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Ireland: 800 children mass grave - church 'has no records'


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Just another example of the toxic Catholicism that was allowed to run rampant in Ireland.

I'm not an expert on Catholicism, any Church, religion, Ireland or the toxicity of them, either singularly or collectively.

The only thing I know about Catholicism and Ireland is what I read and the toxic nature of various postings, some of which are dubious by their generalized and unsupported wording.

Pax Nobiscum

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If those babies died as a result of willful neglect it's a shame for the Catholic church.

...but what about the multi-million baby holocaust that is happening under our noses today?

...it's called abortion..

Baby-killers, a.k.a the 'pro-choice' crowd are not qualified to judge.

800 children is barely a day's tally in abortion clinics across the world today.

Nuff said.

Its always funny when religious fannatics tell others what to do and not to do. People don't subscribe to your religion don't force them to live by your stupid rules of a "fairy tale book". While at the same time letting those who should spread your faith molest children that do live not seed or some cells.

Its called freedom what to do with your own body. Up until a certain time (first trimester) abortion is perfectly ok. It always make me sick when people out of religious reasons force others to live and obey their lies.

I get tired of those people, they are usually the same that won't let you end your life when you see fit as they think its a sin. Guess what your kind is a dying breed and abortion is getting legal in more and more places.

Its one of the thing where Europe is light years ahead of the States.

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So many ideas, so many hypotheses, so many all-knowing, all-seeing experts, psuedo-theologians, mystical readers of the past and self proclaimed detectives.

I am clueless what happened. I only know what is and that so many babies and small children are dead and were buried in such a horrible place .

Their plight and the sad end they met is my focus. My insignificant comments pale in comparison to their sad and short lives.

I wonder how many people actually make even the smallest gesture to help the "small ones" of this world survive. Words are cheap. The alphabet has plenty of them.

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If those babies died as a result of willful neglect it's a shame for the Catholic church.

...but what about the multi-million baby holocaust that is happening under our noses today?

...it's called abortion..

Baby-killers, a.k.a the 'pro-choice' crowd are not qualified to judge.

800 children is barely a day's tally in abortion clinics across the world today.

Nuff said.

Its always funny when religious fannatics tell others what to do and not to do. People don't subscribe to your religion don't force them to live by your stupid rules of a "fairy tale book". While at the same time letting those who should spread your faith molest children that do live not seed or some cells.

Its called freedom what to do with your own body. Up until a certain time (first trimester) abortion is perfectly ok. It always make me sick when people out of religious reasons force others to live and obey their lies.

I get tired of those people, they are usually the same that won't let you end your life when you see fit as they think its a sin. Guess what your kind is a dying breed and abortion is getting legal in more and more places.

Its one of the thing where Europe is light years ahead of the States.

I subscribe to "Live and Let Live".

I don't force and don't take or give subscriptions to others. It's up to them to do what they may.

I've never had any sort of relgious or non-religious fanatic tell me what to do or not to do.

I don't refer to the book of a belief as a "Fairy Tale Book" , nor do I criticize someone that does.

I'm not sure who spreads their faith and molests anyone, but I'm fairly sure it has and will happen, regardless of my protestations. I'm not qualified, educated or experienced enough to point a finger and declare I know differently.

No one can stop me from ending my life, not that I want to.

There is an abundance of options to achieve a self initiated termination of my life. I opt for old age and natural causes whilst reading postings onTVF. It could be it in the USA, Europe, Asia or anywhere else. It's up to my higher power.

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The death records for 796 children, ranging in age from newborn babies to children up to the age of nine, were discovered by local historian Catherine Corless who was researching the history of the home, which was run by the Bon Secours order of nuns from 1925 until 1961.

While the area was known locally as being a graveyard, the extent of how many children were placed in the former septic tank was only discovered by Corless during her research.

She found that the children died of malnutrition and neglect, as well as illnesses such as measles, tuberculosis and pneumonia.

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I went along to mass in Ireland a few times.

The main memories were it being cold, boring, and a basket on a stick was sent down each isle for people to put money in to!

And they did! Bladdy lots of it.

What a rort.

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If those babies died as a result of willful neglect it's a shame for the Catholic church.

...but what about the multi-million baby holocaust that is happening under our noses today?

...it's called abortion..

Baby-killers, a.k.a the 'pro-choice' crowd are not qualified to judge.

800 children is barely a day's tally in abortion clinics across the world today.

Nuff said.

I'm terribly unconfortable with abortion at the best of times.

But what happened in Ireland was a product of the anti-abortion bigotry and zealotry of the church against unwed mothers who for who abortion was a best, illegal, and at worst, a sin. The kids are then subjet to the social stigma of the mindless puritans which led to this all too easily happening.

Your inflamatory comments, while they have their gleeful audience (who ironically mostly have no problem with capital punshiment), do nothing to help solve or repair this situation, or any for that matter. You are just sh!t stirrers.

Yes agree. Contraception also was illegal in Ireland until recently (1980 but then with strong restrictions - "bona fide family planning or for adequate medical reasons" - and under prescription only - 1992 the prescription was removed but buyers must be over 18+).

The other problem with not legalising abortion is that it does not stop it, it just makes it a back street affair - which leads to deaths and maimings.

One day perhaps it will be flipped over, and people will have to actively switch off (via a tablet perhaps or whatever) an implant when they want to get pregnant/make their Mrs pregnant (male and female opt-in!). In a world where in 50 years there will not be enough resources to feed, water and home the population (and the multitudes will poison the oceans with their waste) - any way to limit population growth (invert it even) should be heralded.

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If those babies died as a result of willful neglect it's a shame for the Catholic church.

...but what about the multi-million baby holocaust that is happening under our noses today?

...it's called abortion..

Baby-killers, a.k.a the 'pro-choice' crowd are not qualified to judge.

800 children is barely a day's tally in abortion clinics across the world today.

Nuff said.

Its always funny when religious fannatics tell others what to do and not to do. People don't subscribe to your religion don't force them to live by your stupid rules of a "fairy tale book". While at the same time letting those who should spread your faith molest children that do live not seed or some cells.

Its called freedom what to do with your own body. Up until a certain time (first trimester) abortion is perfectly ok. It always make me sick when people out of religious reasons force others to live and obey their lies.

I get tired of those people, they are usually the same that won't let you end your life when you see fit as they think its a sin. Guess what your kind is a dying breed and abortion is getting legal in more and more places.

Its one of the thing where Europe is light years ahead of the States.

I subscribe to "Live and Let Live".

I don't force and don't take or give subscriptions to others. It's up to them to do what they may.

I've never had any sort of relgious or non-religious fanatic tell me what to do or not to do.

I don't refer to the book of a belief as a "Fairy Tale Book" , nor do I criticize someone that does.

I'm not sure who spreads their faith and molests anyone, but I'm fairly sure it has and will happen, regardless of my protestations. I'm not qualified, educated or experienced enough to point a finger and declare I know differently.

No one can stop me from ending my life, not that I want to.

There is an abundance of options to achieve a self initiated termination of my life. I opt for old age and natural causes whilst reading postings onTVF. It could be it in the USA, Europe, Asia or anywhere else. It's up to my higher power.

I also subscribe to live and let live.

However here its people from a religion forcing people to do what they want because the beliefs from a book that has never been proven to be right. They can read it do what they want but the moment they start forcing it upon others I start to get angry and rebel.

So much killing because of religion already I bet much more as all the abortions ever.

I have no problem with religious people who keep to themselves and don't force their beliefs upon others. But post like the one from the guy i responded to get me angry.

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If those babies died as a result of willful neglect it's a shame for the Catholic church.

...but what about the multi-million baby holocaust that is happening under our noses today?

...it's called abortion..

Baby-killers, a.k.a the 'pro-choice' crowd are not qualified to judge.

800 children is barely a day's tally in abortion clinics across the world today.

Nuff said.

I am not religious but I agree with you. Killing babies is like taking out the garbage nowadays. It's too inconvenient to take care of an unwanted baby so killing it is the easy way out. We live in a very sick world. Whenever I voice my anti-abortion opinion in a group, they treat me like I am retarded...and they start trying to educate me..."Oh it's not a baby. It's just a bunch of cells growing. The thing about these Catholics is there is no excuse...they can't plead ignorance.

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If those babies died as a result of willful neglect it's a shame for the Catholic church.

...but what about the multi-million baby holocaust that is happening under our noses today?

...it's called abortion..

Baby-killers, a.k.a the 'pro-choice' crowd are not qualified to judge.

800 children is barely a day's tally in abortion clinics across the world today.

Nuff said.

NYC, in the USA, has over 35,000 abortions of African-American babies in one year. The 800 in the well in Ireland pales in comparison to the annual extermination of New York City babies that are African-American. Racial self-genocide. Sadly, the pro-choice crowd condones this and leaders of the African-American community are mute on the matter.

Self genocide - are you serious??? I didn't know thee was such a dearth of African-American New Yorkers.

It is not a case of condoning it, it is a case of the alternative - back street abortions, kids left on door steps and in dumpsters, crack babies, under nourished children and families living overcrowded well below the bread line. It is interesting that the same people that jump on their soap box demonising abortion clinics are the same people that tried to stop Obama-Care, marginalise African-Americans voting (like Georgia requiring those without driving licenses to pay $20 for an ID) and reduce welfare to as close to zero as possible. Don't want so many poor families aborting their babies, then educate them better and give them life choices, a way of paying for those "mistakes" that happen when you can't afford condoms, and ways out of the ghetto - and give them a voice so they can make the changes themselves.

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If those babies died as a result of willful neglect it's a shame for the Catholic church.

...but what about the multi-million baby holocaust that is happening under our noses today?

...it's called abortion..

Baby-killers, a.k.a the 'pro-choice' crowd are not qualified to judge.

800 children is barely a day's tally in abortion clinics across the world today.

Nuff said.

NYC, in the USA, has over 35,000 abortions of African-American babies in one year. The 800 in the well in Ireland pales in comparison to the annual extermination of New York City babies that are African-American. Racial self-genocide. Sadly, the pro-choice crowd condones this and leaders of the African-American community are mute on the matter.

There will always be arguments for and against abortion- but in a way because these women were denied the possibility of the choice of an abortion they were probably forced to give up their babies into the care of the nuns.

Then that so many died is truly appalling.

Because they were illegitimate , they would be denied a decent burial by the Catholic church. I just cannot comprehend the mindset of those who just threw the tiny bodies into a cesspit. The church at its best.

They were forced by law - single women and men were not allowed to look after their own children - the state took them and gave them to Catholic run orphanages.

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My Irish Catholic Grandmother grew up in a Catholic orphanage, she was damaged by the experience, but it still did not stop her from having a crucifix of Christ above her bed.

I held her frightened hand as she died in her own bed, and that ugly crucifix of Christ hanging on a cross was above her bed.

Talk about being ruled by fear until death, great job done by the Nuns in indoctrinating a child.

The only awakening She had was to reveal that the Nuns would announce a new baby was left on the Orphanages doorstep, and Sister Harlot was to take care of the new arrival.

Years later My Grandmother finally worked out that the new baby was the child of the Nuns, and possibly the Priest was "Father"

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If those babies died as a result of willful neglect it's a shame for the Catholic church.

...but what about the multi-million baby holocaust that is happening under our noses today?

...it's called abortion..

Baby-killers, a.k.a the 'pro-choice' crowd are not qualified to judge.

800 children is barely a day's tally in abortion clinics across the world today.

Nuff said.

NYC, in the USA, has over 35,000 abortions of African-American babies in one year. The 800 in the well in Ireland pales in comparison to the annual extermination of New York City babies that are African-American. Racial self-genocide. Sadly, the pro-choice crowd condones this and leaders of the African-American community are mute on the matter.

a lot of these would be welfare kids.

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"The influence of the Catholic Church is no longer anywhere near as great as you suggest."

Thank God for that, considering all the abuse and atrocities its been responsible for world wide

And that's from someone who doesn't believe in God - But I do believe there is 'Something' but I don't know what

Then why not name it God - easier to say than "Something, but I don't know what", because surely that is a good definition of God, eh? wink.png

Not at all...

If "God" as an entity is merely there to provide a convenient answer to questions that cannot be answered easily, surely that just underline the simple truism that "god" is a simple human construct to fill in the blanks.

If you can accept the fact that we do not have all the answers today, but might do tomorrow, who needs a "god"?

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This just scratches the surface with regards to the systematic abuses carried out by The Catholic Church, in the name of religion. A vile, money grabbing institution that has allowed kiddy fiddlers and other monsters to hide behind the veil of doing good.

I can see why Tony Blair joined up, as hypocrisy is a pre requisite.

hear hear... propbably covering up some paedophile activity from those heartless perverts.

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Just another example of the toxic Catholicism that was allowed to run rampant in Ireland.

I'm not an expert on Catholicism, any Church, religion, Ireland or the toxicity of them, either singularly or collectively.

The only thing I know about Catholicism and Ireland is what I read and the toxic nature of various postings, some of which are dubious by their generalized and unsupported wording.

Pax Nobiscum

I'm sorry for your lack of expertise.

You'll find no peace in ignorance.

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So many ideas, so many hypotheses, so many all-knowing, all-seeing experts, psuedo-theologians, mystical readers of the past and self proclaimed detectives.

I am clueless what happened. I only know what is and that so many babies and small children are dead and were buried in such a horrible place .

Their plight and the sad end they met is my focus. My insignificant comments pale in comparison to their sad and short lives.

I wonder how many people actually make even the smallest gesture to help the "small ones" of this world survive. Words are cheap. The alphabet has plenty of them.

If you want to know what happened in Ireland in the Industrial schools and orphanages, then read the pdf reports on this website


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If those babies died as a result of willful neglect it's a shame for the Catholic church.

...but what about the multi-million baby holocaust that is happening under our noses today?

...it's called abortion..

Baby-killers, a.k.a the 'pro-choice' crowd are not qualified to judge.

800 children is barely a day's tally in abortion clinics across the world today.

Nuff said.

I'm terribly unconfortable with abortion at the best of times.

But what happened in Ireland was a product of the anti-abortion bigotry and zealotry of the church against unwed mothers who for who abortion was a best, illegal, and at worst, a sin. The kids are then subjet to the social stigma of the mindless puritans which led to this all too easily happening.

Your inflamatory comments, while they have their gleeful audience (who ironically mostly have no problem with capital punshiment), do nothing to help solve or repair this situation, or any for that matter. You are just sh!t stirrers.

...who also happen to be right.

Don't forget that this was a rare event...abortion happens 24/7.

Molestation cases too.. if you look at the track record of your beloved church not to mention violence in the name of religion. That has caused far more grief. No religion would have changed a lot.

Anyway.. its not your body that has an abortion what gives you the right to tell people what they can do with a lump of cells (not a child like you religious fanatics like to call it). (though after a certain amount of time its a child but there is a whole period where abortion is perfectly ok).

Religious nuts.. do what we say or we burn you at the stake. How many innocents have not suffered at the hands of religion.. countless.

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This just scratches the surface with regards to the systematic abuses carried out by The Catholic Church, in the name of religion. A vile, money grabbing institution that has allowed kiddy fiddlers and other monsters to hide behind the veil of doing good.

I can see why Tony Blair joined up, as hypocrisy is a pre requisite.

I agree, but would also add that the Irish state also seems to have been fully aware and even complicit in this tragic affair.

In those years there was very little that happened in Ireland without the sanction of the RC church fom its "Regional HQ and priest factory" in Maynooth.

Edited by rott
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If those babies died as a result of willful neglect it's a shame for the Catholic church.

...but what about the multi-million baby holocaust that is happening under our noses today?

...it's called abortion..

Baby-killers, a.k.a the 'pro-choice' crowd are not qualified to judge.

800 children is barely a day's tally in abortion clinics across the world today.

Nuff said.

Its always funny when religious fannatics tell others what to do and not to do. People don't subscribe to your religion don't force them to live by your stupid rules of a "fairy tale book". While at the same time letting those who should spread your faith molest children that do live not seed or some cells.

Its called freedom what to do with your own body. Up until a certain time (first trimester) abortion is perfectly ok. It always make me sick when people out of religious reasons force others to live and obey their lies.

I get tired of those people, they are usually the same that won't let you end your life when you see fit as they think its a sin. Guess what your kind is a dying breed and abortion is getting legal in more and more places.

Its one of the thing where Europe is light years ahead of the States.

I subscribe to "Live and Let Live".

I don't force and don't take or give subscriptions to others. It's up to them to do what they may.

I've never had any sort of relgious or non-religious fanatic tell me what to do or not to do.

I don't refer to the book of a belief as a "Fairy Tale Book" , nor do I criticize someone that does.

I'm not sure who spreads their faith and molests anyone, but I'm fairly sure it has and will happen, regardless of my protestations. I'm not qualified, educated or experienced enough to point a finger and declare I know differently.

No one can stop me from ending my life, not that I want to.

There is an abundance of options to achieve a self initiated termination of my life. I opt for old age and natural causes whilst reading postings onTVF. It could be it in the USA, Europe, Asia or anywhere else. It's up to my higher power.

I also subscribe to live and let live.

However here its people from a religion forcing people to do what they want because the beliefs from a book that has never been proven to be right. They can read it do what they want but the moment they start forcing it upon others I start to get angry and rebel.

So much killing because of religion already I bet much more as all the abortions ever.

I have no problem with religious people who keep to themselves and don't force their beliefs upon others. But post like the one from the guy i responded to get me angry.

Robblok, over 50% of what the RC church teaches does not come from the Bible, they call it "tradition", i.e. they make it up as they go along

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If those babies died as a result of willful neglect it's a shame for the Catholic church.

...but what about the multi-million baby holocaust that is happening under our noses today?

...it's called abortion..

Baby-killers, a.k.a the 'pro-choice' crowd are not qualified to judge.

800 children is barely a day's tally in abortion clinics across the world today.

Nuff said.

Vinnie no doubt if you show your post to the priest the next time you attend mass, he will pat you on the head, tell you what a good devout catholic you are and possibly arrange a special indulgence for you, allowing you to spend a few less months in purgatory.

The people who are involved in abortions do not make the claim of being "The one true church outside of which there is no salvation." They do not have a leader who claims that he is "Gods vicar on earth", "The Pontiff, the bridge between man and God". When you make these claims you create for yourself an expectation of immaculate, unimpeachable conduct. The reality here is 800 children "buried" i.e. dumped in a septic tank, which was found by children in 1975, the reponse -- it was sealed until re-discovered almost 40 years later by a journalist. And according to the Irish PM Enda Kenny three similar homes have a total of about 3,200 bodies of children of similar ages.

Your smug, unbelievable response is to twist things into an anti-abortion piece. Do you seriously think these deaths are all unavoidable and due to natural causes? Think of the human misery all this has caused. Everlasting shame on you and those who clicked on "like" after reading your post.

Speaking of purgatory perhaps somebody can explain if that is where (according to the RC church) these unfortunate souls will be if nobody is paying for masses for them.

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"The influence of the Catholic Church is no longer anywhere near as great as you suggest."

Thank God for that, considering all the abuse and atrocities its been responsible for world wide

And that's from someone who doesn't believe in God - But I do believe there is 'Something' but I don't know what

Then why not name it God - easier to say than "Something, but I don't know what", because surely that is a good definition of God, eh? wink.png

Not at all...

If "God" as an entity is merely there to provide a convenient answer to questions that cannot be answered easily, surely that just underline the simple truism that "god" is a simple human construct to fill in the blanks.

If you can accept the fact that we do not have all the answers today, but might do tomorrow, who needs a "god"?

Can go a step further, even, and accept that we might never have all the answers.

Perhaps easier to go through life with either an ace-card like God or at least an imaginary goal, unattainable as it may be.

Just can't get over how someone would dump the bodies there - what went through their heads, hearts and minds?

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Ask any Roman Catholic the following three questions and they will not have a clue as to the answers.

Who founded the RC church?



The Roman Catholic church has it that the Bishop of Rome is God's spokesman on earth. That would be news to Peter, who spent his entire life after the death of Christ at the hands of Romans, being persecuted by said Romans.

Roman Catholics are not allowed to know the history, they are to be the sheep who turn up a spew cash unquestionably. Its a joke. As I said - ask any Roman Catholic those three questions, and I bet you not one of them gets any of the questions right.

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I am aware that close to my home in England a burial site used by local hospitals up until after WWI, the graves are unmarked and as I understand the "Burial Book" went missing in WWII, many of the patients were institutionalized, but some were suffers of TB and some were WWI soldiers who died of their injuries.

With the closure of the hospitals some 20 years ago the area has been turned into a small memorial park, but I do feel sorry for those buried there without any memorial bearing their name.

I think everyone is entitled to some memorial bearing their name for eternity.

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"The influence of the Catholic Church is no longer anywhere near as great as you suggest."

Thank God for that, considering all the abuse and atrocities its been responsible for world wide

And that's from someone who doesn't believe in God - But I do believe there is 'Something' but I don't know what

Then why not name it God - easier to say than "Something, but I don't know what", because surely that is a good definition of God, eh? wink.png

Not at all...

If "God" as an entity is merely there to provide a convenient answer to questions that cannot be answered easily, surely that just underline the simple truism that "god" is a simple human construct to fill in the blanks.

If you can accept the fact that we do not have all the answers today, but might do tomorrow, who needs a "god"?

He did not say he believes in "an entity is merely there to provide a convenient answer to questions that cannot be answered easily", he said "I do believe there is 'Something' but I don't know what " - how do you move from one to the other? You have intentionally misinterpreted the statement to allow you to use it as fuel for your fire.

By the way, science is a construct (or series thereof) to fill in the blanks that we do not know - that is why we continually redefine science. This is the problem with the God Vs science debate - neither can be proved (science does not provide proofs, only maths does - science provides theories that can only ever be proved wrong, never right - E.G. Newton was right, until Lorentz and Einstein, and Einstein corrected himself several times too (E=MC2 becomes E2=M2C4+P2C2). It is easy to say what we can see is true, and we can see a table, so it exists, but we can't see God so He doesn't - but it's not so simple! The table, at the end of the day, is a set of quarks with interesting properties, but that are not physical like the table we see - how do we know? No microscope could hope to see them, we "know" because we have been told by those that "know" - they "know" because they have theories in which it works (although at this level it gets very complex and explanations can be very strained to fit the "grand theory" - such as the weak force unifying with strong and electro-magnetic) - they had the theory of "Ether" before Einstein proves it was not needed (photo-electric effect / wave duality of light), because it "fit".

Religion is easy to debunk - Theism, not being a religion but a belief (in something, but we know not what ;) ), cannot be reasonably (sure we can hurl insults at believers and call them fools for believing in sky-fairies etc - but that is not a debate its a slagging off). So, IMHO, atheist and believers (and even agnostics) should just stop preaching to each other, no one can win the argument!

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I am aware that close to my home in England a burial site used by local hospitals up until after WWI, the graves are unmarked and as I understand the "Burial Book" went missing in WWII, many of the patients were institutionalized, but some were suffers of TB and some were WWI soldiers who died of their injuries.

With the closure of the hospitals some 20 years ago the area has been turned into a small memorial park, but I do feel sorry for those buried there without any memorial bearing their name.

I think everyone is entitled to some memorial bearing their name for eternity.

Blackheath (near Greenwich in London - Greenwich Park) is so called because it covers mass graves of the third major black death outbreak in London (the most famous one - 1665 - Dick Whittington/Samuel Pepys/Newton). It is crown land and can never be dug up (under current laws). Just how many dead are down there, no one knows, but it is likely to be thousands.

We must all be walking on hundreds of graves with every step, especially in towns and cities, every day. Disturbing thought :)

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Ask any Roman Catholic the following three questions and they will not have a clue as to the answers.

Who founded the RC church?



The Roman Catholic church has it that the Bishop of Rome is God's spokesman on earth. That would be news to Peter, who spent his entire life after the death of Christ at the hands of Romans, being persecuted by said Romans.

Roman Catholics are not allowed to know the history, they are to be the sheep who turn up a spew cash unquestionably. Its a joke. As I said - ask any Roman Catholic those three questions, and I bet you not one of them gets any of the questions right.

OK - ex-Catholic (do I count?) - and I'll bite.

1. Emperor Constantine (before that it was still just called Christianity - although in Greek mostly). Before Roman Church, it was Hellenistic (spelling?), that is mostly Greek from (I think) the first Gospels appearing (around 70AD - ish). Before that it was a small sect in Jerusalem and simply called "the followers of Jesus" (in Aramaic :)).

2. Constantine was the early 300s (without cheating and looking it up) - I think 312, but probably off. I think it was at the end of the 300s (380/390???) when Christianity became the state religion of Roman and hence the RC Church :) (Constantine was dead by then of course). Although, if I remember correctly, Rome wasn't the only centre (Holy See) - there were 5 - I remember: Rome, Alexandria (not sure why though), Constantinople (for obvious reasons) and Jerusalem (again for obvious reasons) - can't remember the others, and no so sure about Alexandria now I think about it! (resisting Google - which is not easy :))

3. To unite the Roman people (although his mother was Christian, so there was a pull there anyway - he was only the Emperor of the West and Rome was in decay. He was also drawn to it after a famous battle (can't remember the name of the battle - something about a bridge - been a while :)) where he had Chi-Rho put on the shields and banners (he thought the Christian God had won him the battle after his victory). He was pro-Christian (because of mum), and had already made several changes to the law to allow Christianity and outlaw their persecution (Nero loved to persecute Christians and made it allowable to do so).

Probably wrong on dates and places (and even possibly names), but that's how I would answer it - all courtesy on a RC education. How did I do? (and I didn't cheat - honest)

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