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Ex-Thai PM Yingluck reports to coup makers


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Geez the lady is copping it from all angles for turning up, imagine the flak she would get if she didn't turn up. Damned if she does and damned if she doesn't. At least she has bigger balls than the mad monk and the slime suthep, the military had to go and get them.

Had to get Suthep? He was there with the rest at the same meeting the day the coup was announced.

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well she has more balls than thaksin, did not expect here to show but maybe she is starting to realize she wants to live in Thailand without all the crap her brother has caused

She should have told them she is no longer in government and now a private citizen and to go <deleted> themselves.

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Fascinating account of what went on at the army club with all the factions up to and including the moment when Prayuth declared a coup:


I think the best we can hope for now is some kind of coalition comprising the main players who were detained, with Prayuth as CEO. This way perhaps the followers of each faction would be appeased for a while.

From the AP report:

And then, Prayuth stood up and addressed the room. "Sorry. I'm taking power" from this moment on, he said calmly, according to Sirichoke.

Another lawmaker who recounted the same narrative of Thursday's meeting, and also spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity, said it was not immediately clear if Prayuth was joking.

What is it with people who repeatedly seem to think Prayuth is joking?

The other day, when the generally apparently verbally slapped down the DSI's Tarit, the original news reports portrayed his comments as "joking." But then I noted, in the subsequent reports on the same exchange done a day or two later, suddenly the references to joking had vanished.

Now, we have a lawmaker saying he thought Prayuth was joking when he said he was going to take control of the government.

I don't know the good general. But I'm beginning to get the feeling that when he's talking on matters of national import, we ought to take him at his word, and not think he's trying to be a comedian.

Perhaps it's his Thai way of saying it with a smile.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

well she has more balls than thaksin, did not expect here to show but maybe she is starting to realize she wants to live in Thailand without all the crap her brother has caused

If I was her, I wouldn't have taken that job for all the Tea in China! No help or support from anyone in the government, or anywhere else, on anything she tried to do. It appeared like she tried to help the farmers out with this rice pledge, but couldn't get the government loan to pay it off as they refused her this loan. Knowing full well this would cause problems for her later. Government Rebates on Automobiles, so more people could have a car and give a boost to the failing flooded auto industry. Tablets for the poor and underprivileged kids so they could have access to a computer and would learn more about modern technology,

But it seems to me that which ever direction this duly elected government official turned she was ridiculed and crapped on by everyone. Even from the people here on TV. She was blamed for the floods in Bangkok even though she was only in office a short time. Where nobody before her took steps to correct this problem, which has been going on for centuries. Blamed for running the country poorly, when investment were up and the Thai Baht gained strength. In fact blamed because the Baht was too strong.

But my favorite one of all is being accused of being a Puppet for her brother, who without any proof at all people say he is running her government in exile. Why? How? So what if she does talk to him and asks him for advice? Is this a criminal offence? If it is then we better lock up George W Bush as well as he has already admitted to talking to his father several times while in Office (X President George Bush Senior), and asking him for advice.

Nope! She doesn't need the money or headache! Better for her to pack up and with all her money move where she can live like a queen. Much better for her then it was to take on this thankless job, which has done nothing more than cause trouble for her. She doesn't have to try and prove she would be a good leader in Thailand. Billionaires don't have to try and prove anything.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

hmmm... was she told that she will be brought to a shopping center where she can get the newest fashion items in olive-green?

I heard that to.

She went with Queen Elizabeth and Margret Thatcher. You know how soft and emotional women can be. By women like this putting their Purse Shopping ahead of their Nation.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

well she has more balls than thaksin, did not expect here to show but maybe she is starting to realize she wants to live in Thailand without all the crap her brother has caused

If I was her, I wouldn't have taken that job for all the Tea in China! No help or support from anyone in the government, or anywhere else, on anything she tried to do. It appeared like she tried to help the farmers out with this rice pledge, but couldn't get the government loan to pay it off as they refused her this loan. Knowing full well this would cause problems for her later. Government Rebates on Automobiles, so more people could have a car and give a boost to the failing flooded auto industry. Tablets for the poor and underprivileged kids so they could have access to a computer and would learn more about modern technology,

But it seems to me that which ever direction this duly elected government official turned she was ridiculed and crapped on by everyone. Even from the people here on TV. She was blamed for the floods in Bangkok even though she was only in office a short time. Where nobody before her took steps to correct this problem, which has been going on for centuries. Blamed for running the country poorly, when investment were up and the Thai Baht gained strength. In fact blamed because the Baht was too strong.

But my favorite one of all is being accused of being a Puppet for her brother, who without any proof at all people say he is running her government in exile. Why? How? So what if she does talk to him and asks him for advice? Is this a criminal offence? If it is then we better lock up George W Bush as well as he has already admitted to talking to his father several times while in Office (X President George Bush Senior), and asking him for advice.

Nope! She doesn't need the money or headache! Better for her to pack up and with all her money move where she can live like a queen. Much better for her then it was to take on this thankless job, which has done nothing more than cause trouble for her. She doesn't have to try and prove she would be a good leader in Thailand. Billionaires don't have to try and prove anything.

I agree - 100%

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

well she has more balls than thaksin, did not expect here to show but maybe she is starting to realize she wants to live in Thailand without all the crap her brother has caused

If I was her, I wouldn't have taken that job for all the Tea in China! No help or support from anyone in the government, or anywhere else, on anything she tried to do. It appeared like she tried to help the farmers out with this rice pledge, but couldn't get the government loan to pay it off as they refused her this loan. Knowing full well this would cause problems for her later. Government Rebates on Automobiles, so more people could have a car and give a boost to the failing flooded auto industry. Tablets for the poor and underprivileged kids so they could have access to a computer and would learn more about modern technology,

But it seems to me that which ever direction this duly elected government official turned she was ridiculed and crapped on by everyone. Even from the people here on TV. She was blamed for the floods in Bangkok even though she was only in office a short time. Where nobody before her took steps to correct this problem, which has been going on for centuries. Blamed for running the country poorly, when investment were up and the Thai Baht gained strength. In fact blamed because the Baht was too strong.

But my favorite one of all is being accused of being a Puppet for her brother, who without any proof at all people say he is running her government in exile. Why? How? So what if she does talk to him and asks him for advice? Is this a criminal offence? If it is then we better lock up George W Bush as well as he has already admitted to talking to his father several times while in Office (X President George Bush Senior), and asking him for advice.

Nope! She doesn't need the money or headache! Better for her to pack up and with all her money move where she can live like a queen. Much better for her then it was to take on this thankless job, which has done nothing more than cause trouble for her. She doesn't have to try and prove she would be a good leader in Thailand. Billionaires don't have to try and prove anything.

I agree - 100%

I don't agree (at least not 100%) as I'm pretty sure is the case with General Chan-ocha as well. She definitely might have to put some "spin" on some issues. I wonder how the General will react to that.

BTW, I don't know any billionaires, but it' obvious that some of them really are on either a mission or an ego trip: Bloomberg, Soros, Elison, Buffet, as examples.

Edited by MaxYakov
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Must be a difficult decision what clothes fit for it.

I would say best is the white uniform.

And maybe call the malls in Singapore VERY QUICKLY to send some dozen new pair of shoes and bags as she is no PM anymore now.. new status, new "tools" whistling.gif

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These folks who keep claiming Suthep is free are they not breaking forum rules by posting untrue information

Didnt they do that too Aung Sun Suu Kyi?

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Links please, evidence.

Oh shit, I'm writing like you now! whistling.gif

The difference is I provide them. Try Richard Barrow Twitter - there's a picture but it doesn't show all 5000 cleaners so you'll probably say that it didn't happen.

Perhaps it's 5 cleaners in 1000 groups as current regulations do not allow more than 5 to gather. biggrin.png

To be honest the picture shows 10 cleaners together so you're right they should have been arrested. I took the information about the cleaners from Richard Barrows Twitter. If it turns out to be wrong I apologise for being misled. It's not often we get misleading information on this site but it has been known, The Nation for instance............wai.gif

Bolleaux, both of you. It's more than 5 people in a POLITICAL meeting! You should both learn to read and comprehend. cheesy.gif

Other wise, any more than 5 on a bus, in a van, on the Skytrain or MRT would also be liable to arrest. No more than 5 in a restaurant? That's put MK out of business soon enough.

Get real and learn to think before posting

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

well she has more balls than thaksin, did not expect here to show but maybe she is starting to realize she wants to live in Thailand without all the crap her brother has caused

A tiny part of me does have some sympathy for her. It's a situation she probably never wanted to be in and had her arm twisted to make her stay. She must really be cursing Thaksin in her private thoughts, knowing he did all this to her and he meanwhile sits in luxury, probably guzzling champagne and caviar. But sympathy or no, she did sign on to things and her actions have come near to bankrupting the country, destroying its rice exporting market, and driven many to desperation or worse. I have much more sympathy for her victims, in the final run.

While I agree with you in that Thaksin is probably guzzling Expensive Champagne and eating Imported Russian Caviar, as this is what Billionaires do, or as I am told, what makes you think the rest of your statement is true? Do you have any proof...at all...to back your statements?

Show me were it says anywhere that Thailand is near bankruptcy, and like you said. The USA is probably closer to Bankruptcy then Thailand ever was. Or proof of a destroyed Thailand Rice Exporting Market. Or if you are talking about this Rice Pledge are you really not just talking about a Government Subsidy? Things that all governments do from time to time to protect a product or industry.

So a Subsidy to the Thai Rice Producers, who were being undersold in price by the Vietnam Rice Producers? That in order for them to sell their rice on the open market they would have to take a huge price cut. So to get a fare price the government intended to buy it from them, at the regular price, then sell it later on the open market at a loss. That some of this desperation was caused by the fact she was refused the loan and funds to finally pay this subsidy, by official who were not elected into that government.

Or how about any sort of proof where it is a known fact that her brother really was running this government. I hear this time and time again from so many posters as to that. But never saw proof from any of them. Or what terrible job she did, how corrupt she was, how this and that could have been run much better, which I am guessing by you. But yet never with any proof attached to back even one of their words. Just more complaining and dribble for a country that doesn't even belong to them and thus should be none of their business.

Well, personally, I think the people who bark the most and the loudest and say how she did such a terrible job, are the ones who never had to take on any responcibility in their own lives before. So in truth, I highly doubt anyone of these complainers couldn't even run a Hot Dog Stand, let alone a Government.


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Really, nobody cares anymore who was right or wrong (except some who have nothing else to talk about) ... that time has passed ... There's now a military junta in charge of the country that the rest of the world sees as having deposed a democratically elected govt ... whether the Thais care or don't care what the world thinks, the world still cares about its own money, and Thailand will be getting a whole lot less of it because of this ... can you say unemployment, inflation, business bankruptcy, no tourists, no foreign investment, spiralling foreign debt. This might have happened before but the world communicates much better now ... if you think this isn't going to hurt Thailand much harder than ever before you really need to wake up .... Even Myanmar is rating higher as a tourist destination and site for foreign investment ... well done Thailand ... Your sandpit squabble has hurt the whole country

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Exactly, it sounds like the Thaksin remote controlled government and his commie red-shirt thugs.

"Commie red-shirt thugs"?

Commie? Commie? Typical red neck comment!

Before making pitiful statements and calling red shirts "commies" take a look at recent Thai history. GOOGLE is quite useful if you can use it.

You only make yourself look somewhat foolish and fascist supporter.

In 1968-1982 communist insurgents fought a geurilla war against the Thai Army in the mountains above Phetchabun.

The communists attempted to get the Esan people and the Northern people (now the red shirts) to join them. They refused because they did not support, or wish to support communism.

To the best of my knowledge their attitude to communism has not changed in the past 3 decades.

Indeed, if you read the "article" by William Barnes in the Asia Times that djjamie is paraphrasing but not acknowledging, you eventually come to this quote which kind of negates the rest of the article

UDD organizer Jaran Dittapichai told this correspondent that the protest group had adopted "Mao Zedong's method of thinking" and some of his techniques, including the establishment of a united front. "I was a communist and several leaders were former communists ... but the red shirt people don't like communism or socialism. We use his principles to build up our front and to work with people who are not red shirts, but who are fighting for democracy like us."


"In other words, they adopt united front tactics that long predate Mao. In any case, Mao’s main revolutionary strategy was countryside encircling the cities and peasant revolution. The current* actions look more like the Paris Commune than a rural-based armed revolution." (*Note:this was published in July 2010)

"While it is interesting to be regaled by former CPT member Therdphoom, his ideas amount to little more than a guess, made into a rumor that satisfies some in the trembling middle classes who fear that the red shirts are cousins of the Khmer Rouge."


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Did they arrest her?

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Arrest her for what ? Being the democratically elected Prime Minister of Thailand ?

totster rolleyes.gif

For running the rice scam, trying to whitewash a fugitive convicted criminal, trying the bankrupt the country by illegally passing a 2.2 trillion Baht loan......................You want a few other valid reasons ?

Some valid reasons would be nice.

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I hope she tells the general what for. I hope she reminds him that suspending the constitution is treason. I hope she reminds him that the overthrow of a legitimate democratic government is treason.

long live democracy!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

well she has more balls than thaksin, did not expect here to show but maybe she is starting to realize she wants to live in Thailand without all the crap her brother has caused

If I was her, I wouldn't have taken that job for all the Tea in China! No help or support from anyone in the government, or anywhere else, on anything she tried to do. It appeared like she tried to help the farmers out with this rice pledge, but couldn't get the government loan to pay it off as they refused her this loan. Knowing full well this would cause problems for her later. Government Rebates on Automobiles, so more people could have a car and give a boost to the failing flooded auto industry. Tablets for the poor and underprivileged kids so they could have access to a computer and would learn more about modern technology,

But it seems to me that which ever direction this duly elected government official turned she was ridiculed and crapped on by everyone. Even from the people here on TV. She was blamed for the floods in Bangkok even though she was only in office a short time. Where nobody before her took steps to correct this problem, which has been going on for centuries. Blamed for running the country poorly, when investment were up and the Thai Baht gained strength. In fact blamed because the Baht was too strong.

But my favorite one of all is being accused of being a Puppet for her brother, who without any proof at all people say he is running her government in exile. Why? How? So what if she does talk to him and asks him for advice? Is this a criminal offence? If it is then we better lock up George W Bush as well as he has already admitted to talking to his father several times while in Office (X President George Bush Senior), and asking him for advice.

Nope! She doesn't need the money or headache! Better for her to pack up and with all her money move where she can live like a queen. Much better for her then it was to take on this thankless job, which has done nothing more than cause trouble for her. She doesn't have to try and prove she would be a good leader in Thailand. Billionaires don't have to try and prove anything.

I agree - 100%

I don't agree (at least not 100%) as I'm pretty sure is the case with General Chan-ocha as well. She definitely might have to put some "spin" on some issues. I wonder how the General will react to that.

BTW, I don't know any billionaires, but it' obvious that some of them really are on either a mission or an ego trip: Bloomberg, Soros, Elison, Buffet, as examples.

Do you mean Warren Buffet? The Billionaire who is still living in the same Middle Class House he bought in 1958 for about $37,500? Who is consider to be the 20th Century Top Money Manager, and who runs the most successful Investment Firm ever, "Berkshire Hathaway", but in 2006 he only takes a salary of $100,000 and in 2007 and 2008 his salary was $175,000 with bonuses. Far below other CEO's in much less successful companies. But who still drives his own car to work,

Or do you mean the Warren Buffet who helped bail out the bank in the crash of 2008. The Warren Buffet says the rich are not taxed enough. That in 2006 he pledged to give away 83% of his fortune to the "Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation", a foundation that tries to globally enhance healthcare and reduce extreme poverty? Where his 83% gift is equal to about $30 Billion USD?

No Way Man! If giving your money away to the poor and needy is going on some "Ego Trip", then more power to them. He deserves to be held high for being so generous and for doing this.

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I hope she tells the general what for. I hope she reminds him that suspending the constitution is treason. I hope she reminds him that the overthrow of a legitimate democratic government is treason.

She's probably more interested in asking the private if it's OK that she uses her toothpaste/toothbrush before going to bed on the Army cot.

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you must be loved by the people to drive around in a bulletproof car ?????

" Private"does it mean : " paid by the people and stolen away after been kicked out "????

You really believe the bullet-proof car is to protect her from the people? You have no idea.

No ,it is to protect them from the rain?

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