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German reporter 'attacked' by PCAD at Constitutional Court


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Let me get this straight . . . this attempted abduction occurred outside the Constitutional Court, which at the time was surrounded by reporters, Police and Army personnel (lots of them) . . . and alleged PCAD guards in masks walked about attempting to abduct the totally impartial reporter with no one doing anything until later on when they woke up?

My credulity is being stretched here just a little.

Certainly does sound far-fetched, doesn't it, but that's his story and he's no doubt sticking to it.

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German reporter

:rolleyes: what publication does he "report" for?

"It was very frightening," Mr. Nostitz said.


He's back at it again

He's hardly a reporter of local or international credibility. He is widely recognized as a sympathizer and/or a fool. In nearly all interviews he's had to defend this by asserting he's neutral. Yet he's not. He is a photographer that writes, published a few books (multiple Thai printers would not touch his recent book because they thought they'd be in danger. Quite suggestive), and is married to Thai girl. He's been published at least by the US State Dept Thai News site, Prachatai, and the leftist leaning New Mandela blog. Read his Wikipedia site for more information thou it's clearly written by or for him and lacks any objectivity, and has multiple non-citations.
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Him again...

Nick Nostiz, actually Nikolaus von Nostiz, a German aristocrat, who has been embedded in Red-Shirt infested Bang Bua Thong, northwest of Bangkok. Whenever he thinks he can do his redshirt friends a favour he's there and craving for publicity.
He is a reporter, he claims, but I don't know any decent German or other newspaper or agency, that he would work for. Maybe for the German Taksin-bulletin "Schoenes Thailand", I don't know (and why would anybody read that piece of nonsense?).

Most likely he is using up an inheritance and if not, if he's working, has he a WP?

And with this face and attitude, no wonder the opposition guards know his face.
In two words: An aristocratic rabble-rouser.


He is proud to have no professional studies concerning his job. He is proud to be a "free lancer".

In 2010 I had some controversy with him in this forum attacking him as a victim of the Stockholm Syndrome being kidnapped by the Red Shirts.

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Attacking the press is bad, and also stupid as it's bound to result in bad press.

Illustrated once more just how useless the TRP is - outside of the court, major potential for conflagration and yet police can't control the situation.

A decent police would be on alert under such circumstances and nub this at the bud. People walking in front of the court masked? People putting on masks in front of the court? They have CCTV and other means "live", why aren't these utilized at the time of the event? Why let a group of PCAD guards hang about unwatched? Useless.

I do not doubt this incident happened, but perhaps given Mr. Nostitz's attitude (if memory serves, last similar incident was accompanied by some verbal exchange with protestors), flare for dramatics and political bias, it was somewhat less exciting that reported. No, not an excuse for the attack itself.

Corroboration by Mr. Head notwithstanding, I'd rather wait a bit for reports from someone who does not refer to one of the political sides here as "scum" or "thugs". Give it a day or two, and we might get pics and video - it was a busy day for journos yesterday, and this was a side show.

Also, very doubtful this was ordered by the monk, more likely a bunch of overzealous dimwits. The monk has shown surprising savvy when dealing with media so far. On the same note, this isn't about targeting foreign media in general - Mr. Head was there and was unharmed, despite being seen as hostile to the PCAD. For Mr. Nostitz it's a re-run, so maybe more a personal vendetta - again, not condoning it.

Lastly, do can the Gestapo & Nazi hyperbole comparisons - you wouldn't be able to post on TVF if things were even halfway there. Thailand might not be a beacon for freedom of speech, but it's not the worst place in the world.

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The BBC correspondent in question was Jonathan Head who tweeted on the incident at the time:

Jonathan Head ‏@pakhead 16h

Nick Nostitz was attacked by PDRC thugs at Const. Court. Police and soldiers right next to him but scared to intervene.

Jonathan Head ‏@pakhead 16h

Nick is OK. He got out. But PDRC heavies were trying find him and detain him. And we all know what happens to people they detain.

Jonathan Head ‏@pakhead 16h

@FreeMindXs I think they'd have done same any time. Their (PDRC) people control access to CC. Their cameras filmed him. Then reported to security.

Jonathan Head ‏@pakhead 10h

@GVSRsiam @8td @CMDThai There were dozens of journalists at CC with Nick. I was close and saw what happened.

Comment from the FCCT:

"Nostitz was sitting close to the court's entrance and wearing a green Thai Journalists' Association (TJA) armband clearly identifying him as a member of the press. Having been singled out, Nostitz was told to come and see 'Luang Bu'. He was shoved hard in the chest and pushed around when he declined, and the guards attempted to take him with them.

The court was being guarded by some 20 police officers and soldiers. Police intervened after shouts from Nostitz and another journalist. Nostitz took shelter inside the courthouse and was eventually smuggled away from the scene in a police vehicle. Credit is due to everyone who contributed to defusing this incident."


A genuinely incredible and very scary story.

What were these PDRC idiots thinking to do with him?

They were not idiots.

In fact they were not PDRC idiots in the 1st place.

They were fake PDRC idiots

Actually they could be smart UDDs paid by Thaksin to act like PDRC idiots, so that the MONK can blame.

This post is idiot !

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Not the first time Nick got attacked isn't it. Probably there are reasons for that it's always him who get singled out

Well I wouldn't call him reporter, I would call him red activist.....

Before he posted on TV and only pro red, no matter what.

Not only is it not the first time he was attacked, and not only is he a Red activist, it also looks like he is an informer for the police.

Looks like there's more to the story.

There is more to the story.

It's clear that the militant absolutist Suthep and his fellow cave man PDRC subscribe to the Totalitarian Theory of the Press/Media which means the state owns, controls and directs all media of the society in all of its forms.

After the militants seize state power they formally identify who throughout the media are their enemies, who are their friends. The BP and the Nation will be fine as long as they comply with the new social order. However, the broader purge of political and socio-economic opponents includes specifically the new fascist state's enemies in the MSM and in all forms of media.

Under the Totalitarian Theory of the Press/Media the Boyz in Beijing censor - prohibit, block - from the mainland PRC social websites such as Facebook, Twitter, U-Tube; also, CNN, BBC, ABC and all of the other global satellite cable programming provided here by True (certain foreigner's ghetto hotels only in the PRC carry this programming).

Website forums in the PRC are tightly controlled and censored by more than 30,000 CCP censors who work full time to find and identify websites globally that they want to censor and to censor all global sites on their ever expanding list of censored sites.

One of the first orders of the new feudalism in Thailand, such it occur, would be for the new fascist PDRC government led by Suthep to identify internet websites to shut down, to include such forums as Political Prisoners, Bangkok Pundit, Thai Intelligence News, Thailand's Political Watch and so many others who are either based here or that have sources here to reveal events, developments, the interaction of people and their fate.

Make no mistake about it. Suthep, Abhisit, the PDRC and the rest of them fully intend to take complete control of all media in Thailand and will do so regardless of the consequences to journalists and bloggers and to the people themselves.

Dissent or opposition is not acceptable or allowed, as we see in the instances of certain existing laws.

Edited by Publicus
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Not the first time Nick got attacked isn't it. Probably there are reasons for that it's always him who get singled out

Well I wouldn't call him reporter, I would call him red activist.....

Before he posted on TV and only pro red, no matter what.

In your yellow view of the world anyone who disagrees with you is a red activist. So you have no comment to make about an attempted abduction? Your silence speaks volumes.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Perhaps people should watch the film 'The Rise of Evil'. It shows how Adolph Hitler rose up from nothing and became the leader of the Nazi party through intimidation, the suppression of free speech, and brutality. What I see happening now in Thailand is not far removed from this. When will the people wake up and not follow rabble rousers who seem determined to reek havoc on the country to achieve their own agenda?

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Most of you people got your head between your ass. It doesn't matter if he was a reporter or not. The guards have no right to attack him. They are not the police so who the hell those this monk think he is. He had no weapon he had a journalist badge, so what gives them to right to question him or adduct him.

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A distressing situation for the partisan photographer, but the perfect opportunity to get a scoop. Its a pity the incident, "startling many soldiers, policemen, and reporters who were stationed in the area at the time" that they were so surprised the seasoned journalists didn't take a few picture.

Also I believe there were about 1000+ journalists at the scene, probably an equal amount of cameras and a good few dozen TV cameras stationed right at the site of this purported incident, and not one of them captured anything to substantiate his claims... Same as last November at the main protest stage which is permanently bristling with reporters and not one actually managed to catch the incident on a memory card.... Just like back then... A load of fake BS...

The real sad thing is that there are supposedly educated farang on here who would be willing to swear on the lives of their children that this all actually happened.... 'Amazing Thailand red farang.

Do you actually believe all the stuff you write? I mean I find your posts frequently hilarious, so keep up the good work, certainly wouldn't want to lose your valuable prescence here or anything, yet I'm afraid much of what you say appears to have little correspondence to reality.

Pictures of the Nick Nostitz incident last November were widely shared and can be found in less than 10 seconds on google. And you claim that no BBC journalist has corroborated Nick's story when I posted Jonathan Head's tweets on this very thread! Too funny. lol.

Well Empty, bear in mind that he has a tendency to go to a place where he isn't wanted. Now, we can speculate a bit and perhaps say that he knows this and he's going to use it to advance his career, (He's better known for taking a beating rather than his articles) rather than actually write a fair news story; therefore, we might also say that he went there with a particular bias in mind and it comes across to people and they don't like it. You simply can't say, "I'm a journalist" and expect the world to care. I've been to that site several times with camera and note pad. I've had beer with the same guards that probably roughed him up. I never had a problem there or at any site that I've photographed. I'm very aggressive with a camera and questions, but I know when to stop. At this point, all we know is what Nick said and what Head (who is not himself unbiased) seems to observed.

Just some thoughts...

Cheers LD

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The fact that he's honest about his biases

A posting review reveals the polar opposite as he stridently professes to not being biased, even though it registers a massive FAIL.

But lets not forget that this all stands in a context, and parts of that context some of you seem to refuse to acknowledge, and instead, if reminded, you accuse me of being "Red", or "biased" - an accusation which in itself is in some way an infraction against *my* freedom of speech and my professional honor.

I believe that i have studied the Red Shirts closer than anybody else since the birth of the that movement even before the military coup. And before i get accused of being embedded or biased -

Maybe you should start reading my posts before coming up with the same lame blather about me being biased.

So what was this again about him being honest about his biases???


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TimCM I think you hit the nail on the head. Everybody is overlooking how dangerous and undemocratic the mouthing's of the other side are.

Thanks wise Elgordo. I just don't understand how these foreign people can support this terrorist. They would never accept this in there own countries and would be glad he was locked up.

Maybe a thread to ask them if it is there thoughts or just listening to their bargirls whistling.gif

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He was also roughed up by the same bunch back in November

The OP dated May 8, 2014


The incident in your link dated November 25, 2013


Seems for his I'm Gonna Go Get Mugged By PDRC Today events, that he has a designated shirt for the affair.

Last time it was reported that Nick started to argue with the guards. I wonder if he tried that again?

BTW the photo's in which he points to his head like 'here's the terrible wound I received' looks very alike as well, not only the shirt.

Edited by rubl
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This is just how politics are run in Thailand a lesson to the German and international press hope that gets plenty coverage in Germany and internationally to show them how we behave in Thailand foreigners must question nothing as Thais know everything that is needed regarding democracy and freedom of speech, and the right for peaceful protest.

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Not the first time Nick got attacked isn't it. Probably there are reasons for that it's always him who get singled out

Well I wouldn't call him reporter, I would call him red activist.....

Before he posted on TV and only pro red, no matter what.

Not only is it not the first time he was attacked, and not only is he a Red activist, it also looks like he is an informer for the police.

Looks like there's more to the story.

There is more to the story.

Make no mistake about it. Suthep, Abhisit, the PDRC and the rest of them fully intend to take complete control of all media in Thailand and will do so regardless of the consequences to journalists and bloggers and to the people themselves.

Funny you should say that just months after the PTP government instructed media outlets to not cover the Bangkok Shutdown, tried to pressure satellite and cable companies to drop Blue Sky, and actually tried to shut down Blue Sky directly.

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Most of you people got your head between your ass. It doesn't matter if he was a reporter or not. The guards have no right to attack him. They are not the police so who the hell those this monk think he is. He had no weapon he had a journalist badge, so what gives them to right to question him or adduct him.

No news from the monk yet whether guards were involved or not.

But either way, one must wonder why the perpetrators (if he really was attacked) know who he is.

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A distressing situation for the partisan photographer, but the perfect opportunity to get a scoop. Its a pity the incident, "startling many soldiers, policemen, and reporters who were stationed in the area at the time" that they were so surprised the seasoned journalists didn't take a few picture.

Also I believe there were about 1000+ journalists at the scene, probably an equal amount of cameras and a good few dozen TV cameras stationed right at the site of this purported incident, and not one of them captured anything to substantiate his claims... Same as last November at the main protest stage which is permanently bristling with reporters and not one actually managed to catch the incident on a memory card.... Just like back then... A load of fake BS...

The real sad thing is that there are supposedly educated farang on here who would be willing to swear on the lives of their children that this all actually happened.... 'Amazing Thailand red farang.

Do you actually believe all the stuff you write? I mean I find your posts frequently hilarious, so keep up the good work, certainly wouldn't want to lose your valuable prescence here or anything, yet I'm afraid much of what you say appears to have little correspondence to reality.

Pictures of the Nick Nostitz incident last November were widely shared and can be found in less than 10 seconds on google. And you claim that no BBC journalist has corroborated Nick's story when I posted Jonathan Head's tweets on this very thread! Too funny. lol.

Well Empty, bear in mind that he has a tendency to go to a place where he isn't wanted. Now, we can speculate a bit and perhaps say that he knows this and he's going to use it to advance his career, (He's better known for taking a beating rather than his articles) rather than actually write a fair news story; therefore, we might also say that he went there with a particular bias in mind and it comes across to people and they don't like it. You simply can't say, "I'm a journalist" and expect the world to care. I've been to that site several times with camera and note pad. I've had beer with the same guards that probably roughed him up. I never had a problem there or at any site that I've photographed. I'm very aggressive with a camera and questions, but I know when to stop. At this point, all we know is what Nick said and what Head (who is not himself unbiased) seems to observed.

Just some thoughts...

Cheers LD

So in your mind it's Nick's fault that they tried to abduct him. That's the yellow view of the world for sure.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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There is more to the story.

It's clear that the militant absolutist Suthep and his fellow cave man PDRC subscribe to the Totalitarian Theory of the Press/Media which means the state owns, controls and directs all media of the society in all of its forms.

After the militants seize state power they formally identify who throughout the media are their enemies, who are their friends. The BP and the Nation will be fine as long as they comply with the new social order. However, the broader purge of political and socio-economic opponents includes specifically the new fascist state's enemies in the MSM and in all forms of media.

Under the Totalitarian Theory of the Press/Media the Boyz in Beijing censor - prohibit, block - from the mainland PRC social websites such as Facebook, Twitter, U-Tube; also, CNN, BBC, ABC and all of the other global satellite cable programming provided here by True (certain foreigner's ghetto hotels only in the PRC carry this programming).

Website forums in the PRC are tightly controlled and censored by more than 30,000 CCP censors who work full time to find and identify websites globally that they want to censor and to censor all global sites on their ever expanding list of censored sites.

One of the first orders of the new feudalism in Thailand, such it occur, would be for the new fascist PDRC government led by Suthep to identify internet websites to shut down, to include such forums as Political Prisoners, Bangkok Pundit, Thai Intelligence News, Thailand's Political Watch and so many others who are either based here or that have sources here to reveal events, developments, the interaction of people and their fate.

Make no mistake about it. Suthep, Abhisit, the PDRC and the rest of them fully intend to take complete control of all media in Thailand and will do so regardless of the consequences to journalists and bloggers and to the people themselves.

Dissent or opposition is not acceptable or allowed, as we see in the instances of certain existing laws.



I can see your point through the haze of hyperbole and fantasy, but there is nothing in your post that can be intellectually concluded outside your mind. Your trying to make an analogy but your wild inferences and baseless associations actually don't connect. I don't recall any citations wherein the PDRC announced such a ludicrous motivation and since their actions which you protest seem to live in the future, it is all ad hominen attack. Perhaps your correct about the future... Perhaps we could intellectually conclude your point... you just don't achieve it with the analogies today.

However, what can be managed, evidenced, and traced in the present are the partisan actions of the subject of the OP- the "journalist." There is an inexhaustible bounty of evidence on the subject of left leaning journalists working for or through NGO funding that destabilizes and foments dissent and agitation under the guise of democratic reporting, especially those ancillary press organs and NGOs that receive funding from the Soros Tides Foundation and their malignant derivatives. Sure, they can freely do as they wish, but there is no requirement we call this objective reporting and dangerous to assign them the carte blanche of "Press."

So, while all reasoned minds agree physical harm is not only beneath us, it actually doesn't achieve much anyway, and in the battle of perceptions, can be quite harmful to your cause. But did this act really happen? Seems a little to much to ask an observer to believe this particular man is telling the truth, or hasn't an agenda. Lastly, your point overlooks one glaring condition- the press market is not impartial, certainly not international press. Know a man by his fruit. The international press sing one single, left-leaning tune, with few exceptions. So the future you protest is already here. Perhaps you don't note it because they agree with you?

Edited by arjunadawn
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German reporter

rolleyes.gif what publication does he "report" for?

"It was very frightening," Mr. Nostitz said.


He's back at it again

He's hardly a reporter of local or international credibility. He is widely recognized as a sympathizer and/or a fool. In nearly all interviews he's had to defend this by asserting he's neutral. Yet he's not. He is a photographer that writes, published a few books (multiple Thai printers would not touch his recent book because they thought they'd be in danger. Quite suggestive), and is married to Thai girl. He's been published at least by the US State Dept Thai News site, Prachatai, and the leftist leaning New Mandela blog. Read his Wikipedia site for more information thou it's clearly written by or for him and lacks any objectivity, and has multiple non-citations.

So in other words, not a reporter, but simply a blogger.

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German reporter

rolleyes.gif what publication does he "report" for?

"It was very frightening," Mr. Nostitz said.


He's back at it again

He's hardly a reporter of local or international credibility. He is widely recognized as a sympathizer and/or a fool. In nearly all interviews he's had to defend this by asserting he's neutral. Yet he's not. He is a photographer that writes, published a few books (multiple Thai printers would not touch his recent book because they thought they'd be in danger. Quite suggestive), and is married to Thai girl. He's been published at least by the US State Dept Thai News site, Prachatai, and the leftist leaning New Mandela blog. Read his Wikipedia site for more information thou it's clearly written by or for him and lacks any objectivity, and has multiple non-citations.

So in other words, not a reporter, but simply a blogger.

He has been picked up in a Tides Foundation/US State Department online rag, and yes, a blog. If there are others I am unaware. He is a photographer who started writing roughly in 2008/2007 (at least in regard to current events). His first foray into interviewing red shirts found kindred souls, yet he protests he does not support Thaksin- seems an irrelevant strawman assertion, in any event. His various few works range from Thai Bar/girl type book, to a piece on red and yellow shirts. What is hopelessly obvious is he is an agitator.

I personally take umbrage with this because as a foreigner, he should mind his own business or remain objective and neutral- he does neither. I also suspect Thailand is his primary residence, which I thereby impart to him a higher standard- he should keep his mouth shut if he can't report objectively. There is a reason everyone hits him! I don't condone it, but there is a reason.

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It doesn't matter if he was a reporter or not.

It goes to credibility, your honor.

If the so-called news source Khaosod can't even get the basic information such as his occupation correctly reported, how credible is anything else they are reporting on?

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Not the first time Nick got attacked isn't it. Probably there are reasons for that it's always him who get singled out

He writes articles and books

Like his photographic book about hookers and their johns


Patpong Bangkok's Twilight Zone by Nick Nostitz

Hardcover from $5.03


You were quick to find that book.

Quick? :blink:

Do you not know how search engines work? Results are found in tenths of a second.

You should ask about them in the technology forum so that you, too, can find information "quick".

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He was also roughed up by the same bunch back in November

The OP dated May 8, 2014


The incident in your link dated November 25, 2013


Seems for his I'm Gonna Go Get Mugged By PDRC Today events, that he has a designated shirt for the affair.

Last time it was reported that Nick started to argue with the guards. I wonder if he tried that again?

BTW the photo's in which he points to his head like 'here's the terrible wound I received' looks very alike as well, not only the shirt.

Yes, it's amazing how horrific both reports started out, giving the impression he was beaten severely.... yet, the photos tell an entirely different story.


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Well I wouldn't call him reporter, I would call him red activist.....

Before he posted on TV and only pro red, no matter what.

Not only is it not the first time he was attacked, and not only is he a Red activist, it also looks like he is an informer for the police.

Looks like there's more to the story.

There is more to the story.

Make no mistake about it. Suthep, Abhisit, the PDRC and the rest of them fully intend to take complete control of all media in Thailand and will do so regardless of the consequences to journalists and bloggers and to the people themselves.

Funny you should say that just months after the PTP government instructed media outlets to not cover the Bangkok Shutdown, tried to pressure satellite and cable companies to drop Blue Sky, and actually tried to shut down Blue Sky directly.

Coupled with recent reports that press freedom and transparency indexes continue to fall with Yingluck's administration.

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It is amazing that so many posters find reasons to justify someone (in this case a German "reporter:) being physically "abused" (whether you like them or not). Not only in this forum but also other TV forums. I am not having a go at the moderator/s but at posters who do not seem to give a damn about respect for due process of law. Always looking for tenuous reasons to validate physical abuse. Shame on you.

"So many posters..." would require more than a passing amount of posters who, according to your post, are not... "respect[ing]" the law. I have followed this POST early because I am fascinated by both similar and different opinions on this matter and I have not found what you describe. I, for one, have made clear that violence accomplishes nothing and offered no advocacy toward that end. I am pretty sure I would have responded to agitators to violence as I find it objectionable. All the data is contained in these pages. So where is the difference between perception and fact? You, sir.

A few consistent themes emerge in this thread, among them that the journalist in reference either brings such misfortune upon himself, creates the appearance of such misfortune, or otherwise agitates the conditions to bring it upon himself as a martyr, then feigns otherwise. Even a cursory online search suggests this. These observations, and the note that journalists should ideally remain unbiased, in no way suggests lawlessness from online posters in this forum. Moreover, because your sensibilities are offended in no way even remotely suggests a poster on this forum is in violation of the law and since none are extensions of the State, do not have within their power in any event to act upon "due process of law." Simply commenting on the facts, perceptions, and opinions of this situation should not require the vague, subjective "respect" you mention- that is code for FEAR; though good manners are important. I have seen no example in this thread where anyone advocated violence, harm, or breaking the law. It is indeed relevant why this man continues to have conflicts with others!

So, if you stand so utterly "amaz[ed]" at something that is happening only in your mind, perhaps you could re read the thread and join the conversation based on content.

Edited by arjunadawn
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