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Phuket becoming independent from Thailand


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For a long time there has been serious discussions regarding Phuket becoming independent (I am informed that this is becoming a reality) from Thailand. After the last month or so i am left thinking about what this would mean to Phuket people?

When you look at the fact that Phuket needs outside forces to clean up the Mafia http://ht.ly/xGZQH (greatly welcomed) then how could they (who are these people that want to make it independent) even conceive that they could be independent?

Just a simple observation as i have been interested about what would happen if Phuket ever became independent to Thailand.

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So you have not heard people talking about this? They have regular meetings about it? There is a committee for this. It might be years away but many Thai people think it will happen one day.

Thai people think lots of things.

It is NEVER going to happen.

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There have been serious discussions about this since about 1570. Historically this part of Thailand has always fought for independence, but ask yourself could it ever happen? No.

Financially they couldn't afford it.

Politically it wouldn't be allowed.

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Better to sell Phuket to Singapore and buy beer with the money. Then drink the beers fast while it's still allowed.

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There has been too much bloodshed in the southern provinces on this same question of independence, so in what circumstances would bkk even entertain the question of an independent Phuket? It would never happen because to even allow discussions on this topic would create a slippery slope with respect to the southern provances. Furthermore, Phuket provides too much to Thailand's GDP... why would they want to loose this Golden Egg?

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...he meant Carpet Baggers...

Good idea, I'm all for it, this way it will be easier to "deport" all the undesirables,

scheme artist, thieves and murderers and rug dealers to Phuket on a bus....

... what have you got against carpet salesmen...?!

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..OR did he mean Carpet Braggers?

I got dis carpet selling drugs

I got dis carpet selling young girls

I got dis carpet wiv di Taxi cartel

I got dis carpet extoring bar ownerz


...he meant Carpet Baggers...

Good idea, I'm all for it, this way it will be easier to "deport" all the undesirables,

scheme artist, thieves and murderers and rug dealers to Phuket on a bus....

... what have you got against carpet salesmen...?!

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There were rumblings a few years ago about Phuket being sold to Singapore. Probably nothing more than a Chinese whisper.

Heard nothing since then. If it can't even get free trade zone status the chances of independence are precisely nil.

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