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In 10 Years I Have Never Had A Conversation With A Thai


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Op, likely a combo of mediocre education and lack of knowledge of worldly things, the hierarchical structure of not wanting to converse with a higher up or lower down, the propensity for face loss should they get something wrong, and them simply getting bored as serious conversation might be considered dull.

& effective 'totalitarianism', as in they have no rating in the system, & are constantly afraid to speak what is really on their mind - re BIB, justice, etc etc, etc.

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Anybody have knowledge how the Burmese would measure, on this topic?

BTW, it is also commonly observed that Thais do not read books -

"Anybody have knowledge how the Burmese would measure, on this topic?"

Aung San Su Kyi's dialogues dont seem too shoddy.

She is the exception, Brit education et al. I am interested in the typical Burmese - another poster said praman muangan Thais -

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Having a convo with a Thai is easy.. just grunt "Ughh" every few seconds.

And when/if replying make sure your every other word is "Errrr" or they may fail to understand you.

Edited by Keesters
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"Now, for the older guys who are close to retirement or who have already retired, I imagine you would generally not be too keen on thinking a lot and having deep, intellectually challenging conversations. I imagine, rather, that in your comfortable years, having worked your butts off for some number of long years, you are quite content with talking about the latest 'som tam' stall and how it hasn't rained in 3 days and how you need to take 3 showers per day to be comfortable. Nothing wrong in that."

I'm a retired American. I won't bash Americans, but as a Generalization (and you could probably say this about any country) I found the day to day conversations between people there extremely boring. I don't like American politics - one reason I moved to Thailand. I'm not a big sports fan. I could care less about Justin Beiber or the Kardashians, I didn't like talking to my macho neighbor about the deal he got at Walmart. Or his wife about the fabulous new Chinese restaurant that opened down the road. I'm a writer who studies people and situations as a profession. People everywhere talk about what interests them. Most Americans talk about ordinary things, as do the Thais. That's just how it is.

Here in Thailand I don't want to talk about all that "not important to me" stuff, that everyone was talking about in America. If I did I'd still be there. That's pretty much why I now avoid farang bars where they bitch and moan about how screwed up their country is, and how screwed up Thailand is. They are only talking about themselves. I did/do have meaningful conversations with a select few friends in America, as I occasionally do here with Thais. In reality - most people only have a few true friends they can talk about more than gossip, food, sports or sex with, and that too. It's not so easy to find a really good mate - anywhere.

I love the fact that my Thai neighbors will stop by my fish pond and sit with me and watch the fish swim by and talk about the algae growing too fast, (and want to solve that problem for me) and how beautiful my gold fish are. Peace and Love. Very allowing people, these Thais. I suggest getting out of your mind, OP. Enjoy your wife, enjoy your adopted family and their culture, learn to speak with them of the things that are important to them, and then your life will be so much more enjoyable. Make it about them, not about yourself, then one day, without even noticing, you will finally have that meaningful conversation, with your married family. Not by trying to find it in a TV posting. What you are looking for is right in front of you, butterfly.

Well said, Old Stud. Nice to read someone with some honest and sincere comments. The other knobs on this thread going on and on about "intelligent conversations" and "intellectual curiosity" are really talking out of their rear end. The only time I would ever have these "intelligent conversations" would be at work. Or perhaps back in grad school. Who the heck talks about this stuff among friends? Among guys, we talk about women, sports, politics back home (among Americans), current events...that sort of thing. My English friends love to talk about soccer (aka football), something I have zero interest in. But amongst farangs or Thais, the conversations are largely similar, depending on your interest. Now if you can't speak a lick of Thai, you're not going to be having any sort of substantive conversations with most Thais.

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It's usually got to do with common interests. I train martial arts with Thais so we have conversations all the time and at length. On the other hand the foreigners playing ping pong I'm polite but we don't have the same interest so not much to talk about.

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So true what the poster said about educated Thais.smile.png Talk to a Thai with a university education and who has travelled and ask them their opinion about a regular Thai person and having a conversation with a basic Thai.smile.png You think farang look down on poor Thais? You ain't seen nothing yet!smile.png Outright racism.

Can one be racist against one's own race?wai2.gif

That being said, there is little doubt that the various "factions" in Thai society bear little love for each other and they treat each other differently.

I had a hiso chinese TG (to my everlasting regret - she only paid her own way, which is probably a step up from what most farangs experience, but anyway ...).

In any case, when she was applying for a visa to travel with me, I commented that it appeared very likely that despite her fulfilling the requirements, it might be problematice to get a visa (the country in question basically treats all asian women as if they are in fact bar girls when applying for visas). Her response was interesting.

"No problem, I don't look like them and I don't speak like them" ("them" being all the other girls applying for visas).

You probably wont win any popularity contests on tv by having had a gf that isnt a leech LOL. Anyway that said, a female friend that is a registered nurse and light complexion, former exchange student USA was denied a tourist visa for the same country and see her former classmates. Reasoning?; worried she will stay and easily get a job as a nurse. Faulty reasoning; not difficult at all for nurses with masters degrees to quickly get required documents and job legally anyway. Given the nurse shortage one questions the intellectual ability of some embassy staffers.

Edited by atyclb
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same. been here 8 years. and all te talk is around food. or sleping or mai roo.

most thais do not read, do not learn on their own, they are not "wolrd curious"

simple example. they all seems to like football and support one of tge biggest clubs. like chelsea or livetpol. or alsrenal or manchester united.

but if you ask them yo nam any of the players from their favorite club, most cannot name any.

they "like'' these teams cause they bet money on them , thats all

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Strange experience indeed. I don't see why Thai's would be any different then Indonesians or any other country in terms of having the ability to partake in a meaningful conversation. Issues on intellectual or linguistic capabilities aside, I think certain conditions are usually necessary for a good conversation to occur such as familiarity, trust, shared values, similar interests and hobbies, and an amicable personality.

Having fresh minty smelling breath also helps.

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even the Thai's who have re-located back here to the UK don't really have much to say apart from the usual waffle but then again who wants to listen to people with verbal diarrhea , I do see a lot of them being quite political with regards to whats going on back home on their facebook profiles, when they are not in their own circles they can be quite socially inept and I think this purely comes from the class system and loss of face that is so prevalent in that country..... for the most part us round eyes if we don't know about something or even half know we will hold our hands up and say so, well the grown ups do.....

the above is just my opinion though....

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I had some meaningful conversations but in Thai language. They couldn't just express it in English. If you ask them a meaningful question, I doubt you can get a meaningful answer too. But hey, some Thais can really express their thoughts and feelings not just superficially but also in the deeper sense.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yeah weird isnt it...strange how those Indonesians I have known for a short amount of time seem to have a conversation with me that is interesting and engaging wheras Thais I have known and drunk with for 10 years and who like me enough to invite me on nights out long after we have stopped working together don't yet trust me...

Yes you are right...must be something about my appearance and demeanour that is suspicious to 100% of one singular nationality and not others...very astute and I had never thought of that...

Strange how the Indos like you but the Thais don't. Where are you from?

Must be an American

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yeah weird isnt it...strange how those Indonesians I have known for a short amount of time seem to have a conversation with me that is interesting and engaging wheras Thais I have known and drunk with for 10 years and who like me enough to invite me on nights out long after we have stopped working together don't yet trust me...

Yes you are right...must be something about my appearance and demeanour that is suspicious to 100% of one singular nationality and not others...very astute and I had never thought of that...

Strange how the Indos like you but the Thais don't. Where are you from?

Must be an American

From another thread he states, "I am English and 43 years old."

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Well since you all want to know I was born in the UK but have very strong ties with the US through family and friends. I consider myself to be Thai because I have spent half my life here. I speak Thai fluently and can read Thai at a basic level, around 50%, purely due to laziness.

My opinions on Thailand are different form TLT because he has been here much longer and from what he has said we move in different circles, but Thailand is Thailand. Anyone who has not conversed with a Thai or thinks Thais are stupid are either associating with laborers or idiots.

I am completely anti Muslim, I reserve the right to choose which races I like and also reserve the right to associate with people of races I don't like. I am bigoted, sexist, racist and avaricious just the same as most Thai people. That's why I live and enjoy living here. My level of personal hygiene is beyond reproach, just as Thais like it.

Have a nice day!

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Well since you all want to know I was born in the UK but have very strong ties with the US through family and friends. I consider myself to be Thai because I have spent half my life here. I speak Thai fluently and can read Thai at a basic level, around 50%, purely due to laziness.

My opinions on Thailand are different form TLT because he has been here much longer and from what he has said we move in different circles, but Thailand is Thailand. Anyone who has not conversed with a Thai or thinks Thais are stupid are either associating with laborers or idiots.

I am completely anti Muslim, I reserve the right to choose which races I like and also reserve the right to associate with people of races I don't like. I am bigoted, sexist, racist and avaricious just the same as most Thai people. That's why I live and enjoy living here. My level of personal hygiene is beyond reproach, just as Thais like it.

Have a nice day!

You consider yourself Thai?

Wow. I think thats the first time ive ever seen that.

Yes, most thais are not very well educated. You can reference any type of international comparison for proof.

Look around at the country. Its mostly crap.

Dont lie to yourself

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Well since you all want to know I was born in the UK but have very strong ties with the US through family and friends. I consider myself to be Thai because I have spent half my life here. I speak Thai fluently and can read Thai at a basic level, around 50%, purely due to laziness.

My opinions on Thailand are different form TLT because he has been here much longer and from what he has said we move in different circles, but Thailand is Thailand. Anyone who has not conversed with a Thai or thinks Thais are stupid are either associating with laborers or idiots.

I am completely anti Muslim, I reserve the right to choose which races I like and also reserve the right to associate with people of races I don't like. I am bigoted, sexist, racist and avaricious just the same as most Thai people. That's why I live and enjoy living here. My level of personal hygiene is beyond reproach, just as Thais like it.

Have a nice day!

You consider yourself Thai?

Wow. I think thats the first time ive ever seen that.

Yes, most thais are not very well educated. You can reference any type of international comparison for proof.

Look around at the country. Its mostly crap.

Dont lie to yourself

Well I am very well educated and most of the Thai people I associate with are very well educated too. You really need to get around a bit more. But I don't criticize you for making snap judgements based on what you have seen and experienced.

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Well since you all want to know I was born in the UK but have very strong ties with the US through family and friends. I consider myself to be Thai because I have spent half my life here. I speak Thai fluently and can read Thai at a basic level, around 50%, purely due to laziness.

My opinions on Thailand are different form TLT because he has been here much longer and from what he has said we move in different circles, but Thailand is Thailand. Anyone who has not conversed with a Thai or thinks Thais are stupid are either associating with laborers or idiots.

I am completely anti Muslim, I reserve the right to choose which races I like and also reserve the right to associate with people of races I don't like. I am bigoted, sexist, racist and avaricious just the same as most Thai people. That's why I live and enjoy living here. My level of personal hygiene is beyond reproach, just as Thais like it.

Have a nice day!

You consider yourself Thai?

Wow. I think thats the first time ive ever seen that.

Yes, most thais are not very well educated. You can reference any type of international comparison for proof.

Look around at the country. Its mostly crap.

Dont lie to yourself

Well I am very well educated and most of the Thai people I associate with are very well educated too. You really need to get around a bit more. But I don't criticize you for making snap judgements based on what you have seen and experienced.

Buddy, I work in a management consulting firm. I assure you I move in the so called 'educated' circles. The Thais at the upper end of Thai society cannot compete in anyway with their counterparts in other parts of the world (Asia, Europe, North America).

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You consider yourself Thai?

Wow. I think thats the first time ive ever seen that.

Yes, most thais are not very well educated. You can reference any type of international comparison for proof.

Look around at the country. Its mostly crap.

Dont lie to yourself

OK, you can reference any type of international comparisons for proof. I look around the country and see beauty. I'd like to see your international comparison for proof because I think you are wrong. But as it stands all we have is your opinion vs my opinion. Since you brought it up seems to me you should be the first to provide the proof.

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Buddy, I work in a management consulting firm. I assure you I move in the so called 'educated' circles. The Thais at the upper end of Thai society cannot compete in anyway with their counterparts in other parts of the world (Asia, Europe, North America).

Try telling these Thai's that


The is a list of the ten wealthiest people in Thailand as of 2013, according to Forbes.[1]

Rank Name Net worth (million USD) Source of wealth 1 Dhanin Chearavanont 14,300 Charoen Pokphand Group 2 Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi 11,700 ThaiBev 3 Thongma Vijitpongpun 3,000 real estate 4 Chatri Sophonpanich 1,951 Bangkok Bank& thai television channel 3 5 Vichai Maleenont 1,949 thai television channel 3& BEC World 5 Damrongchaitham Family 1,743 GMM Grammy
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Buddy, I work in a management consulting firm. I assure you I move in the so called 'educated' circles. The Thais at the upper end of Thai society cannot compete in anyway with their counterparts in other parts of the world (Asia, Europe, North America).

I am talking about the directors of major companies in Thailand, finding good management is difficult, I agree. Even Thais educated abroad leave a lot to be desired when it comes to hands on thinking out of the box. Although Thais and Westerners have their strengths and weaknesses.

The main problem most foreign companies face in Thailand is their approach to management. The Western version is a triangle or pyramid with the president at the top. The Chinese/Thai version is more like a spider's web where everyone is working around the president not under the president.

I hope this helps.

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You consider yourself Thai?

Wow. I think thats the first time ive ever seen that.

Yes, most thais are not very well educated. You can reference any type of international comparison for proof.

Look around at the country. Its mostly crap.

Dont lie to yourself

OK, you can reference any type of international comparisons for proof. I look around the country and see beauty. I'd like to see your international comparison for proof because I think you are wrong. But as it stands all we have is your opinion vs my opinion. Since you brought it up seems to me you should be the first to provide the proof.

Or you can do it.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_student_performance (TH very poor performance)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_Index (very poor performance)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Intellectual_Property_Indicators (they aren't inventing anything of course)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EF_English_Proficiency_Index (among worst English language ability in the world - of non-English speaking countries)

http://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2013/oct/02/world-top-100-universities-times-higher-education (no universities in the top 100 or even 300 in the world)


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Paul, a gentle word to the wise. I race motorbikes and just because one bike has more bhp than another it doesn't mean it will go faster. Thailand had a bigger GDP than the UK in 1993/94 and then the West with the help of Soros slammed Thailand into the Asian Financial Crisis. Soros should have been executed for financial crimes against humanity with the damage he has created all over the World including the UK.

However Thais speak Thai because it's a great language but explaining technical concepts in Thai is not easy. Most Thais are happy, far happier than Westerners. If you immerse yourself in Thai Culture you will be amply rewarded and most Asians won't do business with you if you can't speak their language. Thai is 50% spoken and 50% body language.

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