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My Canadian British American Australian French Italian Spanish Norwegian Dutch Swedish Japanese Chinese Thai girlfriend wants me to pay for everything.

On the other hand, I want a super rich girlfriend who owns a Lear Jet and wants to pay for everything.

Men and women will never understand each other. coffee1.gif

PS Don't fall for it. She could have 6 other guys around the world, all paying for her apartment. Her anger should run you off.

Lol, yea she does get angry easy.

She told me "If no help. why should I keep you around?"

I haven't heard from her since last night.

Emotional blackmail

If she likes you , for you , money does not matter , seems she only cares about money, don't pay for flat , she goes .

So she looks for another source of money

Leave her , find someone you deserve and wants you not your money .

Good luck

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

My sentiments exactly,

Do not fall for the guilt trip, instead call it manipulation... So just how much do you really know about her?

It is the way it is, and could be the beginning of despair..... Ask yourself, when she asks, why do I keep you around?

What part of Thailand is she from? Just a thought......

Kerry wai.gifwai.gifwai.gif


There are plenty of ladies in Thailand who will not ask you for money. This is not a Thai girlfriend issue, but a rotten girlfriend issue.

Just like in any country rotten women have eyes set on marks. Don't be a mark, if you only see her a month out of the year rest assured she has other marks she is playing in your absence.

Find yourself a better girl, who loves you for you and enjoys your company, not your money.

In a nutshell, dump this broad and find another chick. There are too many out there to be used and abused by one, which is what I guarantee you are on the road for if you do give her money now.

Good luck!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Lets not confuse the OP

IF, big if,

he was there, and they were actually "together" then I would be the first one to say, helping a g/f with things is righteous indeed.

especially with how far the USDollar exchanges there in terms of rent and utlilites,

I would even say, $250 is nothing, and would willingly go forward, if it was my girlfriend, If I was the only one sliding inside of her, and if I was there to ensure the money wasnt going to her "brother"

there is a reason there is the rule of no money from overseas,

you OP, can not (over)see where it goes

thats the point here

no one I dont think would begrudge you, if you were there

but btw, I agree with these other guys,

thai women do not speak to this way to someone they respect


Of course they like and want money, this cannot be a surprise... The question is, do you get value for your money?

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She works in a sporting company.

Wouldn't be siam sports or siam soccer or something like that.in navamin ?

If so my mate a thai bloke was doing a bird from there .

Sounds familiar

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


She probably owns the apartment and is having trouble finding a reliable tenant. Being a landlord can be frustrating, hence her anger.



my 6th sence tell me this is another troll of the month attempt ...

if the girl you see one week at the time, sure she has other sponsors ...

she is in debt, is that your fault ?

find another f-hole, plenty of smelly fish in the sheeeeet


No rent until I return. If you really love me, then you will wait.

We see how things go when I return.

IF she runs...she did you a favor.

Reason: Worse thing you can do is to let a Thai lady love you for your money. They truly care much more about supporting themselves and their family than you. When you find that lady that is truly sincere, money will not be a subject of discussion.

Truthfully, those ladies are out there. You just need patience and you need to be looking in the right spots. Bars/night clubs etc...Not the right spots. Good luck.

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I am constantly amazed by the naïvety of people oin this forum. Some of whom are even supposed to be, by their own statements, intelligent enough to be teachers.

Loathe as I am to use an 'Americanism', but please - wake up and smell the coffee.

Do they genuinely not notice the cultural differences between the rich West and the poor East?

Intelligent enough to be teachers?? What does that mean?

I see English teachers posting here and their use of the language is so bad you wouldn't feed them, much less pay them!!!


A visit 4 weeks in every year does not make for a good relationship, nor a lasting one. A Summer Romance at best. Especially when you are first starting out.

If you were making future plans to join her permanently, or her you, it might be a different story. But since this does not seem to be the case then forget about it. Is paying $250 worth hanging her picture at work and telling your friends she is your Girlfriend? I would sooner hang a picture of Loni Anderson, in her prime, and tell them I wish she was My Girlfriend, and keep the 200 Bucks.

So don't give her this money and tell her you would still like to be friends. She may hate you for this, but then...so what?


The key phrase, IMO, is 'why should I keep you around?' That tells me you are no more than a part-time monetary convenience to her. It's all about her and what she wants, and nothing about you and what you want.

At 35, she has a history, mate, and I've a sixth-sense she's not told you the truth, or has neglected to honestly explain her life to date.

The fact that she's using internet dating sites means that she WILL be seeing other potential suitors when you're not around.

Bank on that.

Maybe she hopes to hit pay dirt, but you're only there to fund her living expenses while she finds the 'right' one. The warning signs are all there, and the fact you've turned her down says as much about you as her, because clearly YOU don't want a long-term relationship, just a convenient leg-over.

birds of a feather...


My Canadian British American Australian French Italian Spanish Norwegian Dutch Swedish Japanese Chinese Thai girlfriend wants me to pay for everything.

On the other hand, I want a super rich girlfriend who owns a Lear Jet and wants to pay for everything.

Men and women will never understand each other. coffee1.gif

PS Don't fall for it. She could have 6 other guys around the world, all paying for her apartment. Her anger should run you off.

NeverSure, very good advice.

Any guy looking for a girlfriend online should be aware that many (if not most) girls, whether Thai, Filipino, Latvian, Russian

or whatever, looking for a man online are motivated primarily by the expectation of financial gain.

Sad fact is: many guys who are unaware (or whose common sense is distorted by lust) often pay dearly for their ignorance.

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I had a gf once who was always asking for money and what ever I gave was never enough... It was not easy but i felt better when I forgot her !!!

If you want a gf look for someone who has a real job and supports herself. You don't live here but if you do decide to in the future you can have your gf move in with you and she can save some money.

My way .... My gf and I live in my place (our place) and I pay all the living expenses. This would almost be the same if she was there or not so her presents cost very little. I actually save money as we eat in a lot and enjoy being home. I give no money except perhaps a gift now and then. I pick up the bar and restaurant bills. Her money belongs to her to save, buy personal items, send to family, give to temple... Etc. I don't give her a paycheck. Now if I asked her to stop working and stay home Or if we had a baby I think I would need to give her some money to spend each month.

You don't need someone to suck your money. Avoid the bar girls as they have a mind set that the man pays for everything and gives them money.... This is learned from their chosen profession.


If you care for someone and trust them, then a little outlay for comfortable surroundings isn't a great deal to ask. I wouldn't have my wife slumming it. She looks after me, I look after her.

You've only to decide whether she's worth the outlay.

To each their own but there are those who would have low/no interest in hooking up with a woman that would be otherwise "slumming it" if it were not for your/our money.


Assuming this is not a troll...... Do you love her, can you see yourself spending the rest of your life with her? If yes, then dip into the pot and get a 6 month lease, and see if it is just commitment and security (and love) that she yearns for (her clock is ticking).

$1500 US Korea salary is doable of this 6 month test. If after 2 months she bleating financially again, throw her out on her ass.


Is it all about the money? One size does not fit all instances...but the short answer is YES...

If you do not pay...and there is likely never a time that there will not be a serious problem...that only you paying money can solve...no pay...no play...

Do not take it personally...most online dating girls...that I know of...all want mo money...have hundreds of reasons why...

You did the right thing...now quit fretting...and get on with your life...


Apartment is only the start. She will milk you like a cow.

Then it will be a sick buffalo, medications for mother, father had accident and needs money for hospital bills, roof leaking, motorbike needs repairs, temple needs donation, etc, etc etc.

If you pay be ready to walk around saying Moooo, Mooooo Mooòoooo.

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....you have no clue.....move on quickly......

....you could go online any day.....or go out on any given day....and meet someone......

....there is nothing romantic about this......wake up......!!!

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Ha ha ha. I married the girl who told me she needed 20,000 baht to pay her grand mothers hospital bill. I asked her what she was going to do? She said she would go to the money lenders. I had visions of loan sharks and Quido. I offered her the money to be sent immediately. She said it was not my problem and not my business to have to pay. I knew right then I had keeper.


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How do all you blokes so easily find women online? When I contact women, the talks go ok, then when I send my photo they suddenly go quiet??

Try being honest about yourself in looks and age. If you first tell her you are 21 and look like Samsun (before his haircut) but turn out to be middle aged, balding, and fat, well....it sort of throws them off.

Good Looks is not as important to a woman than it is for a man. That is why they have those beautiful curves, and we are stinky and covered in hair. Talk about your good points and being financially secure, if you are, or plans to be. Talk about wanted to develop a serious relationship, as all Women like that. They feel they have a time clock inside them which tells them they will only be beautiful for a short time. So they do not want to waste this time with someone who is not serious.

Most of all, try to avoid sending a picture where you are holding a Beer and Making Love to it. Most Guys have a picture like that. A Dog would be better, but not a baby. They will think it is yours. And I do mean the Baby and not the Dog! . ,

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I was married at 20 and remained married for 42 years. We had 2 children who are both successful adults. I gave my wife my whole paycheque except perhaps $130.00/week. She had enough in her paycheque to support a family. I made enough to support 2 families. We lived high on the hog and I trusted her to manage the money well. We skied 3 weeks of the year, took at least 5 weeks off each year and traveled all over North America. I supported her as she got her Doctorate in Education. She worked very hard for it. She began to ignore my good advice ( a lot of it financial ) . We ended divorced. She had over $125,000.00 in credit card debt. Against my good advice she sold my dream home which doubled in price within 5 years of her selling it. She flew her cat 3/4 of the way around the world for $6,000.00. She flew first class while I traveled in cattle class.

My second wife in Thailand needs all my money. I have been trained to be generous. Again I live well and am raising her daughter. I make a lot of personal sacrifices but I am improving our home incrementally. We make 5 times what the average Thai earns. Recently I have begun to say no and guess what she seems to have hidden funds (overtime) which she is giving to support us.

It really doesn't matter if the woman is a girlfriend or a wife. No matter how much you give them it is never enough. At some point you have to say no. Where that point is , is at your discretion.

Women like to be paid for and men like to buy them even if it is a wife. It makes us feel needed and powerful. Women like to see just how much they are needed.


Oh gosh, there are so much negativities here.

OP, you hung out with her, you saw how she live, you knew she does not make much money. If she does not make much money, her life style should tell you whether she is honest and sincere. $250 is not too much to ask. How about give her $200, so have a place to stay when you are in Thailand.

You don't want to miss out on a good woman. 35 years old, has never been married and has no children should tell you she is not just some girl who will go with anyone.


In Asian culture, and I have lived in Japan, Korea and Thailand for more than 30 years total, the mans responsibility in a relationship is to take care of the woman finanically. As far as the woman is concerned Love has nothing to do with finding a partner but financial security." No money no honey", get used to it.

She might not ask for money at first but the time will come if you do not meet her financial expecttions she will mention it.

After 30 years, it seems you haven't learned much about people in general.

All girls are not the same.

If you live in Kanagawa, it may be more difficult to find a Japanese girl raised

by traditional values. But when you get a few hours away from the metropolis,

you will be amazed by how many you meet. Same applies to Thais & Koreans.

No money, no honey does indeed apply to the bar girls, but if you have ever

ventured outside that arena, you would find that Japanese, Korean and Thai

girls (like American or European girls) are not all the same.

Based on only 27 years experience in these countries, I can confirm for you

that many Asian girls are raised on traditional values very similar to girls in

Ohio or Nebraska.

Of course, if you don't speak Japanese or Korean or Thai, all bets are off.

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