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Bangkok forigners women never get attention from forigners like thai women?


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go to a Western university town and tell me the girls are not better than typical Thai fodder

Huh? Compare any Western university town with Bangkok and Bangkok will win by a mile - on looks and attitude. Thai women are much more beautiful percentage-wise than any Western country and on top of that they are not nearly as stuck up.

Simply not true. The difference is how the perception of availability alters a man's assessment of attractiveness. Take those same Thais and place them amongst a student population in a popular Western university and, like for like, they'd turn no more heads than the rest. Except, in less diverse areas, as a novelty. When you say that women are "stuck up", and have a bad attitude, you mean that they have signalled that they are not available to you and that this has irked you. You don't get that so much in Thailand for obviou$ rea$on$ to do with the exchange rates. The lies we tell ourselves!

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Simply not true. The difference is how the perception of availability alters a man's assessment of attractiveness. Take those same Thais and place them amongst a student population in a popular Western university and, like for like, they'd turn no more heads than the rest. Except, in less diverse areas, as a novelty. When you say that women are "stuck up", and have a bad attitude, you mean that they have signalled that they are not available to you and that this has irked you. You don't get that so much in Thailand for obviou$ rea$on$ to do with the exchange rates. The lies we tell ourselves!

You forgot welfare!

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Simply not true. The difference is how the perception of availability alters a man's assessment of attractiveness. Take those same Thais and place them amongst a student population in a popular Western university and, like for like, they'd turn no more heads than the rest.

Sorry, but you are incorrect. A few years ago I visited Perth Australia and, by far, the most attractive women I saw were Asians and some of the prettiest ones were born in Thailand or were of Thai heritage. I know because I asked them. They stuck out because they were so much prettier than the locals. I had the same experience on the East coast of Oz.

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If Thai women are so much more attractive than western women, why did you post a picture of a half-Norwegian model to prove your point?

Maybe because she is Thai? People all over the world are of mixed race, but that does not change their nationality. Sorry, I don't research on a model's genealogy to make sure that they are of "pure blood".

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Once you go Asian....you will never go Caucasian !!

What garbage. I'm on a beach in Thailand surrounded by gorgeous European women in bikinis. The average Isaan woman who most foreigners end up with doesn't seem at all appealing right now, although there are some gorgeous Thai women too.

In response to the OP, western women get a lot of attention from western guys who know they have a chance. It's easy for the ugly old western guys who know they don't have a chance with a young western woman to pretend that they're not interested in these 'disgusting white feminazis'. Stop making fools of yourselves guys.

BRAVO!!! Finally somebody who speaks the truth. I agree 100%.

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If Thai women are so much more attractive than western women, why did you post a picture of a half-Norwegian model to prove your point?

Maybe because she is Thai? People all over the world are of mixed race, but that does not change their nationality. Sorry, I don't research on a model's genealogy to make sure that they are of "pure blood".

So women are better looking according to which country they happen to be born in?

It seems like you're more attracted to European women than you thought!

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Ok in my last post I was trying to be a little uplifting but since you guys are so annoying I just wanna say this--

There are beautiful women of all races and nationalities.

Some guys have a thing for particular features or behaviors which some are able to be changed and other things you have to deal with what you're given. This isn't just a male trait though, WOMEN ARE THE SAME WAY!

In the end-- If guys aren't interested in you why make it your problem?

Why would anyone wanna be with someone that doesn't wanna be with them?

If guys in BKK wanna be with Thai women then let them. If they're interested in you then they'll come to you.

Anyone complaining on a forum like this about not being able to get guys probably has more than a few reasons why they're not able to get guys aside from their race.

Edited by ihunnieibee
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Simply not true. The difference is how the perception of availability alters a man's assessment of attractiveness. Take those same Thais and place them amongst a student population in a popular Western university and, like for like, they'd turn no more heads than the rest. Except, in less diverse areas, as a novelty. When you say that women are "stuck up", and have a bad attitude, you mean that they have signalled that they are not available to you and that this has irked you. You don't get that so much in Thailand for obviou$ rea$on$ to do with the exchange rates. The lies we tell ourselves!

You forgot welfare!

....and general character.

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Well, maybe it has more to do that if you meet a Western Woman in a 7-11 and smile at her and say good morning, she will 9 times out of 10 give you a dirty look and ignore you because she thinks you are trying to pick her up and get into her pants. Where a Thai Woman will smile back and say good morning. So Thai Women are more friendly then Western Women in general.

All Women are beautiful but for looks give me a gorgeous Russian Girl any day. Just don't tell my Thai Wife I said that! Okay? Please? Pretty Please?

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Simply not true. The difference is how the perception of availability alters a man's assessment of attractiveness. Take those same Thais and place them amongst a student population in a popular Western university and, like for like, they'd turn no more heads than the rest.

Sorry, but you are incorrect. A few years ago I visited Perth Australia and, by far, the most attractive women I saw were Asians and some of the prettiest ones were born in Thailand or were of Thai heritage. I know because I asked them. They stuck out because they were so much prettier than the locals. I had the same experience on the East coast of Oz.

"By far" the most attractive women you saw in Perth were of Thai origin. They didn't 'stick out' because they looked different to the European locals? Because they were novel? But because their inherent racial beauty was so vastly superior. Okey dokey then. Glad you found your niche. Just make sure you stay jai dee. They become less attractive when you're jai dam. Test it and see.

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They stuck out because they were so much prettier than the locals. I have lived in Thailand for the last two decades, but holiday in Oz from time to time. . They are not "novel" to me.

No offence, but you have yellow fever

If you have been living in Thailand for years you should know that your opinion is biased when you have yellow fever

In fact I think I'll see far far more attractive white girls on a beach then Asians, not even a comparison

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If Thai women are so much more attractive than western women, why did you post a picture of a half-Norwegian model to prove your point?

Maybe because she is Thai? People all over the world are of mixed race, but that does not change their nationality. Sorry, I don't research on a model's genealogy to make sure that they are of "pure blood".

So women are better looking according to which country they happen to be born in?

It seems like you're more attracted to European women than you thought!

She is not European. She is Thai. You haven't figured out that many Thai women are a mixture of different races - that there are tons of Chinese and other immigrants here? IMO, that is the reason that Thai and Filipino woman are so attractive - the mixture of different bloodlines.

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All this talk of 'feminists' reminds me of guys that fail to pull women then decide they must have been lesbians.

Sent from my GT-N7105 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

And all this cowtow to the "feminists" reminds me that some posters likely have a wife standing behind them, looking over their shoulder and telling them what to write smile.png

i dont have a wife, let alone a woman standing over my shoulder, but be assured that thai or farang she would be literate enough to properly spell "kowtow"

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They stuck out because they were so much prettier than the locals. I have lived in Thailand for the last two decades, but holiday in Oz from time to time. . They are not "novel" to me.

No offence, but you have yellow fever

If you have been living in Thailand for years you should know that your opinion is biased when you have yellow fever

Call it what you want, but I was not overly attracted to Asian women until I came here and I could not believe how pretty and feminine they were. I still see foreign women that I find attractive, but way less percentage-wise. I have only seen a few attractive white women the whole time I've been here and I deal with tourists every day, but I see more when I go overseas. However, not many compared to here and I come from Northern California.

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Once you go Asian....you will never go Caucasian !!

What garbage. I'm on a beach in Thailand surrounded by gorgeous European women in bikinis. The average Isaan woman who most foreigners end up with doesn't seem at all appealing right now, although there are some gorgeous Thai women too.

In response to the OP, western women get a lot of attention from western guys who know they have a chance. It's easy for the ugly old western guys who know they don't have a chance with a young western woman to pretend that they're not interested in these 'disgusting white feminazis'. Stop making fools of yourselves guys.

BRAVO!!! Finally somebody who speaks the truth. I agree 100%.

yes - i agree whole heartedly - and i agree again regarding your remarks about western women being dismissed by guys who don't have a shot.

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They stuck out because they were so much prettier than the locals. I have lived in Thailand for the last two decades, but holiday in Oz from time to time. . They are not "novel" to me.

They are novel in Perth and that is why they would have generally stood out there. Personal biases aside, if what you are claiming about Thai supremacy is actually true then it's very surprising that Thai women barely feature, if at all, in any international 'most beautiful' poll online. Never even won Miss World. Why is that then? It all becomes clearer when you break out of the bubble.

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.. very surprising that Thai women barely feature, if at all, in any international 'most beautiful' poll online. Never even won Miss World. Why is that then? It all becomes clearer when you break out of the bubble.

Well the plasticky Miss World contest aside, Asians rarely fall in the artsy-fartsy kind of beautiful category, more like "I want to jump those bones and <deleted><deleted><deleted><deleted> right now, right here" category. Which is why quite a few successful businessmen, such as Zuckerberg, have opted for an Asian. Pure visuals fade.

Example of artsy-fartsy beauty ? Allright:


Latinas generally rule in that category.

Edited by DrTuner
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Personal biases aside, if what you are claiming about Thai supremacy is actually true then it's very surprising that Thai women barely feature, if at all, in any international 'most beautiful' poll online. Never even won Miss World. Why is that then? It all becomes clearer when you break out of the bubble.

It's also interesting that even the local idea of beauty is very much at odds with how Thai people actually look, hence the popularity of whitening creams and mixed-race models, as seen in this very thread.

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They stuck out because they were so much prettier than the locals. I have lived in Thailand for the last two decades, but holiday in Oz from time to time. . They are not "novel" to me.

They are novel in Perth and that is why they would have generally stood out there. Personal biases aside, if what you are claiming about Thai supremacy is actually true then it's very surprising that Thai women barely feature, if at all, in any international 'most beautiful' poll online. Never even won Miss World. Why is that then? It all becomes clearer when you break out of the bubble.
I was going to say, I am attracted to both western and Asian woman, probably 50/50, give or take

For all of those that go on about how western women are no good and Thais are so.gorgeous

Take a look at the miss universe contests

90% of the Asians are very average in fact a few of them.I.consider hideous, I reckon I would.meet at least one Asian girl out of.50 that I would consider better then the contestants, and they are supposed to be the.top of the top of that country

Also Asia.never wins and very rarely.gets to.the finals, although Japan went well recently

You take a look at Venezuela, Chile, Spain, and even America, Australia and they are absolutely perfect!!!! In fact my jaws are on the ground when they are parading around, and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone

I'm sure many of the people with yellow fever wouldn't be as.highly.opinionated if most of.Asia wasn't so.poor where am.average wealth guy is seen as a millionaire, or you couldn't get a girl.20 years younger like back.home

Edited by hellohello123
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If Thai women are so much more attractive than western women, why did you post a picture of a half-Norwegian model to prove your point?

Maybe because she is Thai? People all over the world are of mixed race, but that does not change their nationality. Sorry, I don't research on a model's genealogy to make sure that they are of "pure blood".

So women are better looking according to which country they happen to be born in?

It seems like you're more attracted to European women than you thought!

She is not European. She is Thai. You haven't figured out that many Thai women are a mixture of different races - that there are tons of Chinese and other immigrants here? IMO, that is the reason that Thai and Filipino woman are so attractive - the mixture of different bloodlines.

whoa hold on there fella - philipino women attractive???? certainly you have not spent much time in manila.

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