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Acting Thai Prime Minister Niwatthamrong insists on elections


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BANGKOK: -- Acting prime minister insisted Monday that new elections are the only way to resolve to the protracted political crisis.

is this man in touch with reality - or in touch with Dubai

Elections will solve nothing - surely he should know that

History repeats itself here proving beyond any doubt that the political system is broken - tell me I'm wrong and why

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BANGKOK: -- Acting prime minister insisted Monday that new elections are the only way to resolve to the protracted political crisis.

is this man in touch with reality - or in touch with Dubai

Elections will solve nothing - surely he should know that

History repeats itself here proving beyond any doubt that the political system is broken - tell me I'm wrong and why

You are wrong because you are deluded into thinking that you are more part of the elites and rich groups of Thailand than the poor ones. It is a delusion many westerners share here and goes like

I am richer than a taxi driver, bar girl or room maid.... they are northern and red shirts for the most parts, therefore, as I am wealthier, I must be rich and part of the elites here and as such must share their dated views.

Elections solve more than fascism and dictator ship, so you were totally wrong on that.

I'm assuming your real name is smedly.. If not, you've even got your name wrong :)

History repeating itself shows that oppressive regimes are overthrown. So why hope that another coup in a country where the population are getting tech savvy and have access to internet and information would last any longer than the other 19 coups?

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"Democracy? I want nothing to do with a system which operates on the premise that my rights don't exist simply because I am outnumbered." - R. Lee Wrights

hey thanks for that quote terryp , I will remember it. It is a truth, that I have been struggling to find.

I live in New Zealand and well which ever side wins the Government we still have good say,

and the Government does not twist the country around the profit and corruption of its own interest.

Thailand has become evil in a sad way.

Shinawatra bought the votes and was preparing to take the entire country, army

police and bureaucracy into his own realm

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Niwatthamrong Boonsongpaisan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niwatthamrong_Boonsongpaisan

"A close business associate of Thaksin Shinawatra, he served as the Chairman of the Executive Committee-Media and Advertising front of Shin Corporation since 1995 and as Vice Chairman since 2000.[3] Boonsongpaisan served from 2001 to 2002 as Vice Chairman of iTV and from 1993 to 1995, director of that company between 2002 and 2008, and a member of the board of directors between 2001 to March 16, 2006"

"He served as director of the controversial rice pledging scheme, where rice was bought at inflated prices from farmers and subsequently was left to rot due to lack of buyers.[2] On 30 June 2013 he was appointed Minster of Commerce and a deputy prime minister in the cabinet of Yingluck Shinawatra."

Thailand's New PM Seen Capable of Compromises, Not Miracles http://www.voanews.com/content/thailands-new-pm-seen-capable-of-compromises-not-miracles/1909538.html

"Niwatthamrong has been in and around the fringes of Thai politics for years and has earned the trust of Thaksin Shinawatra"

"Niwatthamrong was chief executive of broadcaster iTV, the once independent television channel that became the Shinawatras' public relations machine when Thaksin's telecoms conglomerate Shin Corporation bought a majority stake in it"

"Niwatthamrong was an executive with Shin Corp where he sat on board meetings with Yingluck, who was at the time a CEO of its unit, cellphone operator Advanced Info Service.

He was brought into politics to help neophyte Yingluck in 2011 as part of a team that crafted her public image and swept her to power in a landslide election win."

This guy's appointment, as 'acting' caretaker PM, is proof, if any was needed, that Thaksin controls the PTP. The current 'acting' caretaker PM (who was never an MP and, therefore, cannot legally be PM) has been Thaksin's boy for 18 years. This guy has been at the heart of Thaksin/PTP corruption during the last 3 years. Yingluck may not be corrupt but this guy certainly is. This guy will say anything Thaksin directs him to. Anyone who trusts this guy is either a Thaksin lover or a dupe.

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Only after they have an appointed (their own) PM, and a dramatic reformation to the electoral process, to ensure they get the correct result. Preferably not allowing the the ignorant and uneducated to vote.

Are you serious or is that a joke?

Sadly he is serious. Those are the exact words that many on Suthep's side of the fence use to describe their belief that the franchise should be based on their interpretation of intelligence,

and the PDRC's proposed 'reforms' are designed to make them win elections as they are unable to do so at the moment

I agree Millwall and CP. I have heard several middle-class Thais say this (all Chinese-Thais). For example, if you put the point to them that the Thaksin parties such as PT won majorities at previous elections, their rejoinder is that those people who voted for PT are ignorant and/or uneducated 'farmers' and such ignoramuses should not be allowed to vote.

No, really they say that!

This country is incredible! It's like being in former South Africa or Rhodesia. I can't imagine anywhere else in the world where middle-classes 'think' like this and would dare to say it openly. This is Southeast-Asian apartheid - one of the most racist countries in the world.

And remember that the PAD's top man, the Chinese-Thai, Sondhi Limthongkul, hated democracy so much that he proposed that even the lower house of parliament should be mainly appointed, not elected! (see 'Thaksin' [silkworm Books, 2009] p.332]

Actually the stupidest people I have met in Thailand are not the maligned farmers of Isaan (they are often very smart, actually) but rather these middle-class Thais. They can't argue, they can't debate; they know little of what happens elsewhere in the world. They just have their silly prejudices.

I know very little about the Bangkok middle class, I try to minimize my time in Bangkok.

In my eight years in Chiang Mai I've met many Thais, mostly current or former Chiang Mai University students, who have really impressed me with their intelligence, work ethic and ambition. None of them are from Muang Chaing Mai, they're all from small towns and villages in the north, with one young man from Isaan. Many of them have poorly educated parents who worked hard so their children would have a better life, and taught their children to work hard as well.

It really ticks me off when I read of northern or northeastern Thais described as stupid, lazy, not qualified to vote and not ready for Democracy. I really don't care what are the politics of these Thais, but I definitely believe they have a right to vote and have their votes count.

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BANGKOK: -- Acting prime minister insisted Monday that new elections are the only way to resolve to the protracted political crisis.

is this man in touch with reality - or in touch with Dubai

Elections will solve nothing - surely he should know that

History repeats itself here proving beyond any doubt that the political system is broken - tell me I'm wrong and why

You are wrong because you are deluded into thinking that you are more part of the elites and rich groups of Thailand than the poor ones. It is a delusion many westerners share here and goes like

I am richer than a taxi driver, bar girl or room maid.... they are northern and red shirts for the most parts, therefore, as I am wealthier, I must be rich and part of the elites here and as such must share their dated views.

Elections solve more than fascism and dictator ship, so you were totally wrong on that.

I'm assuming your real name is smedly.. If not, you've even got your name wrong smile.png

History repeating itself shows that oppressive regimes are overthrown. So why hope that another coup in a country where the population are getting tech savvy and have access to internet and information would last any longer than the other 19 coups?

you just made my point and you don't even realise

oppressive regimes = PTP

And not trying to insult you - but you honestly have absolutely no clue what you are talking about blink.png

History very clearly shows us all that the political system is broken - 19 coups ? you said it not me thumbsup.gif

Something needs to change here (and against all odds) as sure as your nose is on your face thumbsup.gif

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Sadly he is serious. Those are the exact words that many on Suthep's side of the fence use to describe their belief that the franchise should be based on their interpretation of intelligence,

and the PDRC's proposed 'reforms' are designed to make them win elections as they are unable to do so at the moment

I agree Millwall and CP. I have heard several middle-class Thais say this (all Chinese-Thais). For example, if you put the point to them that the Thaksin parties such as PT won majorities at previous elections, their rejoinder is that those people who voted for PT are ignorant and/or uneducated 'farmers' and such ignoramuses should not be allowed to vote.

No, really they say that!

This country is incredible! It's like being in former South Africa or Rhodesia. I can't imagine anywhere else in the world where middle-classes 'think' like this and would dare to say it openly. This is Southeast-Asian apartheid - one of the most racist countries in the world.

And remember that the PAD's top man, the Chinese-Thai, Sondhi Limthongkul, hated democracy so much that he proposed that even the lower house of parliament should be mainly appointed, not elected! (see 'Thaksin' [silkworm Books, 2009] p.332]

Actually the stupidest people I have met in Thailand are not the maligned farmers of Isaan (they are often very smart, actually) but rather these middle-class Thais. They can't argue, they can't debate; they know little of what happens elsewhere in the world. They just have their silly prejudices.

I know very little about the Bangkok middle class, I try to minimize my time in Bangkok.

In my eight years in Chiang Mai I've met many Thais, mostly current or former Chiang Mai University students, who have really impressed me with their intelligence, work ethic and ambition. None of them are from Muang Chaing Mai, they're all from small towns and villages in the north, with one young man from Isaan. Many of them have poorly educated parents who worked hard so their children would have a better life, and taught their children to work hard as well.

It really ticks me off when I read of northern or northeastern Thais described as stupid, lazy, not qualified to vote and not ready for Democracy. I really don't care what are the politics of these Thais, but I definitely believe they have a right to vote and have their votes count.

Yes you are 100% correct - just stop paying them for it and allow free and fair elections without intimidation and vote buying - I bet you'd get an honest answer from these people you meet if you asked them about how elections are run up there - I have

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I know very little about the Bangkok middle class, I try to minimize my time in Bangkok.

In my eight years in Chiang Mai I've met many Thais, mostly current or former Chiang Mai University students, who have really impressed me with their intelligence, work ethic and ambition. None of them are from Muang Chaing Mai, they're all from small towns and villages in the north, with one young man from Isaan. Many of them have poorly educated parents who worked hard so their children would have a better life, and taught their children to work hard as well.

It really ticks me off when I read of northern or northeastern Thais described as stupid, lazy, not qualified to vote and not ready for Democracy. I really don't care what are the politics of these Thais, but I definitely believe they have a right to vote and have their votes count.

Yes you are 100% correct - just stop paying them for it and allow free and fair elections without intimidation and vote buying - I bet you'd get an honest answer from these people you meet if you asked them about how elections are run up there - I have

Again the claim of intimidation and vote buying. Suthep's thugs demonstrated they are happy to use intimidation during the February election. Regarding vote buying, no one has presented evidence of election fraud on a scale to change the results of a national election. I don't know who you have been talking to, but if you have such evidence you should present it.

One thing the defenders of the "traditional institutions", i.e., the military, courts, and anti-Democrats, conveniently overlook is that the majority of Thais have turned against them because the traditional institutions have traditionally neglected the majority. When Thaksin was first elected Prime Minister in 2000 90% of government investment was in Bangkok http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21595453-both-sides-stand-must-back-down-or-risk-their-countrys-disintegration-way-out. By 2012 this was down to 72% http://www.worldbank.org/en/news/feature/2012/05/10/thailand-public-finance-management-review-report. Obviously 17% of the population receiving 72% of government spending this was still ridiculously unfair.

The World Bank thinks so, and argues that a more equitable distribution of government investment if necessary for Thailand's economic progress http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2012/05/09/000333037_20120509003158/Rendered/PDF/685510ESW00PUB0y0Note0master0120501.pdf. So by voting for the parties that have been shifting government investment from over-served Bangkok to the under-served rest of the country the majority have not only been voting in their interests, but in the best interests of the country. That's pretty smart of them, isn't it?

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