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Former PM Yingluck May Be Detained For '3-7 Days'

Lite Beer

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Internationally, the detention of Yingluck will be a Public Relations disaster for the Generals.

Domestically, she is still popular in the provinces, and this will only lead to inflame her supporters.

It's already a PR disaster abroad , wgaf about that, here I'm not so sure, so going the whole hog, stay low I say.

I can't believe you don't realise how much the Western leaders know about YS, Thaksin & the PTP criminals and that they are all privately cheering the Thai Army like most of the Thai people I have spoken to are

Western leaders are as corrupt as any 3rd world leader. They go about in different ways.

They are lobbyists for corporations, the military industrial complex and the banksters. Their nice little earners come from their board appointments after their time in office is up.

Asian Banana Republics aren't at that level yet.

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so, she will be detained 3 to 7 days.

How funny would it be if she starts to spill the beans! No script and no skype connection to check with Pee what to say might lead to a very interesting situation. I hope we hear about it, if this happens!

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Bare-faced hypocrisy from someone who goes on forever, endlessly about the principles of democracy and appropriate process ( but apparently only believes it when it's convenient)

yet you do not know the very principles the PTP abused and why the General had to take these steps he did.

There are more than elections….Can you name them?

It was Principle No.6 wasn't it....................or No.9, oh, I can't remember.....................

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A disgrace..... You guys don't get it do you....Suthep is free, the yellow shirts are all at home with there families.....

Somehow I doubt that as it would be throwing petrol on the fire. It is reported on Australian news that protestors have already had a scuffle with soldiers in the city over Yingluk being detained. To keep her locked up and freeing Suthep and the Mad Monk would be asking for bloodshed and isn't this what the army are trying to prevent.

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This is disgraceful. The shiniwatra's are not the originators of corruption in thailand. It always was and still is even down to the education system and government funcionaries. Those of you that are crowing over 'the demise of the shin clan' are misogynist to the core just like the establishment in Thailand. She may have made mistakes but that is not the point. She was no worse a premier than any others and she was democratically elected all other arguments are academic. Why are Suthep and other's charged like him not in custody? the answers clear. Corruption!

Your last word hits the nail squarely on the head, but when exactly do you think would be the right time to put a stop to it all...? Just because it has always been that way, doesn't mean to say it has to continue that way. "She was no worse" than what has gone before justifies nothing.

I actually feel sorry for her because she wasn't cut out for the job and was undoubtedly coerced into it by the fugitive criminal; nevertheless, she accepted it, frills and all, and must now face the consequences.

The fall of this government has to signal an end to the Thai way of silent acquiescence to corruption, along with greater demands amongst Thai citizens for transparency and accountability amongst those in public office. The only way they can possibly achieve that is by putting in place severe penalties for anyone found to have crossed the line. That, of course, requires considerable reform of the current political system in Thailand.

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If a picture paints a thousand words, this photo says

That's where you will be locked up until you pay back the money

The girl behind no luck seems to be very smug about the whole thing

HA HA you get locked you I go home cheesy.gif

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The 2nd women leader detailed and/or jailed by military in SE asia.

First as Aung San Suu Kyi by Burmese Junta.

Now Yingluck by Thai Junta.


That is like comparing apples with oranges...!!

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No rhyme or reason to arrest her.sad.png

I believe it is so she cannot form a government in exile. That is why you will find the right honorable General asked for all MP's from PTP to turn up yesterday.

Penkair stated on TV tonight that the PTP will defy the return to democracy (no surprises there) and form a govt in exile with thaksin the unelectable convicted criminal fugitive.

What a golden opportunity, for Thaksin, to for a government in exile.

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This is disgraceful. The shiniwatra's are not the originators of corruption in thailand. It always was and still is even down to the education system and government funcionaries. Those of you that are crowing over 'the demise of the shin clan' are misogynist to the core just like the establishment in Thailand. She may have made mistakes but that is not the point. She was no worse a premier than any others and she was democratically elected all other arguments are academic. Why are Suthep and other's charged like him not in custody? the answers clear. Corruption!

what is a disgrace is the way Taksin his clan and cronies have bleed Thailand dry I hope they keep her locked up and all other Shins for years. This time unlike 2006 the army has learnt a lot and unlike 2006 its all very well planned and executed. Well done and hopefully at last well rid ourselves of cancer which is taksin.

GO on red shirt lovers touch titty whatever you think

Remember how this started with trying to get amnesty for your hero Taksin so government has only themselves to blame.

Rice scam, 1 tablet scam, car policy which was for rich (everyone we know who took it were quite rich), 2 trillion or whatever

Liars thieves and if it ends with some red shirt thugs trying to cause trouble well so be it.

People have had enough of your hero and i don't care how many brainwashed sheep in Issan worship Taksin. IF it takes army to stop Taksin so be it.

Finally well done Suphet without you Thialand would be well on its way to a one party Taksin state

Please do not spell Dr. Thaksin Shinawatra's name as 'Taksin'. Taksin was a great king who drove out the invading Burmese and unified Thailand into its present form. Please do not dishonor that king's name. Thaksin is the name of the former politician and businessman who doesn't live in Thailand because he's a convicted felon and doesn't want to serve his two year term in jail.

Now that I got that out of my system, I agree with your post. smile.png

Can you please explain how an ex policeman / politician can be awarded a doctors degree How much did he make Thailand pay for this

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Does this mean Thailand doesn't get to fund and build a 2.2 trillion baht speedo train for Chinese commerce? Oh Shucks. Maybe the next group of Thai politicians will maintain precedence and also be controlled by Thaksin. He can again appoint a slew of Chinese-Thais to top positions, and they can again push for that speedo train, connecting Bkk with China.

In case anyone is wondering, if any one of the next 37 Thai administrations default on the payments with % (to Chinese banks), guess who owns the train, its infrastructure and the properties it crosses? Yup, China. Why do I use the # 37 ? Because, with a change in administration, in Thailand, once every 1.6 years on average, that's how many administrations will have to approve of paying back Chinese banks - for the next 60 years.

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No rhyme or reason to arrest her.sad.png

Let's see.. Stupid tablet populist scheme checked. Failed rice scheme checked. Attempt to exonerate past criminals checked. Reckless use of tax payer money checked. And the the list goes on.

Her and her former cabinets deserved to have their accounts drained dry to pay for all their mismanagement of funds.

Add ten public lashings and call it a day.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Internationally, the detention of Yingluck will be a Public Relations disaster for the Generals.

Domestically, she is still popular in the provinces, and this will only lead to inflame her supporters.

It's already a PR disaster abroad , wgaf about that, here I'm not so sure, so going the whole hog, stay low I say.

I can't believe you don't realise how much the Western leaders know about YS, Thaksin & the PTP criminals and that they are all privately cheering the Thai Army like most of the Thai people I have spoken to are

I can tell that the international news blackout has succeeded in keeping you out of date with the condemnations from western leaders of the military coup and suspension of Thai people's civil liberties. No democratic nation cheers a military coup to overthorw a democraticly elected government.

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Internationally, the detention of Yingluck will be a Public Relations disaster for the Generals.

Domestically, she is still popular in the provinces, and this will only lead to inflame her supporters.

It's already a PR disaster abroad , wgaf about that, here I'm not so sure, so going the whole hog, stay low I say.

I can't believe you don't realise how much the Western leaders know about YS, Thaksin & the PTP criminals and that they are all privately cheering the Thai Army like most of the Thai people I have spoken to are

Really? And what Western Leaders do you know that would make you privy to their personal opinions and knowledge of the Thaksin family? In point of fact both Shinawatra Thaksin and Yink Luck are well liked and respected in America, Shinawatra is especially popular and liked in the State of Texas where he went to University and served as a police officer. The bottom line Sir, it that you don't know squat about what Western Leaders know or don't know.

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The 2nd women leader detailed and/or jailed by military in SE asia.

First as Aung San Suu Kyi by Burmese Junta.

Now Yingluck by Thai Junta.


That is like comparing apples with oranges...!!

Agree, Yingluck Shinawatra is 20 years younger and much better looking :-)

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I am not sure this is wise by the Military, I think remove passports and freeze all assets then release until anti corruption finishes with the rice scam investigation.

Most people from the Ex Pat community are supportive of the coup and want elections supervised by the military and many of the current agitators banned from standing till after their trial.

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This is election military coup-style. Suspend civil liberties, lock up all the pro-democratic leaders (the Pheu Thai Party), ban them from the next election, then have its self-professed choice for another political party (Democrat Party) "win" the next election virtually unopposed. Repeat of 2007. How can anyone possibly see such actions as part of a democracy by any definition?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Robert Amsterdam is already talking about setting up a government in exile. Better to detain them until they can be charged with corruption and then deny them bail.

When ythe military suspends the constitution and civil liberties, it doesn't need to charge anyone with anything. People just go straight to jail on a whim. What a great way to herald a new beginning of democracy for Thailand.

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