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In 10 Years I Have Never Had A Conversation With A Thai


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This is the third time I'm asking the OP where's he's from? Muslims like him but Thais don't. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I have more Thai friends than falung friends. We play golf together do business together and socialize in general. Sometimes they prefer to speak English sometimes Thai but I know they would never talk to me if I smelled like an Arab's jockstrap.

but they still talk to you when you speak like a farang's jockstrap?

I am not concerned about PC; however, Indonesia's majority religion is Muslim but there are also many Christians and Hindus - the same way that Thailand's majority religion is Buddhism but there are Christians and Muslims and many other religions here.

Lastly, your comment about smelling like an Arab's jockstrap - I wonder exactly what ethnic group's jockstrap you do find appealing?

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Hmmm....I will grant you that most conversations here are very superficial in nature (what are you eating, what did you eat, where is he going, who is breaking up with whom, etc.), but I have some friends who like to talk about other subjects, like football (Thai and International), politics, different cultures, heck, even water management in the Mekong Delta.

That type of conversation is rarer, but I definitely have some with Thais.

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Much subjective conjecture in the majority of posts..Thai's have a very different educational and social background and with few exceptions it is extremely difficult even if you can converse in their language to achieve more than scratching the surface on any topic which requires logical and critical thought.

This is not in their culture or in their social structure. Just look a typical Thai TV and you will define the heartbeat of this culture.

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Have to agree with soutpeel.....must be something to do with you.

My Thai is limited and have met VERY few Thai's who speak decent English ....BUT have had many conversations with Thai's (although somewhat animated at times) wherein they discuss their lives (because I asked) and asked about mine, politics, family,travels, children...etc.

I find the Thai's very social and very inquisitive .....so I can only guess that you haven't asked the right questions?

The question was "meaningful conversation" and talking about the weather and using your imagination through animated body language does not seem meaningful. Meaningful to me means personal information which is given from the heart. Politics is always guarded with the Thais (wonder why ?) I've know a family for over 10 years and see them regularly, they trust me and my wife but . . . I am not married to a Thai

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When I picture this I see a guy in a tank top and shorts sitting outside a 7/11 in Soi Bukkao getting along famously with the Motocy drivers

Have to agree with soutpeel.....must be something to do with you.

My Thai is limited and have met VERY few Thai's who speak decent English ....BUT have had many conversations with Thai's (although somewhat animated at times) wherein they discuss their lives (because I asked) and asked about mine, politics, family,travels, children...etc.

I find the Thai's very social and very inquisitive .....so I can only guess that you haven't asked the right questions?

your answer to your original post could most likely be found in your answer to this post..

Edited by bkkrooftop
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Bina, thanks for your normal, balanced and intelligent response. Its a shame it took until post 113 to get a sane opposing view! (The views in agreement all seemed sane and balanced I would point out).

Its a shame about the "I have daily discussions with the motocy taxi drivers at the end of my street about metaphysics, european fiscal policy, arbitrage on the international stock markets and other magnificent and lofty subjects which you as a retard seem incapable of and furthermore your wife is an ex prostitute and all Thai's hate you" type of posts which is what seems to be the modus operandi of TV posters!! biggrin.png

Yes come to think of it I have had some of the discussions you mention but as stated they are about more practical things rather than whimsical things where people relate their experiences and feelings about subjects.

10 years and just over 60 posts from a bloke that obviously likes to talk. Hmmm.

And call me wrong....but I detect you're not the reasonable easy going guy you're trying to portray. Maybe people pick up on that. You're angry too - again, people sense that.

Like I say....I could be wrong plus, for what its worth I don't live there and have only been there in holiday mode.

Edited by AshRegister
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I find that it is easy to have conversations with Thais- Everything from where to get the best noodle dishes to "where do you go when you die?". So you may wish to examine whether you are perhaps more open with people when you are on the road.

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By far the brightest, most interesting, educated, intelligent, spohisticated people I have met here are Thai. It's a very small sliver of the people I've met over the years, but I've been lucky to become friends with some Thai people who would stand out anywhere at in the world.

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Causcasion...181cms and 76kgs...work as a professional in oil and gas industry..dress well and drive a nice car as does wife...non BG wife, educated with nice family..never had an in depth conversation with wife and in over 4 years never detected or heard any conversation of any meaning between her family or friends..

Someone is living in a bubble and or dream world and i am pretty certain its not me smile.png

I can substantiate that claim that some posters on here are out of touch with reality

Ah, the truth always comes out.

Why the need to say "non BG wife" and ;educated'? Why the need to state "professional"?

It's obvious that you are illiterate and can't hear what's being said around you, on the tv or in the newspapers.

You married a boring woman who can't communicate with you and are trying to feel better about yourself by criticizing the whole country cheesy.gif

The only people who call themselves "professional's" in O&G are the safety numpties, maybe that's the reason no one wants to talk to him LOL

i have heard many thais talk about "so called professionals" here, for example,-nice cars, suits, ...there wasnt very much + to say about this type of farang here..why is it only in thai, people call themselves professionals..? what is the criterion for a professional..? i have met many thais , that are very smart, down to earth, and love to talk about their life and experiences.. they dont like the "mask" of insecure intellectualism. Be real and maybe have a real conversation. Maybe get out of your tie, bmw, and ride a bike down the street in shorts and a tanktop, like you were making fun of the other poster. Be open to talking to a person that is not on your professional level.

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2 years in jawa tenggah (central java) and I completely understand what you are saying original poster - they also invite you over to their houses and feed you with no motive, play chess and discuss things. the students talk to you about the jam, clash, beatles and the stones (all still very popular there) - 12 years here and all I get is, you kin sapicy, you farang chob poo ying peu dum tum mai, how much money you make bla bla bla.. small wonder most long timers here stick to expat circles is it really with such pleasant male counterparts

You wrote, "small wonder most long timers here stick to expat circles is it really with such pleasant male counterparts" What does that mean? Did you forget to type a surprise or is it some other meaning that I am missing?

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Has it occurred to you that the problem could be you, I too work with many Thai nationals, and having meaningful and substance filled conversations has never been a problem

Quite simply one suspects they don't trust you enough to have a meaningful conversation with you

I totally agree with the OP. I have been here for 3 years. I speak, read and write in Thai, and I am open-minded. I have talked to hundreds of Thais or even more, yet I can't recall one meaningful conversation apart from a guy who used to work in Australia.

I don't know what you mean meaningful but it is rather hard to imagine it.

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What's amazing is that you've lived here for 10 years without becoming fluent in Thai--just like so many farangs I've met. Like you, they speak with a sense of superiority about Thai culture and what Thais think and talk about.

Typical legacy of Western superiority which feels privileged to speak for and about others--without even speaking their language! Ho hum...

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The answer is, it's cultrual - there is a deeply held ceremonial level people will revert to here as a defense mechanism, and will sometimes revert to that simply because they aren't fluid enough in English to make small talk for a long time. But also, and sorry, it's part of how they perceive you. I've had many deep conversations with Thai people, but they come from matters of the heart, usually. Someone who really loved me and was willing to go past the language skills to keep trying. If you have to ask 'Do Thai people have real conversations with each other?', then sorry, but that is part of the problem. Frankly, I see so many westerners here mostly concerened with 'not being ripped off for 20 baht', or demanding satisfaction in some other way, it does take them a while to trust that you are someone worth investing in.

Edited by John1thru10
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In 10 Years I Have Never Had A Conversation With A Thai

Well, to tell you the truth. You haven't missed much.

Perhaps you have.............smile.png

Let me see.....The guy who names himself Vacuum, obviously living in a vacuum, is assuming Thais are vacuous. Mmmmm....

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Has it occurred to you that the problem could be you, I too work with many Thai nationals, and having meaningful and substance filled conversations has never been a problem

Quite simply one suspects they don't trust you enough to have a meaningful conversation with you

Agreed. I'm not going to bother to read all this but having lived here, 14 years, including work, 3 years (offshore oil and gas), I would have left in the 1st year - in fact I would have been fired!. To the OP - I assume you have a Thai partner, at least, with whom you communicate.

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Did OP ever consider the Thais just thought he was a complete douche?

Sounds like one.

What a pathetic thread.

I have conversations daily. I live here and learned the language so its not a surprise.

Whilst watering my hedge yesterday some neighbour stopped and we had a conversation for 1 hour. He used to teach Thai and was retired and a bit drunk. We talked of many intetesting things from language acquisition to drilling wells in the garden, and the North Sea, to differences in Buddhism and Christianity. We spoke of the current state if the country. Many times he apoligized for annoying me until I convinced him I was enjoying our chat.

Once they know you're not an arrogant visitir who hasnt learned Thai, they are as like many other Nationalities.

I'm new here and struggling to learn Thai.

But... also...once they know you aren't an arrogant visitor who is trying to learn Thai, they try to hold decent conversations with me.

Once my language skill improves, I absolutely believe the conversation will improve for me.

Thais aren't stupid as many posters want to imply.

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What's amazing is that you've lived here for 10 years without becoming fluent in Thai--just like so many farangs I've met. Like you, they speak with a sense of superiority about Thai culture and what Thais think and talk about.

Typical legacy of Western superiority which feels privileged to speak for and about others--without even speaking their language! Ho hum...

I have to admit that I find learning Siamese very difficult, a lot of people around Surin speak in different dialects and my Mrs sometimes struggles to understand what they are saying.

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