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Mae Sai Border Run - Thu 15 May - Share Ride Available


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Hello All

Effective immediately AYA have ceased their Mae Sai mini van runs.

Therefore I'm considering driving up there myself on Thursday if anybody is looking for a ride.

I'm fine to do the driving, but am just asking that we split the petrol costs.

Leave in the morning, back in the afternoon, with minimal stops.

Please PM me if interested.


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I was thinking myself of the financial set back now on the silver van companies.

Each van is turning over 7/8,000 bt a day and there are dozens up there every day.

Suddenly their van loans are going going to be difficult to finance.

Drivers out of work, your agents with no commission.

As for the green bus......I wish I had bought some shares. I think you will see more green buses now.

How things can change on a sixpence, I wonder if the immi had theforesight to anticipate this?

OP, you are now in the driving seat literally

Win win.....do you have a work permit to be a trip driver..hahaha

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Haha. Of course.

Yes, i think AYA were running at least a few van's a day, and that's just one company, in one city. Plus as you say, there's the countless tour operators who will all lose one of their guaranteed (daily) income streams.

I have seen the future, and the future is Green Bus! Or Red Truck...

As always in Thailand, best to be flexible.

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I would be interested if there is a ride still available. I was planning to go on Saturday as I work, but I could see if it was possible to have the day off on Thursday to enable me to join in.I would be able to let you know tomorrow.

Regards, Heather

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I would be interested if there is a ride still available. I was planning to go on Saturday as I work, but I could see if it was possible to have the day off on Thursday to enable me to join in.I would be able to let you know tomorrow.

Regards, Heather

Hi Heather

Sure thing. Yes please let me know tomorrow if you would like to join in.

Thank you


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The visa run companies are probably already putting pressure on immigration authorities, & in a few months the back to back re-entry clampdown will be relaxed, & then abandoned. Seems to happen in cycles....

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Yeah, we'll probably see a dozen silver minibuses blockading parliament. If that doesn't change immigration policy, nothing will.

Guess you haven't been here long. ALL CRACKDOWNS in thailand go in cycles. Nothing to do with parliament.

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Remember back in 2006-07 when the send your passport on a holiday as its owner stayed in the bar was made illegal.That had an affect but they went further by cutting the 30 day land entry to 15 day entry by land. You could hear the screaming in CNX all the way to the UK but the best was when the money requirement for marriage was set at 400,000 baht ONLY NO 40k per month allowed, that finished it.facepalm.gif

Edited by khwaibah
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Yeah, we'll probably see a dozen silver minibuses blockading parliament. If that doesn't change immigration policy, nothing will.

Guess you haven't been here long. ALL CRACKDOWNS in thailand go in cycles. Nothing to do with parliament.

Long enough to know that immigration policy isn't dictated by a handful of disgruntled minibus operators. The parliament reference was in jest :-)

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I think to have an effective crackdown and a permanent change of policy you need an effective government which there is isn't at the moment. Since there is no proper government the immigration policy may blow about in the wind. Fast forward 4 months and there may be a relaxation? Having said that as the years pass things seems to be getting stricter . I wouldn't be surprised if the long overstay 20k fine goes to 50 k or 100 k and you spend some time in jail with an effective blacklist thrown in as a bonus.

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I guess that some of you might be on double entry or triple entry tourist visa's?

I know the clampdown should not affect this type of visa BUT would be interesting to know if they ask for any additional info eg. proof of funds, where you living etc?

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Please report back on the run to Mae Sai. I have gone in and out one time, and I want to do it once again before I leave to go back home.- I was thinking of driving up on Saturday the 17th.

My only other option is a 7 day extension and then pay a couple days overstay at the airport when my flight leaves on June 2nd.

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Hello All

A successful trip was had. It should be noted that i was activating a pre-existing Tourist Visa, so it wasn't a 2/4 week out-in.

Some points of note that may be of interest to TV members.

* There was a noticeable lack of foreigners. I think i saw 2 others the whole time i was there, instead of maybe the usual 10 or 20?

* The actual processing was the same as always. They did have a good look at my stamps and visa, but didn't ask any questions. Due to the lack of foreigners it was the fastest processing i've experienced. Barely any waiting.

* There were laminated A4 signs posted regarding the new rules, placed at the windows where you talk to the officers. While i didn't see anyone attempt a Visa exempt entry, it would appear that the new rules are in place and enforced.

I'm no expert, but from what i gather you can do 1 out-in via land, and then you have to leave the country via Air.

@steveolevi - if you've already done 1 out-in, and you have to extend again, my advice would be to get the 7 day extension here, and then pay your overstay at the airport.

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Thanks much for the report scd.

I talked to an immigration officer today who called his friend, and fellow officer, at Mae Sai Border check, and was told the same thing - 1 out and in. He advised me to do the same as you have suggested - seven day extension, and pay the overstay at CNX airport before my flight back home.

What time is advisable to go to CNX immigration to do the 7 day extension? super early and get in the que? Can I mosey on in at 10 am and go to the information counter and get it done?

Thanks scd

Edited by steveolevi
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I think to have an effective crackdown and a permanent change of policy you need an effective government which there is isn't at the moment. Since there is no proper government the immigration policy may blow about in the wind. Fast forward 4 months and there may be a relaxation? Having said that as the years pass things seems to be getting stricter . I wouldn't be surprised if the long overstay 20k fine goes to 50 k or 100 k and you spend some time in jail with an effective blacklist thrown in as a bonus.

That blacklist thing could become a permanent thing if and when they get the finger printing up and going.

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Thanks much for the report scd.

I talked to an immigration officer today who called his friend, and fellow officer, at Mae Sai Border check, and was told the same thing - 1 out and in. He advised me to do the same as you have suggested - seven day extension, and pay the overstay at CNX airport before my flight back home.

What time is advisable to go to CNX immigration to do the 7 day extension? super early and get in the que? Can I mosey on in at 10 am and go to the information counter and get it done?

Thanks scd

I'm assuming the 7 day extension process is similar to the 30 day extension.

10am would be fine, though you will have a bit of a wait.

I do mine at around 1:30pm. By that time there is not many people there to get extensions, and the room isn't quite as full either. With a bit of luck you'll be in and out in 30 mins.

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