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How accurate is the unemployment rate in Thailand


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can you explain in laymans terms how does thailand carry out this survey???

The Survey


What is surveyed.


Ya it's about the same as any other country in the world because that what the UN, IMF, banks and everyone else wants. Thailand has to comply if they want loans.

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you could look at it from another way,,,

how many who are working,,,,,,PAY TAX?????????

You hit the nail on the head.

Perhaps you could name a country that figures unemployment numbers from tax payments/tax rolls?

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you could look at it from another way,,,

how many who are working,,,,,,PAY TAX?????????

You hit the nail on the head.

Less than 2% of the population of Thailand file a tax return, is that a function of the black economy, fraud or does it reflect the percentage of the population who make very little.

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Jake -- Thailand uses a statistical sample of the country to measure unemployment. In the USA that consists of a 60,000 households out of a population in excess of 300 million.

Each month, 2,200 highly trained and experienced Census Bureau employees interview persons in the 60,000 sample households for information on the labor force activities (jobholding and jobseeking) or non-labor force status of the members of these households during the survey reference week (usually the week that includes the 12th of the month). http://www.bls.gov/cps/cps_htgm.htm#where

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jl thank you,,

i could sit here and keep spouting about this and that,

copy and paist a few things,,

i tell you some on here just think they are so good,,lol, im busy in the office not just playing on here,,,lol,

any more links to try and make you look cleaver,,not you JL,,,lol

Edited by pigeonjake
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jl thank you,,

i could sit here and keep spouting about this and that,

copy and paist a few things,,

i tell you some on here just think they are so good,,lol, im busy in the office not just playing on here,,,lol,

any more links to try and make you look cleaver,,not you JL,,,lol

The unemployment rate is figured in the same way that it is figured in the UK. Is that clear enough?

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you could look at it from another way,,,

how many who are working,,,,,,PAY TAX?????????

You hit the nail on the head.

Less than 2% of the population of Thailand file a tax return, is that a function of the black economy, fraud or does it reflect the percentage of the population who make very little.

Thailand has a population of around 70 million. According to the National Statistics Office, the 20-and-over workforce comprises about 38 million people. But the Revenue Department only has approximately 10 million people registered to pay income tax. Of these, around 6.87 million do not have to pay because their annual income is less than 150,000 baht per year.


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Did you know that if you work for one hour in a month, in Thailand, you are considered as employed.

In the States you are considered employed if you didn't work because:

a. Couldn't get a baby sitter.

b. It was raining too hard.

c. Had a cold.

d. Taking care of a personal problem.



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The accurate quote to the above is:

Persons also are counted as employed if they have a job at which they did not work during the survey week, whether they were paid or not, because they were:

(a. to d. as above)

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you could look at it from another way,,,

how many who are working,,,,,,PAY TAX?????????

You hit the nail on the head.

Less than 2% of the population of Thailand file a tax return, is that a function of the black economy, fraud or does it reflect the percentage of the population who make very little.

Thailand has a population of around 70 million. According to the National Statistics Office, the 20-and-over workforce comprises about 38 million people. But the Revenue Department only has approximately 10 million people registered to pay income tax. Of these, around 6.87 million do not have to pay because their annual income is less than 150,000 baht per year.


"So that leaves a little more than three million people actually paying income tax".


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The trend is to go to university for 4 years then not get a job, unless your parents already won a company. Thailand graduates something like 800,000 students a year, to fill 1000 jobs. That is the reason a 4 years Thai degree is worth about 6000 baht more than you can make at 7-11. When when the other Asians come here for jobs in a year or two, Thailand is truly $^#%#.

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Less than 2% of the population of Thailand file a tax return, is that a function of the black economy, fraud or does it reflect the percentage of the population who make very little.

Thailand has a population of around 70 million. According to the National Statistics Office, the 20-and-over workforce comprises about 38 million people. But the Revenue Department only has approximately 10 million people registered to pay income tax. Of these, around 6.87 million do not have to pay because their annual income is less than 150,000 baht per year.


"So that leaves a little more than three million people actually paying income tax".


Units are in millions

Total is 1,617 trillion


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The trend is to go to university for 4 years then not get a job, unless your parents already won a company. Thailand graduates something like 800,000 students a year, to fill 1000 jobs. That is the reason a 4 years Thai degree is worth about 6000 baht more than you can make at 7-11. When when the other Asians come here for jobs in a year or two, Thailand is truly $^#%#.

Thailand Next 5 years (between 2007 and 2011), 161,140 Bachelor graduates would be needed for all sectors of the economy – including the agricultural industrial, and service sectors – each year. During the subsequent 5 years (between 2012 and 2016), 145,348 bachelor graduates would be needed each year.

A number of higher education institutes have recently increased opportunity for various types of students to study at the higher level. In 2007, the Education Council estimated that the number of new students enrolled in bachelors programs between 2007 and 2016 will be approximately 500,000 each year, resulting in between 300,000 to 400,000 new graduates per annum.


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Less than 2% of the population of Thailand file a tax return, is that a function of the black economy, fraud or does it reflect the percentage of the population who make very little.

Thailand has a population of around 70 million. According to the National Statistics Office, the 20-and-over workforce comprises about 38 million people. But the Revenue Department only has approximately 10 million people registered to pay income tax. Of these, around 6.87 million do not have to pay because their annual income is less than 150,000 baht per year.


"So that leaves a little more than three million people actually paying income tax".


Units are in millions

Total is 1,617 trillion

Er, um, I believe you might be talking revenue whereas my numbers are the percentage of people paying tax - I thought the question was the volume of people paying tax rather than how much is collected from different sources? Whatever!

Edited by chiang mai
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Thailand has a population of around 70 million. According to the National Statistics Office, the 20-and-over workforce comprises about 38 million people. But the Revenue Department only has approximately 10 million people registered to pay income tax. Of these, around 6.87 million do not have to pay because their annual income is less than 150,000 baht per year.


"So that leaves a little more than three million people actually paying income tax".


Units are in millions

Total is 1,617 trillion

Er, um, I believe you might be talking revenue whereas my numbers are the percentage of people paying tax - I thought the question was the volume of people paying tax rather than how much is collected from different sources? Whatever!

True we were talking about two different things. Actually both of which are off topic, I think.

At least some folks realize that the unemployment rate is computed the same way in Thailand as the West that is by survey and not any actual numbers of people paying taxes or drawing unemployment.

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There are thousands of unemployed people in Thailand. You cannot get a job in a Factory until you are 18, and when you reach 30 you are classed as to old. Then there are the Illegal Immigrants from Burma, Laos, Cambodia, and the rest of the Surrounding Country s, do you honestly, think these people would register they are unemployed. Or Employed.

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jl thank you,,

i could sit here and keep spouting about this and that,

copy and paist a few things,,

i tell you some on here just think they are so good,,lol, im busy in the office not just playing on here,,,lol,

any more links to try and make you look cleaver,,not you JL,,,lol

The unemployment rate is figured in the same way that it is figured in the UK. Is that clear enough?

In the UK they call all of the people in Isaan who don't have a phone? LOL

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Typical TV barstool talk.

I used to teach macro economics in my home country, and I was never able to answer the question: "How many are unemployed?"

Because it all depends on the definition of "unemployed".

Now someone might say: yes, but these days we use internationally accepted definitions, you can not fool the IMF etc.

Greece joined the euro area, based on - internationally accepted - lies.

Need I say more?

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Typical TV barstool talk.

I used to teach macro economics in my home country, and I was never able to answer the question: "How many are unemployed?"

Because it all depends on the definition of "unemployed".

Now someone might say: yes, but these days we use internationally accepted definitions, you can not fool the IMF etc.

Greece joined the euro area, based on - internationally accepted - lies.

Need I say more?

My all time least favorite type of post: somebody who accuses everyone else of bar-stool talk whilst claiming their own intellectual superiority yet adding absolutely nothing to the debate, yuk!

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Typical TV barstool talk.

I used to teach macro economics in my home country, and I was never able to answer the question: "How many are unemployed?"

Because it all depends on the definition of "unemployed".

Now someone might say: yes, but these days we use internationally accepted definitions, you can not fool the IMF etc.

Greece joined the euro area, based on - internationally accepted - lies.

Need I say more?

What is your point? That the unemployment rate in Germany, UK, USA and Thailand are all false because they use a survey method of gathering data?

All the financial data in Europe is bogus? All the loans made by the IMF are based on lies?

All of the credit rating agencies are in error and world economics is based on a lie that somehow you have discovered?

Harvard and The London School of Economics are fools and you have the inside track on the correct information.

Thailand has a very low rate of unemployment that is why millions of Burmese, Khmers and Laotians come across the border daily to work.

Thailand's method of computing the rate of unemployment is in keeping with international standards and is accurate.

You are a .....see below

conspiracy nut
Web definitions
A conspiracy theory is an explanatory proposition that accuses two or more people, a group, or an organization of having caused or covered up, through deliberate collusion, an event or phenomenon of great social, political, or economic impact. ...
The Unemployment Rate: Get Real
Counting each and every unemployed person on a monthly basis would also be a very expensive, time-consuming and impractical exercise. Therefore, the U.S. government conducts a monthly sample survey – known as the Current Population Survey (CPS) – to measure the extent of unemployment in the nation. The CPS has been conducted monthly in the U.S. since 1940.
When a sample survey is used, rather than a survey of the entire population, there is a chance that the sample estimates may differ from the actual population values. The BLS notes that at an unemployment rate of 5.5%, the 90% confidence interval is about +/- 280,000 for the monthly change in unemployment, and is about +/- 0.19% for the unemployment rate. In other words, there is a 90% chance that the monthly unemployment estimate from the sample is within about 280,000 of the figure obtainable from a total census of the entire population.
Edited by thailiketoo
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jl thank you,,

i could sit here and keep spouting about this and that,

copy and paist a few things,,

i tell you some on here just think they are so good,,lol, im busy in the office not just playing on here,,,lol,

any more links to try and make you look cleaver,,not you JL,,,lol

The unemployment rate is figured in the same way that it is figured in the UK. Is that clear enough?

In the UK they call all of the people in Isaan who don't have a phone? LOL

No. They conduct a survey. A survey does not call all the people. A survey counts a percent of the people. Try learning what or how surveys are conducted in Thailand by reading the website posted by the National Statistical Office of Thailand.

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you my freind want to get yourself in the real world,,

do you live here can i ask,?

and as for all the migrent workers coming in, it isnt because there is no unemployment its because the thais dont want to do this kind of work and the migrants are cheaper,,

have a word with yourself and come to the real world !!

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you my freind want to get yourself in the real world,,

do you live here can i ask,?

and as for all the migrent workers coming in, it isnt because there is no unemployment its because the thais dont want to do this kind of work and the migrants are cheaper,,

have a word with yourself and come to the real world !!

I live in Thailand. I have lived here for a long time. I have watched it change. I live here full time and have seen the rise of the industrial Thailand. Less than 1% is an accurate rate of unemployment. I know you don't have the time to read any of the information I posted for you but that is your fault not mine. Thailand measures unemployment the same way it is measured in any other country. Thai unemployment rates are as accurate as anywhere else. I got here the first time in 1968. Before that I don't know as well.

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At least some folks realize that the unemployment rate is computed the same way in Thailand as the West that is by survey and not any actual numbers of people paying taxes or drawing unemployment.

Who conducts these surveys?

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