a study by the Chulabhorn Research Institute (CRI) to study the possibility of corals containing cancer curing properties.

Police do not believe there is a link with that research party and Friday's seized boat-load of coral. Nonetheless, investigations are ongoing.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/seized-coral-intended-for-aquarium-designers-suspect-police-46084.php

-- Phuket News 2014-05-03

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