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The research I've done so far would suggest this is a complete waste of time unless I install an antenna and to drop the idea. But before I do, I'd like to throw it out there just in case I've overlooked something.

I hate exercising, so when I go to my mooban gym, I take the iPad to prop up on the exercise bike to make the time go more quickly. I'll download a movie or a rugby game onto it. But I started wondering about continuing to surf the net while mindlessly pumping those legs up and down.

As the crow flies, the gym is less than 200m (probably 120-130m) from my house with three houses in the way. My internal router works to the front of the second house, but no more. So is there any other kind of router that would reach up to 200m without the need for a high antenna? Or should I just go back to my knitting?


Some routers have better range than others, for sure, but 200M, with 2 houses blocking the signal path is a big ask.. Even with an external antenna mounted high up on your roof so you get more line-of-sight, I would still suggest it would be borderline usable with a domestic wireless router..

There are wireless options designed for long range, but these would all seem to be overkill for your needs. Perhaps a Mi-Fi with a 3G/4G plan you can carry around with you is the best compromise?


Thanks, IMHO, just as I suspected. I could install a sim card, but I've found in the past that it gets almost zero use. However may rethink that if gym time increases. No probs - d/loading a movie or ebook will do fine in the meantime.



Switch to Wireless B on your router. The speed is slower but the range is a bit more. Not sure that it would go through the 3rd house but it's worth a try as you invest nothing.


Switch to Wireless B on your router. The link-speed is slower but the range is a bit more. Not sure that it would go through the 3rd house but it's worth a try as you invest nothing.

Add to this a high gain antenna available for about 500 B to stick to your router and you should be good to go.

Like this....http://www.tp-link.com/en/products/details/?categoryid=2473&model=TL-ANT2408CL

Good luck :)


Switch to Wireless B on your router. The speed is slower but the range is a bit more. Not sure that it would go through the 3rd house but it's worth a try as you invest nothing.

Wireless a, b, g and n all use 2.4HGz, so no need to go all the way back to b speeds.. It's only wireless n and ac that use 5GHz, and in the case of n, 5GHz is an optional channel that's usually exposed as a separate access point.


This is a case of "a house too far" instead of a bridge like the movie.

The problem with a gain directional antenna is the loss in the wire leading from the antenna down to the supply source, the router. You are dealing with small wattages and likely most is lost in 100 foot of cable going to antenna.

Why not use the WiFi in the exercise room if any ?

WiFi is short range for good reasons, and you are extremely unlikely to do anything to receive your home WiFi at that distance and with those barriers, houses.

But, my 3BB router WiFi box is much stronger than the best D-Link with range extended model or one other brand, forgot.


Check for wifi signals in the gym. If there is a bar or restaurant nearby that has wifi for customers, it may reach into the gym. Then go and have a meal or a drink and ask for thne password.

You can now access the bar or restaurant's internet from your gym.


Thanks for all the advice, guys. But as I said, it's my mooban gym, not a commercial set up or an office rec room job. It's a simple room with gym equipment next to our mooban swimming pool. Therefore no wifi, otherwise I would not have asked the question :). But not to worry - nothing ventured, nothing gained. Cheers all.


Buy your own exercise bike. Sorted.

Add a few other things and you've got a home gym. Put a TV in there and multimedia player and exercise is so much less boring.

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