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I am a CHEK Nutrition and Life Styles Coach level II planning on moving to Thailand.

Basically I want a slower pace of life and time to work on myself and to study.

To support myself I hope to do NLC work and I am curious as to how much of an interest or demand any of you think there could be.

I suspect it would be mostly non-Thais that live and work in Thailand and some tourists.

Basically I assess the individuals body systems-hormones to digestive, detox to life styles, over all stress. The whole physical/mental/emotional balance and health and design a program to bring balance back into the body and increase vitality and health etc

I am hoping to get some feed back as to what you think the interest and response etc would likely to be.

I am writing up a contract where IF the client follows the steps and the plan laid out and is not happy with the results then there they get thier money back.

On a business point of view-

This would just be renting an office space and or out of my home. I'd be working for myself and mostly one on one or small groups possibly..

What would I need to do legally etc (maybe these should be on seperate posts)

(I have spent some time in Thailand and get by with the language quite well and have a good grasp of the culture-use to be a boxer (MuayThai)

Thanks in advance


Basically I assess the individuals body systems-hormones to digestive, detox to life styles, over all stress. The whole physical/mental/emotional balance and health and design a program to bring balance back into the body and increase vitality and health etc

hormone level measurements involve the taking of blood and testing with expensive and specialised equipment. are you a trained laboratory technician?

how do you assess "detox" and life styles?

are you a medical school graduate , qualified to assess someones mental / emotional state

Welcome to the C.H.E.K Institute on-line catalog.

Here you will find a wide selection of videos, books, functional exercise equipment and more.

Product of the Month

Dynamic Medicine Ball Training Course - DVD

This kit contains: 4 DVDs, manual and test. A certificate of completion is awarded once the test is passed.

Price: $157.50

As the June Product of the Month, save 10% off the already low price on this popular correspondence course, Dynamic Medicine Ball Training.

Medicine Balls can be used for a wide range of purposes from rehabilitation to explosive training or endurance training. Due to the dynamic capabilities of Medicine Ball Training, there is a high functional carry over into athletic performance and every day life.

Paul Chek’s course teaches the science and application of medicine balls including:

Medicine Ball Training provides excellent variety in movement patterns, speed of movement, functional eccentric loading and adds an excellent dimension to the programs of any personal trainer, athlete, athletic trainer and/or strength coach.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take to complete?

C.H.E.K Institute recommendation – 13 hours

This is dependent on the person taking the course and the reasons they are taking it. Some people only needing Continuing Education Credits will watch the videos once through and successfully pass the test. Other people who are more interested in learning the information or are interested in taking it as a prerequisite for Level 1 of the C.H.E.K Certification Program will sometimes watch the DVDs 2-3 times through. Given that there are over 5 hours of film in this course, it will take at least this long to complete. All this being said, we recommend that people spend 13 hours studying the course materials before taking the test.

What size medicine ball or balls should I use?

A volley-ball sized 4lb., 6lb. or 8lb. ball will enable you to perform most of the exercises shown in the course, depending on your strength and training age. The course explains how to select different sizes and weights of medicine ball, so we suggest you review the videos first before purchasing more medicine balls.

In the How To’s of Medicine Ball Training, Paul discusses using different sized balls and how to determine which is a correct size for you. Ball size will largely be dependent on the exerciser’s current level of fitness, his/her conditioning program, the exercises he/she will be performing, and his/her particular goals.

Generally speaking, a 3kg ball will be suitable for many people performing a wide variety of exercises. However, this will be too heavy for some exercises and to light for others depending on whom is using it. Additionally, the diameter of the ball may not be appropriate for certain exercises performed in the videos.

Related Products

Medicine Balls

The Plyometric Rebounder

Dynamic Medicine Ball Training DVDs sold separately

or is your speciality and qualification just balls ?

my advice , for what it's worth , you should have stuck with boxing......

........ you coulda beena contender


Thanks for the questions.

What I do is look at the balance of the system from a few different angles. Example being that all stress, be it relationship, financial, colitis, medical drugs, poor food choices or being chased by a pack of Thai dogs etc all has the same effect in the body. Most Westeners in todays society are very over sympathetically stimulated. This imbalance cause many problems and it does become a hormonal problem. As does any cronic pain or inflamation etc etc

Depending on the case and how much a person balances out with the rebuilding of a solid foudation sometimes doing more indepth testing is in order. In that case I work with Docs as needed. Adrenal function, parasite testing etc

Detox-the body gives you many signals that it is toxic if you know what to ask or look for. Fecal matter (you can simply ask or teach them what to look for) tells us many things. A toxic body puts out toxic fecal matter, in fact basically all body fluids can tell you a story. A healthy persons fecal matter actually doesn't smell horrible. Smells more earthy. It looks a certain way too. The skin tells you lots as well. Pimples for example is your body simply trying to detox. You can look into the toxins they take in and the things they do that aid in detox, body needs water to detox for example. Many people drink very little.

Now this is not the point of the topic, though I don't mind talking about what I do.

I don't treat anything. I coach people in living healthier. I help develop a nutrition plan based on the individuals needs and life style changes to get them back to where they want to be.

I help people raise thier health and vitality (its cool what happens in that process but I am not into the alopathic aproach thanks)

I do not do loads of work with mental/emotional issues but it is important to look at these. Amoung other reasons they are once again stress on the body. Depending on the issue or case I may give my opinion or suggest a direction to look. In my assessment and screening I may find someone that has many mental/emotional issues and in that case I will not take them as I don't feel qualified.

However many of us can help ourselves and learn a whole heap load that can make us happier and healthier and live better lives.

A huge part of raising vitality is balancing stress. When you understand the body you also know that no system in the body works independantly. It all functions together. What you think can change your body and what you eat can change your mood. Your belief systems play huge roles on emotional health and its all interconnected.

I don't treat anyone. I don't cure anything. (the body is the only thing that ever heals). All I do is help people regain health. Its funny what comes along with that. :o

So, can anyone contribute positively to this thread and maybe give me some feed back on the potential interest out there(many people come for weight loss/low energy for example-you just give them what they want by making them healthier). What else there is out there and paper work/visa info etc?

If its not your thing or you don't like it thats cool. Don't bother with it then. :D

Thank again


as you suggest , its probably not my thing , but thank you for your comprehensive and informative reply to my cynical post.

there are many holistic spas operating here in thailand , maybe you could contact some of them and offer your abilities to them.


Thanks for the suggestion.

I am mostly interested in doing my own thing. (if possible)

Obviously those who are not interested aren't as I'm sure thousands aren't.

I guess I'm hoping for feed back from those that are into health and self improvement and being into that may have a greater awareness of that kind of community and know others with similar interests.

And you're welcome. I don't mind cynics :o -its due to too much rice-just kidding

Basically all that ever maters to the client is results. No matter what is suppose to work or not. No matter what studies say, no matter what the rest of the world is doing.

I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is on results. Cause if I you can't get them on my program you shouldn't be paying for it. That is also why I may not take some clients that are past my skill level though my goal is to try to learn a little about many things outside my experitise so that I know who to refer out to, when to, or what direction might be worth a look.

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