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Make new glass table ? Advice needed..

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Hi everyone.

I had a small accident, and broke a friends table (table leg).

Now i would like to fix it, because its the owner of his house table, and she say it cost something like 20.000+thb.. Too much, for me simply to buy new one "for fun"..

I were hoping one of you, could tell me where i could get made a new piece of glass.

The problem is that its the leg that is made by strong glass. Its broken, so need to find a shop that can make a new piece of bended glass, or a place i can buy 2 similar pieces of glass to replace them..

Any ideas ?

Thank youpost-196887-0-09089600-1401429212_thumb.


You could use Silicone sealer to repair it,it would give a strong enough

job, but i suspect the owner will be looking for a new leg,so its going to

cost you and hope you find a place that could do the job.

regards worgeordie


Yes Silicone could work towards fixing the leg.. But i know that will not work permantly, or be accepted!

I need to replace the leg somehow..


Yes Silicone could work towards fixing the leg.. But i know that will not work permantly, or be accepted!

I need to replace the leg somehow..

Yes ,Silicone would be a permanent fix,i have had large aquariums made with it

20 odd years ago,and they are still rock solid ,and you can imagine the pressure

that is created,if you could find the clear silicone sealer,(not opaque),and you did

a good job of fixing it,should not be easily noticed,call it plan B if you cannot get

the replacement glass, good luck.

regards worgeordie, PS does not have to be applied thickly, just on the joints

and squeeze together.let it set.

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