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Are You , Your Children Or Their Friends Gamers?


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Wow. My previous posting was deleted because it was bilingual. I'm very shocked, but realize that I'm a guest in these forums, this city and this country and should follow the rules. Apologies for using Thai in the previous message.

My name is Aaron Delwiche, and I'm a visiting professor from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. Contrary to widespread misperception, Trinity is a small liberal arts college and *not* some sort of evangelical institution like Bob Jones University. The number of religiously-inclined students is surely higher than the national average, but that can also be attributed to the location of the school in Texas. We have a historic connection to the Presbytarian church, but this has no impact on the courses or the teachers that are hired.

I am studying the popularity of on-line games among Chiang Mai gamers, and would love to speak to people in the area who play these games. Perhaps you play such games yourself? Or your kids might play? Or the friends of your kids? Or colleagues at work?

If so, please tell them about this project. If they are bilingual, I can interview them on my own at any time. If they prefer to conduct the interview in Thai, my colleagues can help with translation and interpretation. For more details, see:


This is not connected to any marketing projects. Findings from the study will be posted on the web site in both Thai and English. I will also report on the findings in articles and conference papers. For more background on me, see:




Those of you who are shocked that games are a legitimate study for academic research are encouraged to investigate:


Also, I should note that anyone under the age of 18 must have the permision of their parents or guardians. And all interviews will be conducted in a safe, public place such as a coffee shop or restaurant in a public mall. If parents would like to be present during the interviews, this is also OK. I can interview both of you at the same time. :o

Also, in case it is not clear from the above explanation, we are also interested in talking with gamers of *any* age, from teenagers to 70+.

Thanks for your help. Feel free to send any questions to me at the addresses on the project site.


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