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My girlfriend has quite a lot of debt, maxed out credit cards, mortgage, car on credit etc etc. She's paying them off, but it really stretches her wage.

If we were to get married, would i be liable to pay her debts should she ever stop working?

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Exactly...and while she might be in debt and a bad financial manager...or decision maker...by the OP it sounds like she is servicing it herself, so she cannot be all bad from that point.

Crikey, I remember getting in debt as a young fellow, all the same crappola....so why not a young thai lass also ?

Most people do at some stage in their life.

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People who run up debt rarely change.

is debt so unforgivable? how many of you or your families and freinds out there are carrying mortgages, car payments and credit card balances.

better yet, how many of your countries are buried under massive debt?

Nothing wrong with judicious debt, but do you think the OP's description of "...maxed-out credit cards, mortgage and car loan etc etc...that really stretches her wage" sounds like a situation under control? And if not, ask yourself who is going to bear the brunt of the struggle to get out from under these debts, both practically and emotionally.

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Some sensible advice here,It sounds like your future wife has a very limited understanding of debt, In the event you marry her while legally you will not be liable for her debts , you will be morally obligated to help, ,

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she must have had a good job to be able to max out on all the above anyway, seems she likes to live above her means. looks like shes planning to live a lot higher once you sign on the dotted line...........i would have walked at the first credit card...

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In theory, you are not responsible to pay her debt...

but she will expect you to pay her debt...

and as others pointed out, she is more than likely to make more debts for which you would BE responsible

and - also as pointed out - some of her creditors might also expect you to pay for the old debts... and coming to convince you not in a nice way...


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Old debt no, new debt yes.

People who run up debt rarely change.

What advantage will marriage gain YOU.

sad but true

Exactly. Thais cannot manage money full stop. Borrow on one credit card to pay the minimum amount on another and each month the interest keeps on keeping on.

They buy a vehicle on the 'never never' reduce the principle and then refinance and borrow more.

Family back in Isan are doing the same on their house, borrow, don't make payments, banks are gonna foreclose and sister in the city borrows more to get the banks of the mums back.

It is self perpetuating and they never get the monkey off their back "until 'sister in the city, hooks farang who is mesmerized by the heery lasso and bingo problem solved.

Remember the adage "if it floats, flies or f**ks rent it"

Edited by johnlandy
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OP, I know a Thai bird who needs to find a farang to deal with her debts. This is true..............Lets keep our eyes wide open and have the word NO at hand. You really will know where you stand after that word...whistling.gif

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People who run up debt rarely change.

is debt so unforgivable? how many of you or your families and freinds out there are carrying mortgages, car payments and credit card balances.

better yet, how many of your countries are buried under massive debt?

Yes, if anything should be obvious over the past few years, people from farang land have no personal financial management skills, their banks & businesses are run solely to benefit a small number of obscenely greedy people while screwing the majority and their governments are like debt junkies.

And yet, people who come from these countries where financial collapse is still a lot closer than they realize, feel qualified to lecture Thais. Sort of like drug addicts lecturing someone because they drink too much coffee or illiterate farang coming to teach English to Thai students.


Edited by Suradit69
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By getting married I would say you are both committing yourselves to sharing both your assets and your liabilities.

With a Thai girl and farang this has the effect of you sharing your assets with her and she passing on her liabilities to you.

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Debt is like a disease. She has already used up all her debt that she can think of. Your marriage with her, will allow her new territories to expand her debt. There is no limit to spending. Money is never enough. I don't care if you make six figures, your partner will step all over it and conquer it as her allowable margin. As it prolongs it will destroy your life. I agree strongly with "People who run up debt rarely change." There are only two people in this world. Those with debt, and those with assets. You wake up each day and make a decision which side you will be on. People with assets continue to lead their financially free life making more and more money. People with debt on the other hand, finds more ways to find more debt. Any source of money they will take it. It's just their mentality, it drives them further and further into negative territory. Even worse than drugs if you ask me. They never blame themselves for their mistakes, never admit it's their money management problem. They start protests, complain about low wages, etc.

Make your decision, there is help and knowledge out there, seek to learn and you will be out of debt.

Harsh, but I don't connect with people who is related to debt. The disease spreads.

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The question you should ask is whether you had a lot of debts, would your GF pay them

for you? the answer is most likely a resounding NO,

if you pay any of her debts, make sure that there is a memorandum to that effect and

that if and when the day will come and you brake apart, than make sure that those payments

you made for her will be part of any settlements of you common properties....

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We've all been there, I remember as a young lad doing the same thing and spending 2 years digging myself out. My wife is bloody dire when it comes to financial matters (which I now manage), doesn't stop her from being a wonderfully caring and loving woman.

As a man if you marry the woman, particularly Thai women, you take responsibility (in sickness and in health, for richer and for poor, etc, etc, etc), it's up to you to control it, giving someone access to large amounts of money when they are not used to it will lead to aggravation, but if you manage it, it can be fine.

If you love the lady, then you accept the baggage.......

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The WORSE thing you can do here is make out OR say you are rich...........Noooooooooooo question...............State you are struggling a bit but be OK and see what happens.........Trust me on that.

The Hi-So farang WILL be taken.......Am sure about that for a vast % of you. Some will be OK with a bird that doesn't have a bird brain.......thumbsup.gif

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