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Media groups call for curbs on press freedom to be lifted

Lite Beer

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Media groups call for curbs on press freedom to be lifted
The Sunday Nation

BANGKOK: -- Four major media organisations yesterday issued an open letter to the military junta, urging it to lift coup orders that restrict press freedom and to have a new constitution enacted as soon as possible.

The four organisations are the Thai Journalists Association, the Press Council of Thailand, the Thai Broadcast Journalists, and the News Broadcasting Council of Thailand.

The open letter called on the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) to urgently review all orders that are involved with the journalist duty of the media.

The organisations suggested that the NCPO should have the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission enforce existing laws to supervise news reports instead of using the restrictive orders.

-- The Nation 2014-05-25

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Seems that the Media think and feel they are also Ammart.

The Media for years have demonized a criminal and glorified others that wear their Yellow color.

The Media have been for over 20 years the enablers of those who derided the people of Thailand for being uneducated. Only the real Thailand existed in their minds: Bangkok.

Now their wishes of uprooting the Shin clan are materializing but: surprise! They are treated the same way as the uneducated were by them in the past.

It is the case of: "I am holier than thou, therefore I deserve privileges you cannot have."

Some in Farangland would also first have a Basilisk in power than any person elected by the uneducated.

That is the living contradiction affecting nationals in Bangkok as well.

But, but, they will argue: Mr. T did this and that and also tried to excise part of the South building a canal for trade and he also ... ad infinitum.

It matters not what other horrendous deeds their idols have committed in the past:: they are better than the rest, they know better and they should enjoy privileges that the uneducated majority should never have.

Give us our sacred freedom of speech.... only us, please! .


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