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PDRC leader Suthep submits petition to Senate


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Members of the Senate who warmly greeted this miscreant have demonstrated in a very clear and open manner they they are biased and have been working to overthrow the elected government all along. The Senators are motivated by politics and not out of a genuine interest for the good of Thailand. This was wrong in so many ways.

Not only that, but have surely broken the law by associating with a known fugitive.

Which "known fugitive" ? Thaksin ?......Suthep is not a fugitive, he hasn't been to court, hasn't been convicted of anything, hasn't fled justice or a court sentence....so struggling to understand which "fugitive" your talking about....as far as I am aware there is only one fugitive involved in Thai politics and he is sitting in that sandbox known as Dubai

It appears that the murder charges facing Suthep have slipped your memory.Here's a report from The Guardian to remind you from which you will note he has found more important things to do than turn up to the court.Still for various obvious reasons I can't help feeling the court is distinctly relaxed about this evasion of justice.


Allow to highlight a bit of your own post..."murder charges facing Suthep"......someone facing charges does not a fugitive make, further he has never left Thailand, he is in public view, but yet the RTP, CAPO or any other judicial authority have failed to arrest the said miscreant....that their problem not his. Suthep cannot be a fugitive, I have just seen him talking on the TV from BKK, but it appears the RTP cant be bother to do their job...

Let me guess seeing as your so morally up standing, if you were charged with something and the Police couldn't be bothered arresting your, you would volunteer to be arrested and turn up at the prison with your toothbrush and jar of Vaseline in hand...stop talking BS

Typically a Fugitive from the law is such.....someone is charged with a crime, someone is found guilty of a crime, someone is sentenced for said crime, and before serving the sentence, said person runs away to avoid serving the sentence...now as Thai Politian's go, I can only thing of one person who is a fugitive...and he run away to Dubai, because of a pissy little 2 year sentence

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And the gun bags that they all carry contain 15 types of moisturiser?

Umm, your reply has nothing to do with any typical Thai trait and does not really make sense.

It is a fact that Thai's wear this protection. I highlighted it in case the member "Thailand" was not aware of it.

If you can show facts to state otherwise, by all means I am open to them and welcome them.

In the words of yingluck speaking articulately in an American accent ( which you still have not provided the link for yet called me the liar wink.png ) Show me the evidence.

Based on "Dr Bruces" logic all the rice farmers and people who work outside all day in Thailand must be hired thugs then....

According to Fab4 the popcorn gunman that suppressed the brutal 1 principle of democracy supporters while protecting the 15 principle supporters led by the notorious Ko Tee who is currently on the run is one too!

I wonder what his take is on Batman…He wore masks as well to protect innocent civilians from the likes of people like Ko Tee.

That is PTP logic right there!!!

Not quite deserved of the pigeon award yet, but I am waiting...

Batman was a vigilante dispensing his own justice .... and a fantasy

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Ok, job done. YL is gone. Suhep can move over now. All we need now is the two main parties to sit down and talk how to move forward, for the good of the country. So still, YL and Abhisit, find common ground and get to work. The rest is history now. Both should not be in Government but can still cement a plan how to move past all this. I still adhere NOT TO A DICTATOR but to a Business cabinet, for the good of the country. Change the problems within the constitution, change electoral laws and have elections ASAP. And if 70% of the farmers are clever, this time they will know whom to vote for.

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In reply to H90 who stated “If you don't know which government was more corrupt, than I would recommend stop posting till you know a bit more from Thailand......The standard rate went up from a 5% commission to a 30% and if possible to use own companies which than results in even far more. Yes than please name which of these wealthiest people you suspect to be involved...”


Absolute rubbish the rate was never 5%!

The standard rate has always been 20% to 40% as published by an in depth Chulalongkorn University Study, which reported that the rate of kick back in the survey period between 1960 and 1990 was an average of 30% (max 40%).

Also from my own experience of doing business here since 1982, the average rate has always been 30% from 1982 until now. However, we were offered a 2% discount during Thaksin's first tenure of office at only 28%! I was an advisor to the Dems in the past and I can name the names of Democrats and MPs of most other parties and how much they asked to fix a contract, but I will not. Most expats involved in the Construction Industry are well aware of how much each party demanded prior to contract award. For this reason I know that Thaksin is not more corrupt. What is certain is that he tried to stop the coalition parties obtaining kick backs from their portfolios. As you should be aware each coalition partner is given a Ministry or Ministries to handle and they use some of the money from the kick backs to buy votes in the next election.

When they say Thaksin is more corrupt, they mean he is more corrupt by not allowing them to get a slice of the cake.

Edited by Estrada
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No worries everyone..this was Suthep's Final Final Final Final Protest.

I say..lets have an election!!

That would be nice yes. But not before electoral laws are changed and the constituencies are no longer divided in such a way the PTP can never lose even if they don't get the popular vote.

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In reply to H29 who stated “If you don't know which government was more corrupt, than I would recommend stop posting till you know a bit more from Thailand......The standard rate went up from a 5% commission to a 30% and if possible to use own companies which than results in even far more. Yes than please name which of these wealthiest people you suspect to be involved...”


Absolute rubbish the rate was never 5%!

The standard rate has always been 20% to 40% as published by an in depth Chulalongkorn University Study, which reported that the rate of kick back in the survey period between 1960 and 1990 was an average of 30% (max 40%).

Also from my own experience of doing business here since 1982, the average rate has always been 30% from 1982 until now. However, we were offered a 2% discount during Thaksin's first tenure of office at only 28%. I was an advisor to the Dems in the past and I can name the names of Democrats and MPs of most other parties and how much they asked to fix a contract, but I will not. Most expats involved in the Construction Industry are well aware of how much each party demanded prior to contract award. For this reason I know that Thaksin is not more corrupt. What is certain is that he tried to stop the coalition parties obtaining kick backs from their portfolios. As you should be aware each coalition partner is given a Ministry or Ministries to handle and they use some of the money from the kick backs to buy votes in the next election.

The study worked with averages through that period. I found that it was 20% under the DEMS and became 30 and up under Toxin. He would offer an exact company to siphon off the funds though. Nice... clap2.gif

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"Suthep was welcomed in the parliament "

How can somebody with an arrest warrant on him, and wanted for violence and seizing public properties be welcomed in the parliament ?

The wind has changed Ikke,cant you feel it.Not long to go now.

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No worries everyone..this was Suthep's Final Final Final Final Protest.

I say..lets have an election!!

That would be nice yes. But not before electoral laws are changed and the constituencies are no longer divided in such a way the PTP can never lose even if they don't get the popular vote.

All this reform....there will be no real legal reform without a full senate and house to vote on it. Don't you get it, this is the law. You need the Government to vote for reforms.

And if you are worried about the PTP getting less than a majority..yet still winning?? Now really? come on, they won 63% of vote last time, PDRC was at 37%. And this is real reform concern? It just goes to show that "Reform" is just a PDRC Slogan. Nobody has issued a public platform stating the reforms wanted by the PDRC. This is just a power struggle using reform as a basis for illegal acts.

Yes, blocking voting poles and shutting down public buildings is illegal. But I guess that's not a reform that is high on your agenda? It truly is comical. Welcome to Thailand.

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Left alone the Thaksin administration would have eventually fallen out of favour with voting public (vote buying or not) and we would have seen the end of that.

History is resplendent with examples when that fails horribly. A prime example was ASEAN neighbor Philippines, where the Marcos administration was left alone. When it eventually became evident that he would lose an election, he called it all off, declared martial law and the country ended up being destroyed as it was ruled by the despot for over two decades.

Thaksin was making exactly the same sort of moves that Marcos did, such as consolidating his forces by commandeering the police and removing all checks and balances in the branches of governement Thaksin even declared, similarly, that his party would rule Thailand for 20 years. Thaksin was a despot and we certainly would not "have seen the end of that".

The turmoil we've seen him generate over the past seven years is a testament that he would never go away quietly.

Let Thaksin retire to his Chiangmai retreat

Desports and megalomaniacs like Thaksin don't retire quietly. They flee, like Marcos, when they've lost the iron fisted control or they get murdered, like Muammar Gaddafi of Libya, when they don't flee quickly enough.

Edited by gangrel
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No worries everyone..this was Suthep's Final Final Final Final Protest.

I say..lets have an election!!

That would be nice yes. But not before electoral laws are changed and the constituencies are no longer divided in such a way the PTP can never lose even if they don't get the popular vote.

All this reform....there will be no real legal reform without a full senate and house to vote on it. Don't you get it, this is the law. You need the Government to vote for reforms.

And if you are worried about the PTP getting less than a majority..yet still winning?? Now really? come on, they won 63% of vote last time, PDRC was at 37%. And this is real reform concern? It just goes to show that "Reform" is just a PDRC Slogan. Nobody has issued a public platform stating the reforms wanted by the PDRC. This is just a power struggle using reform as a basis for illegal acts.

Yes, blocking voting poles and shutting down public buildings is illegal. But I guess that's not a reform that is high on your agenda? It truly is comical. Welcome to Thailand.

The PTP did not win 63% of the vote, more like 48%. Seats in the Parliament are another issue, as per Thailand having a mixed electoral system of popular vote and constituencies, and anyway they got 265 out of 500, which makes 53%

The PDRC were not around last elections, and anyway are not a party. The Democrat Party won about 35% of the popular vote, and 159 seats in Parliament which represents around 32%.

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Just came from Sai 4 and the Reds are massing. They are here to protect Thailand from falling into fascist hands. The courts and the senate can't do much as the Constitutional Court verdict was clear that the caretaker government will only change after the election. Suterp will never ever get his interim government. Bets are on.

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Left alone the Thaksin administration would have eventually fallen out of favour with voting public (vote buying or not) and we would have seen the end of that.

History is resplendent with examples when that fails horribly. A prime example was ASEAN neighbor Philippines, where the Marcos administration was left alone. When it eventually became evident that he would lose an election, he called it all off, declared martial law and the country ended up being destroyed as it was ruled by the despot for over two decades.

Thaksin was making exactly the same sort of moves that Marcos did, such as consolidating his forces by commandeering the police and removing all checks and balances in the branches of governement Thaksin even declared, similarly, that his party would rule Thailand for 20 years. Thaksin was a despot and we certainly would not "have seen the end of that".

The turmoil we've seen him generate over the past seven years is a testament that he would never go away quietly.

Let Thaksin retire to his Chiangmai retreat

Desports and megalomaniacs like Thaksin don't retire quietly. They flee, like Marcos, when they've lost the iron fisted control or they get murdered, like Muammar Gaddafi of Libya, when they don't flee quickly enough.

Kind of Comical. Thaksin's term as PM resulted in the single largest growth and modernization of the Thai economy. This is a fact, just look at the economic growth people!

Oh..I'm sorry, the Dems / PDRC can't talk of any successes in Government, since they have not won a democratically elected leadership role in 30 years!. That in itself says a lot.

Also, What keeps Thailand a 2nd world nation? The low paid majority. Thaksin gave these people a voice. You can't fault a man for being the voice of the majority poor.

Thaksin was found guilty of one crime... Getting into a land deal while using his wife's name. This is it! and yes, if it was done, it was most likely wrong. Do keep in mind, he was found guilty in absentia . Why? Because he was removed by a military Coup!! Who the hell wants to return to a trial when the Military is in charge after he was removed by a Coup???

Regardless, I do hope Thaksin and Yingluk just stay quiet, let the Reds do their thing with moral support from the Thaksin...and let the country move on.

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Nope, you''re wrong, he isn't afraid of jail time, more likely death.. over here a heated quarrel with the waiter begets a glock on the temple.

Is suthep a super hero yet?

Gotta love the wave of the hand and

in comes the' dough'

I wanna buy a suthep superhero outfit...!

Sent from my LG-D505 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Nope, you''re wrong, he isn't afraid of jail time, more likely death.. over here a heated quarrel with the waiter begets a glock on the temple.

Then why bring the country to its knees just to railroad the amnesty bill through? It has cost him his latest proxy government.

If he fears assassination, the amnesty bill is meaningless and wouldn't change that one iota.

It's the jail time that has kept him away.

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I doubt they will extend the session because then they have to go back to the caretaker cabinet for another 'urgent' session; The Senate can deal with the Yingluck rice case after the next election.

This 'chapter 7' thing with the Senate appointing a PM is not going to happen-so there is no reason for it to stick around w/o the lower house, the CC's verdict on the Tawil transfer put the final nail into that coffin; without a 'vacuum' the senate appointing PMs is out of the question, it probably wouldn't have happened even if the CC had taken out the entire cabinet because the government would have faught it.

It'll be interesting to see what happens.

In another thread, IIRC I believe some Red Heads opined that Yingluck was safe because it would take 90 votes to convict her. With Surachai getting 96 votes, it might not be so difficult after all.

And with the impeachment indictment now sitting in the Senate, will they extend the session?

If so, one wonders if Suthep could be gaining traction.

I can just imagine the PTP boys scrambling to negotiate with Abhist to avoid a worst case scenario.

It just keeps getting better.
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I doubt they will extend the session because then they have to go back to the caretaker cabinet for another 'urgent' session; The Senate can deal with the Yingluck rice case after the next election.

This 'chapter 7' thing with the Senate appointing a PM is not going to happen-so there is no reason for it to stick around w/o the lower house, the CC's verdict on the Tawil transfer put the final nail into that coffin; without a 'vacuum' the senate appointing PMs is out of the question, it probably wouldn't have happened even if the CC had taken out the entire cabinet because the government would have faught it.

It'll be interesting to see what happens.

In another thread, IIRC I believe some Red Heads opined that Yingluck was safe because it would take 90 votes to convict her. With Surachai getting 96 votes, it might not be so difficult after all.

And with the impeachment indictment now sitting in the Senate, will they extend the session?

If so, one wonders if Suthep could be gaining traction.

I can just imagine the PTP boys scrambling to negotiate with Abhist to avoid a worst case scenario.

It just keeps getting better.

It was reported on Thai PBS this morning that the Speaker of the Senate would convene the Senate next week to decide how best to resolve the current political situation.

No mention of Yingluck's impeachment.

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Looks like Surachai won. 96 to 51

Considering the count, it doesn't look good for Yingluck.

Sounds like there'll be nothing on a new PM for a while. For sure not tonight.

suthep praised the election of the Senate President in part of his speech tonight, and I quote, "our dream came true".

So much for the perceived independence of the new Senate President coffee1.gif

At least you had the qualifier "perceived" there. Nothing works as good as a bit of suggesting and/or insinuating.

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Considering the count, it doesn't look good for Yingluck.

Sounds like there'll be nothing on a new PM for a while. For sure not tonight.

suthep praised the election of the Senate President in part of his speech tonight, and I quote, "our dream came true".

So much for the perceived independence of the new Senate President coffee1.gif

At least you had the qualifier "perceived" there. Nothing works as good as a bit of suggesting and/or insinuating.

Well rubl lets try out your comprehension and see if it's improved. Suthep makes a speech and in it refers to the fact that "his" people were praying for the senate election to result in a President that "listens" to "his" people and then gives the election result and says "our dream" has come true.

Now call me old fashioned but I believe that Surachai was suthep's, sorry, his peoples choice. Why do you think that is, rubl, do you think it might have something to do with a possible impeachment coming up or the fact that suthep thinks the Senate President will nominate a new PM?

Go on , have a guess.

Don't tell me you're still playing the naive "everybody is independant" game?

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He also asked Suthep and his supporters not to resort to violence and illegal methods so that their demands could be met.

Hmmm..... this reeks as well...lt can be interpreted a number of ways...but none so straight forward as to say 'Hey if you are good you will get what you want Wunderkind Thaugsuban' well folks ya Suthep/Abhisit/Dems/PAD boot lickers ya got what ya wanted.. A surefire Judicial/political coup...hope you're happy with how it plays out in the long run...Thailand has leapt backwards at warp speed...fasten those seatbelts...and somebody arrest this guy... otherwise he wil not go away ....

And if he goes away what then?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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At least you had the qualifier "perceived" there. Nothing works as good as a bit of suggesting and/or insinuating.

Well rubl lets try out your comprehension and see if it's improved. Suthep makes a speech and in it refers to the fact that "his" people were praying for the senate election to result in a President that "listens" to "his" people and then gives the election result and says "our dream" has come true.

Now call me old fashioned but I believe that Surachai was suthep's, sorry, his peoples choice. Why do you think that is, rubl, do you think it might have something to do with a possible impeachment coming up or the fact that suthep thinks the Senate President will nominate a new PM?

Go on , have a guess.

Don't tell me you're still playing the naive "everybody is independant" game?

"Anyone not for me must be against me" you mean?

If all Thai were like you we would never ever get anywhere. One more reason why we need to find a few good men to force reforms and changes.

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Well rubl lets try out your comprehension and see if it's improved. Suthep makes a speech and in it refers to the fact that "his" people were praying for the senate election to result in a President that "listens" to "his" people and then gives the election result and says "our dream" has come true.

Now call me old fashioned but I believe that Surachai was suthep's, sorry, his peoples choice. Why do you think that is, rubl, do you think it might have something to do with a possible impeachment coming up or the fact that suthep thinks the Senate President will nominate a new PM?

Go on , have a guess.

Don't tell me you're still playing the naive "everybody is independant" game?

"Anyone not for me must be against me" you mean?

If all Thai were like you we would never ever get anywhere. One more reason why we need to find a few good men to force reforms and changes.

No I don't. I mean it's just one step along in the Judicial coup. It's embarrassingly obvious to most people.

By the way your "I'm just an non partisan observer" mask is slipping , force reforms and agendas? If they know what's good for them, eh?

Edited by fab4
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Nope, you''re wrong, he isn't afraid of jail time, more likely death.. over here a heated quarrel with the waiter begets a glock on the temple.

Then why bring the country to its knees just to railroad the amnesty bill through? It has cost him his latest proxy government.

If he fears assassination, the amnesty bill is meaningless and wouldn't change that one iota.

It's the jail time that has kept him away.

He did not bring the country to it's knees , the people who objected to the amnesty bill did.

IMHO the only way forward is an amnesty bill, It was a golden importunity for all the parties to get together and put the past behind them. Instead it became a case od cutting my nose of to spite my face.

Press the reset button, provide adequate reform with in the framework of a democratic system so that such reform would be accepted by all, and insure that the sins of the past are not repeated in the future


all the other nonsense are tit for tat that are destroying the country.

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He also asked Suthep and his supporters not to resort to violence and illegal methods so that their demands could be met.

Hmmm..... this reeks as well...lt can be interpreted a number of ways...but none so straight forward as to say 'Hey if you are good you will get what you want Wunderkind Thaugsuban' well folks ya Suthep/Abhisit/Dems/PAD boot lickers ya got what ya wanted.. A surefire Judicial/political coup...hope you're happy with how it plays out in the long run...Thailand has leapt backwards at warp speed...fasten those seatbelts...and somebody arrest this guy... otherwise he wil not go away ....

So forward into Thaksinland is good.

Stopping vote buying and corruption and make a government of honest people and pay the farmer well for their products is backwards? Well that I like backwards.

Stop with the Thaksin hogwash... it was never about that... it was about grabbing power.... if you think for a minute these Miraculous yet unspoken reforms are going to change the MO of the major players ( much more major than Taksin ever was) you are blinded by what I know not, but blinded nonetheless Thaksin was just the opportune target of the moment... The good old boys aren't going to give up their ways and means for any farmers benefit...much less "the people" get real... only for their people ...Money talks here and everything else comes in third...I'll be curious to see in a year much less 18 months what if anything has been reformed...Impossible when you have Courts and agencies private councils, generals, commisions that are not independant and some of which may be in someones pocket and laws that are not enforced and so on and on and on...reform will take decades and doesn't have a convenient face to bash.. because it is everyones face...Try looking at the bigger picture.

h9o ain't going to listen to you for a second. I clearly remember telling h90 in 2007 on this very same form how stupid the 2006 coup-detat was, in that the Ammat and there crowd were starting 20 years of rich verses poor democratic struggle for Thailand. Left alone the Thaksin administration would have eventually fallen out of favour with voting public (vote buying or not) and we would have seen the end of that.

But no, after the Coup-detat, then the ASC, politically motivated court case to supposedly ridding Thailand of him, taking of 49billion in assets.... Well what the <deleted>.. That is enough to keep anyone fighting and pissed off for a very long time as he only sold shares in his own company.. But no, that's not enough. Oust, Somchai, Samak, Sompong, YL and what more... Hell, stir the bees and they keep biting. This crowd just don't get it. H90 Continue to throw the fugitive word around every second sentence and continue to rabble-on. The solution here is an amnesty and cleaning of the slate... If not, hatred filled accusations will continued to be followed by violence. Let Thaksin retire to his Chiangmai retreat and become a hated statesman. Force him to stay in exile and blood will continue to boil and flow in the streets.

Please tell us who the Ammat is, you are speaking about.

It is not CP, as all the protesting groups were critic to CP as they sponsored Thaksin + if CP want a new government they could simply buy it if they want it. Either with vote buying or buying the MPs.

It is not the Singha Family

It is not the Beer Chang

It is not the major banks

It is the Bangkok middle class....that is also the reason why the outspoken reds can rant about the Ammart but never name anyone.

Sorry H90, but you and I get around in different circles. Being a quite senior businessman here with my business turning over in the billions, i do mix i the Ammart circle, the owner and are shareholders in businesses you have mentioned and many others. Go eat at the La Scala at the Sukhothai on a night that there is a 3 Star Michalin chef.... You can't, as this group will have prebooked every single table. You are nieve and in the belief you know it all. You dont. In addition to the groups that have moved into business, take a good hard look at who benefits from the Crown Properties deprt. I have friends in the Ammart that have incomes of over 1m baht a month for doing no more a days work a month. They own 10 rai family properties in bkk, holidays houses in Milan, villas in lake Como, Sydney habour and more.. I mix with them, but I have a strong spirit to support the small guy, and that is not the half intelligent bkk middle class ( the class i call social climbers).

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Well rubl lets try out your comprehension and see if it's improved. Suthep makes a speech and in it refers to the fact that "his" people were praying for the senate election to result in a President that "listens" to "his" people and then gives the election result and says "our dream" has come true.

Now call me old fashioned but I believe that Surachai was suthep's, sorry, his peoples choice. Why do you think that is, rubl, do you think it might have something to do with a possible impeachment coming up or the fact that suthep thinks the Senate President will nominate a new PM?

Go on , have a guess.

Don't tell me you're still playing the naive "everybody is independant" game?

"Anyone not for me must be against me" you mean?

If all Thai were like you we would never ever get anywhere. One more reason why we need to find a few good men to force reforms and changes.

No I don't. I mean it's just one step along in the Judicial coup. It's embarrassingly obvious to most people.

By the way your "I'm just an non partisan observer" mask is slipping , force reforms and agendas? If they know what's good for them, eh?

On Friday night, Surachai beat Jongrak Jutanont, who is supported by the pro-Pheu Thai camp, 96 to 51.

BTW if you do not know how to post without added personal attacks you would do better not to post. Your suggestion that I may have posted under false pretenses I find insulting

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"Anyone not for me must be against me" you mean?

If all Thai were like you we would never ever get anywhere. One more reason why we need to find a few good men to force reforms and changes.

No I don't. I mean it's just one step along in the Judicial coup. It's embarrassingly obvious to most people.

By the way your "I'm just an non partisan observer" mask is slipping , force reforms and agendas? If they know what's good for them, eh?

On Friday night, Surachai beat Jongrak Jutanont, who is supported by the pro-Pheu Thai camp, 96 to 51.

BTW if you do not know how to post without added personal attacks you would do better not to post. Your suggestion that I may have posted under false pretenses I find insulting

No comments on forcing reforms and agendas, then?

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Well rubl lets try out your comprehension and see if it's improved. Suthep makes a speech and in it refers to the fact that "his" people were praying for the senate election to result in a President that "listens" to "his" people and then gives the election result and says "our dream" has come true.

Now call me old fashioned but I believe that Surachai was suthep's, sorry, his peoples choice. Why do you think that is, rubl, do you think it might have something to do with a possible impeachment coming up or the fact that suthep thinks the Senate President will nominate a new PM?

Go on , have a guess.

Don't tell me you're still playing the naive "everybody is independant" game?

"Anyone not for me must be against me" you mean?

If all Thai were like you we would never ever get anywhere. One more reason why we need to find a few good men to force reforms and changes.

No I don't. I mean it's just one step along in the Judicial coup. It's embarrassingly obvious to most people.

By the way your "I'm just an non partisan observer" mask is slipping , force reforms and agendas? If they know what's good for them, eh?

On Friday night, Surachai beat Jongrak Jutanont, who is supported by the pro-Pheu Thai camp, 96 to 51.

BTW if you do not know how to post without added personal attacks you would do better not to post. Your suggestion that I may have posted under false pretenses I find insulting

If you considered the amnesty bill to be passed at the early morning as sneaky than this senate election will be ranked just as sneaky. The elctionbwas a sneaky ambiqious small part of the senate agenda that pop up during the seating and Surachai has yet to be royally endorsed. His win means zilch and will be challenged.

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No I don't. I mean it's just one step along in the Judicial coup. It's embarrassingly obvious to most people.

By the way your "I'm just an non partisan observer" mask is slipping , force reforms and agendas? If they know what's good for them, eh?

On Friday night, Surachai beat Jongrak Jutanont, who is supported by the pro-Pheu Thai camp, 96 to 51.

BTW if you do not know how to post without added personal attacks you would do better not to post. Your suggestion that I may have posted under false pretenses I find insulting

If you considered the amnesty bill to be passed at the early morning as sneaky than this senate election will be ranked just as sneaky. The elctionbwas a sneaky ambiqious small part of the senate agenda that pop up during the seating and Surachai has yet to be royally endorsed. His win means zilch and will be challenged.

Did senators get obstructed in the discussion ?

Wonder what you and a few others would have said if k. Jongrak had received enough votes to be elected.

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On Friday night, Surachai beat Jongrak Jutanont, who is supported by the pro-Pheu Thai camp, 96 to 51.

BTW if you do not know how to post without added personal attacks you would do better not to post. Your suggestion that I may have posted under false pretenses I find insulting

If you considered the amnesty bill to be passed at the early morning as sneaky than this senate election will be ranked just as sneaky. The elctionbwas a sneaky ambiqious small part of the senate agenda that pop up during the seating and Surachai has yet to be royally endorsed. His win means zilch and will be challenged.

Jatuporn was talking about this at the rally yesterday discussing the "logic" that suthep was using. The election for President of the Senate is probably illegal anyway as the Senate meeting was called to endorse Supa Piyajutti as a new member of the NACC and the appointing of Administration Court specialists only, the election for Senate President was not on the Agenda, until Surachai made it so. whistling.gif

Notwithstanding that legal question mark, there is also the little problem that Surachai needs to receive Royal endorsement before his Presidency is legal. The only person that can put forward that endorsement request is the PM.

Now if, as suthep declares, the PM is not legally in the job, he cannot forward the endorsement for Senate President, therefore the Senate President is not legally able to do anything until he receives that endorsement, so he (and the Senate) cannot put forward a new PM.


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If you considered the amnesty bill to be passed at the early morning as sneaky than this senate election will be ranked just as sneaky. The elctionbwas a sneaky ambiqious small part of the senate agenda that pop up during the seating and Surachai has yet to be royally endorsed. His win means zilch and will be challenged.

Did senators get obstructed in the discussion ?

Wonder what you and a few others would have said if k. Jongrak had received enough votes to be elected.

The same thing, because you can be damn sure the "opposition" would be all over the Senate election like a pack of wolves Democrat Party lawyers. See my other post regarding the legality of this election.

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