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Spy cams inside lady bars and soapy massage?


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Yesterday I read a report on google

That in Korat some soapy massage

Using secret spy cams , and filming there clients, for make profit for sale the movie !

Can someone confirm this?

And allready found a camera that spy you out?

I could imagine that this realy true ,

There are some device avalible on the market make a strong electronic shield and interrupts camera communication!

Maybe we are all filmed without knowing!

Again this information comes from the internet. But it could be true ..

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In today's world, the smart man expects to be captured on closed circuit video for all moments after leaving the privacy of his own house and acts accordingly. That would include compromising moments at a bubble bath but its understandable you let your guard down, Sandman, when focused so intently on getting scrubbed clean.


Edited by ClutchClark
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Everything what I found on the net and see , it's importend to discous here with my friends on tv!

When I have a question in my mind that are unanswered then I cannot sleep! This why we all tv addicted isn't it?

In Cz there is a brothel , where mans get a free ride, when the owner can make a movie, he sales it then complete leagaly to millions of people!

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Sandman, I thought you were staying up in some Akkha village at the moment. Good to see the internet connections are strong there. I don't think you need to worry about soapy massages and cameras in them thar hills...

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Woohooo ! This could be my chance to be a star ! First step - get filmed in a sleazy soapie in Korat. Next step - getting filmed in a sleazy basement porn studio in California !

Sheesh - I could even end up getting paid to do it ! Boom chikka bow-wow !

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