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Melbourne city centre aims to be smoke-free by 2016


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Neverdie - Melourne won't go down this route, it will be watered down somewhat but I guess we will see.

It doesn't matter if we agree or disagree on smoking. It's the whole point of infringing the freedom of people to chose that's real the issue.

You are falling for it and supporting this politician, more fool you. He has provided you with no evidence to support why it should be outlawed in the whole city. i see you need to rally the support of other posters to feel you are in good company but I can assure you there will be less emotional individuals who see the danger in imposing a law based on nothing but emotional outbursts.

If you read my posts properly without spitting at your screen you can see that i have never supported inconsiderate smoking, not once. You as a non smoker have the right not to breath second hand smoke, there law has been passed so no smoking can occur indoors in any public place to protect you form that. For smoking outside there is no evidence to support your claim at all.. You might not like the smell of someone who smokes but tough, people smell sometimes, thats life.

People have the right to smoke and as long as they are considerate to non smokers and don't break any laws you do not have the right to tell smokers that they cannot smoke.

You are supposed to be living in a free country with a democracy or have you forgotten that. This would be a law passed based on what? on nothing other then this politician trying to make a name for himself.

You can't see it but I can and i am sure other smokers and non smokers alike can also see it. There are a few posters here that can see it.

Try and think about this sensibly,, do you really want to give a politician the power to pass a law based on no evidence at all? If so, I hope you are in the minority for the people of Melbourne.

Dear Gaza,

A couple of things old friend.

1. I didn't rally any support. You wouldn't need to go far on the forum to see that UG often belts me on the end of the nose, he certainly has never danced to my tune.

2. I'm not spitting at you or the screen......but I will admit to occasionally bashing the electronic buttons and cursing this damn machine. The old manual type writers I learnt to type on in 1931 were much more forgiving than this modern e-pad thingies.

Now there's a little more to the Melbourne thing than you think. I've got no concerns son about them stopping anything, not that long ago I worked well within the system and would be happy to see some common sense and consideration enforced on all. It's about time that people born after 1960 odd learnt that they should be a little more considerate of others. There's anarchy in the streets and I'd be happy to have it dealt with. Stricter enforcement on alcohol and a few other things would be beneficial to all.

Now I do understand that you are from one of these cuddly new age organisations that thinks the whole world is out there to get them but what you don't realise is that my father taught me how to respect others, not to impede them or make them uncomfortable. I was taught not to impact on other people. These days we see the exact opposite.

Your conspiracy stuff in absolute hogwash, sorry to disappoint you and your allies.

I will be in Melbourne in a few months time, I will send them your regards.

Have a nice night.....ohhh and please stand down wind. wink.png

I have to say that despite a few insulting and patronizing comments by yourself I have quite enjoyed the heated debate on this one.

I have to tell you though I am not a boy, or someone who has been brought up to be inconsiderate, I genuinely do care for the welfare of others.

I am not a paranoid individual with a belief that the whole world is out to get them. We have lost some old fashioned values that I sorely miss but I try to impart on my daughter and grandson.

My issue with this is that we should not allow this "new" politician to make a name for himself by proposing something that is not researched or fully understood. It doesn't really matter if you or I agree.

I hope you have a good time in Melbourne, and if we ever bump into each other i will ensure I am downwind.

Please don't take any of that to heart Gazza, I'm merely stirring (50%) of the time. You keep talking about the young Politician, do you have a name or is it an assumption....educated guess?

I will attempt to make more enquiries into it and get back to you here. I will go to meet the man responsible, shake his hand (for me) then slap him (for you). :P

I'm glad you have enjoyed yourself and I think I eluded to this earlier when I said, "The pleasure has been all yours"

Goodnight, it's past the old mans bedtime.

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Neverdie - Melourne won't go down this route, it will be watered down somewhat but I guess we will see.

It doesn't matter if we agree or disagree on smoking. It's the whole point of infringing the freedom of people to chose that's real the issue.

You are falling for it and supporting this politician, more fool you. He has provided you with no evidence to support why it should be outlawed in the whole city. i see you need to rally the support of other posters to feel you are in good company but I can assure you there will be less emotional individuals who see the danger in imposing a law based on nothing but emotional outbursts.

If you read my posts properly without spitting at your screen you can see that i have never supported inconsiderate smoking, not once. You as a non smoker have the right not to breath second hand smoke, there law has been passed so no smoking can occur indoors in any public place to protect you form that. For smoking outside there is no evidence to support your claim at all.. You might not like the smell of someone who smokes but tough, people smell sometimes, thats life.

People have the right to smoke and as long as they are considerate to non smokers and don't break any laws you do not have the right to tell smokers that they cannot smoke.

You are supposed to be living in a free country with a democracy or have you forgotten that. This would be a law passed based on what? on nothing other then this politician trying to make a name for himself.

You can't see it but I can and i am sure other smokers and non smokers alike can also see it. There are a few posters here that can see it.

Try and think about this sensibly,, do you really want to give a politician the power to pass a law based on no evidence at all? If so, I hope you are in the minority for the people of Melbourne.

Dear Gaza,

A couple of things old friend.

1. I didn't rally any support. You wouldn't need to go far on the forum to see that UG often belts me on the end of the nose, he certainly has never danced to my tune.

2. I'm not spitting at you or the screen......but I will admit to occasionally bashing the electronic buttons and cursing this damn machine. The old manual type writers I learnt to type on in 1931 were much more forgiving than this modern e-pad thingies.

Now there's a little more to the Melbourne thing than you think. I've got no concerns son about them stopping anything, not that long ago I worked well within the system and would be happy to see some common sense and consideration enforced on all. It's about time that people born after 1960 odd learnt that they should be a little more considerate of others. There's anarchy in the streets and I'd be happy to have it dealt with. Stricter enforcement on alcohol and a few other things would be beneficial to all.

Now I do understand that you are from one of these cuddly new age organisations that thinks the whole world is out there to get them but what you don't realise is that my father taught me how to respect others, not to impede them or make them uncomfortable. I was taught not to impact on other people. These days we see the exact opposite.

Your conspiracy stuff in absolute hogwash, sorry to disappoint you and your allies.

I will be in Melbourne in a few months time, I will send them your regards.

Have a nice night.....ohhh and please stand down wind. wink.png

I have to say that despite a few insulting and patronizing comments by yourself I have quite enjoyed the heated debate on this one.

I have to tell you though I am not a boy, or someone who has been brought up to be inconsiderate, I genuinely do care for the welfare of others.

I am not a paranoid individual with a belief that the whole world is out to get them. We have lost some old fashioned values that I sorely miss but I try to impart on my daughter and grandson.

My issue with this is that we should not allow this "new" politician to make a name for himself by proposing something that is not researched or fully understood. It doesn't really matter if you or I agree.

I hope you have a good time in Melbourne, and if we ever bump into each other i will ensure I am downwind.

Please don't take any of that to heart Gazza, I'm merely stirring (50%) of the time. You keep talking about the young Politician, do you have a name or is it an assumption....educated guess?

I will attempt to make more enquiries into it and get back to you here. I will go to meet the man responsible, shake his hand (for me) then slap him (for you). tongue.png

I'm glad you have enjoyed yourself and I think I eluded to this earlier when I said, "The pleasure has been all yours"

Goodnight, it's past the old mans bedtime.

Ha ha ha,, yes please a good slap across the face.

I read an article about the politician who proposed this.

Good night old boy.

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That is just so retarded, especially in Australia.

A packet of cigarettes cost $19 where 95 % of it is tax

So banning smoking would have a clear and direct affect in taxes collected, who is going to fill up the gap? the non smoking levy?blink.png

And if it is not banned, what exactly smokers are going to do?

I am sorry but for a country with such a huge welfare trying to get rid of huge tax money is simply retarded and the non smokers soon will be paying for it through higher GST or some other creative levy

I am led to believe that Australia considers the costs on Health Care to take care of the poor simpletons who smoked and their chemotherapy and tumor removal to be excessive. They are increasing taxes on cigarettes and the penalties for smuggling them are quite severe.

I have a lot of sympathy for people who started smoking before all the health issues were known. But the modern smoker who started since then is a rather unintelligent individual and they get no pity from me. Why would you do it, I mean the first time before you're addicted. A case for the Darwin Award, surely?

I am certain $18 tax on each pack, plus all the taxes paid by tobacco company's cover all the healthcare plus more.

A smoker pays in tax close to $400 000 over life time, this is 1 person, Plus taxes collected from Tobacco company's which are millions if not billions, plus taxes collected from transport company's and taxes collected from retailers selling it, and taxes collected from rents retailers pay.

Some people drink excessively, some smoke, some do other stupid things. Its people's choice.

MY mother never smoked, never drank and died at the age of 62 from cancer, while her neighbor 85 years old, heavy smoker and alcoholic is still alive and well.

If governments really cared about people and healthcare, they would use the taxes from smoking to subsidies the quit smoking options such as nicarrete and nicabate, instead of increasing taxes on tobacco and on quit options.

Nicabate cost just as much as a pack of cigs

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I tell you what, young Gazza, I never would have picked someone that looks as good as you to be a smoker, I'm mean your a striking young man judging by your avatar.....surely you can't really be a grandfather?

Perhaps you should pass some of your beauty tips along to UG, he looks really bad, unlike myself of course.


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That is just so retarded, especially in Australia.

A packet of cigarettes cost $19 where 95 % of it is tax

So banning smoking would have a clear and direct affect in taxes collected, who is going to fill up the gap? the non smoking levy?blink.png

And if it is not banned, what exactly smokers are going to do?

I am sorry but for a country with such a huge welfare trying to get rid of huge tax money is simply retarded and the non smokers soon will be paying for it through higher GST or some other creative levy

I am led to believe that Australia considers the costs on Health Care to take care of the poor simpletons who smoked and their chemotherapy and tumor removal to be excessive. They are increasing taxes on cigarettes and the penalties for smuggling them are quite severe.

I have a lot of sympathy for people who started smoking before all the health issues were known. But the modern smoker who started since then is a rather unintelligent individual and they get no pity from me. Why would you do it, I mean the first time before you're addicted. A case for the Darwin Award, surely?

I am certain $18 tax on each pack, plus all the taxes paid by tobacco company's cover all the healthcare plus more.

A smoker pays in tax close to $400 000 over life time, this is 1 person, Plus taxes collected from Tobacco company's which are millions if not billions, plus taxes collected from transport company's and taxes collected from retailers selling it, and taxes collected from rents retailers pay.

Some people drink excessively, some smoke, some do other stupid things. Its people's choice.

MY mother never smoked, never drank and died at the age of 62 from cancer, while her neighbor 85 years old, heavy smoker and alcoholic is still alive and well.

If governments really cared about people and healthcare, they would use the taxes from smoking to subsidies the quit smoking options such as nicarrete and nicabate, instead of increasing taxes on tobacco and on quit options.

Nicabate cost just as much as a pack of cigs

Alright then, you dig up some information on that, Gazza will organise payment for you.

I have no doubt the govt is making some good $$$$$ out of it. I believe the taxes are increasing yearly ATM, for the next couple of years.

Old mum never ever let's me out of the house with more than 1 or 2 20 baht bills, so I'm not sure what sort of mischief I can get up to with that but clearly I can't afford to smoke ;)

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Note that this ban is still just a proposal and is for the CBD and Queen Vic market only - about half a square mile

As I see it, there are 2 reasons to take up smoking. Childish stupidity and plain stupidity. Any claim that it is simply their freedom to choose comes under the plain stupidity category.

It should be the desire of everyone to either stop smoking or discourage others, especially the young, from starting. The fact that it's hard to give up isn't a good reason to treat it as normal behaviour or let it be seen as such. Every step should be taken to stamp it out short of an actual outright ban, and those unable to function without nicotine should be able to get their supply. If the tobacco industry don't like it, tough. They are an amoral to the point of psychopathic industry whose evil influences won't be missed. They have huge resources and if they have chosen not to diversify into other less harmful, even if less profitable, industries they shouldn't expect any kind of protection.

Edited by tw25rw
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I tell you what, young Gazza, I never would have picked someone that looks as good as you to be a smoker, I'm mean your a striking young man judging by your avatar.....surely you can't really be a grandfather?

Perhaps you should pass some of your beauty tips along to UG, he looks really bad, unlike myself of course.


The photo is of Vic Reeves. A painfully unfunny comedian and TV host.

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I tell you what, young Gazza, I never would have picked someone that looks as good as you to be a smoker, I'm mean your a striking young man judging by your avatar.....surely you can't really be a grandfather?

Perhaps you should pass some of your beauty tips along to UG, he looks really bad, unlike myself of course.


The photo is of Vic Reeves. A painfully unfunny comedian and TV host.

Or he is an award winning extremely funny man who changed the face of contemporary comedy over the last 25 years.

Guess it depends on your point of view (and whether you have a sense of humour)

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Note that this ban is still just a proposal and is for the CBD and Queen Vic market only - about half a square mile

As I see it, there are 2 reasons to take up smoking. Childish stupidity and plain stupidity. Any claim that it is simply their freedom to choose comes under the plain stupidity category.

It should be the desire of everyone to either stop smoking or discourage others, especially the young, from starting. The fact that it's hard to give up isn't a good reason to treat it as normal behaviour or let it be seen as such. Every step should be taken to stamp it out short of an actual outright ban, and those unable to function without nicotine should be able to get their supply. If the tobacco industry don't like it, tough. They are an amoral to the point of psychopathic industry whose evil influences won't be missed. They have huge resources and if they have chosen not to diversify into other less harmful, even if less profitable, industries they shouldn't expect any kind of protection.

Well written and well thought out. You are hitting all the right notes about sending the message to the younger generation. As nice as a chap Gazza is, no doubt he doesn't hide his smoking from the grandchildren, unintentionally, what message is he sending to them.. Surely he doesn't want them to stand down wind!

Anyway, he may be old enough to be from the crowd that started smoking before it's consequences were fully known.

I know Gazza will next start to write about allowing the govt to take away rights and all of that. Message Gazza, "Give it up or get out of Melbourne CBD" ;)

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I tell you what, young Gazza, I never would have picked someone that looks as good as you to be a smoker, I'm mean your a striking young man judging by your avatar.....surely you can't really be a grandfather?

Perhaps you should pass some of your beauty tips along to UG, he looks really bad, unlike myself of course.


The photo is of Vic Reeves. A painfully unfunny comedian and TV host.

Ohhhhh. Gazza is being deceitful, trying to trick me in more than one way. Shame on you Gazza, at least I use an avatar sculpted off my own handsome face.

Never heard of Vic Reeves, but I don't watch TV much.

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Note that this ban is still just a proposal and is for the CBD and Queen Vic market only - about half a square mile

As I see it, there are 2 reasons to take up smoking. Childish stupidity and plain stupidity. Any claim that it is simply their freedom to choose comes under the plain stupidity category.

It should be the desire of everyone to either stop smoking or discourage others, especially the young, from starting. The fact that it's hard to give up isn't a good reason to treat it as normal behaviour or let it be seen as such. Every step should be taken to stamp it out short of an actual outright ban, and those unable to function without nicotine should be able to get their supply. If the tobacco industry don't like it, tough. They are an amoral to the point of psychopathic industry whose evil influences won't be missed. They have huge resources and if they have chosen not to diversify into other less harmful, even if less profitable, industries they shouldn't expect any kind of protection.

Its funny your claims of stupidity. Personally i find people who think they have the right to tell others what is stupid and what is not, rather more stupid.

Now we are introducing levels of stupidity into the debate. How interesting, yet incredibly silly. Edited by neverdie
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The photo is of Vic Reeves. A painfully unfunny comedian and TV host.

Or he is an award winning extremely funny man who changed the face of contemporary comedy over the last 25 years.

Guess it depends on your point of view (and whether you have a sense of humour)

Interesting. This sense of humour claim you make, does everyone have exactly the same taste in humour, or perhaps can one individuals sense of humour be different to the next persons?

Gazza, have you tried the 'Electronic Cigarette' yet?

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As I see it, there are 2 reasons to take up smoking. Childish stupidity and plain stupidity. Any claim that it is simply their freedom to choose comes under the plain stupidity category.

I concur, but I can't really blame those who are so old that they got addicted when it was the height of fashion to smoke and the health dangers were unknown. The problem is that it has been obvious what an offensive and high risk addiction it is for many decades now, but young people are still taking it up.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I tell you what, young Gazza, I never would have picked someone that looks as good as you to be a smoker, I'm mean your a striking young man judging by your avatar.....surely you can't really be a grandfather?

Perhaps you should pass some of your beauty tips along to UG, he looks really bad, unlike myself of course.


The photo is of Vic Reeves. A painfully unfunny comedian and TV host.

Ohhhhh. Gazza is being deceitful, trying to trick me in more than one way. Shame on you Gazza, at least I use an avatar sculpted off my own handsome face.

Never heard of Vic Reeves, but I don't watch TV much.

If I were trying to be deceitful I would not have chosen the face of a very famous person. In my country he will be recognized by most people.

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The photo is of Vic Reeves. A painfully unfunny comedian and TV host.

Or he is an award winning extremely funny man who changed the face of contemporary comedy over the last 25 years.

Guess it depends on your point of view (and whether you have a sense of humour)

Interesting. This sense of humour claim you make, does everyone have exactly the same taste in humour, or perhaps can one individuals sense of humour be different to the next persons?

Gazza, have you tried the 'Electronic Cigarette' yet?

When considering Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer if you don't find it funny you have no sense of humour.

No, have not tried electronic cigarette.

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As I see it, there are 2 reasons to take up smoking. Childish stupidity and plain stupidity. Any claim that it is simply their freedom to choose comes under the plain stupidity category.

I concur, but I can't really blame those who are so old that they got addicted when it was the height of fashion to smoke and the health dangers were unknown. The problem is that it has been obvious what an offensive and high risk addiction it is for many decades now, but young people are still taking it up.

I have to agree young people need protecting from smoking and other vices, legal or illegal.

Young people are also taking up drinking as well,, in excess on frequent occasions. I believe Melbourne has a serious problem with underage binge drinking despite the well publicized dangers of drinking.

It seems adults in Melbourne have a lot to learn about displaying appropriate behavior to minors. See article below about the disgraceful drunken behavior at the Melbourne cup. Behaviour like this at such a big, global event is pretty shameful for the city of Melbourne.

As drinking effects everyone I think it would be a great idea to have Melbourne enforce the Worlds first smoke free and dry city. Enforcing a law that protects the public and children from 2 damaging habits would be a strong message to Australia and the rest of the world. Modern day prohibition for the right reasons. I for one don't want to see terrible stories about drunken violence on innocent bystanders, piles of sick on the pavement floor, women under the influence being raped, children damaging their development etc.

I think this new politician may be the man brave enough to implement such a plan. Get writing folks.


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I tell you what, young Gazza, I never would have picked someone that looks as good as you to be a smoker, I'm mean your a striking young man judging by your avatar.....surely you can't really be a grandfather?

Perhaps you should pass some of your beauty tips along to UG, he looks really bad, unlike myself of course.


The photo is of Vic Reeves. A painfully unfunny comedian and TV host.

Ohhhhh. Gazza is being deceitful, trying to trick me in more than one way. Shame on you Gazza, at least I use an avatar sculpted off my own handsome face.

Never heard of Vic Reeves, but I don't watch TV much.

If I were trying to be deceitful I would not have chosen the face of a very famous person. In my country he will be recognized by most people.

Don't worry neverdie is just joshing with you. He is not nearly as good looking as his avatar. It has been photoshopped to make him look better.

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Don't worry neverdie is just joshing with you. He is not nearly as good looking as his avatar. It has been photoshopped to make him look better.

Baaaahaaaahaaaahaaa UG,

Indeed it has been photoshopped and you nailed the reason why it is so.

Yes, Gazza, UG was right (as almost usually) as I was merely stirring you but I've got no idea who these individuals are that you speak of. I will use my friend google/YouTube to have a brief peak into the world outside my little bubble.

GAZZA, you and I have DEFINATELY reached a point on which I agree (unless of course you were being facetious). regarding the drinking.

You are right, Melbourne is not the only city that has a serious issue with alcohol fuelled assaults/violence.

The was just a thread the other day where I voiced my opinion (fancy that) on the downward slide of the Australian way. There is a nasty drunk punch happy culture brewing within Australia and the time for them to take drastic action has long passed.

I will see to a TVF link to that thread......maybe you will learn more about the inner neverdie, if you so dare, by reading that thread.

Maybe you should consider the e cig. I have met a couple of people who have converted and they give it their stamp, but Im unsure of it has any unhealthy ramifications itself.

I am led to believe that reformed smokers hate the stuff even more than I. Imagine that.

PS: It's not a real politician that's purposed this smoking thing in the CBD, I believe it to be a council level initiation. Apparently the premier of Victoria is dead against it. Anyway, depending on who you are, the premier of Victoria comes across as a bit of a giggling, bumbling fool. Perhaps it's just the way the media portrays the poor fellow, as I've never personally met the guy?

Like any changes, perhaps this should be a trail first, after that, depending on the results it could be made permanent, with heavy financial penalties AND/OR pUblic floggings and humiliation for repeat offenders. :P

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Here, No doubt you will again disagree with me, but here goes. I have strong opinions as I've seen first hand on many occassions why the people need to be controlled. There are too many innocent men, women and children who are becoming victims to violence and crime as a result of evil perils of Alcohol. I believe a multiple-pronged approach needs to applied in order to reign the problem in, raising the age would only one of those tools.


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Here, No doubt you will again disagree with me, but here goes. I have strong opinions as I've seen first hand on many occassions why the people need to be controlled. There are too many innocent men, women and children who are becoming victims to violence and crime as a result of evil perils of Alcohol. I believe a multiple-pronged approach needs to applied in order to reign the problem in, raising the age would only one of those tools.


Neverdie,, no was not being facetious.

I genuinely do not drink (honest) and despite the fact that I live a stones throw from thousands of bars serving cheap booze I avoid them like the plague.

I would be very happy if there was no alcohol fueled nonsense in the streets anymore or drunken teenagers hanging around in tucked away corners. I haven't even mentioned my experiences on the road in the evening with drunk drivers. Since living and working in Thailand over past year or so I have seen 3 dead bodies on the roadside, never seem that before in my life.

However, I fear that the vast majority of people will violently (literally in some cases) disagree with me and it will never happen.

I think plough more into education for the younger generation, publicly frown upon poor adult behavior (there's nothing like collective peer pressure to change societies view on things) is the best we can hope for.

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^. Ohh okay. Your the same as me then. I don't drink either and I despise the stupidity and violence of people under the spell of that drug. IMO it will go down as the worse drug of them all.

Anyhow, there's hope for you yet......I just need to beat the cancer sticks out of you and then you can join me In my ivory tower ;)

Ps: I'd like to add, I have no problem with people enjoying 1 or 2 drinks, if they can do so without turning into complete t w a t s and the problem with this is, most don't recognise that they actually turn into t w a t s after drinking.

Anyway, when I take over the world, I will consider you for a middle management position, on my team ;)

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Like any changes, perhaps this should be a trail first, after that, depending on the results it could be made permanent, with heavy financial penalties AND/OR pUblic floggings and humiliation for repeat offenders. tongue.png

Oh wow! Sounds like another inquisition is coming!

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World Ban on Beer n Backy Done..So Whats yer next Whinge going to Be. Gorgonzola Cheese Smell and Jet Planes making the Sky all dirty. Sure to be one ,malcontents' one and all..cheesy.gif

I confess to being hypocritical.

I do not agree with a blanket ban on smoking in Melbourne because I think it is an infringement on people who want to smoke and I think that it is far too dangerous to allow politicians to have so much power they can pass a law without evidence. You can see this in all my previous posts.

However, one thing I can't stand is drunken idiots. Sitting down having a drink in a bar and listening to drunken dikcheads shouting their mouths off talking crap is not fun. Add to that the fighting (and I have seen many) between men, women and sometimes men fighting women,, usually when a couple have a drunken fall out. I have been out drinking with a friend not so long away when a complete stranger for no reason decided to smash a bottle over his head, lovely.

There are so many things that go with drink, abusive behavior, women getting attacked, property getting damaged and one ridiculous phenomenon is drunken groups finding it really funny to go and nick random stuff lying about as they are staggering down the road like signs, outdoor furniture, bicycles etc.

I live in Pattaya because it is convenient for me to be near the factory and you only have to be outside for 10 minutes before you see some drunken idiots propping up the bar. It's wrong and any sensible person would agree.

The problem with drinking is it doesn't have the stigma (yet) that smoking has. If you think about smoking not too many years ago it was considered "cool" to smoke. However, over time education and strong messages regarding the perils of smoking have changed most societies consciousness about the acceptance of smoking. Indeed there is actually a more aggressive approach towards non smokers that didn't exist before.. I would like to see the same for drunken behavior so that people see this as idiotic and frown upon it as not acceptable, once that happens it will no longer be ok to get bladdered just because it is the thing to do.

The best scenario is for people to be more responsible. So, if smokers are considerate and stay away form non smokers then I don't see a problem. If people who are out drinking do so in moderation so no one has to endure the aftermath of idiots who can't control themselves, then again that's ok.

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"How to take control of the people! The best way to take control of a people and to control them utterly is to take away a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed."

Goodbye to freedom! Slowly we will all be in another Soviet Union where rights are dictated. Smoking is just one aspect, just wait until other rights are taken away. Even rights to free speech are being attacked in a lot of countries now. HERE WE COME, TO MAKE A BETTER WORLD FOR YOU, just like the Soviet Union did!!! WE WILL TELL YOU WHAT IS GOOD FOR YOU AND YOU WILL OBEY OR BE EXTERMINATED!

Good luck to you all.

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World Ban on Beer n Backy Done..So Whats yer next Whinge going to Be. Gorgonzola Cheese Smell and Jet Planes making the Sky all dirty. Sure to be one ,malcontents' one and all..cheesy.gif

I confess to being hypocritical.

I do not agree with a blanket ban on smoking in Melbourne because I think it is an infringement on people who want to smoke and I think that it is far too dangerous to allow politicians to have so much power they can pass a law without evidence. You can see this in all my previous posts.

However, one thing I can't stand is drunken idiots. Sitting down having a drink in a bar and listening to drunken dikcheads shouting their mouths off talking crap is not fun. Add to that the fighting (and I have seen many) between men, women and sometimes men fighting women,, usually when a couple have a drunken fall out. I have been out drinking with a friend not so long away when a complete stranger for no reason decided to smash a bottle over his head, lovely.

There are so many things that go with drink, abusive behavior, women getting attacked, property getting damaged and one ridiculous phenomenon is drunken groups finding it really funny to go and nick random stuff lying about as they are staggering down the road like signs, outdoor furniture, bicycles etc.

I live in Pattaya because it is convenient for me to be near the factory and you only have to be outside for 10 minutes before you see some drunken idiots propping up the bar. It's wrong and any sensible person would agree.

The problem with drinking is it doesn't have the stigma (yet) that smoking has. If you think about smoking not too many years ago it was considered "cool" to smoke. However, over time education and strong messages regarding the perils of smoking have changed most societies consciousness about the acceptance of smoking. Indeed there is actually a more aggressive approach towards non smokers that didn't exist before.. I would like to see the same for drunken behavior so that people see this as idiotic and frown upon it as not acceptable, once that happens it will no longer be ok to get bladdered just because it is the thing to do.

The best scenario is for people to be more responsible. So, if smokers are considerate and stay away form non smokers then I don't see a problem. If people who are out drinking do so in moderation so no one has to endure the aftermath of idiots who can't control themselves, then again that's ok.


Not worth making a discussion with some, especially the ones that are most likely the problem themselves or people without a clue.

I spent my years on the battle ground, dealing with ignorant drunk idiots. I could go on about it but I see no need at this point, besides it's off topic regarding melb smoking.

It always amuses me when someone that's either 1. The problem or 2. Has no idea what he/she's on about tries to engage me with pathetic and useless comments.

Spent a good part of my life dealing with a.h., no need to do it anymore.

I share your sentiments regarding alcohol. It's always a pity the a.h.'s ruin it for the good people. I think the same could be said about smokers and virtually any other category of person out there who's too busy pleasing himself with little or no concern about others.

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"How to take control of the people! The best way to take control of a people and to control them utterly is to take away a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed."

Goodbye to freedom! Slowly we will all be in another Soviet Union where rights are dictated. Smoking is just one aspect, just wait until other rights are taken away. Even rights to free speech are being attacked in a lot of countries now. HERE WE COME, TO MAKE A BETTER WORLD FOR YOU, just like the Soviet Union did!!! WE WILL TELL YOU WHAT IS GOOD FOR YOU AND YOU WILL OBEY OR BE EXTERMINATED!

Good luck to you all.

You are exaggerating. There are already laws to try and prevent drunken idiots from "doing what they like". Drunk and disorderly, Driving under the influence, criminal damage, assault, rape etc,, all of these happen when stupid buffoons get smashed.

I am not saying that people should not drink, I am saying that it would not be a bad thing for there to be a stigma against going out with the sole purpose of getting drunk and behaving like a dcikhead. For smokers the stigma has grown to such an extent you are almost considered a leper when you go and have a snout.

People have the right to smoke and drink but also people should be considerate and take responsibility for this freedom before they ruin it for everyone.

This is not communism is it.

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"How to take control of the people! The best way to take control of a people and to control them utterly is to take away a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed."

Goodbye to freedom! Slowly we will all be in another Soviet Union where rights are dictated. Smoking is just one aspect, just wait until other rights are taken away. Even rights to free speech are being attacked in a lot of countries now. HERE WE COME, TO MAKE A BETTER WORLD FOR YOU, just like the Soviet Union did!!! WE WILL TELL YOU WHAT IS GOOD FOR YOU AND YOU WILL OBEY OR BE EXTERMINATED!

Good luck to you all.

You are exaggerating. There are already laws to try and prevent drunken idiots from "doing what they like". Drunk and disorderly, Driving under the influence, criminal damage, assault, rape etc,, all of these happen when stupid buffoons get smashed.

I am not saying that people should not drink, I am saying that it would not be a bad thing for there to be a stigma against going out with the sole purpose of getting drunk and behaving like a dcikhead. For smokers the stigma has grown to such an extent you are almost considered a leper when you go and have a snout.

People have the right to smoke and drink but also people should be considerate and take responsibility for this freedom before they ruin it for everyone.

This is not communism is it.

Taking people’s rights away has many names, some call it communism because ALL as a community must adhere to the rules, regulations, and laws forced upon them; others call it dictatorship, totalitarianism, authoritarianism, fascism, tyranny, oppression, repression, suppression, domination, bullying – call it what you will. Whatever you call it, it is total control by authoritarians who think they can own you or have the right to bully people.

A smoking ban is nothing compared to what is coming but people are unable, or unwilling, to see or comprehend. People are so engrossed in their little, selfish, controlling world that they fail to see the big picture. Enough said, I’m out of here and hope I’m not around when the cookie hits the fan and we have to ask permission to breathe.

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Taking peoples rights away has many names, some call it communism because ALL as a community must adhere to the rules, regulations, and laws forced upon them; others call it dictatorship, totalitarianism, authoritarianism, fascism, tyranny, oppression, repression, suppression, domination, bullying call it what you will. Whatever you call it, it is total control by authoritarians who think they can own you or have the right to bully people.

So in an area where there are obvious problems that relate to a certain set of 'circumstances' do you think it's just appropriate for the authorities to sit by idly and allow that to continue. Of course I am referring to some quite serious crimes. Perhaps you are saying that all people should just do whatever they desire?

You might not understand how it works but people in the greater community have a right not to be subjected to the crimes earlier described and as this opinion is generally shared by reasonable people, it may be the case where certain substances are banned, restricted or situations somewhat controlled. So YOU don't like being told what to do.......too bad?

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