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NIDA Poll says July 20 Thai election not smooth

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NIDA Poll says July 20 election not smooth


BANGKOK: -- The National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA) says the general election scheduled on July 20, 2014 will not go smooth.

It said a survey was conducted during May 2-3 with 1,252 respondents who are eligible to vote, and who represented all regions across the country.

The results show that 62.94% voicing opinions that the election won’t go smoothly.

24.76% said the election will go well and 12.30% were not certain and didn’t express an opinion.

Also asked what should be the priority between ‘election’ and ‘national reform’, 49.68% said national reform should come first while 38.02% said election should be prioritized.

Only 6.07% said the two should be done simultaneously, and that all parties should stop demonstrations, and 6.23% were unsure.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/nida-poll-says-july-20-election-smooth/

-- Thai PBS 2014-05-05

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49.68% said national reform should come first while 38.02% said election should be prioritized . . .

So the "majority" of those polled want reforms BEFORE elections . . . kinda follows the same % figures we know about from the last failed election . . . I'm sure these numbers however will be dismissed or glossed over as being irrelevant in PT's eyes however.

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Poll does not suit PTP agenda.

Ignore this majority.

The PTP are dirty as dirty can be. Nonetheless your crack, a sniveling whinge at best, states that the PTP will ignore the poll while they were part of the poll. Anyone picking sides in this, instead of commenting on issues, is worth an equal weight of saltwater...

The article says that most expect trouble. Nothing more, and that is obvious and correct.

You are amazing Sherlock! Holmes, you've done it again. Can we look forward to any other infantile spews from your puppet hating anti-poo Dubai-originating boringly predictable font of wisdom?

Pray, do tell, oh lord of lucidity, and paragon of prognostication....

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