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Retaliationship without a sex life possible or not?


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Hi Sandman, a few weeks ago 70++ yrs old American guy had posted about having learnt some tantric stuff which has helped him get popular with all the teens on walking street. Before learning tantra secret, he was not getting any sex.

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What a trolling load of <deleted>. On the first page, he's asking for inputs with anyone who has knowledge and experience with Akkha people. On the second page he claims to have been staying in an Akkha village for over a month. If you're going to troll, at least do it well...

[i've had two Akkha women in my life ... wouldn't say they are more open (or closed) minded than the ethnic Thai ladies I've known]

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Hi Sandman, a few weeks ago 70++ yrs old American guy had posted about having learnt some tantric stuff which has helped him get popular with all the teens on walking street. Before learning tantra secret, he was not getting any sex.

So is tantra a new word for money then!

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Three a day for three years is around 3,300 times. So what do you reckon you would have paid for each one?

At 500 a pop it would be 1.65 mill baht, at 1000 a go it would be 3.3 mil baht. You know the cost of the house , so does she still owe you or not ?

On a personal note, not to give too many details of my sex life, I've been married for a lot lot longer than 3 years and neither of us still want it 3 times a day. I think that is normal.

Astonishing how many equate sex with monetary value aka fee for service. Albeit may seem an abstract concept, there exists people that enjoy time together without thinking business.

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I learn many thinks every day,but find out that all also not help, everybody of us must find there own way of life!

But this seems to be sometime not a easy task!

Only in a country of perfection , where mr swiss 1969 lives everything goes there right way right?

One time I read on a swiss board people in your country, are very intolerant , when someone not understand everything quickly , and need longer to consider a problem before aswer!

So please clean first in front of your house door before you point with the finger to people in the public you don't know !

Proberbly you also not like this!

Please think about it!


Does Thailand has also psychological doctors that can handle relationship problems!, I never heard read about this here on tv?

The question for me, is there away outside of the crisis!

May be you have trouble understanding.

So let me help you to see it from the outside.

Your wife used you an provided sex to get you to buy/build the house.

In reality she can not stand the site of you and does not want you touching her.

Your way out, is either to sell the house(without her knowing, which is highly unlikely, as i am sure you put everything in her name) or leave.

In simpler terms, it was the most expansive <deleted> you ever had.

PS. I am truly sorry and can only imagine how painful it might be to come to terms with truth

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my advice to Sandman is that he should "retaliate" by starting an additional "retaliationship".

my alternative advice is to use Google translate "German to English" wink.png

Not German, Naan. Hungarian, Slowenia, CzechRep somewhere east of Austria.

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She doesn't love you!

She shagged a house out of you.

Now the game to winkle you out begins.

That's the problem. She's no longer interested in his winkle.

But she could have a younger sister who still needs a house :)

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Yes austria very near swiss boarder

Those citizens run over our country, because food much cheaper!

And come for shopping

Why all want know where i coming from?

In one of your last threads you claimed that no Thais want to talk with you and now you seem to have problems communicating with your wife. Perhaps white man speak with forked tounge and no one understands you?

Just out of interest, did you know that under Thai law if a wife completely denies her husband sex within the marriage that it is grounds for a quicky divorce. Maybe there is your solution.

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She doesn't love you!

She shagged a house out of you.

Now the game to winkle you out begins.


Congratulations, I could actually understand your post.

And commiserations on being taken for a house.

when house finish i sex u 3x a day.......................lol. Another freakin looney tune of a man.

Rent guys- if hot thai girl say CAnNoT move on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Do what men have done for years and sneak off to the local cathouse

That is only a small part of it. She is trying to control you with pussy. If you are a good boy, you may get some. However, to be a good boy you have to do what you are told. Your choice. Many men do as told. Others go to the cathouse. Stlll others find a middle ground; maybe even a girlfriend on the side. The smart ones, move on.

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Tell her that you found out you have a rich uncle that is going to leave you a lot of money when he kicks the can. Be convincing. Photoshop yourself and him and a Ferrari. Make her think there is more money coming soon.

...but that would be a temporary solution.

Why would you want to live with a snake in the house?

Send her and her mum on a week holiday to the coast. Take your house documents to a demolition company and flatten the house ( take all the belongings out first. Yours and hers)

Move on.

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When i met my wife , 3 year ago she was very sexual open minded, and promize me, when we build the home finish, she want do it 3 times every day, but now after 3 years , the house is finish, and her feelings cool down!

Now I don't know, how I can handle this, because Iam first time in this situation!

My wife still love me, and via versa, but she use this to make pressure on me, and say you can go to another woman, but we still can be friends !

One our later, she change the mind

And says i have only you!

My advice , to go to a pharmacy, buy some herbal or what every that the feeling come back she now follow!

Now the question, what option has a man with sexual hypertension under this surchmstances ?

I want be a ownest man, but when my feelings ignored completely is not a easy task!

Sure the pink neon light is everywhere also in our village!

A quick Mia Noi , is not that what I want !

Because it makes me only happy for the moment!

I think the only option I have , is a triangle relation ship, but not with a thaiwoman any more, because after 10 year here always ends in the same problems, or simular!

After a long search on google, I read one article on google of a frustrated expats , he says, try a retaliation ship with a akka woman, in every village is a house where people can met each other and he says Akkas are very sexual open minded, honest and not lie!

Have someone experience about this?

I will concider I half year from now, when situation not change, maybe I have to go to akka land , because I not want get disappointed again! Daily money talk etc!

But Iam not sure , is it somewhere possible , to learn the akka language in Thailand , and how many dialects the realy have!

One time I heard , more then 30

And some village , also not understand the nabour village!

True or not I don't know!?

If you have a life insurance policy with your wife as one of the beneficiaries, I would watch my back If I were you.

By the way, your posts makes more sense when Read with An Arnold Schwarzenegger accent.

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So she ain't satisfied with the house anymore. Tell her you will build her a castle, the fabulous sex will return I guarantee!

You mean Hakka Chinese right? If so it must be the Native hakka chinese village community living near the border in northern Thailand. Someone must have had a fun time telling you this BS about ''akka people''.

She actually made is easy for you, she told you can se other women right? I would have said: '' OK darling! Thanks alot, love you! see u later! I'll be at the local brothel if you need me''

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my advice to Sandman is that he should "retaliate" by starting an additional "retaliationship".

my alternative advice is to use Google translate "German to English" wink.png

Not German, Naan. Hungarian, Slowenia, CzechRep somewhere east of Austria.

i usually know a country fellow when i read his English. in his case it's Germanic-Austrian English tongue.png

Edited by Naam
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Sandmans English is 98% better than my second language and no doubt that applies to all those who choose to comment.......but we are only having a laugh with the guy, not at the guy - big difference !

Anyway Sandman, leaving the translations to one side for a minute, I have to say that from what you have said ( not how you have said it ), I am really wondering if you can manage it at all ....... Never mind 3 x times a day!

What your lass actually needs / maybe wants ........is tying up and given a good whipping, followed by a good doing with Jack Rabbit and then you climb aboard and finish her off ! After that she will probably ask you what took you so long to sort her out !

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