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Is it appropriate to tell a farang tourist that their behavior is inappropriate?

Old Stud

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Well whenever I see adult male, "Farang tourists" "interacting" with five-year-old flower sellers and beggars in lower Sukhumvit I try to get the message across that they are not only behaving in appropriately, they are behaving like pedophiles.

I do NOT care a hoot if I make the odd mistake.

I never confront mixed couples.

But single men with funny hats and little stuffed toys hanging from their belt loops are great fun to smack around once in a while.

A gentle but firm "What the <deleted> are you doing with that kid, @$$hole," usually gets the point across.

If not, a gentle but firm hip check followed by my watch going into my front left pocket and my wallet into my front right and then a little smile and a nod to the dooshbag has always been enough.

Exited the Tilac bar with a couple of friends one night about 2am and guided a lone male child interactor to the dark end of the soi and advised him NEVER to come back. He'd been playing with a rose seller whose minder was a few metres off waiting to close a some kind of deal.

English language skills were probity better than the poor kid's we simply helped the slimeball find his way to soi 23.

The ONLY good thing about pedophiles is that probably because their fear of adult interaction extends to street fighting, they have no wish to respond in any way except an act of surprise and indignation.

A far second place to this vermin are the stray Kao San types who feel that ardent spit swapping demonstrations on BTS and MRT trains and platforms at ANY HOUR of the DAY help the local population to integrate into futuristic Global sensibilities.

Been known to have a word or two there as well.

Yeah, I'm a killjoy.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

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Well whenever I see adult male, "Farang tourists" "interacting" with five-year-old flower sellers and beggars in lower Sukhumvit I try to get the message across that they are not only behaving in appropriately, they are behaving like pedophiles.

I do NOT care a hoot if I make the odd mistake.

I never confront mixed couples.

But single men with funny hats and little stuffed toys hanging from their belt loops are great fun to smack around once in a while.

A gentle but firm "What the <deleted> are you doing with that kid, @$$hole," usually gets the point across.

If not, a gentle but firm hip check followed by my watch going into my front left pocket and my wallet into my front right and then a little smile and a nod to the dooshbag has always been enough.

Exited the Tilac bar with a couple of friends one night about 2am and guided a lone male child interactor to the dark end of the soi and advised him NEVER to come back. He'd been playing with a rose seller whose minder was a few metres off waiting to close a some kind of deal.

English language skills were probity better than the poor kid's we simply helped the slimeball find his way to soi 23.

The ONLY good thing about pedophiles is that probably because their fear of adult interaction extends to street fighting, they have no wish to respond in any way except an act of surprise and indignation.

A far second place to this vermin are the stray Kao San types who feel that ardent spit swapping demonstrations on BTS and MRT trains and platforms at ANY HOUR of the DAY help the local population to integrate into futuristic Global sensibilities.

Been known to have a word or two there as well.

Yeah, I'm a killjoy.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

Well Donnie glad to know there's someone out there sweeping the scum off the streets. While you're at it why don't you pop around the corner to the Grace Hotel and give a bit of your diplomacy to those scumbags that take a girl out of Cowboy only to find there's ten of his mates waiting in the room for her.

Please feel free to remove your shirt whilst engaging in such endeavors. No one except the scum will be offended.

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I act only on facts.

Racist urban myths and bar girls BS are all kind of propagandic to me.

Your Grace hotel Muse was likely just a little pissed off when #789&10 figured they didn't have to pay.

I don't know the Marquis of Queensbury on that one but a chippie who takes that kind of action gets little sympathy from me.


Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Edited by Rooo
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Reasons that MOST Thais would not say something to tourists who act/behave inappropriately because they do not want confrontation with foreigners, they would simply smile and a language barrier that Most Thais are shy to speak English especially if they know that their English is poor (unlike prostitutes at work, they have to speak English regardless of poor English in order to get customers). In general, Thais avoid losing face, but they would criticize those tourists in their heads.

Another way around, if two Thai men wore bathing suits and shirtless walked in a restaurant, they would be asked to leave or would be treated with humiliation from the owner and other customers would stare at them in disgust.

Edited by BrooklynNY
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I would have said something to the farangs. Why not?

Yesterday, a tour bus full of Chinese tourists was parked on the side of the road. Why? Two of them taking a dump in the grass, in full view of the highway and those on the bus.blink.png Wish I had a water hose.

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I would have said something to the farangs. Why not?

Yesterday, a tour bus full of Chinese tourists was parked on the side of the road. Why? Two of them taking a dump in the grass, in full view of the highway and those on the bus.blink.png Wish I had a water hose.

Or a 12 bore?
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By all means...a tourist usually only lives here 1-4weeks and most don't consult the internetto learn the do's and don'ts. We live here, its our job especially if its our guest to educate them so they don't bring attention or offend with their actions/behaviors that may be acceptable in thei rhome country...

And there are ways to no tmake it obvious like the shirt thing...as you are telling them that Thais take their shoes off before entering some businesses and most homes AND regardless of temperatures they don't show bare skin ie: shirts off except at the beach...

But yes you must

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Old Stud's comment....Starting with: I don't know how you define "gutting" someone who doesn't wear a shirt, but it "sounds like" recommending murder. Which is Troll talk and not funny, and brings attention to YOU and not the subject at hand. That is exactly what trolls do. You say you're not a troll, but you were acting exactly like one. Pay attention. ATF asked a fair question, met with a pissy answer.

Apparently, some of the "senior" members do not know how to read.... The original comment was "mind your own business....if you are offended...leave....if they will not let you leave, gut them.... (said with tongue in cheek)... Nothing was said about gutting anyone not wearing a shirt...(You my friend, are making the inflammatory remarks)

Then I was accused of being a troll, and Arab that does perverse things in Thailand, then called a German looking for a pig knuckle....

It is apparent that the "senior members" at looking for a reason to attack anyone for any reason.... sounds racist and bigot to me....

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A. Yes you should have corrected them.

B. No you should not have corrected them.

C. Do nothing.

D. Thai people do worse things. (completely off topic but since this is what it is.biggrin.png )

To add a poll.

E. get up and leave complain to management and make sure everyone knows in the restaurant why you are leaving.

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It is very hot quite often in Thailand. - Maybe it's time to relax the dress code a bit ( like in Hawaii ).

Still it's a health code - no shirt - no shoes - no service. Still the code is quite relaxed in Hawaii - even though it's the law.

I agree - the thais cover up to avoid the sun.

Maybe their shirts got all wet from walking around and they were trying to cool off a bit.

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They are here on holiday.

I am sure the thais can tell them.

Would you also like to go up to the fat old guy and tell him that thoes three very young girls he is with are too young for him?

Sent from my c64

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Since when Chiang Mai has become a Buddhist Country? I always taught it is a part of Thailand.

If you are a European then I am sure you have notice that people do the same there too. There is so much shortage of sun that they use every second they can to get more sun. What you think they should do when they come to Thailand? Only run after the girls? I think what they do is the most harmless thing minding their own business and enjoy the sun.

So I feel you should mind your own business, no matter what you say or do they will never listen, even I would not have listen to you. You never know who you are dealing with and what their reaction may be.


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Since when Chiang Mai has become a Buddhist Country? I always taught it is a part of Thailand.

If you are a European then I am sure you have notice that people do the same there too. There is so much shortage of sun that they use every second they can to get more sun. What you think they should do when they come to Thailand? Only run after the girls? I think what they do is the most harmless thing minding their own business and enjoy the sun.

So I feel you should mind your own business, no matter what you say or do they will never listen, even I would not have listen to you. You never know who you are dealing with and what their reaction may be.


I am enjoying. I didn't say "A" — I said "Is" It's better to read carefully and also its easy to google wikipedia . . . .

Currently, approximately 85% of the people in Chiang Mai are Buddhist. Chiang Mai IS Buddhist country with their own set of rules, behaviors, moralities and so on. If you are not a practicing Buddhist, you are a small minority. Respect for the majority of the people of the land you are a guest in is common decency. btw - I am from Hawaii and except if its a casual beach front cafe, people respect the rules of the land and wear a shirt when they're dining and take off shoes when they walk in a home. Tourists or not - they have to respect the rules, like them or not, of where they visit.

The major religion in Iraq is Islam, followed by about 97% of Iraqis. Would you say Baghdad is Muslim country?

93% of the population in the Philippines are Christian. Would you say that Manila is Christian country?

Also no problem out enjoying the sun on vacation - getting a tan at the pool at your hotel or on the beach. You pee in a toilet, not in the street. You put on a shirt when you go to a nice restaurant. I will go with the majority of over 200 people who have responded to this posting - and politely remind a fellow guest that its not OK to dine in a nice restaurant "IN CHIANG MAI" without a shirt. But again, that's up to me.

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I understand how you feel as in many ways I feel the same way. But the best advice I can offer by experience is to "Leave it Alone".

In my younger years I was in Poland once and eating in an outdoor café when a couple of Hooligans came along. One was seriously drunk and took out his whacker and started to pee on the BBQ Chicken. I could turn a blind eye to this but sitting next to me was a girl of about 8 years old and her mother. The Little Girl started to cry and I could see from her eyes she was terrified. So I walked over in the hopes I could reason with them.

I was not aggressive at all and just politely walked up to the sober of the two and pointed to the Little Girl Crying. Then said in a nice calm voice "please" and shook my figure from side to side to gesture not to do this. He smiled back and said okay. When I turned around I was met with some foot or fist as I was knock to the ground and dazed by it. Turns out they had a third friend hiding in the background.

Got another sucker punch from a farang in a 7-11 store here, who was also quite drunk. My girl friend was at the cashier paying for our stuff when he moved next to her and started putting his hands on her back. All I did is get between them and started to talk to my girlfriend letting him know she belonged to me. Turned to look at him later only to meet a sucker punch who he had given his hardest punch and knocked me to the floor. He was a huge man over 6 feet and 250 lbs. So I was surprised later I was not knocked out, with my head hitting the cement floor with full force, but not surprised that my head sure hurt for weeks afterwards.

I don't regret the Girl Friend time, but this time I would be more than ready for him and stand behind him with a loaded punch to tell him to leave her alone. But then with cameras in the place not sure this was a good idea either. They would just try to charge me for this, They wanted me to lay charges last time but who needs this problem when you only got a couple of days left.

But the other Sucker Punch I guess I should not have stuck my nose into that. Turns out they were some young wannabe mafia trying to collect money from the Chicken Lady, who refused to pay. Not sure what would have happened next had I been prepared and won the battle. Would there be a surprise visit from more mafia at my door the next day? Am sure nothing would have happened if I looked the other way. So if you are going to stick your nose into this "Be Prepared for the Unexpected! ".

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I understand how you feel as in many ways I feel the same way. But the best advice I can offer by experience is to "Leave it Alone".

In my younger years I was in Poland once and eating in an outdoor café when a couple of Hooligans came along. One was seriously drunk and took out his whacker and started to pee on the BBQ Chicken. I could turn a blind eye to this but sitting next to me was a girl of about 8 years old and her mother. The Little Girl started to cry and I could see from her eyes she was terrified. So I walked over in the hopes I could reason with them.

I was not aggressive at all and just politely walked up to the sober of the two and pointed to the Little Girl Crying. Then said in a nice calm voice "please" and shook my figure from side to side to gesture not to do this. He smiled back and said okay. When I turned around I was met with some foot or fist as I was knock to the ground and dazed by it. Turns out they had a third friend hiding in the background.

Got another sucker punch from a farang in a 7-11 store here, who was also quite drunk. My girl friend was at the cashier paying for our stuff when he moved next to her and started putting his hands on her back. All I did is get between them and started to talk to my girlfriend letting him know she belonged to me. Turned to look at him later only to meet a sucker punch who he had given his hardest punch and knocked me to the floor. He was a huge man over 6 feet and 250 lbs. So I was surprised later I was not knocked out, with my head hitting the cement floor with full force, but not surprised that my head sure hurt for weeks afterwards.

I don't regret the Girl Friend time, but this time I would be more than ready for him and stand behind him with a loaded punch to tell him to leave her alone. But then with cameras in the place not sure this was a good idea either. They would just try to charge me for this, They wanted me to lay charges last time but who needs this problem when you only got a couple of days left.

But the other Sucker Punch I guess I should not have stuck my nose into that. Turns out they were some young wannabe mafia trying to collect money from the Chicken Lady, who refused to pay. Not sure what would have happened next had I been prepared and won the battle. Would there be a surprise visit from more mafia at my door the next day? Am sure nothing would have happened if I looked the other way. So if you are going to stick your nose into this "Be Prepared for the Unexpected! ".

You're still doing OK. That's good. I am in my mid-sixties, have traveled all over the world, am happy and outgoing and nobody has ever come close to hitting me. Last year some thugs in CM tried to rob me and put a gun to my head. I told them to f off and got the hell out of there (on my bike). I posted it on TV and you should have read the crap I got from the trolls on that posting. (better to take it in the rear than be dead)

I really don't think anyone is going to punch me or shoot me. Maybe I'm lucky, or maybe except for those thugs, I just don't attract those type of people. I think those thugs thought, "Old farang, easy mark" and not that I'd confront them regardless of the gun - caught them off guard. Also helps to know Aikido - sending ki energy, and how to speak Thai. I also can tell when someone is drunk - like I would be stupid to tell a drunk Russian six inches taller than me to put on his shirt. Those two guys in the restaurant I wrote about seemed harmless, and I didn't say anything, because I live and let live and have seen some pretty disgusting things in my travels - but in hindsight, and why I posted it - for my education - I would be a kind fellow farang and politely remind them that in a 93% Buddhist country its not polite to dine without a shirt. Chiang Mai is a big city, and actually I can't think of any big city in the world where dining without a shirt is acceptable, no matter what religion. Then again I haven't been to every city in the world. Maybe its OK in Delhi, I don't know - but mostly everywhere people wear shirts when out to dinner.

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You're still doing OK. That's good. I am in my mid-sixties, have traveled all over the world, am happy and outgoing and nobody has ever come close to hitting me. Last year some thugs in CM tried to rob me and put a gun to my head. I told them to f off and got the hell out of there (on my bike). I posted it on TV and you should have read the crap I got from the trolls on that posting. (better to take it in the rear than be dead)

I really don't think anyone is going to punch me or shoot me. Maybe I'm lucky, or maybe except for those thugs, I just don't attract those type of people. I think those thugs thought, "Old farang, easy mark" and not that I'd confront them regardless of the gun - caught them off guard. Also helps to know Aikido - sending ki energy, and how to speak Thai. I also can tell when someone is drunk - like I would be stupid to tell a drunk Russian six inches taller than me to put on his shirt. Those two guys in the restaurant I wrote about seemed harmless, and I didn't say anything, because I live and let live and have seen some pretty disgusting things in my travels - but in hindsight, and why I posted it - for my education - I would be a kind fellow farang and politely remind them that in a 93% Buddhist country its not polite to dine without a shirt. Chiang Mai is a big city, and actually I can't think of any big city in the world where dining without a shirt is acceptable, no matter what religion. Then again I haven't been to every city in the world. Maybe its OK in Delhi, I don't know - but mostly everywhere people wear shirts when out to dinner.

Just look for the clothing optional signs. biggrin.png

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I understand how you feel as in many ways I feel the same way. But the best advice I can offer by experience is to "Leave it Alone".

In my younger years I was in Poland once and eating in an outdoor café when a couple of Hooligans came along. One was seriously drunk and took out his whacker and started to pee on the BBQ Chicken. I could turn a blind eye to this but sitting next to me was a girl of about 8 years old and her mother. The Little Girl started to cry and I could see from her eyes she was terrified. So I walked over in the hopes I could reason with them.

I was not aggressive at all and just politely walked up to the sober of the two and pointed to the Little Girl Crying. Then said in a nice calm voice "please" and shook my figure from side to side to gesture not to do this. He smiled back and said okay. When I turned around I was met with some foot or fist as I was knock to the ground and dazed by it. Turns out they had a third friend hiding in the background.

Got another sucker punch from a farang in a 7-11 store here, who was also quite drunk. My girl friend was at the cashier paying for our stuff when he moved next to her and started putting his hands on her back. All I did is get between them and started to talk to my girlfriend letting him know she belonged to me. Turned to look at him later only to meet a sucker punch who he had given his hardest punch and knocked me to the floor. He was a huge man over 6 feet and 250 lbs. So I was surprised later I was not knocked out, with my head hitting the cement floor with full force, but not surprised that my head sure hurt for weeks afterwards.

I don't regret the Girl Friend time, but this time I would be more than ready for him and stand behind him with a loaded punch to tell him to leave her alone. But then with cameras in the place not sure this was a good idea either. They would just try to charge me for this, They wanted me to lay charges last time but who needs this problem when you only got a couple of days left.

But the other Sucker Punch I guess I should not have stuck my nose into that. Turns out they were some young wannabe mafia trying to collect money from the Chicken Lady, who refused to pay. Not sure what would have happened next had I been prepared and won the battle. Would there be a surprise visit from more mafia at my door the next day? Am sure nothing would have happened if I looked the other way. So if you are going to stick your nose into this "Be Prepared for the Unexpected! ".

You're still doing OK. That's good. I am in my mid-sixties, have traveled all over the world, am happy and outgoing and nobody has ever come close to hitting me. Last year some thugs in CM tried to rob me and put a gun to my head. I told them to f off and got the hell out of there (on my bike). I posted it on TV and you should have read the crap I got from the trolls on that posting. (better to take it in the rear than be dead)

I really don't think anyone is going to punch me or shoot me. Maybe I'm lucky, or maybe except for those thugs, I just don't attract those type of people. I think those thugs thought, "Old farang, easy mark" and not that I'd confront them regardless of the gun - caught them off guard. Also helps to know Aikido - sending ki energy, and how to speak Thai. I also can tell when someone is drunk - like I would be stupid to tell a drunk Russian six inches taller than me to put on his shirt. Those two guys in the restaurant I wrote about seemed harmless, and I didn't say anything, because I live and let live and have seen some pretty disgusting things in my travels - but in hindsight, and why I posted it - for my education - I would be a kind fellow farang and politely remind them that in a 93% Buddhist country its not polite to dine without a shirt. Chiang Mai is a big city, and actually I can't think of any big city in the world where dining without a shirt is acceptable, no matter what religion. Then again I haven't been to every city in the world. Maybe its OK in Delhi, I don't know - but mostly everywhere people wear shirts when out to dinner.

Yes! You are right. Best to stay away from Drunks. But after dark it is pretty hard to do that in Pattaya, and they are usually the ones that cause the most commotion, I also can't think of any eating establishment to, where you don't need a shirt, with the exception on Beach Front Property. I can recall being in a nice dress shirt and slacks but being asked to go to the Men's Change room to borrow a Tie and Suit Jacket.

I am a Live and Let Live sort of person also, but I still respect the culture of the country I am in, and hope other will also. But I also don't feel I am the one to tell them this. I guess what this Old Cool Drunk told me many years ago in my Hippy Days, says it all. He use to say, "I have been a Bum for 40 years and will probably be a Bum for another 40, but I still take my shoes off at the door."

You do know you took a very big chance with those robbers. I didn't think anyone was going to hit me in the middle of the day in a busy street in Poland either. Or a 7-11 full of cameras and staff. But.......

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You should have said something. As farang we have duty to lead by example when in another country, and that includes pointing out uncouth behaviour.

Really?? When did this happen? As far as I can tell, leading by example is not a white westerners prerogative. We are not here to colonise or teach the Thai's anything. And I think the Thai's make it very clear that they don't want us to.

If the restaurant didn't want the business they could have refused. What if the OP had stuck his nose in and the 2 lads walked out to eat somewhere else? Do you think the owner would have been grateful to lose the business that she and only she has the right to refuse.

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You should have said something. As farang we have duty to lead by example when in another country, and that includes pointing out uncouth behaviour.

In the US I have pointed out to a few British and European people while dining that is is CUMPULSORY to tip at least 15-30% when dining. This is accepted US culture and etiquette. I received very dirty looks and unfriendly comments from them upon pointing this out.

Unbelievable that these foreign aliens would go out and have a 40-50 dollar meal and leave our countryman a dollar or less as a tip.

If any of you are with people of this ilk, please remember to set your kind straight when you are visitors in the land that we lovesmile.png

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In my younger days in Amsterdam one sunny and hot May, I was shirtless after doing some kind of rowing in the canals. A couple of Dutch guys warned me (in a friendly way) that I could be fined as it was forbidden to go shirtless.

I was surprised but believed them and thanked them for telling me.

Of course years later I knew it was bullshit.

If you use this method, it may work.Most of them would think you are helping them, so there would probably not be any animosity.

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You should have said something. As farang we have duty to lead by example when in another country, and that includes pointing out uncouth behaviour.

In the US I have pointed out to a few British and European people while dining that is is CUMPULSORY to tip at least 15-30% when dining. This is accepted US culture and etiquette. I received very dirty looks and unfriendly comments from them upon pointing this out.

Unbelievable that these foreign aliens would go out and have a 40-50 dollar meal and leave our countryman a dollar or less as a tip.

If any of you are with people of this ilk, please remember to set your kind straight when you are visitors in the land that we lovesmile.png

Nope. Not compulsory. Expected? Maybe. If the service is slow or bad, I definitely don't. It's not the law, and disgruntled, incompetent wait staff are just trying the "if a lie is repeated often enough..." thing. I never tip 30%; just ridiculous, and even more ridiculous trying to pass that off on foreigners.. This is a good example of why farangs should perhaps NOT be endorsing this idea of intervention with one's fellow farangs when in Thailand. Suddenly we get self-appointed etiquette police running amok. As embarassing as that guy without a shirt might be, he's really mostly just making a fool of himself, and the rest of us shouldn't perhaps be taking it so personally. If the locals want to deal with it, they'll find a way.

Edited by hawker9000
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You should have said something. As farang we have duty to lead by example when in another country, and that includes pointing out uncouth behaviour.

In the US I have pointed out to a few British and European people while dining that is is CUMPULSORY to tip at least 15-30% when dining. This is accepted US culture and etiquette. I received very dirty looks and unfriendly comments from them upon pointing this out.

Unbelievable that these foreign aliens would go out and have a 40-50 dollar meal and leave our countryman a dollar or less as a tip.

If any of you are with people of this ilk, please remember to set your kind straight when you are visitors in the land that we lovesmile.png

Nope. Not compulsory. Expected? Maybe. If the service is slow or bad, I definitely don't. It's not the law, and disgruntled, incompetent wait staff are just trying the "if a lie is repeated often enough..." thing. I never tip 30%; just ridiculous, and even more ridiculous trying to pass that off on foreigners.. This is a good example of why farangs should perhaps NOT be endorsing this idea of intervention with one's fellow farangs when in Thailand. Suddenly we get self-appointed etiquette police running amok. As embarassing as that guy without a shirt might be, he's really mostly just making a fool of himself, and the rest of us shouldn't perhaps be taking it so personally. If the locals want to deal with it, they'll find a way.

Tipping in Thailand should be a whole other new TV posting. I owned and managed restaurants in the US, so I know a few things about tipping. When I am in the US, I tip 20% for good service, and sometimes even for bad service, when I know its the managers fault for understaffing, and that server is overwhelmed, doing the best he or she can do. If it's slow and I get bad service, I would usually tell the server, "I'm giving you a shitty tip for shitty service, and I'm never coming back." Sometimes I even speak to the manager. But this is from someone who knows the business, and knows manager/owners appreciate customer feedback. (which is why it is hard for me not to say something to the manager of the restaurant I've been going to here for 2 years) Some people have no business serving food. (and some managers don't know how to manage - how to politely tell offensive customers to leave) In Thailand tipping is completely different. I have watch groups of Thais eating, and maybe the bill is over 2000B and they don't leave even 1 baht tip. I have gone out with Thai friends who tell me that Thai people don't need to tip, but you do. They expect a tip from farangs. So I guess the same as wearing a shirt in a restaurant, farangs should know that a tip in Thailand from a farang is expected. Though I never leave anywhere near 20% - more like 5%. I have been told by Thai friends that that is good enough, and when I try to leave more (like 20B for 200B) they will say, "too much." But again - Up to you.

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Lol - yeah, 'takes a business guru to know about tipping. Those that actually DO the tipping, all their paying lives, wouldn't know as much about it as the business owner who's smart enough to underpay his employees in the expectation that tippers will make up the difference! I do tip in Thailand, but will never buy into the blockheaded notion that some nationalities should be singled out by thais as tippers, while others are not.

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