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Suthep asks public to push Senate for interim PM


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" Mr Suthep claimed that currently there is no prime minister to govern the country, saying emphatically that the person who claims himself as acting premier has no legitimacy or authority to run the country. "

Whatever else you may say about Suthep, he is absolutely correct on this point - right down the line. There is no provision in the constitution that allows for a prime minister to be nominated from a cabinet - caretaker or otherwise - full or half empty. None. Zero. It doesn't exist. There is a provision in the constitution for nominating a prime minister either through a quorum-filled parliament, or through the Senate in the event of a quorum - less parliament. Suthep urges the Senate to " consider " nominating " a " prime minister - not him - " a " prime minister - as per the constitution. Never, never , never has Suthep ever said he wants to be prime minister. He doesn't here either. For those who can't hear properly, we'll say it again. Never. In fact, he has said - repeatedly - that he doesn't want the job. We'll say that again for the hard of hearing. Repeatedly. It is very much to Thaksin's narrative advantage if Suthep did, of course, but what Thaksin says on this subject is relegated to his supporters, and to nursery school. His audience is ensured in both departments.

There is a path out of this crisis. It's called the constitution. It's time for the constitution to be allowed to act under these specific set of circumstances. There will always be those who disagree with it. But that just means they don't want the constitution enforced. Even Jatuporn cites Article 7. So that means he acknowledges it, doesn't it ? If so, he has no business telling people that they can't consider what is in the constitution. What gives him that right ? You have one man who says - consider what the constitution says. And you have another man who says - don't.

The Pheu Thai " administration " has no legitimacy - from the standpoint of a myriad of constitutional articles. A myriad.

you are wrong the PM there sit now sit as a substitut or as PM intil there come a selection where all thai city cent from 18 or 21 years old have right to vote. When the selection is finish then you will know who there go be the next PM.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Suthep is correct. There is no legal acting PM right now, so the who ever reach the finish line first gets the job. Suthep, with the support of millions of real people is in a clear lead to be our supreme leader by far.

Firstly let me correct the first part of your erroneous post: Suthep is a madman. Secondly, as just about every constitutional lawyer has opined, there is a legal PM (but maybe they should talk to you if you have a better understanding of the law??). Thirdly, if you're confident of the numbers, we can put you down as in favour of an election I guess, especially given this report http://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/newmandala/2014/05/01/electoral-integrity-in-thailand/ on how elections are relativelyt clean in Thailand. Or are you afraid of the results? Those "millions" may evaporate into the fantasy they came from.

The work by Max Gromping is cherry picked data at best and makes erroneous conclusions based on fabricated methodologies. How can you summarise an electoral system as fair when murder and vote buying are the campaign tools of choice. Despite its academic appearances, this work is trash science at its best.

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Suthep achieved his aim to get rid of the Shin PM so please go home and leave us all in peace your job is done !

He can't go home... If he does, the situation will be right back to pre-protest days.

A shin will be PM and a PTP government will set about replacing ALL insepemdant agencies and courts (NACC) with fully controllable Thaksin supporting elements. Then they will put together a new senate system to get control of the senate and introduce a new amnesty bill that will get Thaksin back in power and put Suthep, Abhisit and all their opponents in prison.

If this grandfather of all protests fails, the Thaksin regime will believe it is totally legitimate and able to fend off any and all attacks, and so it is able to continue to screw as much money out of the coffers as they like and take control of every democratic principle so that the regime can never be taken down ever again.

Suthep can NOT stop until the job is completely done... There is NO current mandate from the people, that ended back in March.. We have an unqualified 'acting' PM which is a diluted version of a 'caretaker' PM and a 50% decimated 'caretaker' cabinet that thinks it has the power to push around a 100% functioning senate, the ONLY democratic office that actually holds ANY 'real' power at this time.

In my opinion.... Suthep stays till the job is complete and we can have a 100% NON Thaksin influenced system and at a minimum electoral reforms to make the next election totally free and fair that the Dems will win at a canter. Then run the country for a reform period and then hold a new election.

100% NON Thaksin = Political Ethnic Cleansing ???

What about the the Thais that want '100% NON Suthep' also? Oh sorry you need to have an election to get him sorted out tongue.png

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Suthep is correct. There is no legal acting PM right now, so the who ever reach the finish line first gets the job. Suthep, with the support of millions of real people is in a clear lead to be our supreme leader by far.

Firstly let me correct the first part of your erroneous post: Suthep is a madman. Secondly, as just about every constitutional lawyer has opined, there is a legal PM (but maybe they should talk to you if you have a better understanding of the law??). Thirdly, if you're confident of the numbers, we can put you down as in favour of an election I guess, especially given this report http://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/newmandala/2014/05/01/electoral-integrity-in-thailand/ on how elections are relativelyt clean in Thailand. Or are you afraid of the results? Those "millions" may evaporate into the fantasy they came from.

The work by Max Gromping is cherry picked data at best and makes erroneous conclusions based on fabricated methodologies. How can you summarise an electoral system as fair when murder and vote buying are the campaign tools of choice. Despite its academic appearances, this work is trash science at its best.

when murder and vote buying are the campaign tools of choice ... cheesy.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif... you are kidding me, I think you should read some of the other post on current myths about the influence of vote buying, which by the way is it well documented the democrats have done the same in the south..

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Suthep is correct. There is no legal acting PM right now, so the who ever reach the finish line first gets the job. Suthep, with the support of millions of real people is in a clear lead to be our supreme leader by far.

NO!! because he's a F_____g criminal he has chosen an ilegal path disturbing the lives of millions in BKK and costing the country billions of baht and many deaths. This is NOT the way you become PM and if they let them in they will only teach the wrong message.

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Suthep "asks public to push Senate for interim PM."

Suthep doesn't trust the Public to directly vote for the next House and PM without all his reforms in place, yet he asks the Public to pressure the Senate to appoint an interim PM without his reforms in place. And that somehow protects democracy and the Public's participation in the electoral process. I It would seem that Suthep doesn't really understand the meaning of democracy (he's never been elected to office) and if he thinks the public would choose to willingly give up its right to vote on those who propose to govern them, he might be surprised by a vigorous electorate.

And maybe that's Suthep's whole point. Democracy, as he and many PDRC supporters have suggested, needs TO BE ASIDE until the nation is "capable" of being a true democracy. The nation should swallow itself into a de facto oligarch government to be led by the "right" candidates voted upon by the "right" people. If the Thai people fall for Suthep's rhetoric, they do not deserve democracy and should not lament their loss. .

"Let us never forget that govrnment is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a President and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

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Suthep is the biggest fake to ever enter into Thai politics. Anyone who believes that he has thought up and carried out what has been going on for the last 6 months is greatly mistaken, Suthep hasn't got the brains for this. There must be some well off elitist above him somewhere using him to carry this out for their own benefit, whether it be for financial, power or revenge reasons

Suthep would be the ideal choice, because in his long career the only outstanding things Suthep has done is to rip off people over land deals and bring down two governments. Now it looks like Thailand will soon be on its knees.

If someone doesn't find a way to get rid of Suthep soon, good advice, particularly for Expats would be to leave Thailand.

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Suthep is the biggest fake to ever enter into Thai politics. Anyone who believes that he has thought up and carried out what has been going on for the last 6 months is greatly mistaken, Suthep hasn't got the brains for this. There must be some well off elitist above him somewhere using him to carry this out for their own benefit, whether it be for financial, power or revenge reasons

Suthep would be the ideal choice, because in his long career the only outstanding things Suthep has done is to rip off people over land deals and bring down two governments. Now it looks like Thailand will soon be on its knees.

If someone doesn't find a way to get rid of Suthep soon, good advice, particularly for Expats would be to leave Thailand.

And this futile talk of democracy, what a joke. It doesn't truly exist in any country in the world. Do you believe Thailand will be the first ? Carry out reforms for the next 100 years and it will make no difference.

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Its only right and proper that the wealthy university educated Bangkok yellow shirted elite should be governing and ruling Thailand all the poor uneducated redshirt peasants can go back home to their bamboo huts and plant / harvest the rice for us to eat at our celebrating large banquets or the military will come back and sort you peasants out with some live blanks.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Its only right and proper that the wealthy university educated Bangkok yellow shirted elite should be governing and ruling Thailand all the poor uneducated redshirt peasants can go back home to their bamboo huts and plant / harvest the rice for us to eat at our celebrating large banquets or the military will come back and sort you peasants out with some live blanks.

And you wonder why with people with the attitude why there problems in this country. This is got to be the most racist remark made here. Person should be ban for such remarks.

Edited by Mango Bob
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Its only right and proper that the wealthy university educated Bangkok yellow shirted elite should be governing and ruling Thailand all the poor uneducated redshirt peasants can go back home to their bamboo huts and plant / harvest the rice for us to eat at our celebrating large banquets or the military will come back and sort you peasants out with some live blanks.

If this was not written "tongue-in-cheek", and is seriously what you believe in,then, in my opinion, and probably the opinion of quite a few others, your comments show you to be one of the most repulsive individuals to ever be called a human being.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Its only right and proper that the wealthy university educated Bangkok yellow shirted elite should be governing and ruling Thailand all the poor uneducated redshirt peasants can go back home to their bamboo huts and plant / harvest the rice for us to eat at our celebrating large banquets or the military will come back and sort you peasants out with some live blanks.

And you wonder why with people with the attitude why there problems in this country. This is got to be the most racist remark made here. Person should be ban for such remarks.

All Thais is a single race, and unit under a single religion and one father.

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I think if we all knew half of what is really happening behind the scenes concerning something that we are forbidden to discuss, then we would all be of the opinion that the struggle between the government and anti-government supporters really has nothing to do with 'the people'. Such a shame that almost all are being misled or blinded by rhetoric, fairy tales and lies.

It's going to get ugly soon and people won't even know what they are really fighting for or against.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Its only right and proper that the wealthy university educated Bangkok yellow shirted elite should be governing and ruling Thailand all the poor uneducated redshirt peasants can go back home to their bamboo huts and plant / harvest the rice for us to eat at our celebrating large banquets or the military will come back and sort you peasants out with some live blanks.

And you wonder why with people with the attitude why there problems in this country. This is got to be the most racist remark made here. Person should be ban for such remarks.

The Bangkok elites will be organising a real-life version of the hunger games here next. Two contestants from each province every yearbah.gif

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I think if we all knew half of what is really happening behind the scenes concerning something that we are forbidden to discuss, then we would all be of the opinion that the struggle between the government and anti-government supporters really has nothing to do with 'the people'. Such a shame that almost all are being misled or blinded by rhetoric, fairy tales and lies.

It's going to get ugly soon and people won't even know what they are really fighting for or against.

I agree with your analysis of what is really behind all this. Like so many things in this amazing society it is played out at several levels.

I suspect however that understanding these levels, and in particular realising just what is going on with " that which we are forbidden to discuss " is quite widespread throughout society. As I said a couple of posts ago, the peasants don't live in bamboo huts anymore.

I hope and pray it does not get ugly. But I am sure that most people know what they may be fighting for, at each level.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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