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Sympathy Or Their Own Fault?


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I would do it, Karma will pay you back big time.

There is too much selfishness in this world as it is, I think we all in Thailand own something back as what a great place to live and enjoy and we are getting it for 20% the cost of our own country.

Wow, what a dumb post. Sorry. Karma? Is that like the the story of the guy in the sky who watches over all of us?

We foreigners owe Thailand exactly FA. We pay to play. Matters not what our currencies buy us here. We don't owe the Thais anything because their country is relatively uncompetitive and poor. Where do you get these strange notions?

And while attitudes like that still remain, nothing will change soon......................coffee1.gif

While I can agree with you about karma and the guy in the sky. coexistence is the first step for expats (in any country), not diversion, IMHO

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I would do it, Karma will pay you back big time.

There is too much selfishness in this world as it is, I think we all in Thailand own something back as what a great place to live and enjoy and we are getting it for 20% the cost of our own country.

Wow, what a dumb post. Sorry. Karma? Is that like the the story of the guy in the sky who watches over all of us?

We foreigners owe Thailand exactly FA. We pay to play. Matters not what our currencies buy us here. We don't owe the Thais anything because their country is relatively uncompetitive and poor. Where do you get these strange notions?

@PaullyW: you ought to change your handle to: "Callous-Canadian" (if, in fact you are Canadian) ! ! !

Let me put it to you in a language that you might be able to grasp; "If you would leave Canada for Nigeria, the Average IQ in both countries would have instantly increased substantially" ! ! !

It's just an educated guess, but you're not from Nova Scotia, by any chance ? ? ? ? ?


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This post is utterly interesting to read how many Farangs enjoy the cheap and comfortable living in Thailand, but refuse to pay back a little part of their wealth to the community.

It is not about helping this poor family or not; if your heart says help, then follow, just like your heart speaks for your love-ones. Do you question your actions then too?

The amazing phenomenon is that some of the comments reveal the selfishness of foreigners just taking advantage of being a guest in a country they can afford.

If you don't like Thais, if you don't like to be confronted with poverty, why stay?

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You guys disgust me. You'd help Thais (who would NEVER help you) but probably wouldn't help your own kind.

No wonder they call us dumb farangs

1267 posts! I aqm willing to bet that 1266 show your ignorance, amongst other things. "Thais would NEVER) help you"? So how come they allow you to live in their country? Maybe because nobody in your wants you in yours, so you asked to be allowed to stay here. To the main subject, I say, why even ask the question? The OP knows the people, he knows if he trusts them, he say's they are nice people - he can afford it. So what is the worst that can come form it - loss of a night out - not even that. Look inside yourself and decide if you have any charity and humanity inside. As for you Paully - have you sent out nasty post 1268 yet?

Edited by unclekleef
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I feel sorry for PaullyW....you have clearly been mixing with the wrong crowd...seriously.

Been mixed with all the crowds. Been here (and elsewhere) a long time. Seen them all.

High-end to low-end, everything between.

Foreigners (especially westerners) need to toughen up here. The Chinese did not colonize Thailand by being so godd@mned weak.


In spite of being such a well traveled person as you claim, you have been around the globe with your eyes closed and a heart of stone.

No matter how much you experience you have, if you believe that mankind can only survive by being 'tough' according to your definition, you are merely showing your weakness.

Contemplate about that dear friend and I wish you luck, 'cause you need lots of that with such a mind.

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Most likely they are both scamming you. Amazing Gullible Farangs

This is almost certainly true. The penniless gardener and the rich Benz driver got together one afternoon over a beer and thought "what is the best way to scam 8,000 baht out of that stupid farang across the road?" an they came up with this. You have to admire the Thais for their genius.

one has to admire a poor little man like you for coming up with crooked thoughts.

Yeah, you are going to have to run that by me again, cos I haven't a clue what you are talking about

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

#1 best advice for farangs in Thailand:

mind your own business and don't interfere with Thai matters.

Really? Why are you here? Living comfortably in your glass tower?

This the worst advice for anybody, anywhere, anytime.

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You guys disgust me. You'd help Thais (who would NEVER help you) but probably wouldn't help your own kind.

No wonder they call us dumb farangs

1267 posts! I aqm willing to bet that 1266 show your ignorance, amongst other things. "Thais would NEVER) help you"? So how come they allow you to live in their country? Maybe because nobody in your wants you in yours, so you asked to be allowed to stay here. To the main subject, I say, why even ask the question? The OP knows the people, he knows if he trusts them, he say's they are nice people - he can afford it. So what is the worst that can come form it - loss of a night out - not even that. Look inside yourself and decide if you have any charity and humanity inside. As for you Paully - have you sent out nasty post 1268 yet?

One can indeed be upset about his comment, so instead of judging him, maybe its better to ask where he gets his ideas from or what did he experience/witness himself to write a comment like that.

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If he has no money, the Benz owner will not be able to get water from a stone… and you will be just giving money to someone who does not need it… And nobody really has the right to question why and when other people have children… HOWEVER!!!

Now, if you care abt these people and their children, make lunches for the children, give things that cannot be taken by the Benz owner… buy the kids some clothing. Sharing what you have w/them will make everyone, especially yourself, feel good. Put your kind charity in the correct hands.

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Beyond the "try your best", "work hard", "strive to succeed", not event the smartest, most diligent, most hard working genius on the planet will get anywhere with "some luck at the right time"...

If you can contribute and be "somebody's luck" with just 8.000 THB and believe that this will make a difference... what are you waiting for? Just "do it" (yes, I agree, do it anonymously) and maybe you will be surprised to see that YOU might feel even better than the poor farmer afterwards...

A little bit of kind hearted charity does not require/deserve this kind of "is it worth it... do they take me for a ride... let them sort themselves out" kind of thinking... Just do it, quietly, and say a prayer that it might help them many times over....

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This post is utterly interesting to read how many Farangs enjoy the cheap and comfortable living in Thailand, but refuse to pay back a little part of their wealth to the community.

Umm ... we all show our charitable intentions in different ways.

Over the years I've visited the Praya Thai Orphanage and make a donation of either milk powder or the like (we ring before going to ascertain their current needs) or, if we couldn't get to TESCO, make a modest cash donation.

My recommendation is still for the OP to step back and let the Thais sort it.

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In this case you would not be giving the money to the poor gardener, but to the Benz owner.

One option would be to let them to settle things out of their own. When that is done, offer the gardener a job, which could help them financially.

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As heartless as this may seem to some readers ... your best option is to do nothing.

Let the Thais sort out their problem.

Why did a 63 year old have a baby?

Can't afford the children he has, but fathers more...

Maybe the guys is the most happy/content man in Thailand, only he knows.

Thailand really is a wealthy country but the money is concentrated in the top 5% of the population. Yeah we have income inequality in the USA too, but we also have property and inheritance taxes. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are leaving the bulk of their estates to charity. How many Thais -Asians- have done the same?

Life here is what it is. If you want to spring for the poor Thais predicament, go for it, its your money.

But the locals rarely do...

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If he was so dirt poor and obviously needed a hand now and again, why didn't you show compassion earlier and get his to do some gardening every month to help him and his family out?

Poorly played sir, hence your dilemma now.

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In this case you would not be giving the money to the poor gardener, but to the Benz owner.

One option would be to let them to settle things out of their own. When that is done, offer the gardener a job, which could help them financially.

This leads us to 4 options:

1. do nothing (incl. DO NOT POST HERE), because it's your right to do things in your life as you see fit...

2. do nothing (BUT COME WITH LOTS OF "SMART SUGGESTIONS" here)... well... no further comment

3. do a little bit of "quiet charity" if you feel "it's the right thing to do"... you don't expect any rewards... you just follow your "heart/instinct" as a human being

4. you become a "mentor", give them work and the lot... has more far reaching implications and responsibilities, cant be done "quietly"

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Wow, what a dumb post. Sorry. Karma? Is that like the the story of the guy in the sky who watches over all of us?

We foreigners owe Thailand exactly FA. We pay to play. Matters not what our currencies buy us here. We don't owe the Thais anything because their country is relatively uncompetitive and poor. Where do you get these strange notions?

I don't remember giving or mailing you my proxy. I'm pretty sure you don't have it.

So stop saying "we". I'm going to assume it's just because you are too afraid to take responsibility for yourself. But it could be worse than that of course. In any case, don't hide behind me.


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A fight between the heart and the mind.......its your own call.

thai people think very different than western people, case in point the woman trying to get money from a destitute! thailand is full of poor people most of whom have no control of their ;lives, so do what I do, when i see a heart rending person who is dirt poor, i help him but I remain in the back ground because once i help one, all the others will come around! 8,000 baht? that heartless woman will never see a penny of that. but if you wanted to you could buy the family food, clothing, and a little spedning money through a third party. that's called being a good human being!

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I would do it, Karma will pay you back big time.

There is too much selfishness in this world as it is, I think we all in Thailand own something back as what a great place to live and enjoy and we are getting it for 20% the cost of our own country.

Wow, what a dumb post. Sorry. Karma? Is that like the the story of the guy in the sky who watches over all of us?

We foreigners owe Thailand exactly FA. We pay to play. Matters not what our currencies buy us here. We don't owe the Thais anything because their country is relatively uncompetitive and poor. Where do you get these strange notions?

at BEST one can feel very sorry for your petty, narrow-minded views, PaullyW. You seem to one those people to best stay well and far away from................. why not just keep such rubbish for yourself...!

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You guys disgust me. You'd help Thais (who would NEVER help you) but probably wouldn't help your own kind.

No wonder they call us dumb farangs

1267 posts! I aqm willing to bet that 1266 show your ignorance, amongst other things. "Thais would NEVER) help you"? So how come they allow you to live in their country? Maybe because nobody in your wants you in yours, so you asked to be allowed to stay here. To the main subject, I say, why even ask the question? The OP knows the people, he knows if he trusts them, he say's they are nice people - he can afford it. So what is the worst that can come form it - loss of a night out - not even that. Look inside yourself and decide if you have any charity and humanity inside. As for you Paully - have you sent out nasty post 1268 yet?

Yes, every foreigner in my country should give me money when I need it JUST because I LET them live in my country.

Congratulations; you have just won the award for the most STUPID post ever!!!

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My rule is to never give money if I expect to get it back. I like the idea of giving money anonymously, both of you save face, and throw in a harness/baby carrier as well. You will sleep better and feel great about your decision.

Despite all of the stories about foreigners being ripped off with sad sob stories, you have to live with yourself. I'm guessing you are from a mostly Christian country and are greatly influenced by the concept of charity and helping the poor. If that belief is in your heart, trust it and go for it.

The Mercedes owner is lucky his damage is minimal and the gardener honest and willing to report the accident. I'd stay away from that. Not your business to recommend or get involved.

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OP, I haven't read all these posts because they are many, but if it hasn't been mentioned already...I would give the payment directly to the owner of the Benz and make him sign an affidavit saying that the debt has been paid in full for the benefit of the gardener, then ask the Benz owner to not reveal who paid.

Matthew 6 says: 1 “Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.

2 “So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 3 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

This way you can make merit (Buddhism) or store up riches in Heaven (Christian)...or whatever else might be motivating you to give, and the gardener will not be back knocking on your door looking for another handout.

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I have never seen anyone benefit from "free money". In the USA parents have heaped money on their children only to have them become angry and useless adults. For years the federal government has given huge handouts to once proud segments of the population only to make them unhappy and more dependent on welfare. Having to make your own money encourages people to make wise decisions in life. Giving people handouts allows them to continue to make poor decisions with out the unpleasant consequences.

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