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Prayuth lambastes at town and country planning department


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So basically, you're envious of a man large and in charge, getting stuff done with courage that NEEDS to be done and HASN'T been done, and is intimidated by no one. Penis envy?

"getting stuff done that NEEDS to be done"? I'd be really impressed if he put a stop to the troubles in the south (or even addressed it) but this is just nonsense. Nobody can intimidate him because they get whisked away to a military lock up if they even speak out of turn. I have no objection with dictators, Tito was a great example as was Castro but everybody seems to be confusing this puffing of the chest and shouting "the city planning is a disgrace" with getting things done - meaningful things anyway.

Ginjag (I cannot post on your last response as there are too many posts) You posted:

"Complete OTT post. totally biased and uncalled for, and you condoned PTP if I remember. if not you did not approve of posters criticizing."

What is OTT with my post? Nothing even mildly offensive but I guess you find anything that you disagree with as being offensive, right? You then ramble on to say I did not approve of posters criticizing... Isn't that exactly what you're doing? You got to be the most close-minded person on this forum

You are bashing for the sake of bashing. I never said it was offensive, What has the Army done to upset your applecart?? is it just something to complain about.

As far as the public reaction is concerned it seems far more easier than the regime 3 years. Military or not.

I hope as soon as the dung is cleaned up reforms are all finalized elections to take place but at this time this is a way off yet.

I personally doubt there will be any elections for many years but that's something else. If you had read my post you would know exactly what my concern is. The biggest problem in Thailand at this moment has been going on in the south for years, 8000 or so deaths. Why isn't the military tackling this instead of getting involved in city planning b/s that is decades old and based on the old Khlong systems? Corruption has always been there and always will be there but when people are getting murdered on an almost daily basis by terrorists I would have thought that might take some priority?

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So basically, you're envious of a man large and in charge, getting stuff done with courage that NEEDS to be done and HASN'T been done, and is intimidated by no one. Penis envy?

"getting stuff done that NEEDS to be done"? I'd be really impressed if he put a stop to the troubles in the south (or even addressed it) but this is just nonsense. Nobody can intimidate him because they get whisked away to a military lock up if they even speak out of turn. I have no objection with dictators, Tito was a great example as was Castro but everybody seems to be confusing this puffing of the chest and shouting "the city planning is a disgrace" with getting things done - meaningful things anyway.

I do have a problem with dictators, even the so-called "benevolent" ones. But the rest of your post is spot on. As I pointed out before, when Bangkok was developed from small city of boats gently drifting down khlongs and bicycles into the spawling megalopolis it is today, it was developed under the guidance of generals exactly like Prayuth. They loved "lambasting" people and giving the appearance they were well on top of issues. Many loved them for it. And the results were... exactly as you see now...

Who's fault will it be after the army, was Dems then Sutheps then dictators, Suppose Shins PTP pure as the driven snow.

Try to be a bit more positive. god it's very early days and the measures are progressing. Let us know what is wrong with the announcements so far.

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Ginjag (I cannot post on your last response as there are too many posts) You posted:

"Complete OTT post. totally biased and uncalled for, and you condoned PTP if I remember. if not you did not approve of posters criticizing."

What is OTT with my post? Nothing even mildly offensive but I guess you find anything that you disagree with as being offensive, right? You then ramble on to say I did not approve of posters criticizing... Isn't that exactly what you're doing? You got to be the most close-minded person on this forum

You are bashing for the sake of bashing. I never said it was offensive, What has the Army done to upset your applecart?? is it just something to complain about.

As far as the public reaction is concerned it seems far more easier than the regime 3 years. Military or not.

I hope as soon as the dung is cleaned up reforms are all finalized elections to take place but at this time this is a way off yet.

I personally doubt there will be any elections for many years but that's something else. If you had read my post you would know exactly what my concern is. The biggest problem in Thailand at this moment has been going on in the south for years, 8000 or so deaths. Why isn't the military tackling this instead of getting involved in city planning b/s that is decades old and based on the old Khlong systems? Corruption has always been there and always will be there but when people are getting murdered on an almost daily basis by terrorists I would have thought that might take some priority?

You personally doubt re elections--negative attitude.

How long has the general been in power ??? do you expect him to leave the Main situ alone and address the south NOW. give it a break.

Main stability in the main part for starters, It takes time see sense please you expect him to just go now to try to solve a 200 + year problem because it needs sorting.

I agree with you it has to be tackled asap. He has a hell of a lot of stuff to sort out, no one is Superman--- It must be high on his agenda and if you have tuned in to Thai domestic channel he has mentioned it.

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And while they are sorting Bangkok's streets out, how about running a single heavy-duty cable along each road and a junction box at each street, with it's own single 3 phase cable feeding a single phase to each building, instead of the hundreds of individual cables we have now.

What are you talking about cleaning up here exactly, is it the huge number of services in the comms space or the actual electrical service? From what I have seen in Thailand is a generally well installed electrical supply infrastructure.

Though what that is contrasted against is the rats nest of services below the supply. Maybe this is what you want to be cleaned up, as what you are suggesting is best answered with, how you think it works, and how it does are not the same.

But I agree if you are on about the comms cabling its a damn war up there. And it is rather unsightly and I am sure a pain to work on.

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So basically, you're envious of a man large and in charge, getting stuff done with courage that NEEDS to be done and HASN'T been done, and is intimidated by no one. Penis envy?

I'm confused. What got done? Did tourists stop sweating? Did Bangkok get rearranged in squares (whatever that means)?

This man appears not even aware of Thai history, that Rattanakosin was not just designed and built long before there was a "Town and Country Planning" board (who knew about THAT?) but that its winding streets are a feature?

He doesn't seem aware he is committing lese majeste by criticising the designer of Bangkok either.


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The problems go back to many years full of corruption and cronyism.

Heh ! I want to build on that land - I buy it and pay you for permission to build a factory on it - OK ?

Time to start on the problems in Pattaya and the other tourist areas now, before they all become massive slums.

At last ! what appears to be a person that does not seem to be scared or bought off

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