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The 24-105L is great walk-around lens for the 30D, although it will cost you as much as the camera body...

I have this lens too and I agree the zoom range makes it a very good versatile, walk-around lens but the distortion and vignetting especially at the wide end is quite substantial that it's easily noticeable just by glancing through the view finder, although this may not be a problem with 1.6X crop factor of 30D. I'd recommend EF24-70mm F2.8L USM if you have your mind set for future upgrade to full-size dSLR or EF-S17-55mm F2.8 IS USM if you'll stay with APS-C size sensor.

Hi, I did intend to buy a fixed focal length lens with a view to taking shots of my paintings.The only reason I bought the 30D with the 18-55mm lens was because it was a kit cheaper than I had seen ,even for body only price. Earlier in this thread the 24mm F2.8 was recommended with the 20D, would this also be suitable with the 30D...Many thanks

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The 24-105L is great walk-around lens for the 30D, although it will cost you as much as the camera body...

I have this lens too and I agree the zoom range makes it a very good versatile, walk-around lens but the distortion and vignetting especially at the wide end is quite substantial that it's easily noticeable just by glancing through the view finder, although this may not be a problem with 1.6X crop factor of 30D. I'd recommend EF24-70mm F2.8L USM if you have your mind set for future upgrade to full-size dSLR or EF-S17-55mm F2.8 IS USM if you'll stay with APS-C size sensor.

Hi, I did intend to buy a fixed focal length lens with a view to taking shots of my paintings.The only reason I bought the 30D with the 18-55mm lens was because it was a kit cheaper than I had seen ,even for body only price. Earlier in this thread the 24mm F2.8 was recommended with the 20D, would this also be suitable with the 30D...Many thanks

24mm focal length on 30D would be converted to 24 X 1.6 = 38.4mm of field of view. Hardly wide angle or practical (about the same field of view as most fixed lens compact digicams). That's the thing about APS-C size sensor dSLR. Most wide angle lens that suit full-size sensor dSLR and film SLR are of no practical use for APS-C size sensor with 1.6 crop factor, leaving EF-S10-22mm F3.5-4.5 USM the only choice if you are to pick one wide angle from Canon lens line-ups.

I know what I'd buy if I have 30D or 400D. Here's my choice.

1) EF-S10-22mm F3.5-4.5 USM

2) EF-S17-55mm F2.8 IS USM (or EF-S17-85mm F4-5.6 IS USM if you want more range on telephoto side, but losing a few stops of aperture).

3) EF135mm F2L USM (non-zoom, prime lens)

And that settles it for me with 30D.

Edited by Nordlys
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