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Pheu Thai Party is skeptical about Suthep's claim


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Is there anyone on the face of the earth who actually believes he is a man of his word?



Ah the old switcheroo. Never fails in the absence of sensible debate. You would have thought people would have got tired of this by now. coffee1.gif

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Is there anyone on the face of the earth who actually believes he is a man of his word?



Ah the old switcheroo. Never fails in the absence of sensible debate. You would have thought people would have got tired of this by now. coffee1.gif

Never fails in the absence of sensible debate?

You clicked "like" on a reply that avoided sensible debate when the poster wrote "What a load of <deleted> you spout"

So when you said people would have got tired of this by now then guess what? I am tired of it, but apparently you're not because you click "like" on the very point you said people are tired of.

That is PTP logic right there!

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Never fails in the absence of sensible debate?

You clicked "like" on a reply that avoided sensible debate when the poster wrote "What a load of <deleted> you spout"

So when you said people would have got tired of this by now then guess what? I am tired of it, but apparently you're not because you click "like" on the very point you said people are tired of.

That is PTP logic right there!

Sensible debate - Your List of organisations that you say the PTP hate or don't like or whatever it is you claim? And your buzzword phrases like "that is PTP Logic right there" repeated ad nauseam?

No, sorry, that's why I clicked "like" on that post.

Edited by fab4
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Is there anyone on the face of the earth who actually believes he is a man of his word?

Pheu Thai Spokesperson Prompong Nopparit is a convicted liar awaiting to serve his prison time, so probably most people don't believe what he says.

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You are just making this up - aren't you? Your claim of having majority? If so, why the reluctance in having an election? Surely you favored political party would win outright majority - wouldn't you? But no! You don't want the election to occur. So there is something clearly WRONG with you claim of having MAJORITY.

I believe Suthep will stop the protests next week but that does not mean he will give up on his and the majorities wish to rid Thailand of the Thaksin regime.

You forgot that the Democrats aren't allowed to promote their politic upcountry, the mass media are under control of the Thaksin regime and there is massive vote buying and "organized voting". If Thaksin believes he can win in fair elections why he fights the reforms?

If Yingluck would have said: yes we must reform, give me your ideas and we'll implement them immediately, she would be a hero. Instead she pushed the Amnesty for Thaksin law.

Trotting out the lie that The Democrats are not allowed to promote their politics upcountry again does not make it true.

I know of 2 incidents where political canvassers have been killed and niether was a Dem.

PDRC stages have been attacked in many places, but not Dem canvassers in elections.. Media companies are controlled by many different factions including Bluesky which I am watching in Issaan ATM.

Vote buying is wrong but has been done by all sides in past elections.

You say reforms, I say jerrymandering.

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Is there anyone on the face of the earth who actually believes he is a man of his word?

Pheu Thai Spokesperson Prompong Nopparit is a convicted liar awaiting to serve his prison time, so probably most people don't believe what he says.

Can't dispute that but as I know nothing of his perjury charges and if the lowlife piece of scum and excrement lied in court then he deserves to go to prison.


Now back on topic and the man of his word Suthep. Is he a man of his word or is he a liar?

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Ah the old switcheroo. Never fails in the absence of sensible debate. You would have thought people would have got tired of this by now. coffee1.gif

Never fails in the absence of sensible debate?

You clicked "like" on a reply that avoided sensible debate when the poster wrote "What a load of <deleted> you spout"

So when you said people would have got tired of this by now then guess what? I am tired of it, but apparently you're not because you click "like" on the very point you said people are tired of.

That is PTP logic right there!

Sensible debate - Your List of organisations that you say the PTP hate or don't like or whatever it is you claim? And your buzzword phrases like "that is PTP Logic right there" repeated ad nauseam?

No, sorry, no sell.

Don't change the subject mate? Jeez it is hard to talk with you, which is why I cam up with the below.

if you reply, don't demonize me, don't be condescending, don't quote me out of context, don't change the subject and don't cherry pick”

I don't care what you think about this list now. We are past that. If you thought something of my list reply the post. I mentioned that you clicked "like" on a post that avoided sensible debate yet you yourself said people are tired of. Obviously your not tired of it though.

Your posts are the only ones that need to be "solved" like a rubics cube and looking back at the last 10 you spend more time explaining to others what you meant because you cannot articulate an answer at the beginning.

Please Fab4. I enjoy your posts when you articulate a response and when you don't attack, don't change the subject, don't quote out of context, don't demonize etc etc.

​Lets spend more time enjoying your post instead of deciphering them.

BTW - if you reply, don't demonize me, don't be condescending, don't quote me out of context, don't change the subject and don't cherry pick”

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The whole world is skeptical of Suthep claims not just the Pheu Thai Party. He cried wolf too many times.

Can you give us a link anywhere in the world to back up your claim.

Try reading the foreign news media. It might be enlightening to you.

You mean like AP...what trash!

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The Law cannot be changed without a government. If you change the law without a full complement of ministers of parliament - that would betray the people's will! If you are afraid of electoral fraud, then send people to the northeast to watch the election process.

You are just making this up - aren't you? Your claim of having majority? If so, why the reluctance in having an election? Surely you favored political party would win outright majority - wouldn't you? But no! You don't want the election to occur. So there is something clearly WRONG with you claim of having MAJORITY.

I believe Suthep will stop the protests next week but that does not mean he will give up on his and the majorities wish to rid Thailand of the Thaksin regime.

Not too sure about majority but it would be very close. Reason no one wants elections (my old mantra):

The laws need to be changed first. It must be impossible for parties clearly convicted of electoral fraud to rejoin under another name (PPP, TRT, PTP).
The constituencies need to be divided such, that the seats in parliament come closer to the reality of the popular vote.

Then yes, please, by all means have elections and for this first time after all these troubles let an independent foreign body check if it is free and fair (incl vote buying by cash or by threats)
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The Democrats have done nothing for the people in the north and northeast. It is not that that Democrats are not allowed to promote their platform to those people there. It is that the people of the North and Northeast are fed up with the BS the Democrats have been spewing.

The reforms you call for are aimed at hobbling the PT Party. So why do you think they are going to agree with these reforms that you say are needed by have not elaborated on what the content or nature of those reforms will be? If you want the PT Party and the current government to agree on having reform before a new election, please let everyone know first what reforms are to be made.

There is a problem of trust and you and the PDRC have made it difficult for the rest to believe in your platform and your motives. Most people see Mr. Suthep as a Fascist. Nothing less.

And the sad thing is that you do not even realize this.

You are just making this up - aren't you? Your claim of having majority? If so, why the reluctance in having an election? Surely you favored political party would win outright majority - wouldn't you? But no! You don't want the election to occur. So there is something clearly WRONG with you claim of having MAJORITY.

I believe Suthep will stop the protests next week but that does not mean he will give up on his and the majorities wish to rid Thailand of the Thaksin regime.

You forgot that the Democrats aren't allowed to promote their politic upcountry, the mass media are under control of the Thaksin regime and there is massive vote buying and "organized voting". If Thaksin believes he can win in fair elections why he fights the reforms?

If Yingluck would have said: yes we must reform, give me your ideas and we'll implement them immediately, she would be a hero. Instead she pushed the Amnesty for Thaksin law.

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