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From A teachers perspective, what can be done about education in Thailand

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Why bother to care?

Teach the ones that want to learn to the best of your abilities and done.

Every child must pass

Better schools even demand better grades

Corruption in schools and every level of institutions.

The entire system needs an absolute massive overhaul

While perhaps observant, you are neither an educator nor Thai

STFO and do your job. No changes here dreamer. If you are so keen on changing things why did you leave home? Go back and make it a better place.

If you propose change, you will be given no resources or time and be expected to deliver it. You will not be paid and snyone that can will later take credit.

All this goes triple if you.work for agency.

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For all those complaining.abt Thai inability to make change ie charge 66 b give 101b. Americans, tried that in.states? Many clerks can't do that either! Once till is opened it's a mystery...just count it and hand it back.

Wife just said yesterday after seeing trailer to movie sbiut some kid really arguing (debating) teacher. I really like your county's style of school..I think students csn learn alot. Can never do that in Thailand.

I personally do not wholly fault Thai teaching staff. They make crap money, have huge responsibilities, more than the farang teachers will ever know.

The problem is systemic.

They need to adopt western style 100%. Barring that, Singapore.

Even the best schools are so week outside mathematics and to lesder extent BASIC science.

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Do what these two educators did. Ask the richest man in the world.


Maybe the Thai educators should ask the richest man/men in Thailand to get off their butts and do the same.

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Another reason why the English teaching results/situation has never changed, unfortunately even decreased, might be their hiring policy, regarding English teachers.

Schools do not pay more to foreign English teaches, than they did 12 years ago, while the cost of living has dramatically increased.

100 baht was pretty much similar to 1,000 baht now, back in 2002.

For those who do not send money to their relatives in their country of origin, and try to feed a family in Thailand, it can be pretty hard to live on a teacher's salary.

Buying a car, or even thinking about having your own house one day seems to be a dream for most, who came to this country without savings.

More and more nonnative English speakers from, a member country of the upcoming ASEAN community, are "teaching" a language they're not really familiar with.

Thai head teachers and coordinators keep on hiring them, as they don't even understand how poor the majority's level of English really is.

.They pay them less money, let them make boards, clean classrooms and other "useful" activities. I have only met two in almost ten years of teaching who spoke a real good English, with excellent writing skills. Unfortunately, there're some good ones, but in the minority.

So when you see the Thai English teachers with their mostly questionable command in English, then add some teachers to it, who're only a little bit better in communicative English, you’ll have such a for all involved difficult situation.

Then change some laws, make it impossible for those who'd already shown in a period of 15+ years that they're capable of teaching English to Thai kids.

Add the fabulous agencies, who send qualified and experienced native English speakers, (some have a Turkish, Russian, German, Romanian, etc. passport)) and send them to a school to teach English, an hour a week.

Then let all students pass, even those at a high school, who never attended their English class and just come to their "tests." Some schools set up an "immersion camp" for three days and they'll also pass.

Finally put all of them in a blender, stir them well and you've got the result, so many people are complaining about.

It was never my intention to step on somebody's feet, just some points what's going wrong here.. Damn, now I've lost my face.-facepalm.gif

Edited by Scott
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