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German reporter 'attacked' by PCAD at Constitutional Court


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Most of you people got your head between your ass. It doesn't matter if he was a reporter or not. The guards have no right to attack him. They are not the police so who the hell those this monk think he is. He had no weapon he had a journalist badge, so what gives them to right to question him or adduct him.

No news from the monk yet whether guards were involved or not.

But either way, one must wonder why the perpetrators (if he really was attacked) know who he is.

Oh come on Piichai stop being in denial you are making yourself look foolish. There are good and bad on both sides, just accept it.

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Thank God for great journalists like Jonathan Head and the BBC - reporting in an unbiased and factual way

Hated by those who want to twist and manipulate the truth but always reporting, all over the world, at the heart of conflicts and refusing to report anything but FACTS

Even the old school tie doesn't have enough pull for me to support your view of JH.

Edited by bigbamboo
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He was also roughed up by the same bunch back in November

The OP dated May 8, 2014


The incident in your link dated November 25, 2013


Seems for his I'm Gonna Go Get Mugged By PDRC Today events, that he has a designated shirt for the affair.

Last time it was reported that Nick started to argue with the guards. I wonder if he tried that again?

BTW the photo's in which he points to his head like 'here's the terrible wound I received' looks very alike as well, not only the shirt.

Once again you surpass yourself rubl. (and gangrel, and siampolee, but I expected you would be a bit more discerning with your "likes")

Ever wondered why he coincidentally is wearing the same shirt in both photo's and has the same head wound, rubl? That's right Einstein, the photo's are both from the same incident, the first time he was attacked by PDRC guards, in 2013.

Khaosod even make it easy for those hard of thinking by putting this description under the photo in the OP:

"German photojournalist Nick Nostitz filing a complaint with the police after he was attacked by PCAD demonstrators in November 2013."

What is it with your constant verbal against Nostitz, is it a Dutch thing or are you just upset he reports things you don't want to hear?

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At least he wasn't killed like the italian journalist Polenghi who was filming the massacre by the illegal putschist Abshit-ler government or the

japanese camaraman who was filming the killing of more than 20 people in Tanao Road (corner with Khaosand Road).

Or like human right activist australian Connor Purcell who was horribly tortured in jail for opposing the Abhisit -the British puppet military dictatorship.

What can we expect from those Nazis ? They hate foreigners and more than once they publicly said how much they hate "farangs" and compare us to dogs. Killing people -either Thais or farangs- is the national sport of the black-yellowish thugs.

Now after the new judicial coup , they will be given the power for new massacres and so on....this is the Thailand they dream on...a small elite, a country with 65 million of slaves, violence, misery, desperation ,racism and massacres. Welcome to the yellow Thailand , once again...

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I guess the so called monk does not believe in freedom of the press. He sends his thugs to intimidate him. What a shameful act by these so called peaceful protesters. And the stupid part is you fools who support Suthep will agree with what the guards did. The man does not like or trust foreigners but get you to support this man who in the future would stab you in the back.

Do not forget, this German is not a journalist who reports news, but a red shirt propaganda machine like the Germans had during WWII.

He is on Thaksin and Robert Amsterdam payroll, so do not feel sorry

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I guess the so called monk does not believe in freedom of the press. He sends his thugs to intimidate him. What a shameful act by these so called peaceful protesters. And the stupid part is you fools who support Suthep will agree with what the guards did. The man does not like or trust foreigners but get you to support this man who in the future would stab you in the back.

Do not forget, this German is not a journalist who reports news, but a red shirt propaganda machine like the Germans had during WWII.

He is on Thaksin and Robert Amsterdam payroll, so do not feel sorry

Where is your proof?????? You have none.

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He was also roughed up by the same bunch back in November

The OP dated May 8, 2014

The incident in your link dated November 25, 2013

Seems for his I'm Gonna Go Get Mugged By PDRC Today events, that he has a designated shirt for the affair.

Last time it was reported that Nick started to argue with the guards. I wonder if he tried that again?

BTW the photo's in which he points to his head like 'here's the terrible wound I received' looks very alike as well, not only the shirt.

Once again you surpass yourself rubl. (and gangrel, and siampolee, but I expected you would be a bit more discerning with your "likes")

Ever wondered why he coincidentally is wearing the same shirt in both photo's and has the same head wound, rubl? That's right Einstein, the photo's are both from the same incident, the first time he was attacked by PDRC guards, in 2013.

Khaosod even make it easy for those hard of thinking by putting this description under the photo in the OP:

"German photojournalist Nick Nostitz filing a complaint with the police after he was attacked by PCAD demonstrators in November 2013."

What is it with your constant verbal against Nostitz, is it a Dutch thing or are you just upset he reports things you don't want to hear?

Well that explains the posing I guess. As you know I normally take a KhaoSod article at face value, almost like I take yours,

Now that is no reason though to suggest I surpass myself. I also have nothing against Nick. I respect his descriptions, but differ in interpretations. Also I do not believe he's impartial, he's pro-UDD / red-shirt and on asking for info on "progressed beyond Thaksin" he pointed to a website which just happened to be the UDD website.

BTW here on TV there's still a post somewhere where Nick describes a nightly encounter with Men in Black in 2010. He said they didn't kill him and only friendly asked not to take pictures. I guess he's still longing for those days.

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Funny you should say that just months after the PTP government instructed media outlets to not cover the Bangkok Shutdown, tried to pressure satellite and cable companies to drop Blue Sky, and actually tried to shut down Blue Sky directly.

You know I searched around and couldn't find anything about the PTP government instructing media outlets not to cover the Bangkok Shutdown or pressuring satellite and cable companies to drop Blue Sky or shut down Blue Sky directly. Oh there was this story based on a rumour. Perhaps that's what you meant?

BANGKOK: -- A commissioner of the National Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) yesterday assured all satellite-based TV channels and Internet service providers (ISP) that the Peace Keeping Center (PKC) cannot shut their operations as the power rested with the national regulator.

Assurance by the commissioner, Supinya Klangnarong, came as there is widespread rumor that Blue Sky Channel and T News will be shut down by the PKC over accusations that their live broadcast of anti-government protest inciting peace and order. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/698753-nbtc-says-peace-keeping-center-pkc-cannot-shut-blue-sky-channel/

Now I wonder who could have spread that rumour? whistling.gif

Perhaps you confused it with this

Red-shirt media and those identified as sympathetic to red-shirt protesters suffered heavy censorship yesterday as the government exercised its power under the emergency decree to cut communication lines among the red shirts, leaving society with only what the state views as correct and appropriate.


That happened, it wasn't a rumour..........................

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Thank God for great journalists like Jonathan Head and the BBC - reporting in an unbiased and factual way

Hated by those who want to twist and manipulate the truth but always reporting, all over the world, at the heart of conflicts and refusing to report anything but FACTS

Even the old school tie doesn't have enough pull for me to support your view of JH.

You were both at Borstal? Mind you it was a very good school. It was approved. I'll get me coat.................

Edited by fab4
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Most of you people got your head between your ass. It doesn't matter if he was a reporter or not. The guards have no right to attack him. They are not the police so who the hell those this monk think he is. He had no weapon he had a journalist badge, so what gives them to right to question him or adduct him.

No news from the monk yet whether guards were involved or not.

But either way, one must wonder why the perpetrators (if he really was attacked) know who he is.

Oh come on Piichai stop being in denial you are making yourself look foolish. There are good and bad on both sides, just accept it.

IIRC, the last time there was a problem with the monk's guards, he had them surrender to the police. When is the last time a Red Shirt leader has ever done that?

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and we know they were pdrc guards because they were dressed like them and said so, wow, wasnt the red that was found in the river dressed like a pdrc member but was in fact a red. Could be that reds dressed like this to start crap, especially seeing the police failed to act straight away(being red supporters). Lets wait and see if the actually catch any of these men, if not then we will know they were reds but I suppose this stops our own red appologists from bitching.

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It is amazing that so many posters find reasons to justify someone (in this case a German "reporter:) being physically "abused" (whether you like them or not). Not only in this forum but also other TV forums. I am not having a go at the moderator/s but at posters who do not seem to give a damn about respect for due process of law. Always looking for tenuous reasons to validate physical abuse. Shame on you.

"So many posters..." would require more than a passing amount of posters who, according to your post, are not... "respect[ing]" the law. I have followed this POST early because I am fascinated by both similar and different opinions on this matter and I have not found what you describe. I, for one, have made clear that violence accomplishes nothing and offered no advocacy toward that end. I am pretty sure I would have responded to agitators to violence as I find it objectionable. All the data is contained in these pages. So where is the difference between perception and fact? You, sir.

A few consistent themes emerge in this thread, among them that the journalist in reference either brings such misfortune upon himself, creates the appearance of such misfortune, or otherwise agitates the conditions to bring it upon himself as a martyr, then feigns otherwise. Even a cursory online search suggests this. These observations, and the note that journalists should ideally remain unbiased, in no way suggests lawlessness from online posters in this forum. Moreover, because your sensibilities are offended in no way even remotely suggests a poster on this forum is in violation of the law and since none are extensions of the State, do not have within their power in any event to act upon "due process of law." Simply commenting on the facts, perceptions, and opinions of this situation should not require the vague, subjective "respect" you mention- that is code for FEAR; though good manners are important. I have seen no example in this thread where anyone advocated violence, harm, or breaking the law. It is indeed relevant why this man continues to have conflicts with others!

So, if you stand so utterly "amaz[ed]" at something that is happening only in your mind, perhaps you could re read the thread and join the conversation based on content.

Are you in cuckoo land?

Physical abuse of local people or foreigners is widely reported in the press. It is not in my mind.

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It is amazing that so many posters find reasons to justify someone (in this case a German "reporter:) being physically "abused" (whether you like them or not). Not only in this forum but also other TV forums. I am not having a go at the moderator/s but at posters who do not seem to give a damn about respect for due process of law. Always looking for tenuous reasons to validate physical abuse. Shame on you.

"So many posters..." would require more than a passing amount of posters who, according to your post, are not... "respect[ing]" the law. I have followed this POST early because I am fascinated by both similar and different opinions on this matter and I have not found what you describe. I, for one, have made clear that violence accomplishes nothing and offered no advocacy toward that end. I am pretty sure I would have responded to agitators to violence as I find it objectionable. All the data is contained in these pages. So where is the difference between perception and fact? You, sir.

A few consistent themes emerge in this thread, among them that the journalist in reference either brings such misfortune upon himself, creates the appearance of such misfortune, or otherwise agitates the conditions to bring it upon himself as a martyr, then feigns otherwise. Even a cursory online search suggests this. These observations, and the note that journalists should ideally remain unbiased, in no way suggests lawlessness from online posters in this forum. Moreover, because your sensibilities are offended in no way even remotely suggests a poster on this forum is in violation of the law and since none are extensions of the State, do not have within their power in any event to act upon "due process of law." Simply commenting on the facts, perceptions, and opinions of this situation should not require the vague, subjective "respect" you mention- that is code for FEAR; though good manners are important. I have seen no example in this thread where anyone advocated violence, harm, or breaking the law. It is indeed relevant why this man continues to have conflicts with others!

So, if you stand so utterly "amaz[ed]" at something that is happening only in your mind, perhaps you could re read the thread and join the conversation based on content.

Are you in cuckoo land?

Physical abuse of local people or foreigners is widely reported in the press. It is not in my mind.

Indeed this is true, Sir. But the context in the above thread is in regard to posters on TV advocating breaking the law by suggesting the journalist in question should be abused. TV posters today have in no way advocated violence, or otherwise commented that the journalist deserved it- only that his actions suggest he brought it to himself. While your observation was in fact broad, today's thread is on the journalist and impugning posters on this thread.

Edited by arjunadawn
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It is amazing that so many posters find reasons to justify someone (in this case a German "reporter:) being physically "abused" (whether you like them or not). Not only in this forum but also other TV forums. I am not having a go at the moderator/s but at posters who do not seem to give a damn about respect for due process of law. Always looking for tenuous reasons to validate physical abuse. Shame on you.

He's a big guy. It's not like he's a chick, but he likes to cry one.

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Not the first time Nick got attacked isn't it. Probably there are reasons for that it's always him who get singled out

Well I wouldn't call him reporter, I would call him red activist.....

Before he posted on TV and only pro red, no matter what.

He is a red activist and not just a reporter, he commented the 2009/2010 protests from the red shirt side, and is the author of the books Red vs Yellow Volume 1 and Red vs Yellow Volume 2 where he clearly takes sides with the red shirts.

He denies being a red supporter

Many on here have been accused of being filthy reds also simply because they don't worship, lick the feet and eat the excrements of the mad man Suthep like some who are blinded with infatuation. Some people are completely impartial.

Chooka.. Nick has been pro red a long time before Suthep and the PDRC happened!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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He was also roughed up by the same bunch back in November

The OP dated May 8, 2014


The incident in your link dated November 25, 2013


Seems for his I'm Gonna Go Get Mugged By PDRC Today events, that he has a designated shirt for the affair.

Last time it was reported that Nick started to argue with the guards. I wonder if he tried that again?

BTW the photo's in which he points to his head like 'here's the terrible wound I received' looks very alike as well, not only the shirt.

Yes, I'd rather think he did argue with the guards. Of course, he could have not argued and gone along quietly with them and submitted himself to interrogation by Issara which is presumably what you think he should have done...

Anyway, clearly Khao Sod used a picture of the incident in November. You could argue that KS tried to mislead people by using an old picture (edit: no, actually you couldn't, hadn't checked if it had a correctly labelled caption before seeing Fab4's post, it does), and it is somewhat misleading I suppose but nevertheless, it's not relevant to the question of whether yesterday's event took place or not.

Edited by Emptyset
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Last time it was reported that Nick started to argue with the guards. I wonder if he tried that again?

BTW the photo's in which he points to his head like 'here's the terrible wound I received' looks very alike as well, not only the shirt.

Yes, I'd rather think he did argue with the guards. Of course, he could have not argued and gone along quietly with them and submitted himself to interrogation by Issara which is presumably what you think he should have done...

Anyway, clearly Khao Sod used a picture of the incident in November. You could argue that KS tried to mislead people by using an old picture, and it is somewhat misleading I suppose but nevertheless, it's not relevant to the question of whether yesterday's event took place or not.

He could have walked away I wanted to suggest. A journalist/reporter should NOT become argumentative with guards. No idea what was argued but if the same terminology was used as some posters use to describe guards, or if he did so in Thai, I am not surprised the guards became even more persistent.

Still as objective journalist / reporter I would have thought he would welcome to have a talk with Buddha Issara.

BTW I didn't question if yesterday's 'incident' took place.

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The fact that he's honest about his biases

A posting review reveals the polar opposite as he stridently professes to not being biased, even though it registers a massive FAIL.

But lets not forget that this all stands in a context, and parts of that context some of you seem to refuse to acknowledge, and instead, if reminded, you accuse me of being "Red", or "biased" - an accusation which in itself is in some way an infraction against *my* freedom of speech and my professional honor.

I believe that i have studied the Red Shirts closer than anybody else since the birth of the that movement even before the military coup. And before i get accused of being embedded or biased -

So what was this again about him being honest about his biases???


Of course he argues his reporting is unbiased, but he's never denied his sympathies. I see no inconsistency here. You can be sympathetic to a cause but still report fairly on it. If he'd said his work, rather than he himself was biased, obviously people would have good reason not to trust him. But he argues he goes about his work in a professional manner regardless of his sympathies, which is what all good journalists should do anyway.

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what a drama queen this guy is

he brings it all on himself - as a reporter in a foreign country in a conflict zone the one thing you must maintain at all costs is neutrality - if you don't then what follows is nobodies fault but your own, this man has been very outspoken in the past - he is far from neutral, if he thinks his press pass and camera will protect him he is delusional........................simple as that

So you clearly do not agree with freedom of the press. If someone says something that doesnt concur with your view, beat them up. And Sutheps supporters think they are intellectually superior to the reds . . . I dont really need to say anymore.

reporters are there to report facts not pass opinions - if you can't grasp that concept then don't bother to reply - this man has opinions in other words he takes sides - as I said very dangerous behaviour for a so called reported

I have nothing more to say on the matter

Most news outlets have a biase, but most decent fair minded people would not hit or try to take a journalist to their leader because his views or reporting style do not concur with their own. It is called freedom of the press. . . a concept you clearly cannot grasp.

Reporters should not come under intimidation and attacks.

Even when they do not report what the subjects of their reports want to hear.

I should think that there are two basic situations where the above might be contested (not personally by me):

- While covering events/groups with high potential to violence, the reporter ought to take this into consideration and not blindly

rely on a colored arm-badge to act as a magic shield. This is not to say that reporters are fair game, just that they are expected

to exercise some common sense when it comes to safety.

- The reporter becomes an active partisan. Again, this is applicable mostly to situations as above.

Some would argue that Mr. Nostitz's position in regard to these two points is questionable.

Noteworthy to point out that Mr. Head, who is not a "yellow darling", was unharmed and in fact, not personally threatened.

Could be less of a face, could be his senior news media outlet, could be his demeanor.

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Perhaps people should watch the film 'The Rise of Evil'. It shows how Adolph Hitler rose up from nothing and became the leader of the Nazi party through intimidation, the suppression of free speech, and brutality. What I see happening now in Thailand is not far removed from this. When will the people wake up and not follow rabble rousers who seem determined to reek havoc on the country to achieve their own agenda?

This is 100% right, but also back in that times you had a lot followers of AH, people who don't open their eyes or denying , that's the danger of the situation.

Lets hope they wake up soon and let Suthep for what he is, a piece of sh*t.

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He was also roughed up by the same bunch back in November

The OP dated May 8, 2014


The incident in your link dated November 25, 2013


Seems for his I'm Gonna Go Get Mugged By PDRC Today events, that he has a designated shirt for the affair.

Last time it was reported that Nick started to argue with the guards. I wonder if he tried that again?

BTW the photo's in which he points to his head like 'here's the terrible wound I received' looks very alike as well, not only the shirt.

Yes, I'd rather think he did argue with the guards. Of course, he could have not argued and gone along quietly with them and submitted himself to interrogation by Issara which is presumably what you think he should have done...

Anyway, clearly Khao Sod used a picture of the incident in November. You could argue that KS tried to mislead people by using an old picture, and it is somewhat misleading I suppose but nevertheless, it's not relevant to the question of whether yesterday's event took place or not.

Actually this event shouldn't have taken place, but it did. You and I both well know that this event is going to go no further than tonight. I've no respect for that man as a journalist; however, if it had happened to you I'd be tearing heads off to get at the truth because I respect you and your opinions.

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The fact that he's honest about his biases

So what was this again about him being honest about his biases???


Of course he argues his reporting is unbiased, but he's never denied his sympathies. I see no inconsistency here. You can be sympathetic to a cause but still report fairly on it. If he'd said his work, rather than he himself was biased, obviously people would have good reason not to trust him. But he argues he goes about his work in a professional manner regardless of his sympathies, which is what all good journalists should do anyway.

The main aspect might be in the "But he argues"

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Last time it was reported that Nick started to argue with the guards. I wonder if he tried that again?

BTW the photo's in which he points to his head like 'here's the terrible wound I received' looks very alike as well, not only the shirt.

Yes, I'd rather think he did argue with the guards. Of course, he could have not argued and gone along quietly with them and submitted himself to interrogation by Issara which is presumably what you think he should have done...

Anyway, clearly Khao Sod used a picture of the incident in November. You could argue that KS tried to mislead people by using an old picture, and it is somewhat misleading I suppose but nevertheless, it's not relevant to the question of whether yesterday's event took place or not.

He could have walked away I wanted to suggest. A journalist/reporter should NOT become argumentative with guards. No idea what was argued but if the same terminology was used as some posters use to describe guards, or if he did so in Thai, I am not surprised the guards became even more persistent.

Still as objective journalist / reporter I would have thought he would welcome to have a talk with Buddha Issara.

BTW I didn't question if yesterday's 'incident' took place.

If you read the OP: "Mr. Nostitz said when he refused and tried to leave, the men immediately attacked him and attempted to take him away, startling many soldiers, policemen, and reporters who were stationed in the area at the time." So he did try to walk away.

In any case, Nick probably is being dramatic in one respect. I doubt Issara would have had Nick tortured and dumped in the river. It's one thing to do that to some nobody Issan labourer or garbage collector, another to do it to a foreigner. Issara would probably have realized a mistake had been made, chastized the guards and graciously released Nick after taking an opportunity to give him some friendly advice on morality and politics.

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Last time it was reported that Nick started to argue with the guards. I wonder if he tried that again?

BTW the photo's in which he points to his head like 'here's the terrible wound I received' looks very alike as well, not only the shirt.

Yes, I'd rather think he did argue with the guards. Of course, he could have not argued and gone along quietly with them and submitted himself to interrogation by Issara which is presumably what you think he should have done...

Anyway, clearly Khao Sod used a picture of the incident in November. You could argue that KS tried to mislead people by using an old picture, and it is somewhat misleading I suppose but nevertheless, it's not relevant to the question of whether yesterday's event took place or not.

He could have walked away I wanted to suggest. A journalist/reporter should NOT become argumentative with guards. No idea what was argued but if the same terminology was used as some posters use to describe guards, or if he did so in Thai, I am not surprised the guards became even more persistent.

Still as objective journalist / reporter I would have thought he would welcome to have a talk with Buddha Issara.

BTW I didn't question if yesterday's 'incident' took place.

If you read the OP: "Mr. Nostitz said when he refused and tried to leave, the men immediately attacked him and attempted to take him away, startling many soldiers, policemen, and reporters who were stationed in the area at the time." So he did try to walk away.

In any case, Nick probably is being dramatic in one respect. I doubt Issara would have had Nick tortured and dumped in the river. It's one thing to do that to some nobody Issan labourer or garbage collector, another to do it to a foreigner. Issara would probably have realized a mistake had been made, chastized the guards and graciously released Nick after taking an opportunity to give him some friendly advice on morality and politics.

AS I said I would have though an objective, impartial journalist would have loved the change to have a private talk with one of the protest leaders.

As for the 'torture and dumping', by seriously going into why that would not happen you seem to show a certain bias yourself, IMHO.

I'm not sure a mistake was made, it might be that it was reported to Buddha Issara that NN was present and he might have liked the opportunity to see who this 'objective, impartial' guy really was. I also don't think you can say BI would release NN' as NN would not be in custody.

Anyway, great drama but not so good for Thailand's standing in the 'reporters without borders' index. Not NN's fault, although one might 'argue' about it.

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Yes, I'd rather think he did argue with the guards. Of course, he could have not argued and gone along quietly with them and submitted himself to interrogation by Issara which is presumably what you think he should have done...

Anyway, clearly Khao Sod used a picture of the incident in November. You could argue that KS tried to mislead people by using an old picture, and it is somewhat misleading I suppose but nevertheless, it's not relevant to the question of whether yesterday's event took place or not.

Actually this event shouldn't have taken place, but it did. You and I both well know that this event is going to go no further than tonight. I've no respect for that man as a journalist; however, if it had happened to you I'd be tearing heads off to get at the truth because I respect you and your opinions.

Well it's good to know someone would be looking out for me. lol. Anyway, point is, you don't like him, but nevertheless agree the incident shouldn't have happened. I'd hope if the scenario had arisen where the shoe was on the other foot, and some red shirts had roughed up Michael Yon (who I've no respect for as a journalist, but have some time for as a source of entertainment), I wouldn't have come on here arguing that because Yon was biased, he got what was coming to him. You either believe in the freedom of the press or you don't and often the press is biased or is saying things you don't want to hear. After all, respecting the rights to free speech of someone you despise must surely be one of djjamie's fourteen principles of democracy?

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Last time it was reported that Nick started to argue with the guards. I wonder if he tried that again?

BTW the photo's in which he points to his head like 'here's the terrible wound I received' looks very alike as well, not only the shirt.

Yes, I'd rather think he did argue with the guards. Of course, he could have not argued and gone along quietly with them and submitted himself to interrogation by Issara which is presumably what you think he should have done...

Anyway, clearly Khao Sod used a picture of the incident in November. You could argue that KS tried to mislead people by using an old picture, and it is somewhat misleading I suppose but nevertheless, it's not relevant to the question of whether yesterday's event took place or not.

He could have walked away I wanted to suggest. A journalist/reporter should NOT become argumentative with guards. No idea what was argued but if the same terminology was used as some posters use to describe guards, or if he did so in Thai, I am not surprised the guards became even more persistent.

Still as objective journalist / reporter I would have thought he would welcome to have a talk with Buddha Issara.

BTW I didn't question if yesterday's 'incident' took place.

If you read the OP: "Mr. Nostitz said when he refused and tried to leave, the men immediately attacked him and attempted to take him away, startling many soldiers, policemen, and reporters who were stationed in the area at the time." So he did try to walk away.

In any case, Nick probably is being dramatic in one respect. I doubt Issara would have had Nick tortured and dumped in the river. It's one thing to do that to some nobody Issan labourer or garbage collector, another to do it to a foreigner. Issara would probably have realized a mistake had been made, chastized the guards and graciously released Nick after taking an opportunity to give him some friendly advice on morality and politics.

Still I would have though a journalist would have loved the opportunity to have a private talk with one of the protest leaders. No idea what NN said in arguing not to accept the 'kind' invitation. Some say he can be somewhat blunt and argumentative with clear bias towards one site. That would surely not go well with guards. No info on that though, no one reported that type of details as far as I know.

To seriously go into why NN wouldn't be tortured and dumped seems to suggest a certain bias on your side by the way. Why else go into it as it's totally irrelevant here.

BTW it may be possible that Buddha Issara indeed wanted to see NN and talk with him. NN is well known as in the other camp, and I'm sure Buddha Issara as astute as he is would like some first hand info on NN's thoughts.

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Yes, I'd rather think he did argue with the guards. Of course, he could have not argued and gone along quietly with them and submitted himself to interrogation by Issara which is presumably what you think he should have done...

Anyway, clearly Khao Sod used a picture of the incident in November. You could argue that KS tried to mislead people by using an old picture, and it is somewhat misleading I suppose but nevertheless, it's not relevant to the question of whether yesterday's event took place or not.

Actually this event shouldn't have taken place, but it did. You and I both well know that this event is going to go no further than tonight. I've no respect for that man as a journalist; however, if it had happened to you I'd be tearing heads off to get at the truth because I respect you and your opinions.

Well it's good to know someone would be looking out for me. lol. Anyway, point is, you don't like him, but nevertheless agree the incident shouldn't have happened. I'd hope if the scenario had arisen where the shoe was on the other foot, and some red shirts had roughed up Michael Yon (who I've no respect for as a journalist, but have some time for as a source of entertainment), I wouldn't have come on here arguing that because Yon was biased, he got what was coming to him. You either believe in the freedom of the press or you don't and often the press is biased or is saying things you don't want to hear. After all, respecting the rights to free speech of someone you despise must surely be one of djjamie's fourteen principles of democracy?

Like... I've reached my quota for the day wink.png I don't think that some of are saying he had it coming. It's a bit more like he "asked for it" Anyway... have a good long weekend if it's on your schedule. Cheers, LD

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At least he wasn't killed like the italian journalist Polenghi who was filming the massacre by the illegal putschist Abshit-ler government or the

japanese camaraman who was filming the killing of more than 20 people in Tanao Road (corner with Khaosand Road).

Or like human right activist australian Connor Purcell who was horribly tortured in jail for opposing the Abhisit -the British puppet military dictatorship.

What can we expect from those Nazis ? They hate foreigners and more than once they publicly said how much they hate "farangs" and compare us to dogs. Killing people -either Thais or farangs- is the national sport of the black-yellowish thugs.

Now after the new judicial coup , they will be given the power for new massacres and so on....this is the Thailand they dream on...a small elite, a country with 65 million of slaves, violence, misery, desperation ,racism and massacres. Welcome to the yellow Thailand , once again...

Journalists and photographers covering violent events can get hurt. Part of the job. Happens all over the world.

They were not targeted for being foreigners.

Conor David Purcell was no human right activist. He stayed in Thailand on a shoestring, and joined the demonstrations for kicks, free food, 15 minutes of fame and a bit of conviction (yes, give him Isome credit - he's not a bad man). He was not tortured in prison, but rather got a hiding from other inmates, and claimed it was ordered by guards. Normally, it is not acceptable nor legal for foreigners to take part in political activities (sure you remember the latest instance of this, Sathit Segal).

I know it's hard for some to get this, but there's a really really deep and wide chasm between what some would call Thailand's reactionary forces and the Nazis. If you're not aware of how they're different, do some reading. You want to call them fascists, well, go ahead - never sure which side it applies to more, though.

And "They" do not hate foreigners. At least not more or less than any Thai. Like many Thais they get their feathers ruffled and their knickers in a twist when foreigners "presume" to tell them what's what or do not accept their ideas wholly. They do not compare all of us to dogs (no doubt you could find a quote, and take it to be a general sentiment). There are casualties on both sides of the political divide - foreigners are not generally a part of this.

So far, they do not have power, there are no new massacres (unless you take the civil war cries from the red-shirts seriously).

The country has mostly under TRT, PPP, PTP rule since 2001 - and yet it's still all their opponents fault. Who would they blame when the Democrat Party disappears?

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Still I would have though a journalist would have loved the opportunity to have a private talk with one of the protest leaders. No idea what NN said in arguing not to accept the 'kind' invitation. Some say he can be somewhat blunt and argumentative with clear bias towards one site. That would surely not go well with guards. No info on that though, no one reported that type of details as far as I know.

To seriously go into why NN wouldn't be tortured and dumped seems to suggest a certain bias on your side by the way. Why else go into it as it's totally irrelevant here.

BTW it may be possible that Buddha Issara indeed wanted to see NN and talk with him. NN is well known as in the other camp, and I'm sure Buddha Issara as astute as he is would like some first hand info on NN's thoughts.

Hi Rubl. I've got several relatives and friends at Chaengwatana, and they confirm that Luang Pu has absolutely no idea of who is that reporter that people is talking about. They neither know who are those alleged guards that approached NN.

The target of NN is to gain popularity and to demonize the anti-government protesters using dirty tricks.

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