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Ex-PMs Thaksin Shinawatra, Yingluck Shinawatra to establish government in exile

Lite Beer

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Yes there where exile governments during WW2... the difference is that those governments were in power when Germany invaded their countries at least that is the truth for: Norway, France and Poland.

And the French government survived as Vichy France, so 'Free France' was a bit short of legitimacy.
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Government in exile is a fantasy. Even so, I don't think I'd want my lawyer spouting off about it while I'm in custody of the military.

He made this statement last Thursday whilst be interviewed by Australian media, (ABC) his interviewed was beamed live into Thailand via the Australian network. The Thai Military have no power to stop the Australian government T.V station from broadcasting.

No but the Australian government t can

and Have already done

Sorry I am confused, don't understand your reply

*edited out*

The Australian Government owned ABC is still broadcasting unbiased news about Thailand via satellite into homes in Thailand. I am watching at the moment. No censorship from dictators, freedom of speech and condemnation for Thailand. Australia is still totally free of the shackles of Thailand and we can say what ever we feel. It is a little thing called freedom and freedom is a beautiful thing.

Edited by Scott
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First off, I don't think the 'gov't in exile' plan has been formally declared. I think it's merely been broached by trickster Amsterdam - as a shot across the bow, so to speak. ...or testing the waters, to see what sort of reception the idea gets. It's a ridiculous concept, unless they can get some heavy players to acknowledge their status. If the US and some European countries recognize the gov't in exile (a big If) then it becomes interesting. China and Russia have shown themselves to be diametrically opposed to whatever Europe and US decide, so that could be another part of the equation.

Cambodia would probably be the 1st to join with Thaksin, the perhaps Nicaragua and Zimbabwe and maybe Venezuela would follow. T could do what China does, when twisting arms for international support: Simply pay money for little countries like Pacific Islands and Cape Verde, for votes of support. If it's a matter of quantity, then the game becomes interesting, as half the countries in the world are small and easy to bribe, from Belize on down.

Recently, the US supported a leader for Iraq, and then a few months later, belatedly realized that leader was as corrupt a mafia-type as was possible. In that sense, Iraq and Thailand are similar; there is a paucity of decent leadership material to choose from.

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Not a chance of them even trying it, the Shinawatra clan may be many things but they aren't completely thick

Thaksin can hardly be described as clever, tricky or wily is more apt.

His sister seems simple, in a kind of fluffy bunny-rabbit way.

I am given to understand that the younger generation are quite thick, though!

Intelligence on a descending scale??

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This is shows how much Thaksin cares about Thailand! And any country recognizing a exile government formed by Thaksin or anyone else are not looking to the best for Thailand!

There would never be peace talks!!!

The best thing for the police/army or who ever have the power is to send out a Interpol arrest warrant for Thaksin's arrest after all he is a convicted fugitive!

UN, US and EU please give Thailand a chance, if you would recognize a Thai government in exile led by Thaksin or anyone else then the peace process for Thailand this would become a new Iraq or Yugoslavia . The only way to get this country back on track is to let the peace come from within, many of the Thai people want this and the rest need to accept it. Otherwise there will be no peace in this country for many years to come!

Peace talk means elections now.

There was an attempt of the army to conducts talks, which appeared a complite hox, just to lure in political leaders and detain them. A trick from history books, stalin comes to mind.

Yingluck was trying reçonciliation, set up a commision, democrats declined to participate.

She tried an amnesty bill, to start from the scratch. Answer from democrats was resigning from the parliament en masse and joing street mob.

She tried to run an election, democrats boycotted and blokaded polling stations.

Looks, like there can't be talks between the majority of population, democratically minded, and the minority, who use pover of military to cling to power.

Army has nothing to do with peace talks, an opposite would be true - they are the driving force behind authocratic politics.

The world won't be buying your peace story, you should realise it for the last 7 months.

Something for you to think

Please excuse my English, i am only a simple Thai lady - can you tell me what is the term "complite hox"

More like complite <deleted>!! What a respun version to just fool yourself? Ain't foolin' no-one else,

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Are you kidding me? If you knew anything about the CFR, you would know that the outer-ring of membership is reserved for pretty faced movie stars and celebrities so they can promote the CFR's feel-good programs. The inner-ring of membership is something entirely different, and is reserved for the elites and the people who actually run this planet. Sure, Thaksin doesn't run the world, but his friends do. Tik-Tok Thailand.....

Funny how those ultra powerful persons, try as they might, can't seem to hide their true intentions from you and your ilk.

That must make you feel so...special.

Ilk? Ouch! Just having a conversation here, Sir. Anyway, there's a pattern developing in world events that's undeniable. You can analyze these events and look at the facts, and it leads back to the same organizations every time. I'm no black helicopter/tin foil hat type of guy, I just look at the facts. This announcement by Thaksin's Camp is a trial balloon to gauge the response, and to telegraph the future events to come. You don't need a crystal ball or a hotline with the head office at the CFR to figure that out. Research the lead-up to events in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and many others places where "color revolutions" have taken place. Good day to you sir.


It's a pity you're not a tin foil kinda guy.

Heard they'll be pretty useful when this ominous guys take over.

That's a nice link you gave, unfortunately it does not have a lot to do with your post.

Not does your post got much to do with the topic.

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Government in exile is a fantasy. Even so, I don't think I'd want my lawyer spouting off about it while I'm in custody of the military.

Also maybe the general might check the extradition laws and bring some fugitives back.

I sure love this one!

Best laugh I've had for weeks. Announcing that she is going to set up a Govt in Exile while she is still disposed at the general's pleasure. Priceless! Visa & mastercard could not buy things like that. Thanks Robert or the lawyer or who-ever for that. Made my week.

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So much for his ' I've quit politics' mantra. Note to self: never believe the man.

It would be irresponsible of him to allow this current dictatorship to continue their human rights violations unchallenged. He is far from perfect to be sure, but when given the choice between a quasi-corrupt politician and a violent military dictatorship, I'd pick the imperfect politician every time.

I live in Bangkok, I have to say I feel more safe with the military on the street then when the "red guards" or yellow equally where patrolling..... remind you its the reds who where shooting the grenades at sleeping people. I haven't seen any violence yet from the army. Probably that starts as soon as Thaksin sends his red paid fraction into BKK. Democracy as a sytem doesnt work as well anywhere and its a grave mistake of western countries to imply their system onto other countries, Remind you that its the west who invented the colonial system just a while ago. Now were are rich over the back of other countries and dictated and preach democracy. That votes are being bought like in Thailand is taken for granted, democracy at every price. Also you have to know that democracy has just been invented this century, while a system like in China based on Confucianism has been running in its different forms (incuding "Chinese communism) for over 5000 years. Who is the west to think their system is best? Like in China people believe in family above the individual, the province above the family, and the government as the person who takes care of all. It has been like this for ages, and now the west thinks China and other asan countries need to implant their value system that has just been around for a few 100 years. If you look at it in the grand scheme of things, that just aint gonna happen. In this secific case I take the so far non violent Dictator, and lets see in a few month what has happened.

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So much for his ' I've quit politics' mantra. Note to self: never believe the man.

It would be irresponsible of him to allow this current dictatorship to continue their human rights violations unchallenged. He is far from perfect to be sure, but when given the choice between a quasi-corrupt politician and a violent military dictatorship, I'd pick the imperfect politician every time.
I live in Bangkok, I have to say I feel more safe with the military on the street then when the "red guards" or yellow equally where patrolling..... remind you its the reds who where shooting the grenades at sleeping people. I haven't seen any violence yet from the army. Probably that starts as soon as Thaksin sends his red paid fraction into BKK. Democracy as a sytem doesnt work as well anywhere and its a grave mistake of western countries to imply their system onto other countries, Remind you that its the west who invented the colonial system just a while ago. Now were are rich over the back of other countries and dictated and preach democracy. That votes are being bought like in Thailand is taken for granted, democracy at every price. Also you have to know that democracy has just been invented this century, while a system like in China based on Confucianism has been running in its different forms (incuding "Chinese communism) for over 5000 years. Who is the west to think their system is best? Like in China people believe in family above the individual, the province above the family, and the government as the person who takes care of all. It has been like this for ages, and now the west thinks China and other asean countries need to implant their value system that has just been around for a few 100 years. If you look at it in the grand scheme of things, that just aint gonna happen. In this specific case I take the so far non violent Dictator, and lets see in a few month what has happened.
When you have a few old men dictating rules, like China or the (former) USSR or Zimbabwe or Saudi Arabia, or N.Korea, then citizens are at the mercy of the old men's whims. If the dictators are benevolent and fair-minded (very rare), then things can be ok. Most often, they're far from ok.

Democracy is simply the best available system, when implemented fairly (which it's not in Thailand). Anything other than giving all citizens a choice in governance is either anarchy (like Somalia) or oppression (like half the countries in the world today).

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Government in exile is a fantasy. Even so, I don't think I'd want my lawyer spouting off about it while I'm in custody of the military.

Absolutely. Too late for a new lawyer or game plan. As they say, the "cats out of the bag".

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Okay let's make another attempt of pacifist mode:

It is not very very nice from the folks Who must not be named to hold Thailand and it's innocent common sense people hostage within their nasty nasty greedy power games...

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Are you kidding me? If you knew anything about the CFR, you would know that the outer-ring of membership is reserved for pretty faced movie stars and celebrities so they can promote the CFR's feel-good programs. The inner-ring of membership is something entirely different, and is reserved for the elites and the people who actually run this planet. Sure, Thaksin doesn't run the world, but his friends do. Tik-Tok Thailand.....

Funny how those ultra powerful persons, try as they might, can't seem to hide their true intentions from you and your ilk.

That must make you feel so...special.

Ilk? Ouch! Just having a conversation here, Sir. Anyway, there's a pattern developing in world events that's undeniable. You can analyze these events and look at the facts, and it leads back to the same organizations every time. I'm no black helicopter/tin foil hat type of guy, I just look at the facts. This announcement by Thaksin's Camp is a trial balloon to gauge the response, and to telegraph the future events to come. You don't need a crystal ball or a hotline with the head office at the CFR to figure that out. Research the lead-up to events in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and many others places where "color revolutions" have taken place. Good day to you sir.


It's a pity you're not a tin foil kinda guy.

Heard they'll be pretty useful when this ominous guys take over.

That's a nice link you gave, unfortunately it does not have a lot to do with your post.

Not does your post got much to do with the topic.

Seriously? You don't understand what I'm saying? I'll spell it out for you:

1. Globalist decide they want to regain control of Thailand to extract the rest of her resources.

2. Globalist foment animosity amongst the population, hence the escalation between the Yellow-Shirt and Red-Shirt movements.

3. Military executes a coup to prevent globalist takeover and needless bloodshed. Thais are fierce protectors of their sovereignty and the globalist know this.

4. Globalist trigger civil war with a "False Flag Event," causing mass devastation and loss of life.

5. Globalist send in "Peace Keeping Troops," to save the Thai people from themselves.

6. Globalist install "Their Guy." (Thaksin) e.g. = Hamid Karzai, Mustafa Abdul-Jalil and etc.

7. "Their Guy," proceeds to dismantle the country, selling state owned industries and anything else that's not bolted down to the highest bidder. Also, GMO farming will be mandatory.

8. The people of Thailand get to pay off their wartime debt to the IMF for generations to come.

Sound familiar? It's happening in Ukraine right now and many other country's, too. The people of Thailand need to wake up! The Globalist want to reinstall Thaksin, or some other jackass, as the Prime Minister and they don't care how many people get hurt along the way! Also, they want Thailand's gold, but I'll save that subject for another thread. Peace-out!

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Government in exile; is that not the same thing as a guerrilla/rebel terrorist group?

Depends on your definitions, I suppose. The Dalai Llama running the Tibetan Gov-in-Exile out of India might disagree with being labeled a terrorist. They'd like to keep the ChiComs out of Tibet. Or the Laotian Gov-in-Ex based in the USA that tries to overthrow the communist regime for a democratic society.. I think the current Shah of Iran runs out of the USA, too. And the old Shah's regime looks pretty good these days, no?

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I live in Bangkok, I have to say I feel more safe with the military on the street then when the "red guards" or yellow equally where patrolling..... remind you its the reds who where shooting the grenades at sleeping people. I haven't seen any violence yet from the army. Probably that starts as soon as Thaksin sends his red paid fraction into BKK.

You say you live in Bangkok and you intimate (you do not say) that you don't know a single person who would, under any circumstances, oppose the army - that the only such people in all of Thailand must be paid, and none live in Bangkok but must come into Bangkok from somewhere..

Okay. Then you don't live in Bangkok. Flat statement. You may have a Bangkok address and you may have a bed located inside Bangkok somewhere, but you most certainly, definitely do not *live* in Bangkok. Either you made all of that up, or you simple exist in cloud cuckoo land totally divorced from everything and everyone around you.

If people protest against the government and get attacked, the red shirts did it. If people protest against the army and get killed, the red shirts STILL did it. You, sir, simply do not *live* in Bangkok, wherever you might actually exist. What you claim about yourself is impossible. There is no such place in Thailand as you claim to inhabit.

Seriously? You don't understand what I'm saying? I'll spell it out for you:

I SERIOUSLY wish you hadn't but since you insisted, also spell this out for me.

If these globalist people are so incredibly good at micro-managing crises to take over the whole world, and we're all so blind to it, how come it's taking them so long?


Edited by wandasloan
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Are you kidding me? If you knew anything about the CFR, you would know that the outer-ring of membership is reserved for pretty faced movie stars and celebrities so they can promote the CFR's feel-good programs. The inner-ring of membership is something entirely different, and is reserved for the elites and the people who actually run this planet. Sure, Thaksin doesn't run the world, but his friends do. Tik-Tok Thailand.....

Funny how those ultra powerful persons, try as they might, can't seem to hide their true intentions from you and your ilk.

That must make you feel so...special.

Ilk? Ouch! Just having a conversation here, Sir. Anyway, there's a pattern developing in world events that's undeniable. You can analyze these events and look at the facts, and it leads back to the same organizations every time. I'm no black helicopter/tin foil hat type of guy, I just look at the facts. This announcement by Thaksin's Camp is a trial balloon to gauge the response, and to telegraph the future events to come. You don't need a crystal ball or a hotline with the head office at the CFR to figure that out. Research the lead-up to events in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and many others places where "color revolutions" have taken place. Good day to you sir.


It's a pity you're not a tin foil kinda guy.

Heard they'll be pretty useful when this ominous guys take over.

That's a nice link you gave, unfortunately it does not have a lot to do with your post.

Not does your post got much to do with the topic.

Seriously? You don't understand what I'm saying? I'll spell it out for you:

1. Globalist decide they want to regain control of Thailand to extract the rest of her resources.

2. Globalist foment animosity amongst the population, hence the escalation between the Yellow-Shirt and Red-Shirt movements.

3. Military executes a coup to prevent globalist takeover and needless bloodshed. Thais are fierce protectors of their sovereignty and the globalist know this.

4. Globalist trigger civil war with a "False Flag Event," causing mass devastation and loss of life.

5. Globalist send in "Peace Keeping Troops," to save the Thai people from themselves.

6. Globalist install "Their Guy." (Thaksin) e.g. = Hamid Karzai, Mustafa Abdul-Jalil and etc.

7. "Their Guy," proceeds to dismantle the country, selling state owned industries and anything else that's not bolted down to the highest bidder. Also, GMO farming will be mandatory.

8. The people of Thailand get to pay off their wartime debt to the IMF for generations to come.

Sound familiar? It's happening in Ukraine right now and many other country's, too. The people of Thailand need to wake up! The Globalist want to reinstall Thaksin, or some other jackass, as the Prime Minister and they don't care how many people get hurt along the way! Also, they want Thailand's gold, but I'll save that subject for another thread. Peace-out!

How do you know Thaksin isn't on the traditional side and that the other team.sold the country already to China instead of the globalists?

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I live in Bangkok, I have to say I feel more safe with the military on the street then when the "red guards" or yellow equally where patrolling..... remind you its the reds who where shooting the grenades at sleeping people. I haven't seen any violence yet from the army. Probably that starts as soon as Thaksin sends his red paid fraction into BKK.

You say you live in Bangkok and you intimate (you do not say) that you don't know a single person who would, under any circumstances, oppose the army - that the only such people in all of Thailand must be paid, and none live in Bangkok but must come into Bangkok from somewhere..

Okay. Then you don't live in Bangkok. Flat statement. You may have a Bangkok address and you may have a bed located inside Bangkok somewhere, but you most certainly, definitely do not *live* in Bangkok. Either you made all of that up, or you simple exist in cloud cuckoo land totally divorced from everything and everyone around you.

If people protest against the government and get attacked, the red shirts did it. If people protest against the army and get killed, the red shirts STILL did it. You, sir, simply do not *live* in Bangkok, wherever you might actually exist. What you claim about yourself is impossible. There is no such place in Thailand as you claim to inhabit.

Seriously? You don't understand what I'm saying? I'll spell it out for you:

I SERIOUSLY wish you hadn't but since you insisted, also spell this out for me.

If these globalist people are so incredibly good at micro-managing crises to take over the whole world, and we're all so blind to it, how come it's taking them so long?

Yeah. he lives here, maybe a neighbor. I've lived here a looooooong time, just 200 meters from the "yellows" site in front of the Constitutional Court. It's been like living in a war zone, grenades, gunfire, running gun battles, and even a car bomb in my Soi. It is sooooo quite now, you could hear a grenade pin drop from a redshirt's hand.

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Are you kidding me? If you knew anything about the CFR, you would know that the outer-ring of membership is reserved for pretty faced movie stars and celebrities so they can promote the CFR's feel-good programs. The inner-ring of membership is something entirely different, and is reserved for the elites and the people who actually run this planet. Sure, Thaksin doesn't run the world, but his friends do. Tik-Tok Thailand.....

Funny how those ultra powerful persons, try as they might, can't seem to hide their true intentions from you and your ilk.

That must make you feel so...special.

Ilk? Ouch! Just having a conversation here, Sir. Anyway, there's a pattern developing in world events that's undeniable. You can analyze these events and look at the facts, and it leads back to the same organizations every time. I'm no black helicopter/tin foil hat type of guy, I just look at the facts. This announcement by Thaksin's Camp is a trial balloon to gauge the response, and to telegraph the future events to come. You don't need a crystal ball or a hotline with the head office at the CFR to figure that out. Research the lead-up to events in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and many others places where "color revolutions" have taken place. Good day to you sir.


It's a pity you're not a tin foil kinda guy.

Heard they'll be pretty useful when this ominous guys take over.

That's a nice link you gave, unfortunately it does not have a lot to do with your post.

Not does your post got much to do with the topic.

Seriously? You don't understand what I'm saying? I'll spell it out for you:

1. Globalist decide they want to regain control of Thailand to extract the rest of her resources.

2. Globalist foment animosity amongst the population, hence the escalation between the Yellow-Shirt and Red-Shirt movements.

3. Military executes a coup to prevent globalist takeover and needless bloodshed. Thais are fierce protectors of their sovereignty and the globalist know this.

4. Globalist trigger civil war with a "False Flag Event," causing mass devastation and loss of life.

5. Globalist send in "Peace Keeping Troops," to save the Thai people from themselves.

6. Globalist install "Their Guy." (Thaksin) e.g. = Hamid Karzai, Mustafa Abdul-Jalil and etc.

7. "Their Guy," proceeds to dismantle the country, selling state owned industries and anything else that's not bolted down to the highest bidder. Also, GMO farming will be mandatory.

8. The people of Thailand get to pay off their wartime debt to the IMF for generations to come.

Sound familiar? It's happening in Ukraine right now and many other country's, too. The people of Thailand need to wake up! The Globalist want to reinstall Thaksin, or some other jackass, as the Prime Minister and they don't care how many people get hurt along the way! Also, they want Thailand's gold, but I'll save that subject for another thread. Peace-out!

How do you know Thaksin isn't on the traditional side and that the other team.sold the country already to China instead of the globalists?

If he was on the "traditional side," he would have walked away from all of this and stopped causing trouble by now. As for the other side, they've done their fare share of looting, but I don't know of any state owned industries that have been sold or listed on the SET by them. You pose a very good question about the Chinese, but I'm afraid that's a difficult question to answer. I have a feeling they're up to no good and they're trying to secure what they can through they're Thai-Chinese family connections. Time will tell.

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"Having worked as a consultant for Carlyle during the time they took over Qinetiq, and having got to know their top management quite well, I can tell you that you cannot be further from the truth.

Carlyle ally themselves with the government/military/industrial complex in all cases.
In Thailand the Army IS the military/industrial complex
The last thing they want is to be politically opposed to where they make their money so any support for the likes of Thaksin in a government in exile is out of the question.

You, sir, are just another conspiracy nut-job who believes everything he reads on blogs that feed his fantasy."

Consultant? Ha! You were the hired help! Do you honestly believe they told you about everything they've ever done, or, will ever do? Thaksin was a member of the Carlyle Asia Advisory Board, and that's a fact. Are you suggesting that he never talks with the people that he used to work with at Carlyle? You're a real class-act with the name calling by the way. This is a public forum, not a school playground. Grow up!

"Oh....those guys at Black Water were soooo nice! They could never do anything wrong!" - - Says some silly consultant. Ha!

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The quoted post above by wandasloan is provably false and attempts to separate Amsterdam's stated assertions from those he counsels. The original post has been removed, please remove the quote.

It is an absolute disgrace that wandasloan is allowed to falsify evidence in this way.

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"Having worked as a consultant for Carlyle during the time they took over Qinetiq, and having got to know their top management quite well, I can tell you that you cannot be further from the truth.

Carlyle ally themselves with the government/military/industrial complex in all cases.

In Thailand the Army IS the military/industrial complex

The last thing they want is to be politically opposed to where they make their money so any support for the likes of Thaksin in a government in exile is out of the question.

You, sir, are just another conspiracy nut-job who believes everything he reads on blogs that feed his fantasy."

Consultant? Ha! You were the hired help! Do you honestly believe they told you about everything they've ever done, or, will ever do? Thaksin was a member of the Carlyle Asia Advisory Board, and that's a fact. Are you suggesting that he never talks with the people that he used to work with at Carlyle? You're a real class-act with the name calling by the way. This is a public forum, not a school playground. Grow up!

"Oh....those guys at Black Water were soooo nice! They could never do anything wrong!" - - Says some silly consultant. Ha!

The fault here is not Carlyle group.

It is the business groups of Thailand setting up their future. You think foreign companies would or could exploit the Thai population more than they are already?

There is one company in Thailand that supplies from rice to mobile phones with virtually no major competition. And u tell me this is good for Thailand.?

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Yingluck released according to BP

What's going on at the nation?

yes it would appear she went back home last night, however I suspect there will be some conditions attached such as not to leave the country.

It would now be a good time for the Auditor General to renew his invitation for her to meet with him to discuss the illegal issuing of Thaksins passport, like tomorrow.

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