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ASEAN summit: Leaders urge 'peaceful solution' in Thailand


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Leaders urge 'peaceful solution' in Thailand

Supalak Ganjanakhundee
The Nation, Nay Pyi Taw May


ASEAN CHIEFS back hun sen call for statement despite some hesitation

BANGKOK: -- Asean yesterday adopted a recommendation by Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen that the grouping - which has had a policy of non-interference in other members' affairs - issue a statement on Thailand's ongoing political crisis.

The statement called for all conflicting parties in Thailand to end the ongoing political crisis peacefully and democratically.

"Asean member states continue to follow closely the recent developments in Thailand and emphasise their full support for a peaceful resolution to the ongoing challenge in the country through dialogue and in full respect of democratic principles and rule of law," the statement by Asean foreign ministers said.

"Asean expressed confidence in the resilience of the Thai nation to overcome the present difficulties and stand ready to extend all appropriate support based on the principles provided in its charter."

Hun Sen suggested before the leaders summit in the Myanmar capital Nay Pyi Taw yesterday he would propose that the regional group issue a statement on the political crisis in Thailand to reflect Asean's view.

But it was Asean foreign ministers who issued the statement, an official said.

Hun Sen was regarded as a close political ally of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who has been at the core of conflict in Thai politics for many years.

Caretaker Deputy Prime Minister Phongthep Thepkanjana, who represented Thailand in the Asean summit, said his government listened to all voices and views on the political crisis.

Phongthep had to attend the summit as he was assigned to oversee the Ministry of Foreign Affairs after Surapong Tovichakchaikul was dismissed from the office following the Constitutional Court's verdict last week regarding the unlawful transfer of National Security Council chief Thawil Pliensri.

Yingluck Shinawatra was also ousted as prime minister by the court.

"I understand that Asean leaders gave importance to political development in Thailand and I reassured them that Thailand has a long history of democracy and we will go along this democratic way," Phongthep told reporters in Nay Pyi Taw.

The government had put a lot of effort into trying to solve the conflict by peaceful means and stage a new election in accordance with the constitution, he said.

There was some reluctance to issue the statement on the political crisis.

Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa had initially prepared a draft statement when Surapong was still foreign minister. It was later adjusted by the Myanmar chair. But some ministers had second thoughts over recent days, suggesting it might be too difficult for the group to take a proper stance on the rapidly changing situation in Thailand, a source said.

Asean ministers tread the finest line in order to avoid Thailand's warring parties from misinterpreting the statement and believing it to take the side of one group.

Asean leaders issued a statement on the political crisis on December 14 when they gathered in Tokyo for the Asean-Japan summit. They called for Thailand to solve the problem within a democratic framework and rule of law, promote national reconciliation and return of normalcy in accordance with the will and interest of the people of Thailand.

-- The Nation 2014-05-12

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Asean ministers tread the finest line in order to avoid Thailand's warring parties from misinterpreting the statement and believing it to take the side of one group.

Not like Hun Sen is un-biased at all. rolleyes.gif

However, it is probably a good thing that ASEAN members make a break with usual protocol and take a position on the Thai political crisis, massive corruption & destruction of the local rice economy with regards to Thailand's contribution to ASEAN and the global community over the next couple of generations.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Asean ministers tread the finest line in order to avoid Thailand's warring parties from misinterpreting the statement and believing it to take the side of one group.

Not like Hun Sen is un-biased at all. alt=rolleyes.gif>

However, it is probably a good thing that ASEAN members make a break with usual protocol and take a position on the Thai political crisis, massive corruption & destruction of the local rice economy with regards to Thailand's contribution to ASEAN and the global community over the next couple of generations.

Problem is most of Asean countries are just as corrupt and still have massive problems ,all of which are the same as Thailand's , in some cases if they could do a Suthep they would , unfortunately they do not have that freedom or democracy

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When I saw that photo the old childhood rhyme came to mind :

There were ten in the bed and the little one said roll over.

So they all rolled over and one fell out.

It would seem there are not very many of them in that group who come from countries who practice democracy, nor have in the past found peaceful solutions to their own problems.

Still if there were ways they could help to get this country out of the mess it is in that would be good.

However I don't know if that would be possible of even if the will would be there as investment, manufacturing and tourism departing Thailand could be seen as an opportunity by some neighbors.

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That awkward moment.

The right arm of the guy on the right cheesy.gif

Being a politician there could be a temptation to put his hand in the next fellas pocket.

Now theres a thought, holding hands like that could be to prevent such a thing.

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....These ASEAN members (minus the Thai representative)....should issue a statement suspending Thailand from ASEAN until it "behaves"

As few Thai's actually understand a thing about what Asean means they wouldn't know what it meant if they were not in it ! Those that do know anything mainly fear it and don't really want to be involved in it, so i think suspension or expulsion would come as a blessing.

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Still if there were ways they could help to get this country out of the mess it is in that would be good.

There is nothing like an international group issuing a call for calm and for peaceful settlements to inspire others to get busy and solve their problems. Who ever would have thought of a "peaceful solution" in Thailand if it were not for Asean?

A poster above got this right. The story is not that Asean wants a "peaceful solution" what else WOULD Asean want? That's right up there with the Asean discovery of the direction of the sunrise. It is mildly interesting that Asean addressed the subject, that is the lead, that they had the guts to say anything at all.

This all occurred just before Asean refused to back its own two members, Vietnam and the Philippines, who are being bullied, abused and physically attacked by China. And that pusillanimity by the Asean group is *also* not news. The inability of Asean to call for a peaceful solution to an actual, physical battle between China and Vietnam is not newsworthy at all, it really isn't.

Asean has its uses for sure, but it is useless on politics, diplomacy and similar. No I take that back. It is worse than useless, because of its pretenses.


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I bet this is not what Surapong wants the world to hear.. he wants them to convict the anti government and he lied and twisted words all the time. Good to see this government going down more and more.. if the elections are postponed then its the end.

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