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h all

i bought a company /house in pattaya

the day i left Thailand 5/5/14 my solicitor managed to complete the company registration at the land office and i was made director . the house is an asset of the company

the problem is the house has no power or water on . they where cut off because of unpaid bill from the last owner. there's not even a power meter outside the house

i have the channot in England , my solicitor was getting me a new blue house book , think he might have it now.

i rang my solicitor today . he now want 5000b to sort the power and water out , which seems a bit much to me

what do you need to get power and water on ?

anyone had experience with this , what paper work do the power and water company need ?

is this not something a thai GF could sort out

thanks in advance for any help or comments


Just look for the grey metal box, typically at farang head height, just inside the front door. Simply throw the switch and bingo, Edison smiles!

For water, it's down on your knees under the kitchen sink. An anticlockwise twist of the little wheel next to the meter will have your kettle boiling in no time.

Good luck.


When I purchased my condo I went myself to the local electric authority with my Chanote issued from Land Office. There was a 20,000 Baht deposit required and a payment for the meter. I cant remember how much the meter was. For water, its included in my Condo fees but for a house you probably need to go the water works authority to have a meter put in or turned on. If your lawyer is handling this for you, 5,000 baht I expect will be his fee and does not include cost of deposits and installing of meters etc.

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PEA for the electric and if your house is on "moo baan" water ( a huge tank somewhere close to the moo baan) or Provincial water( a trip to the Provincial water authority). Unless you speak Thai, you'll need an interpreter. The person you pay to do the hookups will go to the same places. The deposits and meter charges are higher than you'd think.


The house is in the company name and the authorised person will have to sign documents to get everything reconnected legally. Think the laywers offer will make your life much easier.


If you are in Pattaya and you are speaking of a House and as you noted the power and water was cut off then the meter is there? It is usually attached to a cement pole. Pattaya power does not have central turn off and turn on system by a switch especially in homes? Once you locate the meter you will see a gray plate below. Unscrew the plate and you will see two wires! they are live! if I am right you will see one of them disconnected this is how they turn off your power here in Pattaya. They come out manually and disconnect when the bill is not paid or late? Just stick it back in and tighten the screw.

As for the water you will see two handles left and right... One of them is from the street main water line the other runs into the house. If the meter has been removed then the water is turn off from the main street line. To confirm turn the handle and water should come out! Go the the hardwarde store and get a water pipe (blue) do not use glue since it will be temporary. and insert it between the street knob and house knob. Now turn both on you will get some leakage but this should provide the water.

This is what I did when my wife forgot to pay the electric bill a few days late. Saw the guy come out and do this manually and when I paid the bill that day they cop a attitude and told me tomorrow morning? I went home and connected it myself.

As for water... someone in the middle of the night stole my meter. Reported it long wait this is what I did with a blue pipe. both situation they did not like it but I gave them the Thai response " mai pen rai "..

Now reality is you just brought a house, your book is in England? 5,000 just pay the piper you screwed up should have taken care of the problem before the final documents were signed. Actually cheap for your situation? while you are waiting for the response you are without electricity and water? time is money?


had a thai friend that didn't pay electric for like one year... she was running the illegal wire hook up - finally the electric company found out and it was Bt 8000.00 to get the meter re hooked up - so 5000 from an unpaid bill is not bad... this was out in Rangsit... same also with water if previous owner didn't pay - maybe 2-3000 baht fine but you also have to pay for the new water meter...2-3000 bt ? or maybe less

water meters were/are a big deal for thieves taking and reselling - the company where i work and 8-10 shop houses in the row all had the water meters stolen one night a couple of years ago

and the water dept out here in Rangsit - last month was the first month in years i missed paying at 7/11 - went over a day after the due date on the bill and had to pay an extra Bt 320. for the reconnect charge ... the shysters... will make sure I don't miss it again.... 5 5 5


Just pay the 5000 its cheap, wen you don't know how to do the connection for the power.

dont do it can cost you your live.those wires are live and high powered.

At the dark side of Pattaya the take the powermeter of wen the bin is not paid

For the water its easy pay the fine and you get the meter back normally 1 ore 2 days

Next time wen you buy or rent a house check this and a good lawyer put this in the contract

Wen you have a GF she can do it,

good luck and be safe


Just look for the grey metal box, typically at farang head height, just inside the front door. Simply throw the switch and bingo, Edison smiles!

For water, it's down on your knees under the kitchen sink. An anticlockwise twist of the little wheel next to the meter will have your kettle boiling in no time.

Good luck.

If there is no meter outside there will be no power to the house!

You will have to pay a deposit and connection fee. So long as you pay all your bills while you are there the deposit is returnable when you leave.

5,000 is cheap!


It "can" be a little tricky...with past due bills still on the books...I would insist on going with the person who will be helping you secure power and water...so you can see where...and check on the how much...


wow....there must be a lot of retarded foreigners in thailand......

put the damn meters on yourself....and get on living. I've changed out both electric and water meters....10 minute job....save your money. Meters are less than 1000 b (electric) depending on what size you need. Water meters are cheap.

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If there's no meter, the meter hookup by PEA is about 4200 baht so pay the 5000!

Been through it. When it's a company, it's a bit more complicated than private owned. You (or your lawyer) will need a signed so-called “meeting report” about power connection and probably a number of certified prints of company registration, not more than 1-3 month old. Perhaps a Blue House Book is also needed. You will need to pay a fee and a deposit, which also may be higher for a company than a private person. The deposit will be returned when you terminate the supply and all outstanding have been paid.

5,000 baht does not sound scaring at all – cheap if included meeter fee and deposit.

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I will get a hat and eat it if the 5,000 includes anything except the solicitors charge.

If you don't specify it up-front, Thais are experts at introducing you to the 'extras' once you have agreed to the first amount.

Get your GF to find out what it really costs : it will be good experience for her anyway to know who to contact about things like this. If she has trouble then use the solicitor.


Unfortunately for being a foreigner/foreigners who can not speak and understand Thai language, one would have to depend and take a chance on a/any Thai/s who hopefully is/are honest and reliable. Even in among Thai people, there are many incidents that we have been cheated by Thai and the government workers.

I found this helpful Thai blog website information directly about form of transferring water meter. It is in Thai but that is not a problem for me. If you have a Thai friend or any Thai friends who is/are honest and reliable, hopefully they will help you on your account. Have them read this Thai website.


I translated only what is relevant to your situation. This basic info should apply nation wide.

If the water meter has been cut off due to past due unpaid bill:

1. ให้ยื่นคำร้องขอติดตั้งคืนภายใน 6 เดือน มิเช่นนั้น จะต้องยื่นคำร้อง ขอต่อใหม่ < Must submit an application form to re-install water meter within 6 months otherwise must renew a new application again
2. ชำระค่าติดตั้งคืนตามขนาดของมิเตอร์ ดังนี้ << Installation water meter fee based on "size" of meter
- มิเตอร์ขนาด Æ 1/2 นิ้ว ค่าติดตั้ง 200 บาท ค่าประกัน300 บาท << Meter size 1/2 inch installation fee 200 THB, and deposit fee? insurance fee? 300 THB
- มิเตอร์ขนาด Æ 3/4 นิ้ว ค่าติดตั้ง 300 บาท ค่าประกัน450 บาท << Meter size 3/4 inch installation fee 300 THB, and deposit fee? insurance fee? 450THB
- มิเตอร์ขนาด Æ 1 นิ้ว ค่าติดตั้ง 400 บาท ค่าประกัน750 บาท << Meter size 1 inch installation fee 400 THB, and deposit fee? insurance fee? 750 THB
- มิเตอร์ขนาด Æ 1 1/2 นิ้ว ค่าติดตั้ง 500 บาท ค่าประกัน 1,500 บาท << Meter size 1 1/2 inch installation fee 500 THB, and deposit fee? insurance fee? 1,500 THB
- มิเตอร์ขนาด Æ 2 นิ้ว ค่าติดตั้ง 1,000 บาท ค่าประกัน 3,000 บาท << Meter size 2 inch installation fee 1,000 THB, and deposit fee? insurance fee? 3,000 THB
- มิเตอร์ขนาด Æ 3 นิ้ว ค่าติดตั้ง 1500 บาท ค่าประกัน4,000 บาท << Meter size 3 inch installation fee 1,500 THB, and deposit fee? insurance fee? 4,000 THB
- มิเตอร์ขนาด Æ 4 นิ้ว ค่าติดตั้ง 2,000 บาท ค่าประกัน4,500 บาท << Meter size 4 inch installation fee 2,000 THB, and deposit fee? insurance fee? 4,500 THB
- มิเตอร์ขนาด Æ 6 นิ้ว ค่าติดตั้ง 3000 บาท ค่าประกัน7,500 บาท << Meter size 6 inch installation fee 3,000 THB, and deposit fee? insurance fee? 7,500 THB

เฉพาะค่าติดตั้งจะคิดภาษีมูลค่าเพิ่มอีก 7 % << 7% VAT for Installation fee
ผู้โอนและผู้รับโอนกรรมสิทธิ์ ต้องนำหลักฐานมาแสดง ดังนี้ << Old and new transfer/ee must bring these documents
1.สำเนาทะเบียนบ้าน << photocopy of house registration in your name (along with the original) **
2. สำเนาบัตรประจำตัวประชาชน หรือบัตรอื่นที่ทางราชการ ออกให้ << Photocopy of official Photo ID **
3. สัญญาการซื้อขาย(ทด.13) << bought and sold contract (ทด.13)
4. ใบเสร็จค่าน้ำรายเดือน ในกรณีที่มาดำเนินการเองไม่ได้ให้ใช้ใบ มอบอำนาจ << Proof of prior monthly Water bill (In case can not perform on your own YOU MUST GIVE a POWER OF ATTORNEY to someone else to do it for you)
5. ค่าธรรมเนียมโอน 50 บาท << 50 THB Transfer fee
6. เงินประกันการใช้น้ำ ตามขนาดมาตรวัดน้ำรวมภาษี 7% << 7 % Deposit? Insurance? for water usage which based on the size of water meter.
**Must provide 2 sets of photocopies**
Warning: To prevent identity fraud, As advice from Thai police department that any photocopy of Photo ID must draw a straight line across the ID from bottom left corner to top right corner and write underneath the ID that for that particular purpose only. There have been many ID frauds in Thailand.
Hope this helps.
All you need is a good, honest and reliable Thai person to help you in Thailand.
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Transfer electric meter to and from old and new owner, required documents are the same as the water application

โอนมิเตอร์ไฟฟ้าต้องเตรียมเอกสาร ดังต่อไปนี้
  1. สำเนาบัตรประชาชน ทั้งผู้โอนและผู้รับโอน
  2. สำเนาทะเบียนบ้าน ทั้งผู้โอนและผู้รับโอน
  3. สำเนาทะเบียนบ้านที่ใช้ไฟฟ้าของผู้รับโอน
  4. สำเนาสัญญาซื้อขายบ้าน ทด13. กรณีที่มีการซื้อขายบ้าน
  5. ใบเสร็จค่าไฟฟ้าครั้งสุดท้ายของผู้โอน
  6. อื่นๆ เช่น ใบเปลี่ยนชื่อ นามสกุล
  7. ใบเสร็จรับเงินค่าประกันการใช้ไฟฟ้าของผู้โอน ถ้าไม่มีให้ติดต่อแผนกการเงิน
  8. ใบหนังสือมอบอำนาจจากผู้โอน กรณีที่ผู้โอนไม่มา ดาว์นโหลดหนังสือมอบอำนาจคลิกที่นี่

ปล.เอกสารให้ถ่ายสำเนาอย่างละ 2 ชุด << Bring 2 sets of photocopies photo ID (Do the same precautions as above warning)


Part of the 5,000 that the lawyer wants is 1,000 THB just for "updating" the company so that the water company will install a new meter and provide you with water. Since it is in a company name you will pay a higher rate (commercial) than do Thais or foreigners not in a company name. The electric company does not play this game, every house pays the same based upon usage

If I were you I would also have him work a little harder and get both electric and water auto debited from your Thai bank account at the same time. Not that much more trouble since I am sure that the lawyer is not going to do the running around but a low paid clerk

Personally I would pay 5,000 THB just to not have to deal with that miserable bitch at the water company

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