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DIT to push food vendors in Thai shopping malls to decrease prices of ready to eat meals


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I don't see the point of mall food vendors lowering their prices.

Every mall I've seen has numerous street food vendors just outside and sometimes even on mall grounds. I would expect that if mall food vendors offer the same fare as do the street vendors, they'll have to match street prices to stay in business. On the other hand, if the mall food vendors offer a different menu, higher quality prepared foods, better ambiance, etc, they should charge higher prices. And remember that some malls also have large grocery stores like Big C that offer carryout ready to eat meals that a mall food vendor must also compete against. Is DIT going after Big C, tesco Lotus, TOPS, Foodland, etc. for lower prices on ready to eat meals too?

If the goal is more affordable meals, work on raising the standard of living and/or lowering the cost of basic commodities and energy. Everything will fall into place in a capitalistic supply & demand economy without controls.

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I wonder if the deputy director would consider taking a 20% drop in his salary along with everyone else at the DIT.

Should he do that then he would be in a much better position to ask others to do the same.

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  • 1 year later...

These government promises are a joke. My favorite salad bar in Chiang Mai just raised her prices by 45% and the laundry downstairs raised her prices by 50%. She is now the highest priced laundromat in Chiang Mai by comparison on the route I take on my bicycle. Tell me again dear Mr. P. the low inflation numbers and how you have convinced vendors to not increase prices. I guess they all have a deaf ear. Typical politician state one empty promise after another and then vote for me vote for me.

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WHAT!!!!! .. i bet many dont even make 20% proit on a meal, this Country is insane far too many tell people how to live & run their business etc but cant even run a government properly bah.gif

And they pick on the vendors without asking the centres to drop their rents. absolute nonsese logic from this so called government

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