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Odd statistic or randomness?


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Only after coming to Thailand a few years ago have I ever come across people (only farang) who very clearly display a sad condition known as compulsive lying or mythomania.

Normally they hang around alone in bars or restaurants, desperately trying to find someone willing to listen to their increasingly fantastic stories. It is what they say that distinguish them from "ordinary" down-and-out types and alcoholics. In fact they are often well-spoken, intelligent and of decent appearance.

Observing some of the posts on TV, one might even suspect some of this behaviour occasionally manifesting itself in written form.
People with this condition are known to be over-represented among criminals. But are they over-represented among farang in Thailand?

Have I just experienced random events, or have others made this observation too?
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I missed the question / request/ or originial observation in the OP.

Must be me ... apologies ... facepalm.gif

Must be time for some more coffee for me ... coffee1.gif

Yeah, and increasingly number of farangs are venturing frivolous and silly opinions

and observations on TV...

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Life can deal some cruel blows, who knows why they feel the need to reinvent themselves and the story which brought them here. Perhaps the "real" story is too painful, or maybe too pathetic, who knows who is anyone to sit in judgement. If you dont like it, dont believe it or whatever, just smile and move on.

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Yeah,like the guys you meet that are ex Cia,or Mi5,laughable.

~ As of the current Census taken during August, 2000, the surviving U.S. Vietnam Veteran population estimate is: 1,002,511. During this Census count, the number of Americans falsely claiming to have served in-country is: 13,853,027. By this census, FOUR OUT OF FIVE WHO CLAIM TO BE Vietnam vets are not. The fall of Saigon happened 30 April 1975, two years AFTER the American military left Vietnam. The last American troops departed in their entirety 29 March 1973.


Edited by Rooo
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Yeah,like the guys you meet that are ex Cia,or Mi5,laughable.

Nothing you said makes any sense. I think you are one of those you are talking about.

Maybe i should have drawn some pictures for you instead,as you seem to be a little challenged by the written word.

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When a pub bore starts interviewing me, then I make up exaggerated fantasy stories in order to amuse myself. I don't like talking with nosey strangers. Lying creates more room to maneuver freely and it enables me to maintain my freedom from interference. If I trust you, though, then I am open and truthful.

But in general, Thais are very tolerant and forgiving people. The cost of living is low. That's why this country attracts plenty of flotsam and jetsam who have been rejected by other cultures. Some of them are sociopaths, others are losers. They wash up in Thailand and reinvent their past and backstory in order to impress locals and farangs. "I'm rich ... I'm ex-Navy Seal ... ex-SAS ..... former CEO ... etc."

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I am a senior pubologist and I can confirm the OP's observation.

In fact leading pubology teams have found that in almost every pub anywhere in the world there is at least one such aforementioned character that fits this description:

"Normally they hang around alone in bars or restaurants, desperately trying to find someone willing to listen to their increasingly fantastic stories."


and they are often'very,very,very,drunk'

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I am a senior pubologist and I can confirm the OP's observation.

In fact leading pubology teams have found that in almost every pub anywhere in the world there is at least one such aforementioned character that fits this description:

"Normally they hang around alone in bars or restaurants, desperately trying to find someone willing to listen to their increasingly fantastic stories."


Excuse me, but what does a pubologist do? Peer inside people's orifices and study their pubes?

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I met a fella who told me he was hairdresser to the queen of England, said it was a nightmare because of parking outside the palace, i ask him if he gotta permit, he said no, he was just taking a bit off the back..the tw@t .

Sent from my HTC One mini using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Excuse me, but what does a pubologist do? Peer inside people's orifices and study their pubes?

Common mistake. I think what you have in mind would be called pubeographer ... coffee1.gif

Edited by Morakot
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the worst are those veteran thai connoisseurs, u know the ones that (quote/sic) have been around since colonial days of thailand.... cheesy.gif

Truly odd since there never were any colonial days in Thailand. Is that what you meant?

Edited by thailiketoo
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I am a senior pubologist and I can confirm the OP's observation.

In fact leading pubology teams have found that in almost every pub anywhere in the world there is at least one such aforementioned character that fits this description:

"Normally they hang around alone in bars or restaurants, desperately trying to find someone willing to listen to their increasingly fantastic stories."

How nice of you to sit there and listen to their fabulous stories...whistling.gif

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the worst are those veteran thai connoisseurs, u know the ones that (quote/sic) have been around since colonial days of thailand.... cheesy.gif

Truly odd since there never were any colonial days in Thailand. Is that what you meant?

I have not heard that song in a while, thanks enjoyed it!

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When a pub bore starts interviewing me, then I make up exaggerated fantasy stories in order to amuse myself. I don't like talking with nosey strangers. Lying creates more room to maneuver freely and it enables me to maintain my freedom from interference. If I trust you, though, then I am open and truthful.

But in general, Thais are very tolerant and

forgiving people. The cost of living is low. That's why this country attracts plenty of flotsam and jetsam who have been rejected by other cultures. Some of them are sociopaths, others are losers. They wash up in Thailand and reinvent their past and backstory in order to impress locals and farangs. "I'm rich ... I'm ex-Navy Seal ... ex-SAS ..... former CEO ... etc."

Me too. I've told those I work in the oil fields in ....... I've been ex foreign legion, SAS ect. Gets free beer
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Life can deal some cruel blows, who knows why they feel the need to reinvent themselves and the story which brought them here. Perhaps the "real" story is too painful, or maybe too pathetic, who knows who is anyone to sit in judgement. If you dont like it, dont believe it or whatever, just smile and move on.

Yea, I think this sums it up. I've pretty much seen older ppl doing this all my life. However, when a man is no longer defined by his actions, and faces the enormous lack of... something inside, reliving the past or even reinventing it probably enables them to better face the long dark night. Having said that, Thailand does have many FAGs (Former Action Guys). Like others it's a great place to settle down when discarded by the state. So have a grain of salt, a little patience, and perhaps occasional respect- there really are men who have done incredible things for which they've no recompense, only a fools tale.

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The guys I know who actually were something special in the military don't like to talk about it. For many the memories aren't good and they'd just as soon forget it. Yes they were special and very brave, but they were also human and scared. I know some who have PTSD.

My dad wasn't special forces but he's alive at 97 and was at D-Day and he fought along with British soldiers liberating France and then on into Belgium we he was severely wounded just before the Battle of The Bulge.

He has a bronze star for bravery in battle and a purple heart for being wounded in battle. Getting him to talk about it is like pulling teeth. All of these decades he's done is best to forget it. The things he saw and did are terrible memories.

If you met him you'd never know he was in the military unless you asked. Then you wouldn't get the whole story including the medals.

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