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Sudan woman faces death for apostasy


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Sudan woman faces death for apostasy

(BBC) A Sudanese court has sentenced a woman to hang for apostasy - the abandonment of her religious faith - after she married a Christian man.

Amnesty International condemned the sentence, handed down by a judge in Khartoum, as "appalling and abhorrent".

Local media report the sentence on the woman, who is pregnant, would not be carried out for two years after she had given birth.

Sudan has a majority Muslim population, which is governed by Islamic law.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-27424064

-- BBC 2014-05-16

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Nasty, inconceivable, disgusting. Sickening.

You summed it up pretty well. They really are sick animals

Except animals, sick or not, don't purposefully harm their own, mentally or physically, except when two males vie to be the one who inseminates the females. Granted, a rare few animals will kill their own brood, but they do so for nourishment. Islamists kill their own species, and don't even eat or compost the corpses. Just as insidious, Muslims will mentally torture their own species. Animals don't do that.

I think an apology to animals is in order, from the above posters. But wait, animals don't care about words. They can't be offended. Only people can be offended, because of their egos. Oh, almost forgot, there is a God who is very easily offended. He's the God of the Muslims. Too bad he's got such a big ego, and is so insecure about his belief system, as to get so easily offended.

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Nasty, inconceivable, disgusting. Sickening.

You summed it up pretty well. They really are sick animals
Except animals, sick or not, don't purposefully harm their own, mentally or physically, except when two males vie to be the one who inseminates the females. Granted, a rare few animals will kill their own brood, but they do so for nourishment. Islamists kill their own species, and don't even eat or compost the corpses. Just as insidious, Muslims will mentally torture their own species. Animals don't do that.

I think an apology to animals is in order, from the above posters. But wait, animals don't care about words. They can't be offended. Only people can be offended, because of their egos. Oh, almost forgot, there is a God who is very easily offended. He's the God of the Muslims. Too bad he's got such a big ego, and is so insecure about his belief system, as to get so easily offended.

Can you please explain why you are calling for me to apologise. I only used four words, none of them involved animals.


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She's allowed to nurse her baby for 2 years, before they kill her.

Why not just kill her and her baby now? The baby may opt to be non-Muslim, so it would make Allah happy to kill it too.

I hope the woman is able to escape before they kill her. If I could assist in her escape, I would. Escape to where? is the next question. Most countries around Sudan are either Muslim or African, so they're immersed in misery also. Maybe the 'Christian man' she married comes from a non-barbaric country, and he can get her safe haven there.

In a related story, I once called the Burmese embassy in Bkk and asked about the process of me (a farang man) marrying a Burmese lady. The diplomat said, "foreigner cannot marry a Burmese." I told him to stuff a cactus up his butt.

The article states her husband comes from South Sudan, maybe somewhat better for the Christian minority, but a wouldn't call it a haven, as the place got it's own can of worms and troubles to deal with. There are few organizations and social media group attempting to help, noted on article and pretty easy to find online, not sure that they can provide any actual help, but do raise awareness.

The punishment does seem to be unnecessarily cruel, but on the other hand maybe leaves some room for hope that it will somehow be averted.

Not sure about Myanmar rules these days, but I do think they allow marriage with other Asians, and pretty sure it has nothing to do with religion. If memory serves, Laos has (or had) similar restrictions.

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These Islamic people are by far not any holy devout group they so particularly like to portray themselves as. How can any religious sect condone death and atrocities on anyone on this our Planet. How dare they inflict harm or declare anyone be executed by their hand for such a pathetic trumped up charge such as Apostasy. I pray one day soon God returns and eradicates this scum off the face of the earth.

I am not just berated I'm furious ....

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She's allowed to nurse her baby for 2 years, before they kill her.

Why not just kill her and her baby now? The baby may opt to be non-Muslim, so it would make Allah happy to kill it too.

I hope the woman is able to escape before they kill her. If I could assist in her escape, I would. Escape to where? is the next question. Most countries around Sudan are either Muslim or African, so they're immersed in misery also. Maybe the 'Christian man' she married comes from a non-barbaric country, and he can get her safe haven there.

In a related story, I once called the Burmese embassy in Bkk and asked about the process of me (a farang man) marrying a Burmese lady. The diplomat said, "foreigner cannot marry a Burmese." I told him to stuff a cactus up his butt.

Most countries around Sudan are Muslim or African? I guess you haven't spent much time looking at an atlas.

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She's allowed to nurse her baby for 2 years, before they kill her.

Why not just kill her and her baby now? The baby may opt to be non-Muslim, so it would make Allah happy to kill it too.

I hope the woman is able to escape before they kill her. If I could assist in her escape, I would. Escape to where? is the next question. Most countries around Sudan are either Muslim or African, so they're immersed in misery also. Maybe the 'Christian man' she married comes from a non-barbaric country, and he can get her safe haven there.

In a related story, I once called the Burmese embassy in Bkk and asked about the process of me (a farang man) marrying a Burmese lady. The diplomat said, "foreigner cannot marry a Burmese." I told him to stuff a cactus up his butt.

Most countries around Sudan are Muslim or African? I guess you haven't spent much time looking at an atlas.

Not quite sure how you mean "or" - African and Muslim are not mutually exclusive.

In South Sudan and Ethiopia, both bordering with Sudan, there is a Christian majority.

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After talking to a Muslim cleric for 30 mins she calmly tells the judge she is a Christian and never committed apostasy. No doubt the cleric warned her of what she was facing. What a brave woman. She is worth a thousand of The mad judge and the mad mullahs.

I bet she will become a cause celebre for the liberal Hollywood crowd..

..on second thought.....nah...not PC enough..

Because what this World really needs are... more cynical fatalists?

Not caring is a personal matter, mocking those who care is just moral bankruptcy.

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Isn't it about time that bigotted countries like this are boycotted by all the world powers.

Sharian law is pack of <deleted> and the sooner western countries start blacklisted these countries , the better. How much aid has Sudan got from others over the last few years.

Cut them off until they wise up.

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Isn't it about time that bigotted countries like this are boycotted by all the world powers.

Sharian law is pack of <deleted> and the sooner western countries start blacklisted these countries , the better. How much aid has Sudan got from others over the last few years.

Cut them off until they wise up.

Cannot agree, sanctions / reduction of aid only punish people at the lower end of society, the rulers/elite are not impacted.

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"Islam is a religion of peace" they cry.....and will do so until it's them in the firing line..............

Vile religion....

Something you can't escape from on pain of death has far more in common with a cult than a religion.

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