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right we have had the what would make you HAPPY thread,,

so now its what really xxxxxxxxxxx you off thread,,

this will get more replys,,,lol


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burning household garbage in the air i have to breathe.

stink from polluted streams rivers and drains.

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burning household garbage in the air i have to breathe.

stink from polluted streams rivers and drains.

im sorry ill have to hold my hand up for this one,

but in my defence i live in the country and there isnt anyone near me to anoy,,

we have a 45 galon drum with holes in it, and i then put the cinders on my garden

so im sorry,,



Cheapskates thinking MK is a 'great place' for a first date and then spending the next six weeks moaning and wondering why his Thai Friendly 'girlfriend' hasn't got back to him....

People who get laid without an initial payout and think they've 'cracked it', then proceed to tell us how it's done....until they finally get the bill, when they tend to vanish without trace.

You've got your finger on the pulse when it comes to some of our recent arrivals who are clearly master*****s in the art of love.

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The double (dual) pricing standards.

Just because your a ferang you must be a tourist,

Thai woman with ferang must be a prostitute ( or ex pro).

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Going outside to sit on the steps in the shade only to find some elephant took a dump on the steps.cheesy.gif

Do you think that was because "you got out of life what you put into it ?"

(joke, no offence intended)


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People who get laid without an initial payout and think they've 'cracked it', then proceed to tell us how it's done....until they finally get the bill, when they tend to vanish without trace.

Is it that they get laid for free or that they brag about it?

Thai woman with ferang must be a prostitute ( or ex pro).

That depends on quite a few things like perceived age gap between guy and girl, the way she's dressed and if she has visible tattoos


i did ask rooo,

and they said it was either move here or close,,!!,

i dont know why, something about a reply they had to move,, ive seen worse, and the other thing is i never come in here much,,

i like making trouble in general,,,lol

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Men on here who, i would presume are of a certain age and have lived a wee bit, and still act like slobbering teenagers over the first belly button they see.

I find it quite embarassing for them, but oh so amusing to read!!!

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