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Chachoengsao officials continue their drugs eradicating campaign


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Officials continue their drugs eradicating campaign

CHACHEONGSAO, 13 June 2014, (NNT) - Officials in Chachoengsao Province yesterday conducted a raid on a residence after being informed that the venue was a major drug distributing hub and a favorite hangout of drug addicts.

Military, anti-narcotics police and Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) officers, as well as an airborne unit were deployed during the raid in the middle of Muang District.

The joint task force was able to arrest 9 suspects, confiscating methamphetamine tablets, marijuana, drug paraphernalia and weapons.

The raid on the venue proved to be a difficult task for the narcotics suppression units, as the site has several exits and a labyrinth of alleyways.

The locals welcomed the eradication campaign, expressing their gratitude to the officials for conducting the operation, and the National Council for Peace and Order for being serious about addressing the chronic drug problems.

-- NNT 2014-06-13 footer_n.gif

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So long as they keep to the law , not like the clamp down on drugs under Thaskin Shinawatra, where they just disappeared or were shot on the front lawn like a dog, all in the name of drug control and the ars!!e wanted an Amnesty.

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"The locals welcomed the eradication campaign, expressing their gratitude to the officials for conducting the operation, and the National Council for Peace and Order for being serious about addressing the chronic drug problems."

So they all went down the local bar, got monumentally drunk congratulating each other, and then drove home to bash the wife and kids around a bit.

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"The locals welcomed the eradication campaign, expressing their gratitude to the officials for conducting the operation, and the National Council for Peace and Order for being serious about addressing the chronic drug problems."

So they all went down the local bar, got monumentally drunk congratulating each other, and then drove home to bash the wife and kids around a bit.

The double standard in our society is well known, ever had a bad hangover and wondered why alcohol is legal.

Anyway these drug ghettos need to be eradicated and the major players need to be smashed.

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