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NSA " in Good we Trust , and the Rest we Monitor!


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Just read the book finish, it's called the NSA komplex by spiegel newspaper in Germany, very recommended to read, after this lecture , we should put all our smartphones in the bin, when we not want get monitored, and use a normal camera instead of I cloud taking all our pictures over smartphone!

A interesting fact was also , that Thailand , is on the list of country's of low intrests!

Via versa in the Philippines!

Phone calls inside Thailand , will be not monitored or tracked!

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It's ok Sandman, they have invented a device to counter any tracking, and you can make it in your own kitchen. It's called a tin foil hat, and it really works. I never take mine off and I have never been harassed by the NSA, CIA, FBI, KGB, MOSSAD, MI6, or other agencies that I dare not mention their names.

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