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Why some people cannot sleep when full moon is outside?


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When have full moon outside I never have a good sleep

Or need long to get tiered !

When I was young I read a book until 2 h nighttime

, now often online until 3 o clock

Is realy the earth magnetic shield the reason for this problem?

People in big city's drink also more in full moon nights! Is

There any treatment for a better sleep?

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There is a tidal cycle of the moon, approx twice daily is it not? Is the full monthly cycle a physical one too, or is it just a visual one (half moon/ full moon etc)? There have been documentaries on the subject in one ear and out of the other but there is evidence of real physical effects, what about menstruation? Is that aligned to the lunar cycle or just approximately? I think that hospital admissions/ casualties have been shown to occur on a lunar cycle.

Maybe I know all this because I used to be a Werewolf, but I'm all right Nouuuuuuooooooowwww!


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Edited by gt40Dave
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I recognized the moon is also bigger in Thailand , then in Europe!

Esspassaly on the full moon party , it looks 10 time more bigger like a yellow I !

Are we here more near the moon, us far I know , Thailand have the same moon phase then Europe coz on the same half of the globe!

But who can explain physically , why the moon here looks bigger ?

I also recognized , that after darkness the stars in Thailand bright up later

Then in Europe, first after the darkness come the sky is dark and 20 minutes later the stars beginn to bright up , but not imidiatly!

Also the intensive of stardust is more higher here!

And every time I see one I have a wish free!

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We are definitely not nearer the moon here, and the distance is too great for any significant change in angular size from any point on the earth. I think it is likely an optical illusion maybe due to atmospheric differences (looks different colour) , and position in sky. Both sun and moon look bigger as they get lower in the sky, it's an illusion I think.

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Edited by gt40Dave
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