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Most gun-loving: Americans vs Thais


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Americans are required to own firearms by law--its actually in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights or something.

Can our Thai "brothers-in-arms" make that claim?

BTW, only 25 posts and you are already fishing the big waters with a topic like this.

I see a bright future ahead ;-)

The ''something'' is called the Amendments to the Constitution, and much as 20 million Americans wish it were true, it IS NOT required to own firearms. Switzerland it is required that every household have firearms, and the govt. issues the ammo for each weapon.

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I was born in the UK where, as I'm sure you know, the gun culture isnt much in evidence. I spent a few years in HM forces where I did the gun thing and found it did nothing for me, not even an erection. Never have understood the fascination with them.

For some it's a sickness, an obsession of sorts.

People need to live with the times. Once upon a time a firearm was a necessity, so was the need to have railings to tie once horse to, when we entered the shops and so forth. Of corse these railings are long gone but for some reason some people seem to believe they still need the guns.

There's no shortage of Guns in this world.

There's no shortage of Whackos in this world.

Sadly, too often these two groups combine and the results are often devastating. What occurs on the streets of the USA on almost a daily, perhaps weekly basis is sickening, yet sadly the whackos with guns still try to justify a document that was drawn up a long time ago as a right and somehow that right is more important than the right to live safely without the fear of being gunned down at the, school, shops, government building, workplace or whatever.

Stupidity at its best. You reap what you sow, kind of comes to mind. I do feel for the victims but these days I change the channel or turn the page when another shooting or massacre happens, it seems not to be worth upsetting myself when the obvious solution is constantly ignored or voted down.

Anyway, no doubt the cowboys and gun spinners will be in to sprout off about their religion, or as I would rather call it, their sickness.

As for the Thais, I believe they carry guns for a whole different range of reasons, just as dangerous.

Edited by neverdie
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I can't imagine anyone on this planet who loves guns more than Americans. Not all Americans, of course, but a good number. It's truly part of the culture. If you want to upset certain Americans, suggest taking away his guns. Them is fightin' words!

As for Thais, I've only met one or two who even own guns. And it's almost never talked about with most Thais that I run into. Maybe it's different out in the country, but in the urban areas, not really a big topic of discussion.

As much as Americans and their guns, I would add Israel and Switzerland. Israel, Jewish nation surrounded by Muslim countries, and Switzerland, where not even Hitler would invade because every household had guns.

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I was born in the UK where, as I'm sure you know, the gun culture isnt much in evidence. I spent a few years in HM forces where I did the gun thing and found it did nothing for me, not even an erection. Never have understood the fascination with them.

For some it's a sickness, an obsession of sorts.

People need to live with the times. Once upon a time a firearm was a necessity, so was the need to have railings to tie once horse to, when we entered the shops and so forth. Of corse these railings are long gone but for some reason some people seem to believe they still need the guns.

There's no shortage of Guns in this world.

There's no shortage of Whackos in this world.

Sadly, too often these two groups combine and the results are often devastating. What occurs on the streets of the USA on almost a daily, perhaps weekly basis is sickening, yet sadly the whackos with guns still try to justify a document that was drawn up a long time ago as a right and somehow that right is more important than the right to live safely without the fear of being gunned down at the, school, shops, government building, workplace or whatever.

Stupidity at its best. You reap what you sow, kind of comes to mind. I do feel for the victims but these days I change the channel or turn the page when another shooting or massacre happens, it seems not to be worth upsetting myself when the obvious solution is constantly ignored or voted down.

Anyway, no doubt the cowboys and gun spinners will be in to sprout off about their religion, or as I would rather call it, their sickness.

As for the Thais, I believe they carry guns for a whole different range of reasons, just as dangerous.

An armed society is a polite society. For all your liberal indoctrination, I dare say I was much more comfortable and feeling safe being armed on the streets of America than I would be on the streets of London, Paris, am in Chiang Mai, Samutsakohn, or Bangkok....................

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I was born in the UK where, as I'm sure you know, the gun culture isnt much in evidence. I spent a few years in HM forces where I did the gun thing and found it did nothing for me, not even an erection. Never have understood the fascination with them.

For some it's a sickness, an obsession of sorts.

People need to live with the times. Once upon a time a firearm was a necessity, so was the need to have railings to tie once horse to, when we entered the shops and so forth. Of corse these railings are long gone but for some reason some people seem to believe they still need the guns.

There's no shortage of Guns in this world.

There's no shortage of Whackos in this world.

Sadly, too often these two groups combine and the results are often devastating. What occurs on the streets of the USA on almost a daily, perhaps weekly basis is sickening, yet sadly the whackos with guns still try to justify a document that was drawn up a long time ago as a right and somehow that right is more important than the right to live safely without the fear of being gunned down at the, school, shops, government building, workplace or whatever.

Stupidity at its best. You reap what you sow, kind of comes to mind. I do feel for the victims but these days I change the channel or turn the page when another shooting or massacre happens, it seems not to be worth upsetting myself when the obvious solution is constantly ignored or voted down.

Anyway, no doubt the cowboys and gun spinners will be in to sprout off about their religion, or as I would rather call it, their sickness.

As for the Thais, I believe they carry guns for a whole different range of reasons, just as dangerous.

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I was born in the UK where, as I'm sure you know, the gun culture isnt much in evidence. I spent a few years in HM forces where I did the gun thing and found it did nothing for me, not even an erection. Never have understood the fascination with them.

For some it's a sickness, an obsession of sorts.

People need to live with the times. Once upon a time a firearm was a necessity, so was the need to have railings to tie once horse to, when we entered the shops and so forth. Of corse these railings are long gone but for some reason some people seem to believe they still need the guns.

There's no shortage of Guns in this world.

There's no shortage of Whackos in this world.

Sadly, too often these two groups combine and the results are often devastating. What occurs on the streets of the USA on almost a daily, perhaps weekly basis is sickening, yet sadly the whackos with guns still try to justify a document that was drawn up a long time ago as a right and somehow that right is more important than the right to live safely without the fear of being gunned down at the, school, shops, government building, workplace or whatever.

Stupidity at its best. You reap what you sow, kind of comes to mind. I do feel for the victims but these days I change the channel or turn the page when another shooting or massacre happens, it seems not to be worth upsetting myself when the obvious solution is constantly ignored or voted down.

Anyway, no doubt the cowboys and gun spinners will be in to sprout off about their religion, or as I would rather call it, their sickness.

As for the Thais, I believe they carry guns for a whole different range of reasons, just as dangerous.

Most of the people commiting the murders in the USA DON'T know anything about what you call some document and they either do not understand english and or can not read it. Do you get it !!! Do you really know who is mostly killing who in America? Almost all have names I cannot pronouce.

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I was born in the UK where, as I'm sure you know, the gun culture isnt much in evidence. I spent a few years in HM forces where I did the gun thing and found it did nothing for me, not even an erection. Never have understood the fascination with them.

For some it's a sickness, an obsession of sorts.

People need to live with the times. Once upon a time a firearm was a necessity, so was the need to have railings to tie once horse to, when we entered the shops and so forth. Of corse these railings are long gone but for some reason some people seem to believe they still need the guns.

There's no shortage of Guns in this world.

There's no shortage of Whackos in this world.

Sadly, too often these two groups combine and the results are often devastating. What occurs on the streets of the USA on almost a daily, perhaps weekly basis is sickening, yet sadly the whackos with guns still try to justify a document that was drawn up a long time ago as a right and somehow that right is more important than the right to live safely without the fear of being gunned down at the, school, shops, government building, workplace or whatever.

Stupidity at its best. You reap what you sow, kind of comes to mind. I do feel for the victims but these days I change the channel or turn the page when another shooting or massacre happens, it seems not to be worth upsetting myself when the obvious solution is constantly ignored or voted down.

Anyway, no doubt the cowboys and gun spinners will be in to sprout off about their religion, or as I would rather call it, their sickness.

As for the Thais, I believe they carry guns for a whole different range of reasons, just as dangerous.

An armed society is a polite society. For all your liberal indoctrination, I dare say I was much more comfortable and feeling safe being armed on the streets of America than I would be on the streets of London, Paris, am in Chiang Mai, Samutsakohn, or Bangkok....................

yet with the exclusion of London and Paris (which I've only holidayed in), I feel very safe in all those other places. Why is that so? It must have something to do with the different ways in which we were raised and potential is no reflection on the society in which we now live.

In any such case, clearly you seem happy with the sailing going ons in the USA. Sadly, whenever I see events unfolding over there with a massacre or whatever, it's NEVER (maybe seldomly) resolved by the 'Armed civiling forces' and nearly always resolved by the poor police officers and deputies that have to risk their lives to bring a haunt to the death and destruct. The reality to this must be, that a lot of the gun spinners and cowboys merely turn on their heals and bolt when push comes to shove, In fact perhaps their perceived feeling of safety (as is yours) is nothing more than just a misconceived feeling.

Please understand, I'm one of those few people in society that have been In the direct line of fire, I know what it's like to be shot at and I'm always thankful that the people in my other country didn't allow for the same level of shenanigans that goes in back In your other home.

It concerns me greatly, that the Thai taxi driver Somchai is packing a handgun, but in reality by me strapping one to my hip probably makes me no safer as I probably won't see him coming when he's merely piiiiissssed because I'm parking in his spot OR Whatever. The removal of firearms I. this modern society will always be more beneficial to the greater good of all, than the reversal.

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I was born in the UK where, as I'm sure you know, the gun culture isnt much in evidence. I spent a few years in HM forces where I did the gun thing and found it did nothing for me, not even an erection. Never have understood the fascination with them.

For some it's a sickness, an obsession of sorts.

People need to live with the times. Once upon a time a firearm was a necessity, so was the need to have railings to tie once horse to, when we entered the shops and so forth. Of corse these railings are long gone but for some reason some people seem to believe they still need the guns.

There's no shortage of Guns in this world.

There's no shortage of Whackos in this world.

Sadly, too often these two groups combine and the results are often devastating. What occurs on the streets of the USA on almost a daily, perhaps weekly basis is sickening, yet sadly the whackos with guns still try to justify a document that was drawn up a long time ago as a right and somehow that right is more important than the right to live safely without the fear of being gunned down at the, school, shops, government building, workplace or whatever.

Stupidity at its best. You reap what you sow, kind of comes to mind. I do feel for the victims but these days I change the channel or turn the page when another shooting or massacre happens, it seems not to be worth upsetting myself when the obvious solution is constantly ignored or voted down.

Anyway, no doubt the cowboys and gun spinners will be in to sprout off about their religion, or as I would rather call it, their sickness.

As for the Thais, I believe they carry guns for a whole different range of reasons, just as dangerous.

Most of the people commiting the murders in the USA DON'T know anything about what you call some document and they either do not understand english and or can not read it. Do you get it !!! Do you really know who is mostly killing who in America? Almost all have names I cannot pronouce.

Yes, I get that. Therefore one must reduce the availability of weapons, especially some of those warfare type items that are so regularly used by people such as this. It's not rocket science.

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1. Can all Americans own guns? No.

2. Can all Americans carry guns? No.

3. If you have a certificate to carry in one State or city does that apply to all cities in the USA? No.

You are spreading misinformation here, at least partly by using "guns" to mean one variety of guns, handguns.

All Americans can own guns with the exception of some convicted felons. There are a few places that have bothered to put an age limit on those who can own guns, so there are some children who can't own guns.

Also, all legal immigrants can own guns in America, even though they are not Americans.

There is more rigorous regulation of those who wish to carry concealed handguns - in some places much more rigorous, although an outright ban on this is now illegal, by the Supreme Court ruling. Your post is largely correct about this, but you didn't say that is what you were writing about. While writing about handguns and stating you were writing about guns, you confused or misinformed those you were hoping to inform.


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I really have no motive here. I only possess a few distant friends from the states, lovely people all of them and most of them are clear of the place anyway.

But seriously, it is possible to 'Chew gum and walk at the same time' . Some adjustment needs to be carried out for the greater good of all. It would be a good day In the states when we could significantly reduce the amount of firearms related deaths.

I really understand, sports, I understand the rural need for firearms and I understand peoples desires to be collectors. There are better ways to accommodate the interests of all people.

One ground I stand firm on is the complete ban of all military style weapons, no civil society has a place for these items. If you are that fascinated by these killing machines take a trip to the museum.

Australia tuned up its firearm laws, over a decade ago and it worked to a certain degree. Further adjustments could be made and that's part of my whole point, what was relevant 20,50,100 and 200 years ago is no longer relevant, we need to adjust with the times and unfortunately until this occurs massacre type incidents will NEVER decline, only increase. I wonder how much blood needs to be spilled before real change is made.

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I was born in the UK where, as I'm sure you know, the gun culture isnt much in evidence. I spent a few years in HM forces where I did the gun thing and found it did nothing for me, not even an erection. Never have understood the fascination with them.

For some it's a sickness, an obsession of sorts.

People need to live with the times. Once upon a time a firearm was a necessity, so was the need to have railings to tie once horse to, when we entered the shops and so forth. Of corse these railings are long gone but for some reason some people seem to believe they still need the guns.

There's no shortage of Guns in this world.

There's no shortage of Whackos in this world.

Sadly, too often these two groups combine and the results are often devastating. What occurs on the streets of the USA on almost a daily, perhaps weekly basis is sickening, yet sadly the whackos with guns still try to justify a document that was drawn up a long time ago as a right and somehow that right is more important than the right to live safely without the fear of being gunned down at the, school, shops, government building, workplace or whatever.

Stupidity at its best. You reap what you sow, kind of comes to mind. I do feel for the victims but these days I change the channel or turn the page when another shooting or massacre happens, it seems not to be worth upsetting myself when the obvious solution is constantly ignored or voted down.

Anyway, no doubt the cowboys and gun spinners will be in to sprout off about their religion, or as I would rather call it, their sickness.

As for the Thais, I believe they carry guns for a whole different range of reasons, just as dangerous.

Most of the people commiting the murders in the USA DON'T know anything about what you call some document and they either do not understand english and or can not read it. Do you get it !!! Do you really know who is mostly killing who in America? Almost all have names I cannot pronouce.

I bet you can pronounce "Eric Harris", "Dylan Klebold" (Colombine), "Adam Lanza" (Sandy Hook), "Charles Whitman" (University of Texas) who between them shot and killed 59 people, mainly students. God knows what the victim tally is for all school massacres.

PS, Timothy McVeigh was a gun nut too.

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I read many U.S.A. newspapers every day. Most murders are commited by people with names that are not of American or European origin.The same with the victims. The gangbangers are gun crazy. One night in Detriot makes a hard man humble.

Or how about the southside of Chicago. These are not Americans.

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I read many U.S.A. newspapers every day. Most murders are commited by people with names that are not of American or European origin.The same with the victims. The gangbangers are gun crazy. One night in Detriot makes a hard man humble.

Or how about the southside of Chicago. These are not Americans.

"These are not Americans."

As in not native Americans? :huh:

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I believe the reasons are different, although 'balance of power' affects both.

Although: "GOD made men, Samuel Colt made them equal" is pure logic.

Or as the Genius, Robert Heinlein said "An armed society is a polite society".

In the US, where most folks can have a gun and many boys received them on their 10th birthday, most folks respect firearms. THose who don'r respect them don't understand them.

In Thailand where civilain firearms are either illegal or extremely difficult to acquire, firearms are not respected.

The result is that here, with 'Gun COntrol' more folks are killed with guns than are killed in the US.

YES - that is by actual numbers - approx 25,000 in Thailand and approx 9,000 in the US, a country with 6 times the population and a 1000 times more firearms.


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I was born in the UK where, as I'm sure you know, the gun culture isnt much in evidence. I spent a few years in HM forces where I did the gun thing and found it did nothing for me, not even an erection. Never have understood the fascination with them.

For some it's a sickness, an obsession of sorts.

People need to live with the times. Once upon a time a firearm was a necessity, so was the need to have railings to tie once horse to, when we entered the shops and so forth. Of corse these railings are long gone but for some reason some people seem to believe they still need the guns.

There's no shortage of Guns in this world.

There's no shortage of Whackos in this world.

Sadly, too often these two groups combine and the results are often devastating. What occurs on the streets of the USA on almost a daily, perhaps weekly basis is sickening, yet sadly the whackos with guns still try to justify a document that was drawn up a long time ago as a right and somehow that right is more important than the right to live safely without the fear of being gunned down at the, school, shops, government building, workplace or whatever.

Stupidity at its best. You reap what you sow, kind of comes to mind. I do feel for the victims but these days I change the channel or turn the page when another shooting or massacre happens, it seems not to be worth upsetting myself when the obvious solution is constantly ignored or voted down.

Anyway, no doubt the cowboys and gun spinners will be in to sprout off about their religion, or as I would rather call it, their sickness.

As for the Thais, I believe they carry guns for a whole different range of reasons, just as dangerous.

An armed society is a polite society. For all your liberal indoctrination, I dare say I was much more comfortable and feeling safe being armed on the streets of America than I would be on the streets of London, Paris, am in Chiang Mai, Samutsakohn, or Bangkok....................

yet with the exclusion of London and Paris (which I've only holidayed in), I feel very safe in all those other places. Why is that so? It must have something to do with the different ways in which we were raised and potential is no reflection on the society in which we now live.

In any such case, clearly you seem happy with the sailing going ons in the USA. Sadly, whenever I see events unfolding over there with a massacre or whatever, it's NEVER (maybe seldomly) resolved by the 'Armed civiling forces' and nearly always resolved by the poor police officers and deputies that have to risk their lives to bring a haunt to the death and destruct. The reality to this must be, that a lot of the gun spinners and cowboys merely turn on their heals and bolt when push comes to shove, In fact perhaps their perceived feeling of safety (as is yours) is nothing more than just a misconceived feeling.

Please understand, I'm one of those few people in society that have been In the direct line of fire, I know what it's like to be shot at and I'm always thankful that the people in my other country didn't allow for the same level of shenanigans that goes in back In your other home.

It concerns me greatly, that the Thai taxi driver Somchai is packing a handgun, but in reality by me strapping one to my hip probably makes me no safer as I probably won't see him coming when he's merely piiiiissssed because I'm parking in his spot OR Whatever. The removal of firearms I. this modern society will always be more beneficial to the greater good of all, than the reversal.

Like so many you have read little about the US, it's history and the logical reasons to have a firearm.

Within the last few decades, Mountain Lions and bears have attacked Joggers, Bicyclists and Homeowners.

A friend who lives in Korat has a home in Northern California. While 'back home' he has seen bobcats, skunks and Mountain Lions in his yard. In many rural states, firearms do not require a permit and both open and concealed carry are legal.

Consider Alaska in the winter - concealed carry keeps the weapon in operation (not frozen).

Many states are full of dangerous wild animals - Moose, Buffalo, Deer, Wild Boar, Bear, Mountailn Lions, snakes, et. al. all continue to kill folks. Boar are an increasing problem, spreading from States to State.

To go into the wilds of the US without a firearm can be considered stupid.

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Just more troll bait. Do we really need this crap where we bash one anothers country of origin. It's hard enough to survive here as it is. Boring <deleted> with nothing better to do then spill their hatred.

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Like so many you have read little about the US, it's history and the logical reasons to have a firearm.

Within the last few decades, Mountain Lions and bears have attacked Joggers, Bicyclists and Homeowners.

A friend who lives in Korat has a home in Northern California. While 'back home' he has seen bobcats, skunks and Mountain Lions in his yard. In many rural states, firearms do not require a permit and both open and concealed carry are legal.

Consider Alaska in the winter - concealed carry keeps the weapon in operation (not frozen).

Many states are full of dangerous wild animals - Moose, Buffalo, Deer, Wild Boar, Bear, Mountailn Lions, snakes, et. al. all continue to kill folks. Boar are an increasing problem, spreading from States to State.

To go into the wilds of the US without a firearm can be considered stupid.

You would be wrong about me, in your assumption (first line).

In another post I made on this topic, I briefly acknowledged these very issues you address.

Of corse absolutely nobody needs an MK47 or other type military device to deal with these situations.

Edited by neverdie
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Most Thais out in the sticks use guns for hunting and actually eating what they have killed. American's its just a case of extending their manhood.

I may just have opened a can of worms but we are all entitled to an opinion.

They like to extend their manhood so the women will like them.
Interestingly enough, few women are actually impressed by a man's "firepower" in America nearly as much as his male buddies and co-workers are. Most wives are not even aware of how much money is spent or the number of weapons in her husband's collection or they would insist on having far more money spent on jewelry and vacations.

So American men are motivated by that same adolescent insecurity of who has the biggest pecker in the gym locker room. When a guy gets a new gun he displays it for his buds and may let them "handle" it. He spends much time lubricating it (dry lube tho) and meticulously looking for imperfections. He is always looking for the hottest "load".

He spends much time on forums dedicated to firearm "porn" where he will converse with complete strangers on who has the most powerful gun and why his gun is better and sometimes fantasizing about other men's guns and hoping one day he might get his hands on one that size.

But impressing the ladies is not really part of the motivation...most women just wouldn't understand his desire like his buddies do.

Edited by ClutchClark
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Americans are required to own firearms by law--its actually in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights or something.

Can our Thai "brothers-in-arms" make that claim?

BTW, only 25 posts and you are already fishing the big waters with a topic like this.

I see a bright future ahead ;-)

Please read the second amendment again.

You're assuming he can read. ;)

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I think you would find that people many, many, many years ago thought the right to own a rock, spear, bow and arrow, or a sword would think they had a fundamental right to own. I know my ancestors did, too bad they didn't have compound bows.

If only the 130 pound male attacker at Sandy Hook was only armed with a rock, spear or bow & arrow. Any number of teachers could have prevented the loss of all those childrens' lives.

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The right to own guns is almost a fundamental human right. If Australia took that right from the citizens and you're happy about that, good for you. No one is complaining about how you live or what rights you want to give up.

The most basic human right is the right to life. With this it means you have the right to protect your own life. Including to protect your life with the use of deadly force. That is why I say right to own firearms for protection by law abiding citizens is a fundamental right. Any country that forbids you from protecting your life by any means possible is a tyrannical society.

"Any country that forbids you from protecting your life by any means possible is a tyrannical society."

Some gems are worth reading again ... rolleyes.gif

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Also, most of the western world just can't understand Americans' fear and paranoia concerning their government. None of us come from places that have a perfect government, but we're content to let our imperfect electoral systems take care of that. I think few people in well-established democracies outside of the US actually fear that one day their government could morph into a tyranny focused on oppressing its people ... we've developed too much for that... our democratic systems and values have strong foundations now. OK - I can't say it's impossible, but I think it highly unlikely that any of the well-established western democracies (including the US) could slip back into the tyranny that you so much fear. But this seems to be the bogeyman that gun advocates always haul out from under the bed to assert their 'right to bear arms'.

Doc, Very insightful argument.
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Like so many you have read little about the US, it's history and the logical reasons to have a firearm.

Within the last few decades, Mountain Lions and bears have attacked Joggers, Bicyclists and Homeowners.

A friend who lives in Korat has a home in Northern California. While 'back home' he has seen bobcats, skunks and Mountain Lions in his yard. In many rural states, firearms do not require a permit and both open and concealed carry are legal.

Consider Alaska in the winter - concealed carry keeps the weapon in operation (not frozen).

Many states are full of dangerous wild animals - Moose, Buffalo, Deer, Wild Boar, Bear, Mountailn Lions, snakes, et. al. all continue to kill folks. Boar are an increasing problem, spreading from States to State.

To go into the wilds of the US without a firearm can be considered stupid.

You would be wrong about me, in your assumption (first line).

In another post I made on this topic, I briefly acknowledged these very issues you address.

Of corse absolutely nobody needs an MK47 or other type military device to deal with these situations.

I can't think of a single way in which an American would be allowed to own an MK47.

You are also lacking knowledge about why Americans own "other military devices." Try tracking with the thread and understand that Americans are prepared to stand up to their government if ever needed. Even the liberal anti-gun Senate wouldn't vote for Obama's "assault rifle ban" because they knew the would be voted out of office by mainstream, ordinary Americans.

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You can always count on a gun thread to generate a lot of argument.

Hello, my name is Dave and I'm an American. (Hello, Dave!) - that's a little American humor.

I try to stay pragmatic when it comes to the gun issue. So here goes.

The US Constitution has the 2nd Amendment which our Supreme Court has interpreted to mean that most citizens and legal immigrants have the right to bear arms. This is the law, and we are a nation of laws.

Many people love guns, and they offer various reasons for owning guns. In 21st century America, some of those reasons are downright weird. But the law does not require you to have a credible reason to own a gun. (and we are a nation of laws...)

I have never owned a gun; I'm not a hunter or a sport shooter, and I have never needed any weapon to protect myself in any situation. I have lived in a dozen or so places in the US, including some of the largest cities. Staying away from violence is easy 99.99999 percent of the time. People who give their primary reason for owning a gun as personal protection seem to be living in a different America, full of dangers. One guy in a post above suggested you need guns to protect yourself from wild animals, including skunks and snakes. His risk assessment is different from mine, and I have spent plenty of time hiking in wilderness areas.

I understand some people want to protect themselves from very rare occurrences while otherwise participating in proven risky behaviors without hesitation. Such is the compartmental nature of the brain.

I am accepting of all these foibles. What I do not accept is the current opposition to simple changes in law that would directly address some proven problems. The most glaring of these is the wide differences in gun laws (and enforcement regimes) from State to State, which makes it possible in a day's travel to go from a place with strict regulation to a place without, secure a handful of guns, and return. It is a well documented fact that any adult can buy guns at gun shows in many States and not be subject to any kind of background check (this is the "gun show loophole" applying to private sales, which are a large percentage of total sales in some places). This loose situation results in gun trafficking...all well documented and an obvious bad problem.

But we can't do anything about it in terms of new laws, because we as a nation are so polarized, and so whipsawed by big money influences in politic and the media, that our legislators are stuck in gridlock. It is a crying shame, and a blot on our legacy.

Now I am sure you will get some counter arguments about some of the things I have said. Everybody is entitled to their opinions, and men who love guns have many strong opinions. For those who are willing to compromise, we can have a healthy debate. For the rest, I feel sorry; your fear and anger often are palpable.

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Most Thais out in the sticks use guns for hunting and actually eating what they have killed. American's its just a case of extending their manhood.

I may just have opened a can of worms but we are all entitled to an opinion.

They like to extend their manhood so the women will like them.
Interestingly enough, few women are actually impressed by a man's "firepower" in America nearly as much as his male buddies and co-workers are. Most wives are not even aware of how much money is spent or the number of weapons in her husband's collection or they would insist on having far more money spent on jewelry and vacations.

So American men are motivated by that same adolescent insecurity of who has the biggest pecker in the gym locker room. When a guy gets a new gun he displays it for his buds and may let them "handle" it. He spends much time lubricating it (dry lube tho) and meticulously looking for imperfections. He is always looking for the hottest "load".

He spends much time on forums dedicated to firearm "porn" where he will converse with complete strangers on who has the most powerful gun and why his gun is better and sometimes fantasizing about other men's guns and hoping one day he might get his hands on one that size.

But impressing the ladies is not really part of the motivation...most women just wouldn't understand his desire like his buddies do.

Are you the guy that said all Americans must own guns? Well, this time better check into gun oil and cleaning procedures (dry lube?). And, most estimates put the number of American women who own guns between 12 million and 15 million.

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