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Army finds wooden planks worth Bt100m

Lite Beer

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I sure do like Thailand under military rule.

The days of endemic corruption that flourished under democratic leadership has been terrible for Thailand and the wholesale deforestation for profit adversely effects all Thai.

Way to go Army!

You could start to open your eyes by researching the history of the logging out of Thailand's hardwood forests in the past seventy years. That's an hors d'oeuvre. The main course might be the question of which body, having denuded Thailand, facilitated the military regimes in Burma in the sale, in defiance of international sanctions, of their forests and gems during the same period.

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Time to put forest encroachers and the officials that aid and abet them behind bars for 10+ years without special treatment or the possibility of parole.

I agree. It doesn't matter that the wood may have the Burmese stamp of approval as an export. It's deforestation of a rare species no matter how you look at it. If it's illegal for Thais to export endangered species to Europe or America.... Then it should be illegal to import them to Thailand from Myanmar or Cambodia.

10 years in prison and a billion baht fine should do the trick. I'd be after the bastards that are on the top.

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I sure do like Thailand under military rule.

The days of endemic corruption that flourished under democratic leadership has been terrible for Thailand and the wholesale deforestation for profit adversely effects all Thai.

Way to go Army!

You don't even know if the planks are legal or not, remember last time they came in with a roar in Chang Mai,only to find out the planks were legal. You also don't even know if the wood is Thai or not. The biggest rapist of the Thai forest are the rich, they hire poor people to burn forests to get it degraded by bought officials and then buy it through their contacts for next to nothing. The forest lost by illegal cutting is much less than the fires, just go to CM in the dry season and see the forest floating in the air.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I doubt your post falls within the forum rules but I don't know if it will be removed or not so here is my response.

In the past month, I have seen the Army make more headlines for fixing the very chronic problems everyone on TV has spent years complaining about.

The Army has aggressively settled the violence of the protests and possibly stopped an unravelling of civil order.

They have cleaned up the criminal taxis and tuk-tuk operations in tourist areas. They have seized illegal logging operations. They are forcing accountability from the police force (who most here would say is the actual most corrupt organization in Thailand) The list is so long.

So I see the Army as making positive strides that are benefiting the Thai people , the farang and the tourist.

Perhaps you are just one of the many people here on TV who suffer the perpetual empty glass and its obvious you are an incredibly rude individual. I would love to have this conversation with you over a pint so if you are ever down in Lower Sukhumvit please do send me a message.

Hey....can I come too? I love pints

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Stealing wood from the forest is as heinous as any crime committed against an individual or a corporation. Why is it that some Thai people think it's Ok? When I lived in Australia I never thought about stealing wood from the state forest. What's wrong with these people?

not a flame and off topic

had you lived in northern rivers area where red cedar grows, the thought would have probably crossed your mind

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I doubt your post falls within the forum rules but I don't know if it will be removed or not so here is my response.

In the past month, I have seen the Army make more headlines for fixing the very chronic problems everyone on TV has spent years complaining about.

The Army has aggressively settled the violence of the protests and possibly stopped an unravelling of civil order.

They have cleaned up the criminal taxis and tuk-tuk operations in tourist areas. They have seized illegal logging operations. They are forcing accountability from the police force (who most here would say is the actual most corrupt organization in Thailand) The list is so long.

So I see the Army as making positive strides that are benefiting the Thai people , the farang and the tourist.

Perhaps you are just one of the many people here on TV who suffer the perpetual empty glass and its obvious you are an incredibly rude individual. I would love to have this conversation with you over a pint so if you are ever down in Lower Sukhumvit please do send me a message.

Actually they havnt fixed anything apart from forced people into submission. Suppressed yes fixed nope.

Get it through your head they control the headlines, the only thing you'll see is positive headlines. arresting a few people or shutting a few casinos or clamping a few cars, or scrappping this scheme or borrowing billions to pay for others isnt fixing things unless its a well thought out, continued and consistent planned out ongoing operation and goal.

What your seeing is knee jerk reaction and projecting an image that a claim to do something or an example of crackdown is actually the same as fixing the problem ... Its not.

The more things they spread their resources on and try to change without a proper and sustained plan the less will get done properly. Do a few things properly and comprehensively not lots of half baked knee jerk reactions to seem popular.

Theres a lot being messed with atm, the Military are soldiers not business men or economists,we will see the result same as all the other times.

History's failures is littered with those who thought once they had some power they could change everything overnight.

Edited by englishoak
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I sure do like Thailand under military rule.

The days of endemic corruption that flourished under democratic leadership has been terrible for Thailand and the wholesale deforestation for profit adversely effects all Thai.

Way to go Army!

You don't even know if the planks are legal or not, remember last time they came in with a roar in Chang Mai,only to find out the planks were legal. You also don't even know if the wood is Thai or not. The biggest rapist of the Thai forest are the rich, they hire poor people to burn forests to get it degraded by bought officials and then buy it through their contacts for next to nothing. The forest lost by illegal cutting is much less than the fires, just go to CM in the dry season and see the forest floating in the air.

"last time they came in with a roar in Chang Mai,only to find out the planks were legal"

IIRC, they found that there was paperwork for a few planks/posts, recycled from a house dismantled elsewhere.

The rest of the fresh-cut logs & planks, now they clearly could not have come from an old house, but the reporting tailed-off, odd that ! wink.png

Oh, and it was all the maid's fault, the householders knew nothing, and were obviously totally innocent of any wrongdoing, natch.

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dream on, are here only 5 years old kids in this forum? you get only news what is allowed by censorship made by the junta,

so no double pricing in Thailand anymore? no prostitution? no overpriced taxis?, no scam by Thai bussiness partners? no

human trafficking (with is clear supported by Thai Army)? no tea money anymore? no killing on the streets without any reasons?

Reality and News are a big different in a country especially when material law is ruling.

the only change what happend is that some new guys fill their pockets. after hundreds of years of civilization and over again the same

kinds of military juntas or dictatorship you not learning anything!

The plan in Thailand is not, give the people Happiness, cheap alcohol, free concerts, useless education, cheap gas, cheap food,

world cup matches, time for take the money out of the country.

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I doubt your post falls within the forum rules but I don't know if it will be removed or not so here is my response.

In the past month, I have seen the Army make more headlines for fixing the very chronic problems everyone on TV has spent years complaining about.

The Army has aggressively settled the violence of the protests and possibly stopped an unravelling of civil order.

They have cleaned up the criminal taxis and tuk-tuk operations in tourist areas. They have seized illegal logging operations. They are forcing accountability from the police force (who most here would say is the actual most corrupt organization in Thailand) The list is so long.

So I see the Army as making positive strides that are benefiting the Thai people , the farang and the tourist.

Perhaps you are just one of the many people here on TV who suffer the perpetual empty glass and its obvious you are an incredibly rude individual. I would love to have this conversation with you over a pint so if you are ever down in Lower Sukhumvit please do send me a message.

I fail to see who you are replying too..............must have been a bad post to go on like this......

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Re: Taxi, in the u.s. it costs $3.00 to turn on the meter.a kilometer would be another

$1.00 - $2.00. Sounds like a good deal to me. I drive in Hawaii 4 Seasons.

Sorry what happened to your wife.. aloha

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Re: Taxi, in the u.s. it costs $3.00 to turn on the meter.a kilometer would be another

$1.00 - $2.00. Sounds like a good deal to me. I drive in Hawaii 4 Seasons.

Sorry what happened to your wife.. aloha

But he WASN'T in Hawaii, his wife was in Bangkok where it costs approximately $1 to turn on the meter and a kilometer is about 30 cents MAX which I believe was his, not invalid point. So NO, the lady didn't get a good deal, she was attempted to be ripped off and when she refused she was greatly inconvenienced by yet another ignorant scamming Bangkok taxi driver.

Nobody gives a &lt;deleted&gt; about Hawaii. We're talking about Bangkok here.

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I sure do like Thailand under military rule.

The days of endemic corruption that flourished under democratic leadership has been terrible for Thailand and the wholesale deforestation for profit adversely effects all Thai.

Way to go Army!

What !!, whereas i would agree that Thailand is doing a lot better ( so far) under Army rule, surely you have miss quoted and must mean "The days of endemic corruption that flourished under PTP Undemocratic leadership" which has resulted i in yet ANOTHER takeover by the Army to put right the TOTAL mess the PTP have left Thailand in whistling.gif of course you could just be TROLLING coffee1.gif

I do not troll. It is my heartfelt belief that Thailand is better off under this military rule than it has been in the few short years I have been here and I have not misquoted and I don't need you to speak for me but I appreciate you trying to help ;-)

I will be the very first to admit I was not here in Dec 2006 through Sept 2007 or earlier periods of military rule and I would be very interested in anyones' personal observations during that time.

Edited by ClutchClark
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I doubt your post falls within the forum rules but I don't know if it will be removed or not so here is my response.

In the past month, I have seen the Army make more headlines for fixing the very chronic problems everyone on TV has spent years complaining about.

The Army has aggressively settled the violence of the protests and possibly stopped an unravelling of civil order.

They have cleaned up the criminal taxis and tuk-tuk operations in tourist areas. They have seized illegal logging operations. They are forcing accountability from the police force (who most here would say is the actual most corrupt organization in Thailand) The list is so long.

So I see the Army as making positive strides that are benefiting the Thai people , the farang and the tourist.

Perhaps you are just one of the many people here on TV who suffer the perpetual empty glass and its obvious you are an incredibly rude individual. I would love to have this conversation with you over a pint so if you are ever down in Lower Sukhumvit please do send me a message.

I fail to see who you are replying too..............must have been a bad post to go on like this......
It was a doozy, TunnelRat, and so I thought I would make clear my position. I don't mind a bit of razzing but that poster had personal issues.

If I am wrong about the military then I am all ears. Thanks.

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Army finds wooden planks worth Bt100m

Now could that be a misprint or mispronunciation of prank perhaps?cheesy.gif

Edited by siampolee
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The real problem is the de-forestation going on in the north and in some area of the northeast. I ride my scooter around different area and over a 3 year time span I can see the difference.

The hill tribe people are destroying the northern forest for planting crops but without trees there will be no water.

"without trees there will be no water????"cheesy.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Stealing wood from the forest is as heinous as any crime committed against an individual or a corporation. Why is it that some Thai people think it's Ok? When I lived in Australia I never thought about stealing wood from the state forest. What's wrong with these people?

In ten days time they can earn 20-50.000.

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