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Some questions about a leave of absence and the work permit

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I was pondering this over the recent summer break. Two possible scenarios:

Scenario 1: I go home for a week vacation (making sure to secure the necessary re-entry permit), but while I'm home something happens that requires my extended stay. For example let's say a parent passes away. I'd have to delay my return trip back to Thailand for several weeks while I take care of funeral arrangements and matters of estate. I call my school to let them know what has happened and that I won't be able to make it back in time for the start of the term. Obviously they'll have to find a substitute for me.

Scenario 2: I decide to take a break from teaching - just for one term - but I'm on good terms with my school and they've indicated that they'd gladly take me back when I return the following term.

Scenario 2a: I take my break but remain in Thailand.

Scenario 2b: I take my break and fly back home for a few months.

Would both of these scenarios necessarily result in the termination of my work permit? Does the school have some discretion about that? I'm wondering if I could hold on to my WP and still be technically employed, just not showing up and not getting paid. I know the school really does not want to go through the paperwork hassle for a brand-new WP and B visa (that poor HR lady looks absolutely miserable sitting there next to me at immigration for half a day) so it would be to everybody's benefit if they just put me on a leave of absence until I could return.

I have two aging parents back home and this is going to come up at some point.

Edited by attrayant
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