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Thailand: What the martial law entails


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hmmm...first martial law, then probably a new PM appointed by the Senate...this is all playing out nicely and more or less as expected.

In fact, it means no such thing. The govt remains in office even in the context of martial law. This simply removes from the streets the groups in conflict.

You mean the caretaker administration with very limited powers remains in office whilst the debate about the legality of their caretaker cabinet appointed acting caretaker PM is being debated.

In does hopefully mean that the biased agent of PTP intimidation CAPO can be dissolved and an audit of its books commenced. Similarly, the criteria of which cases to accept and how they are processed by the DSI might be looked at. The RTP will now do as told by the army rather than by senior officers controlled by a crook.

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Yes, sad. Thailand is now officially the least democratic country in Southeast Asia.

Hey!! wait, explain, there is democracy in southeast Asia ? They can't even get that right in the west.

He thinks Cambodia (uncle Hun Set), Vietnam, PDR Laos, Myanmar and the new Sharia Law autocratic rules Brunei are more democratic than Thailand? Malaysia and Singapore - really democratic eh?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The army is out of patience after waiting over six months for Suthep's victory. But Army or Suthep dosen't matter, both dictators.

And you thing that the Shinawatra clan is lily white (and are not dictators) 'c'mon' you gotta be joking alt=bah.gif>

Sorry, I ain't side with Shinawatra. But that doesn't mean I support these wannabe-dictators as well.

It's a bit premature to label as Red to whoever critizes this wannabe-dictator (and vice versa)

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"...- Prohibit public gatherings..."

Looks like the PDRC is immune to this one, but not the RED-SHIRTS. The military has already surrounded the RED-SHIRTS and are negotiating with them to leave according to another article in this same TV news email.

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Seems to me there is more information than has been revealed about the seizure of the white Mazda full of M16's up North. Can it be coincidence that Martial Law have been declared just a day later or is it to nip in the bud a major armed uprising ? Not scaremongering; just putting two and two together.

Nope. Scaremongering. And NOT needed!

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Well the cops were out up here collecting money for their mia noi's this morning so looks like nothing new up here. The wife is back to the farm with her workers, nothing new there. I was a couple of weeks late with the mortage payment to our subdivision owner, her husband big wig general, paid up right away, didn't want her to send a 'bill collector' around...lol. The internet is working fine, seems like the tv also. I'll head into town this evening and see if the beer is flowing and the ladies working. Somehow I think it will all be as usual. While we may yak away about what happens here, it isn't our county and try interfering, you will find out rather quickly. Frankly I worried more about the knock on the door, or getting it kicked in when I was still in the states and would be worried even more there now. The US government doesn't like those that oppose it's un-Constitutional foreign and domestic policies or the plutocrats that own it. The finest 'democracy' money has bought.

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Comment & discussion, even argument, are one thing. Scaremongering & incitement another. At times like this, readers want to understand how developing news is going to affect them and their families, and not be subjected to online terrorizing by the always-lurking drama queens. I'm not for silencing anybody, but those posting stuff like this should expect other members to jump in and label it for what it is.

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Very strange timing for the army to enforce martial law.

The talks are deadlocked but they have been for months now so I wonder why now?

Maybe suteps threat for his last final push to get a million on the streets which was just another hollow threat however the reds reaction of heading to bangkok might have swayed them to act but why now?

Quite clearly the bias is once again been shown by the army shutting the red tv channel while the yellow channels are free to operate .

The reaction from the reds is going to be interesting as sutep has been allowed free reign in bangkok for 6 months now and all his allies or what he thought were allies in the end did not back so it upped the ante once again.

I don't know why the military moved now as I don't see what's going to achieve in the long run instead of making a bad situation worse.

The people of Thailand once again see demroracy hijacked.!

I wish you could correctly read.

Bluesky tv was also shut down.

Stuttering can seriously affect you

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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To all those here waffling and rambling on about democracy being taken,away.. Go home. Stay away. Flee this tyrannical state!

Do you know where in Thailand they have this democracy your sprout about? I have not seen it in 17 years.

Getting anxious and slandering each other here achieves ZERO. You and I have no say.

So if it doesn't suit you, try Uganda... They also have democracy.

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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Civil war=whoopy do= pepper me ;)

Same traits and writing styles.

I just left Korat on Saturday and it's never been anything other than normality up there, it's mostly just Bangkok that's been disrupted.

The military I hope have a plan , they've already stated that they would NOT put an interim PM in place or a people council and that can't be sitting too well with the PDRC, of course he may well change his mind, but it would be a huge about turn and the problems will only escalate if he changes his stance.

There's no winners here at all apart from the Military and he's allowing the protests to continue within the confined places that they already have, there's no clampdown coming! He's using a very cool head , and everyone really needs to step back and let him do what he has to do.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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. . . destroy, remove or adjust any premise or location for the purpose of military operations . . . hope my house isn't in their line of fire . . .

This makes it worse... "People are not entitled to any compensation for damage incurred during such military operations" sad.png

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With all the Thai political parties and their followers continually acting like a baby, kicking toys out of the pram and making a hell of a racket, I'm not at all surprised that 'Mummy' (the Thai Forces) has come along, stuffed a bottle in it's gob, and is just about to clean the crap (political supporters) out of it's nappy. Mummy has held back from taking action, and maybe this time, having brought up one baby, (the political leaders who revoked the last Junta) may actually be better prepared and informed than she was last time.

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. . . destroy, remove or adjust any premise or location for the purpose of military operations . . . hope my house isn't in their line of fire . . .

This makes it worse... "People are not entitled to any compensation for damage incurred during such military operations" sad.png

Stop complaining unless you have got a tank sitting on the lawn!!!

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This martial law is very convenient for Suthep, It means he will stop protesting and will not report himself later on this month at police, not that he had any intention doing so from the start.

The saga continues.

What inside information do you have to support your claim that Suthep never "had any intention" of reporting to the police? This is a bold statement. Opinion or fact?

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"...- Prohibit public gatherings..."

Looks like the PDRC is immune to this one, but not the RED-SHIRTS. The military has already surrounded the RED-SHIRTS and are negotiating with them to leave according to another article in this same TV news email.

I think one of the triggers for this action was the pictures from yesterday which showed a whole troop of redshirts, dressed in black and lined up in military formation. Hey Thaksin! That was a skit too far!

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Because he's hardly been one for carrying out what he said given all his final push/last battle marches so it's hardly surprising nobody believes much if of what he says is it?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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hmmm...first martial law, then probably a new PM appointed by the Senate...this is all playing out nicely and more or less as expected.

In fact, it means no such thing. The govt remains in office even in the context of martial law. This simply removes from the streets the groups in conflict.

I read on another site that the protests are allowed to continue. Although only supposedly in three areas.


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Yes, sad. Thailand is now officially the least democratic country in Southeast Asia.

Hey!! wait, explain, there is democracy in southeast Asia ? They can't even get that right in the west.

He thinks Cambodia (uncle Hun Set), Vietnam, PDR Laos, Myanmar and the new Sharia Law autocratic rules Brunei are more democratic than Thailand? Malaysia and Singapore - really democratic eh?

You lack reading skills, i think that what i wrote was plain enough for a 10 year old. Read it again,i doubted that there was such a thing as democracy in the whole of S.E. Asia and that the West hasn't got it right either. So back to pre-school for you.

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The OP details what martial law entails very well.

I would like to see more TV posts discussing the legal contortions involved declaring this particular state of martial law.

How did they do it, and on who's authority, legally?

What is the legal framework used to get a state of martial law declared?

Obviously, the situation in Thailand is quite unique. Most developed countries would have the government inform the military that martial law has been declared and instruct them to carry out their duties as required by law. What's the deal here?

Isn't this really a coup? (If it walks like a duck?)

What else were they to do? Neither side was about to compromise ever, and the constant calls for 'elections' would have resulted in yet more disruption/bloodshed and only the terminally delusional would disagree.

I'm aware that blood on the streets is par for the course in the Middle East and Ukraine but the overwhelming majority of Thais wouldn't put up with it and this move is a very good one. Cooler heads are being made to prevail. To wit, both factions have no choice other than to step back from the brink of a guaranteed escalation in the number of people being maimed/killed. Now who could disagree with that?huh.png

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